Life under Sharia law...

Subtitle.....Why are we friendly with Saudi Arabia?...Their customs and way of life are incompatible with our culture.
Despite the recent wave of terror attacks carried out by radical Islamists, Democratic politicians are generally unwilling to even utter the term 'radical Islam'. However, to fully combat terrorism, we understand the threat that faces us we must be willing to label it appropriately.

Dr. Qanta Ahmed has seen that threat up close. Dr. Ahmed, a pulmonologist and sleep disorder specialist, practiced medicine for years under sharia law in Saudi Arabia before immigrating to the United States. She documents her struggles as an "anti-Islamist Muslim, in her recently released book entitled In The Land Of Invisible Women: A Female Doctor's Journey In The Saudi Kingdom.

"As a physician I had all the powers and all the opportunities I would have had here in the United States," Dr. Ahmed explained on Hannity. "But as soon as I stepped away from the bedside in the public space, I had no freedom of movement, I was mandated to veil, meaning not just a minor scarf but a cover covering my face, clothing on the body. I had to leave my car keys in the United States."

In Saudi Arabia, the freedom of women are severely restricted. As Ahmed noted, women cannot drive a car or bare their faces, but they also cannot:

- Travel without a chaperone

- Interact with men

- Swim

- Compete in sports

- Read uncensored material

Ahmed also noted the complete lack of religious freedom on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Even symbols of religions beside Islam were forbidden

"My nurses were sometimes American, Canadian, or Filipino Christians and would conceal their religious symbols," Ahmed told Sean. "I had to protect them to make sure they were not visible, which, even though I was doing it for their benefit, turned me into a kind of oppressor."

Read more: Here's What Life Under Sharia Law Is Like For A Woman | The Sean Hannity Show

Just The Democrats?


The stupid, it burns!
Yeah....Democrats. Would you like me to dig up the thousands of posts here where liberals defend and sup[port Islam and Islamists?
Never seen a leftist who is not subservant to Islam.

Don't they practice Sharia Law in Texas?

Do they still let women drive down there?

Southern Baptists , Islam , what's the difference?

Subtitle.....Why are we friendly with Saudi Arabia?...Their customs and way of life are incompatible with our culture.
Despite the recent wave of terror attacks carried out by radical Islamists, Democratic politicians are generally unwilling to even utter the term 'radical Islam'. However, to fully combat terrorism, we understand the threat that faces us we must be willing to label it appropriately.

Dr. Qanta Ahmed has seen that threat up close. Dr. Ahmed, a pulmonologist and sleep disorder specialist, practiced medicine for years under sharia law in Saudi Arabia before immigrating to the United States. She documents her struggles as an "anti-Islamist Muslim, in her recently released book entitled In The Land Of Invisible Women: A Female Doctor's Journey In The Saudi Kingdom.

"As a physician I had all the powers and all the opportunities I would have had here in the United States," Dr. Ahmed explained on Hannity. "But as soon as I stepped away from the bedside in the public space, I had no freedom of movement, I was mandated to veil, meaning not just a minor scarf but a cover covering my face, clothing on the body. I had to leave my car keys in the United States."

In Saudi Arabia, the freedom of women are severely restricted. As Ahmed noted, women cannot drive a car or bare their faces, but they also cannot:

- Travel without a chaperone

- Interact with men

- Swim

- Compete in sports

- Read uncensored material

Ahmed also noted the complete lack of religious freedom on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Even symbols of religions beside Islam were forbidden

"My nurses were sometimes American, Canadian, or Filipino Christians and would conceal their religious symbols," Ahmed told Sean. "I had to protect them to make sure they were not visible, which, even though I was doing it for their benefit, turned me into a kind of oppressor."

Read more: Here's What Life Under Sharia Law Is Like For A Woman | The Sean Hannity Show

Just The Democrats?


The stupid, it burns!
Yeah....Democrats. Would you like me to dig up the thousands of posts here where liberals defend and sup[port Islam and Islamists?
Never seen a leftist who is not subservant to Islam.

That is because you are an idiot.

Presumably you would consider me to be a 'leftist'- and I think dislike much about Islam- though I have nothing against Muslims. Sure is easy to criticize many Islamic countries.

