Life During Sequester, the Survivors Speak

Now that the Sequester has been shutdown, things are returning to normal.

Green shoots. Is this finally the Fall of Recovery?

All that time suffering through the Sequester and all we had to do was let Obama shut down the government.

It's like a science fiction move
Day 2 of Government Shutdown:

Sun still rises in the morning; falls at night.
Dogs still bark; cats still meow; cows still moo.
Miley Cyrus is still a slut; Hollywood is as Liberal as ever.

Yep...everything still checks out. The End of the World is not nigh after all.
We're still here. We're surviving. Ain't that a big kick in the nuts for Big Brother?
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We're all surprised at how rapidly Obama moved to shut it all down. My friend took a trip out west to visit the Grand Canyon and the morning of the sequester er, I mean shutdown the notices and Barrycades went up as if Obama had planned this for some time. The sequester had no impact on the shutdown
We're all surprised at how rapidly Obama moved to shut it all down. My friend took a trip out west to visit the Grand Canyon and the morning of the sequester er, I mean shutdown the notices and Barrycades went up as if Obama had planned this for some time. The sequester had no impact on the shutdown

'Make it hurt more' is the Democrat strategy. But the People will rebel. It's already happening all across the country. The parks belong to the People. Big Brother has conveniently forgotten that. The People are more powerful than Government thinks. Most see these closures as acts of aggression by Obama and Government. His 'Make it hurt more' strategy is gonna backfire big time.
We're all surprised at how rapidly Obama moved to shut it all down. My friend took a trip out west to visit the Grand Canyon and the morning of the sequester er, I mean shutdown the notices and Barrycades went up as if Obama had planned this for some time. The sequester had no impact on the shutdown

'Make it hurt more' is the Democrat strategy. But the People will rebel. It's already happening all across the country. The parks belong to the People. Big Brother has conveniently forgotten that. The People are more powerful than Government thinks. Most see these closures as acts of aggression by Obama and Government. His 'Make it hurt more' strategy is gonna backfire big time.

It's like we're living in Occupied America. Mindless Liberal Zombies roam the land telling us "This is Obama's WWII Monument, his Uncle liberated Auschwitz"
We're all surprised at how rapidly Obama moved to shut it all down. My friend took a trip out west to visit the Grand Canyon and the morning of the sequester er, I mean shutdown the notices and Barrycades went up as if Obama had planned this for some time. The sequester had no impact on the shutdown

'Make it hurt more' is the Democrat strategy. But the People will rebel. It's already happening all across the country. The parks belong to the People. Big Brother has conveniently forgotten that. The People are more powerful than Government thinks. Most see these closures as acts of aggression by Obama and Government. His 'Make it hurt more' strategy is gonna backfire big time.

It's like we're living in Occupied America. Mindless Liberal Zombies roam the land telling us "This is Obama's WWII Monument, his Uncle liberated Auschwitz"

His uncle did it single-handedly -- without even being there!

Such talent is genetic.

This is just another reason we should all be happy to have The ONE as our President.
Plus, there's no way the gubmint could blow the levees again.

So, NO is safe --

as safe as any city built below sea level in a bowl on a coast line prone to hurricanes can be.
Any truth to the rumor that Obama is going to drape all Federal Buildings in a black veil so people can't even view them during the Sequester Shutdown?
I tired to download a picture of My Rushmore but I got a message from the NSA saying, "WARNING! You are not allowed to view these pictures during the Shutdown, please go back to the Interracial Midget porn you were viewing immediately prior to your attempt to view these forbidden pictures"

A friend posted a pic on FB of his little girl (about 6) holding up a Zombie target. She completely nailed that guy at the shooting range.

Our hope for the future!
...not sure if I can rely on the "news" hoping the Daily Show will clear up some of the things I'm hearing...

is it still on?

MSNBC has blacked out.........

I found this....

"You spoke, we listened.

To accommodate your desire that we provide you the best, most comprehensive News Coverage, we've made some big changes -- big changes, reactionary changes.

We heard we were too one sided, only presenting a moderately left of center view. Well, we heard you and now offer programming our friends on the right can view and enjoy.

The 'blacked out' screen is our effort to provide our audience with Conservative programming. See, we save money by not hiring any broadcast talent and then whatever we sell to our advertisers is pure profit! How can Conservatives not love that? It's free enterprise at its finest!

We hope you enjoy the new and improved MSNBC" -- J. Starkey, Program Manager

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