Life under Sharia law...

You libs just cannot go off the reservation can you.....

Its not libs who are pushing for sharia law in the US.

That would be you RWNJs.

It is you RWNJs who want women treated like property, with their bodies under the control of government. Its you RWNJs who want rights and freedoms taken away from Americans.

Or are you saying you have suddenly realized that the rabid RW are against everything this country stands for and was founded on?

Didn't think so.

You call yourself an American and yet you defend the barbaric treatment of women in another country. Over religious concerns?
So go ahead. Explain your support for this treatment of women in the Muslim world.
Insults will not make it stop. I am not letting this go.
I await your explanation.
Quite simple Poindexter.

Middle east culture and tradition that's thousands of years old and has stood the test of time.

So I seriously doubt the rantings from 200+ year old western country means much to them. ...... :cool:
Human beings have moderated their behavior over time and rid themselves of behavior such as these rules which Muslims use to justify their mistreatment of women.
Just because a thing "has always been done" this way, does not make it right.
Why do you consider women to be less than human? What gives your religion the right to commit barbaric acts such as stonings and other violent acts toward women?
"Because you've always done it this way"?......Sorry sunshine, that don't cut any ice here.

So you're an atheist?
You call yourself an American and yet you defend the barbaric treatment of women in another country. Over religious concerns?
So go ahead. Explain your support for this treatment of women in the Muslim world.
Insults will not make it stop. I am not letting this go.
I await your explanation.
Quite simple Poindexter.

Middle east culture and tradition that's thousands of years old and has stood the test of time.

So I seriously doubt the rantings from 200+ year old western country means much to them. ...... :cool:
Human beings have moderated their behavior over time and rid themselves of behavior such as these rules which Muslims use to justify their mistreatment of women.
Just because a thing "has always been done" this way, does not make it right.
Why do you consider women to be less than human? What gives your religion the right to commit barbaric acts such as stonings and other violent acts toward women?
"Because you've always done it this way"?......Sorry sunshine, that don't cut any ice here.

Okay, so you are in favor of a woman's eright to choose. Good for you.

How about marriage equality? Does your sudden enlightenment and evolution include that right?

Hmmm ?
Trouble maker? How so? Please explain. In great detail. Use your own words.
Question. What kind of civilized society would do these awful things to women?
I want to see how you can justify this kind of treatment of women..
And don't give me this nonsense about religion...Because this goes far beyond what is written in some book.
Their country......their culture......their laws.

Why is it any of your business?? ...... :cool:

Because they are coming here
Sounds like the woman was a trouble maker back in her country.

I'm sure they were glad to get rid of riff-raff like her. ..... :cool:
I finally figured out why you turned Muslim. American women wouldn't take your shit and you need to be the ruler of your home and to those inside it. married a muslim that is cowed by your maleness and lets your browbeat her to keep her in line so you can be king of your castle.

How boring that must be for you. But, it soothes your ego, doesn't it?
You libs just cannot go off the reservation can you.....

Its not libs who are pushing for sharia law in the US.

That would be you RWNJs.

It is you RWNJs who want women treated like property, with their bodies under the control of government. Its you RWNJs who want rights and freedoms taken away from Americans.

Or are you saying you have suddenly realized that the rabid RW are against everything this country stands for and was founded on?

Didn't think so.


In fact, no one is 'pushing' for sharia 'law,' in the United States – the notion is rightwing idiocy and a ridiculous lie, just more conservative fear-mongering.
You call yourself an American and yet you defend the barbaric treatment of women in another country. Over religious concerns?
So go ahead. Explain your support for this treatment of women in the Muslim world.
Insults will not make it stop. I am not letting this go.
I await your explanation.
Quite simple Poindexter.

Middle east culture and tradition that's thousands of years old and has stood the test of time.

So I seriously doubt the rantings from 200+ year old western country means much to them. ...... :cool:
Human beings have moderated their behavior over time and rid themselves of behavior such as these rules which Muslims use to justify their mistreatment of women.
Just because a thing "has always been done" this way, does not make it right.
Why do you consider women to be less than human? What gives your religion the right to commit barbaric acts such as stonings and other violent acts toward women?
"Because you've always done it this way"?......Sorry sunshine, that don't cut any ice here.