But idiots like you think that defending people for being attacked for their religious beliefs- as supporting those religious beliefs.
You better learn to actually read what I write.
We support basic human rights for all people around the world. We have even gone into military conflict to defend the oppressed.
IN any country where human beings, because of biology are treated like mere chattel. They are treated no better than household pets.
Yeah, it's THEIR country. And they can do whatever they want. We here in the US do not have to agree or support them,
Let me tell you something, but for our military, Saudi Arabia is just some patch of desert with a seacoast.
BTW, we no longer need their oil. We buy it to keep the region stable.
Now, I await your explanation.....And don't come back with "it's their country" ..That's been covered.
We, we, we,.......are you a Frenchman?? ...... :lol: :lol:
Enough of the obfuscation. Just answer the questions.
Yeah. WE..Americans.....If you don't like it, tough shit.
If you had any balls. If you were half a man, you'd be able to explain your statements.
Now grow the fuck up and explain yourself
Just The Democrats?


The stupid, it burns!
Yeah....Democrats. Would you like me to dig up the thousands of posts here where liberals defend and sup[port Islam and Islamists?
Never seen a leftist who is not subservant to Islam.

That is because you are an idiot.

Presumably you would consider me to be a 'leftist'- and I think dislike much about Islam- though I have nothing against Muslims. Sure is easy to criticize many Islamic countries.

But idiots like you think that defending people for being attacked for their religious beliefs- as supporting those religious beliefs.
You better learn to actually read what I write.

I can read your stupidity- but no matter how much polish you put on it- its still a cow turd.
Subtitle.....Why are we friendly with Saudi Arabia?...Their customs and way of life are incompatible with our culture.
Despite the recent wave of terror attacks carried out by radical Islamists, Democratic politicians are generally unwilling to even utter the term 'radical Islam'. However, to fully combat terrorism, we understand the threat that faces us we must be willing to label it appropriately.

Dr. Qanta Ahmed has seen that threat up close. Dr. Ahmed, a pulmonologist and sleep disorder specialist, practiced medicine for years under sharia law in Saudi Arabia before immigrating to the United States. She documents her struggles as an "anti-Islamist Muslim, in her recently released book entitled In The Land Of Invisible Women: A Female Doctor's Journey In The Saudi Kingdom.

"As a physician I had all the powers and all the opportunities I would have had here in the United States," Dr. Ahmed explained on Hannity. "But as soon as I stepped away from the bedside in the public space, I had no freedom of movement, I was mandated to veil, meaning not just a minor scarf but a cover covering my face, clothing on the body. I had to leave my car keys in the United States."

In Saudi Arabia, the freedom of women are severely restricted. As Ahmed noted, women cannot drive a car or bare their faces, but they also cannot:

- Travel without a chaperone

- Interact with men

- Swim

- Compete in sports

- Read uncensored material

Ahmed also noted the complete lack of religious freedom on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Even symbols of religions beside Islam were forbidden

"My nurses were sometimes American, Canadian, or Filipino Christians and would conceal their religious symbols," Ahmed told Sean. "I had to protect them to make sure they were not visible, which, even though I was doing it for their benefit, turned me into a kind of oppressor."

Read more: Here's What Life Under Sharia Law Is Like For A Woman | The Sean Hannity Show

Just The Democrats?


The stupid, it burns!
Yeah....Democrats. Would you like me to dig up the thousands of posts here where liberals defend and sup[port Islam and Islamists?
Never seen a leftist who is not subservant to Islam.

Don't they practice Sharia Law in Texas?

Do they still let women drive down there?

Southern Baptists , Islam , what's the difference?

The colonoscopy exam is finished. Your head is entirely inserted and will require surgery to remove.
Enough of the obfuscation. Just answer the questions.
Yeah. WE..Americans.....If you don't like it, tough shit.
If you had any balls. If you were half a man, you'd be able to explain your statements.
Now grow the fuck up and explain yourself
I am also a "We" American......and my answer is that you're an idiot.

