Life is not fair but we all need to do the best we can

The liberals scream that the system is rigged against minorities of all kinds. They say the government must do something about it. There is truth to that but the most important action is for every individual to realize life is not fair and do the best they can and take advantage of every opportunity.
The conservatives are screaming opportunity is being taken away by jobs moving out of the USA and immigrants coming in and taking jobs at home. They say the government must do something about it. There is truth to that but the most important action is for every individual to realize life is not fair and do the best they can and take advantage of every opportunity.

I thought conservatives are for less government but Trump was elected by promising the government would take care of problems.

Both sides are the same. There is no personal accountability. Our nation is full of whiners that life is not fair and they want government to do something about it.

It is time for EVERYONE to put on their big boy and big girl pants and take care of themselves first and worry about government second.
INCLUDING CONSERVATIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Trump was elected to destroy Obama's legacy

Trump was elected because a bunch of whiny white guys believe Obama did not treat them fairly. They wanted someone to come and bail them out. Everything bad that happened to these whiny white guys they blamed on Obama. Get over it. IT IS LIFE ,WHINY WHITE GUYS. Grow a pair.
I think I have hurt the feelings of some whiny white guys who voted for Trump because Obama did not treat them with the white privilege they feel they deserve. These guys make snowflakes seem like titanium.

White guy privilege, such as what?
The liberals scream that the system is rigged against minorities of all kinds. They say the government must do something about it. There is truth to that but the most important action is for every individual to realize life is not fair and do the best they can and take advantage of every opportunity.
The conservatives are screaming opportunity is being taken away by jobs moving out of the USA and immigrants coming in and taking jobs at home. They say the government must do something about it. There is truth to that but the most important action is for every individual to realize life is not fair and do the best they can and take advantage of every opportunity.

I thought conservatives are for less government but Trump was elected by promising the government would take care of problems.

Both sides are the same. There is no personal accountability. Our nation is full of whiners that life is not fair and they want government to do something about it.

It is time for EVERYONE to put on their big boy and big girl pants and take care of themselves first and worry about government second.
INCLUDING CONSERVATIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Trump was elected to destroy Obama's legacy

Trump was elected because a bunch of whiny white guys believe Obama did not treat them fairly. They wanted someone to come and bail them out. Everything bad that happened to these whiny white guys they blamed on Obama. Get over it. IT IS LIFE ,WHINY WHITE GUYS. Grow a pair.

Trump was elected on the main message of stopping immigration. All the other contenders in the party kept talking about Comprehensive Immigration Reform. What does comprehensive mean in political terms? It means to give into the Democrats.

So we steered far away from another failed amnesty program sponsored by the Republicans, and sent our party a message to start listening to their constituents. Whether they got that message yet is still undetermined. But Trump was elected on that, and his pragmatic solutions to our problems that seem to be working for the most part.
The conservatives are screaming opportunity is being taken away by jobs moving out of the USA and immigrants coming in and taking jobs at home.

What conservative ever screamed about jobs moving overseas? That's a leftist tactic. Yes, Republicans did voice concern about foreigners taking our jobs, and they are exactly correct. They are taking jobs Americans can do, and keeping wages lower for the ones Americans are working.

Our economic system is a supply and demand system. The lower the supply, the higher the price. So when you bring in foreigners to do jobs Americans won't take, it stops that process in it's tracks. If the labor market is strangling, they will increase wages naturally without minimum wage increase tactics and everybody does better.

I thought conservatives are for less government but Trump was elected by promising the government would take care of problems.

Yes he does, by taking more government out of the situations.

Government is taking less from our job producers. Trump eliminated some of the most job killing regulations to help. That's taking government out of these situations to reduce problems. Trump took government out by removing the individual Commie Care fines, and eliminated government (the fines) for job producers not providing coverage for their employees. For every new regulation on businesses, two are removed in it's place. That is the new Trump policy on businesses.
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The liberals scream that the system is rigged against minorities of all kinds. They say the government must do something about it. There is truth to that but the most important action is for every individual to realize life is not fair and do the best they can and take advantage of every opportunity.
The conservatives are screaming opportunity is being taken away by jobs moving out of the USA and immigrants coming in and taking jobs at home. They say the government must do something about it. There is truth to that but the most important action is for every individual to realize life is not fair and do the best they can and take advantage of every opportunity.

I thought conservatives are for less government but Trump was elected by promising the government would take care of problems.

Both sides are the same. There is no personal accountability. Our nation is full of whiners that life is not fair and they want government to do something about it.

It is time for EVERYONE to put on their big boy and big girl pants and take care of themselves first and worry about government second.
INCLUDING CONSERVATIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet the 2020 LIBERAL democrat candidates are running on FREE college, FREE healthcare for ALL, FREE monthly income and REPARATIONS ...go figure. Evidently the big boy/girl pants are at the cleaners.
Whatever promise it takes to buy a vote. Notice that the Democrats have a pretty dismal record when it comes to keeping campain promises.

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