Okay, so you are in favor of a woman's eright to choose. Good for you.

How about marriage equality? Does your sudden enlightenment and evolution include that right?

Hmmm ?
Those on the right hostile to a woman's right to privacy are in no position to be whining about sharia 'law.'
Sharia Law, put simply, means that God's law trumps secular law.

How does that differ from fundamental Christianity? Is the allegiance of American fundamentalist Christians first to secular law,

or the laws of their God?
Not the point. How Muslims treat women in their Sharia controlled nations is criminal behavior in the civilized world.
You libs just cannot go off the reservation can you.....

Its not libs who are pushing for sharia law in the US.

That would be you RWNJs.

It is you RWNJs who want women treated like property, with their bodies under the control of government. Its you RWNJs who want rights and freedoms taken away from Americans.

Or are you saying you have suddenly realized that the rabid RW are against everything this country stands for and was founded on?

Didn't think so.


In fact, no one is 'pushing' for sharia 'law,' in the United States – the notion is rightwing idiocy and a ridiculous lie, just more conservative fear-mongering.
So you would have no problem living under Sharia?
SA is bad news . We are pals because of oil and the Military industrial complex .
You call yourself an American and yet you defend the barbaric treatment of women in another country. Over religious concerns?
So go ahead. Explain your support for this treatment of women in the Muslim world.
Insults will not make it stop. I am not letting this go.
I await your explanation.
Quite simple Poindexter.

Middle east culture and tradition that's thousands of years old and has stood the test of time.

So I seriously doubt the rantings from 200+ year old western country means much to them. ...... :cool:
Human beings have moderated their behavior over time and rid themselves of behavior such as these rules which Muslims use to justify their mistreatment of women.
Just because a thing "has always been done" this way, does not make it right.
Why do you consider women to be less than human? What gives your religion the right to commit barbaric acts such as stonings and other violent acts toward women?
"Because you've always done it this way"?......Sorry sunshine, that don't cut any ice here.

Okay, so you are in favor of a woman's eright to choose. Good for you.

How about marriage equality? Does your sudden enlightenment and evolution include that right?

Hmmm ?
Those on the right hostile to a woman's right to privacy are in no position to be whining about sharia 'law.'
Hostile to privacy? No such condition exists.
You libs are exposing yourselves here as monstrously hypocritical.
Sharia Law, put simply, means that God's law trumps secular law.

How does that differ from fundamental Christianity? Is the allegiance of American fundamentalist Christians first to secular law,

or the laws of their God?
Not the point. How Muslims treat women in their Sharia controlled nations is criminal behavior in the civilized world.

Secular law might have its own ideas about the status of women, but what if God's ideas are different?
You call yourself an American and yet you defend the barbaric treatment of women in another country. Over religious concerns?
So go ahead. Explain your support for this treatment of women in the Muslim world.
Insults will not make it stop. I am not letting this go.
I await your explanation.
Quite simple Poindexter.

Middle east culture and tradition that's thousands of years old and has stood the test of time.

So I seriously doubt the rantings from 200+ year old western country means much to them. ...... :cool:
Human beings have moderated their behavior over time and rid themselves of behavior such as these rules which Muslims use to justify their mistreatment of women.
Just because a thing "has always been done" this way, does not make it right.
Why do you consider women to be less than human? What gives your religion the right to commit barbaric acts such as stonings and other violent acts toward women?
"Because you've always done it this way"?......Sorry sunshine, that don't cut any ice here.

Okay, so you are in favor of a woman's eright to choose. Good for you.

How about marriage equality? Does your sudden enlightenment and evolution include that right?

Hmmm ?
Those on the right hostile to a woman's right to privacy are in no position to be whining about sharia 'law.'
Hostile to privacy? No such condition exists.
You libs are exposing yourselves here as monstrously hypocritical.


The hyposcirisy is on the right. You give lip service to freedom and rights - UNTIL its time to vote against taking them away from Americans.

I notice you have not addressed even one point made in this graphic. Point out one thread, one post of yours where you wrote that women should have total, complete and unconditional control over their own bodies or that all Americans have the right to marry any other consenting adult.

You're a liar and a hypocrite.


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