Satisfied?? ..... :cool:
Wow....Posts 3. and 21 were deleted by the mods.....Unreal how this issue can bring out such passionate responses.
Subtitle.....Why are we friendly with Saudi Arabia?...Their customs and way of life are incompatible with our culture.
Despite the recent wave of terror attacks carried out by radical Islamists, Democratic politicians are generally unwilling to even utter the term 'radical Islam'. However, to fully combat terrorism, we understand the threat that faces us we must be willing to label it appropriately.

Dr. Qanta Ahmed has seen that threat up close. Dr. Ahmed, a pulmonologist and sleep disorder specialist, practiced medicine for years under sharia law in Saudi Arabia before immigrating to the United States. She documents her struggles as an "anti-Islamist Muslim, in her recently released book entitled In The Land Of Invisible Women: A Female Doctor's Journey In The Saudi Kingdom.

"As a physician I had all the powers and all the opportunities I would have had here in the United States," Dr. Ahmed explained on Hannity. "But as soon as I stepped away from the bedside in the public space, I had no freedom of movement, I was mandated to veil, meaning not just a minor scarf but a cover covering my face, clothing on the body. I had to leave my car keys in the United States."

In Saudi Arabia, the freedom of women are severely restricted. As Ahmed noted, women cannot drive a car or bare their faces, but they also cannot:

- Travel without a chaperone

- Interact with men

- Swim

- Compete in sports

- Read uncensored material

Ahmed also noted the complete lack of religious freedom on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Even symbols of religions beside Islam were forbidden

"My nurses were sometimes American, Canadian, or Filipino Christians and would conceal their religious symbols," Ahmed told Sean. "I had to protect them to make sure they were not visible, which, even though I was doing it for their benefit, turned me into a kind of oppressor."

Read more: Here's What Life Under Sharia Law Is Like For A Woman | The Sean Hannity Show

I take it you've forgotten that our current quagmire in the Middle East was perpetrated by George Bush Sr.,

in defense of Saudi interests.
Just The Democrats?


The stupid, it burns!
Yeah....Democrats. Would you like me to dig up the thousands of posts here where liberals defend and sup[port Islam and Islamists?
Never seen a leftist who is not subservant to Islam.

Don't they practice Sharia Law in Texas?

Do they still let women drive down there?

Southern Baptists , Islam , what's the difference?

The colonoscopy exam is finished. Your head is entirely inserted and will require surgery to remove.

Yo Vern

Didn't Texas increase the age of consent to 65, so they could jail all the mormons?

The stupid, it burns!
Yeah....Democrats. Would you like me to dig up the thousands of posts here where liberals defend and sup[port Islam and Islamists?
Never seen a leftist who is not subservant to Islam.

Don't they practice Sharia Law in Texas?

Do they still let women drive down there?

Southern Baptists , Islam , what's the difference?

The colonoscopy exam is finished. Your head is entirely inserted and will require surgery to remove.

Yo Vern

Didn't Texas increase the age of consent to 65, so they could jail all the mormons?

Enough of the obfuscation. Just answer the questions.
Yeah. WE..Americans.....If you don't like it, tough shit.
If you had any balls. If you were half a man, you'd be able to explain your statements.
Now grow the fuck up and explain yourself
I am also a "We" American......and my answer is that you're an idiot.

Satisfied?? ..... :cool:
Nope.....You cannot be honest can you?....
You call yourself an American and yet you defend the barbaric treatment of women in another country. Over religious concerns?
So go ahead. Explain your support for this treatment of women in the Muslim world.
Insults will not make it stop. I am not letting this go.
I await your explanation.
You call yourself an American and yet you defend the barbaric treatment of women in another country. Over religious concerns?
So go ahead. Explain your support for this treatment of women in the Muslim world.
Insults will not make it stop. I am not letting this go.
I await your explanation.
Quite simple Poindexter.

Middle east culture and tradition that's thousands of years old and has stood the test of time.

So I seriously doubt the rantings from a 200+ year old western country means much to them. ...... :cool:
Last edited:
Subtitle.....Why are we friendly with Saudi Arabia?...Their customs and way of life are incompatible with our culture.
Despite the recent wave of terror attacks carried out by radical Islamists, Democratic politicians are generally unwilling to even utter the term 'radical Islam'. However, to fully combat terrorism, we understand the threat that faces us we must be willing to label it appropriately.

