Life in USSR under Stalin

Stalin approved of torture
Republicans approved of torture
Aw c'mon...comparing Obama to Stalin is like comparing a public nuisance to Jeffery Dahmar.
It is whacky stuff like this that gives the "other side" easy ammunition to ridicule you with.
Stalin's death toll was at very-very minimum 7,500,000 people, but realistically more like 10-15 million.
Topped only by Mao.
Aw c'mon...comparing Obama to Stalin is like comparing a public nuisance to Jeffery Dahmar.
It is whacky stuff like this that gives the "other side" easy ammunition to ridicule you with.
Stalin's death toll was at very-very minimum 7,500,000 people, but realistically more like 10-15 million.
Topped only by Mao.

It's not all just about Obama, though he is a major player
It's about looking at where we are headed in this country with this Federal government and both parties controlling it
something to think about is all
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Aw c'mon...comparing Obama to Stalin is like comparing a public nuisance to Jeffery Dahmar.
It is whacky stuff like this that gives the "other side" easy ammunition to ridicule you with.
Stalin's death toll was at very-very minimum 7,500,000 people, but realistically more like 10-15 million.
Topped only by Mao.

It's not all just about Obama, though he is a major player
It's about looking at where we are headed in this country with this Federal government
something to think about is all

The single greatest threat to our way of life is not socialism my friend - it is corporatism.
We lose more freedoms and have fewer opportunities to "pursue happiness" because of corporatism than the progressive social policies of Obama et al.
Not saying the massive growth of the Federal Government and it's ever increasing influence and interference in our lives is not a problem - it is. But the threat of that - pales in comparison to the economic and social problems of government corruption and influence of the super elite.
Aw c'mon...comparing Obama to Stalin is like comparing a public nuisance to Jeffery Dahmar.
It is whacky stuff like this that gives the "other side" easy ammunition to ridicule you with.
Stalin's death toll was at very-very minimum 7,500,000 people, but realistically more like 10-15 million.
Topped only by Mao.

It's not all just about Obama, though he is a major player
It's about looking at where we are headed in this country with this Federal government
something to think about is all

The single greatest threat to our way of life is not socialism my friend - it is corporatism.
We lose more freedoms and have fewer opportunities to "pursue happiness" because of corporatism than the progressive social policies of Obama et al.
Not saying the massive growth of the Federal Government and it's ever increasing influence and interference in our lives is not a problem - it is. But the threat of that - pales in comparison to the economic and social problems of government corruption and influence of the super elite.

something else to think about, thank you
It's not all just about Obama, though he is a major player
It's about looking at where we are headed in this country with this Federal government
something to think about is all

The single greatest threat to our way of life is not socialism my friend - it is corporatism.
We lose more freedoms and have fewer opportunities to "pursue happiness" because of corporatism than the progressive social policies of Obama et al.
Not saying the massive growth of the Federal Government and it's ever increasing influence and interference in our lives is not a problem - it is. But the threat of that - pales in comparison to the economic and social problems of government corruption and influence of the super elite.

something else to think about, thank you

I wish more people would.
Now - you know why we don't? Because it is something everyone can agree with. And too many people couldn't stomach finding common ground with "the other side". Our government has very-very-very effectively divided the public into "red team vs. blue team" which has worked fantastically to keep people in the fog of misinformation and to not notice the real problem - THEM. - ALL OF THEM. BOTH SIDES. Our government is wholly influenced and I dare say even controlled by corporate/special interest. They no longer represent us. We are no longer a democratic republic.
My favorite line in a movie...Star Wars - 'so this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause". We are so convinced by what we are told by those we think we agree with, that we cannot see they are who we should really be fighting against.
The single greatest threat to our way of life is not socialism my friend - it is corporatism.
We lose more freedoms and have fewer opportunities to "pursue happiness" because of corporatism than the progressive social policies of Obama et al.
Not saying the massive growth of the Federal Government and it's ever increasing influence and interference in our lives is not a problem - it is. But the threat of that - pales in comparison to the economic and social problems of government corruption and influence of the super elite.

something else to think about, thank you

I wish more people would.
Now - you know why we don't? Because it is something everyone can agree with. And too many people couldn't stomach finding common ground with "the other side". Our government has very-very-very effectively divided the public into "red team vs. blue team" which has worked fantastically to keep people in the fog of misinformation and to not notice the real problem - THEM. - ALL OF THEM. BOTH SIDES. Our government is wholly influenced and I dare say even controlled by corporate/special interest. They no longer represent us. We are no longer a democratic republic.
My favorite line in a movie...Star Wars - 'so this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause". We are so convinced by what we are told by those we think we agree with, that we cannot see they are who we should really be fighting against.

yes, that is why I posted such a drastic thread on someone as Stalin, not that it will help..
we are too far gone I think
sound familiar? wake up people
links all in this at site

Stalin's control over Russia meant that freedom was the one thing that people lost. The people of Russia had to read what the state allowed, see what the state allowed and listen to what the state allowed. The state’s control of the media was total. Those who attempted to listen, read etc. anything else were severely punished. Everybody knew of the labour camps and that was enough of a deterrent.

Stalin developed what became known as a "personality cult". Artists painted pictures glorifying Stalin and he dominated many pictures. It was not unusual for Stalin to be in a white suit so that he stood out from the crowd. He gained the nickname "Uncle Joe" which was an attempt to develop an image of a kind, homely man who was the ‘father’ of all Russians. This was all called "Social Realism". Those who wrote poems and novels had to do the same - write about Stalin in a manner which gloried him. Some artists and authors were so depressed by all this that they committed suicide rather than do what the state ordered them to do. Many others tried to leave the country.

Education was strictly controlled by the state. In 1932, a rigid programme of discipline and education was introduced. Exams, banned under Lenin, were reintroduced. The way subjects were taught was laid down by the government - especially History where Stalin’s part in the 1917 Revolution and his relationship with Lenin was overplayed. Books were strictly censored by the state and Stalin ordered the writing of a new book called "A short history of the USSR" which had to be used in schools.

Outside of school, children were expected to join youth organisations such as the Octobrists for 8 to 10 year olds and the Pioneers for the 10 to 16 year olds. From 19 to 23 you were expected to join the Komsomol. Children were taught how to be a good socialist/communist and an emphasis was put on outdoor activities and clean living.

There was a marked increase in the attacks on the churches of the USSR throughout the 1930’s. Communism had taught people that religion was "the opium of the masses" (Karl Marx) and church leaders were arrested and churches physically shut down. Stalin could not allow a challenge to his position and anybody who worshipped God was a challenge as the "personality cult" was meant for people to worship Stalin.

ALL of it here
Life in USSR under Stalin

USMB Liberals are going, "Yeah! That's the whole point! We LOVE THAT!"
Republicans could take lessons from Stalin on the most effective way to torture people
Republicans could take lessons from Stalin on the most effective way to torture people

how many times you plan on repeating this?

go away with your torture of us you have nothing but stupid to add
Republicans could take lessons from Stalin on the most effective way to torture people

how many times you plan on repeating this?

go away with your torture of us you have nothing but stupid to add

It is your thread Steph

You want to compare Americans to Stalin? Lets start with those Americans who chose to engage in torture to obtain their goals.......Sounds like Stalin

Doesn't it?

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