Dr. Qanta Ahmed has seen that threat up close. Dr. Ahmed, a pulmonologist and sleep disorder specialist, practiced medicine for years under sharia law in Saudi Arabia before immigrating to the United States. She documents her struggles as an "anti-Islamist Muslim, in her recently released book entitled In The Land Of Invisible Women: A Female Doctor's Journey In The Saudi Kingdom.

"As a physician I had all the powers and all the opportunities I would have had here in the United States," Dr. Ahmed explained on Hannity. "But as soon as I stepped away from the bedside in the public space, I had no freedom of movement, I was mandated to veil, meaning not just a minor scarf but a cover covering my face, clothing on the body. I had to leave my car keys in the United States."

In Saudi Arabia, the freedom of women are severely restricted. As Ahmed noted, women cannot drive a car or bare their faces, but they also cannot:

- Travel without a chaperone

- Interact with men

- Swim

- Compete in sports

- Read uncensored material

Ahmed also noted the complete lack of religious freedom on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Even symbols of religions beside Islam were forbidden

"My nurses were sometimes American, Canadian, or Filipino Christians and would conceal their religious symbols," Ahmed told Sean. "I had to protect them to make sure they were not visible, which, even though I was doing it for their benefit, turned me into a kind of oppressor."

Read more: Here's What Life Under Sharia Law Is Like For A Woman | The Sean Hannity Show

I take it you've forgotten that our current quagmire in the Middle East was perpetrated by George Bush Sr.,

in defense of Saudi interests.

Actually goes back to Ronnie RayGun and it will be years before its cleaned up -- if ever.

According to the RWNJs, the ME lived in a state of peace and prosperity, right up until the moment Obama was elected. And now they want to vote for more of what we got with RayGun and the Bush Dynasty.
Sharia Law, put simply, means that God's law trumps secular law.

How does that differ from fundamental Christianity? Is the allegiance of American fundamentalist Christians first to secular law,

or the laws of their God?
You call yourself an American and yet you defend the barbaric treatment of women in another country. Over religious concerns?
So go ahead. Explain your support for this treatment of women in the Muslim world.
Insults will not make it stop. I am not letting this go.
I await your explanation.
Quite simple Poindexter.

Middle east culture and tradition that's thousands of years old and has stood the test of time.

So I seriously doubt the rantings from 200+ year old western country means much to them. ...... :cool:
Human beings have moderated their behavior over time and rid themselves of behavior such as these rules which Muslims use to justify their mistreatment of women.
Just because a thing "has always been done" this way, does not make it right.
Why do you consider women to be less than human? What gives your religion the right to commit barbaric acts such as stonings and other violent acts toward women?
"Because you've always done it this way"?......Sorry sunshine, that don't cut any ice here.
Human beings have moderated their behavior over time and rid themselves of behavior such as these rules which Muslims use to justify their mistreatment of women.
Just because a thing "has always been done" this way, does not make it right.
Why do you consider women to be less than human? What gives your religion the right to commit barbaric acts such as stonings and other violent acts toward women?
"Because you've always done it this way"?......Sorry sunshine, that don't cut any ice here.
Don't like it Tinker Bell?........Too bad .... :cool:
You call yourself an American and yet you defend the barbaric treatment of women in another country. Over religious concerns?
So go ahead. Explain your support for this treatment of women in the Muslim world.
Insults will not make it stop. I am not letting this go.
I await your explanation.
Quite simple Poindexter.

Middle east culture and tradition that's thousands of years old and has stood the test of time.

So I seriously doubt the rantings from 200+ year old western country means much to them. ...... :cool:
Human beings have moderated their behavior over time and rid themselves of behavior such as these rules which Muslims use to justify their mistreatment of women.
Just because a thing "has always been done" this way, does not make it right.
Why do you consider women to be less than human? What gives your religion the right to commit barbaric acts such as stonings and other violent acts toward women?
"Because you've always done it this way"?......Sorry sunshine, that don't cut any ice here.

How do you know what God believes?

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