Like a baseball "pinch runner" at third base.....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Like a baseball "pinch runner" at third base, Trump (and his loyal followers also known as 1/3 of the population) "THINK" that he has hit a triple on our economy.

Under Obama, the economy hit the very bottom toward the end of 2010....Since then, the economy has slowly improved virtually every quarter.

To deny the above is both delusional and strictly partisan......Yet, Trump and his acolytes repeatedly tout that it was Trump.....and ONLY Trump.....who should be "rewarded" for something that ANY objective person should conclude is a joint effort between the previous and current administrations.
It'll all be over in jan 2025, natty. Hopefully, you'll not jonestown yourself. O did nothing for the economy. You could have been in power and it would have done the same thing.
Like a baseball "pinch runner" at third base, Trump (and his loyal followers also known as 1/3 of the population) "THINK" that he has hit a triple on our economy.

Under Obama, the economy hit the very bottom toward the end of 2010....Since then, the economy has slowly improved virtually every quarter.

To deny the above is both delusional and strictly partisan......Yet, Trump and his acolytes repeatedly tout that it was Trump.....and ONLY Trump.....who should be "rewarded" for something that ANY objective person should conclude is a joint effort between the previous and current administrations.
For someone like you to call someone else "strictly partisan" is, well, a delightful way to start the day - with a giggle.

And by the way, Obama was right to stand back and let the Fed pour $4.5 TRILLION into the economy, but that's all he did.

Wingers are, and evidently always will be, a hoot.
Trump till 2024
Ivanka till 2032
Kanye until 2040
One cannot fail to notice that the entire business climate of the U.S. improved dramatically on the Wednesday morning after the 2016 election. It was nothing magical, but the American business community recognized instantly that while Trump has his faults, he is a capitalist, and the difference in mood after 8 years of an anti-Capitalist was stunning.

Hence, any attempt by the Obamistas to take credit for the current trend toward prosperity is specious and dishonest. It is much like President Clinton taking credit for our momentary budget surplus after Gingrich's Contract with America.
Nat and his partisan butt hurt laugh of the day.

Thanks for another morning laugh!
Like a baseball "pinch runner" at third base, Trump (and his loyal followers also known as 1/3 of the population) "THINK" that he has hit a triple on our economy.

Under Obama, the economy hit the very bottom toward the end of 2010....Since then, the economy has slowly improved virtually every quarter.

To deny the above is both delusional and strictly partisan......Yet, Trump and his acolytes repeatedly tout that it was Trump.....and ONLY Trump.....who should be "rewarded" for something that ANY objective person should conclude is a joint effort between the previous and current administrations.
How about this trade. Baseball terms of cour
Like a baseball "pinch runner" at third base, Trump (and his loyal followers also known as 1/3 of the population) "THINK" that he has hit a triple on our economy.

Under Obama, the economy hit the very bottom toward the end of 2010....Since then, the economy has slowly improved virtually every quarter.

To deny the above is both delusional and strictly partisan......Yet, Trump and his acolytes repeatedly tout that it was Trump.....and ONLY Trump.....who should be "rewarded" for something that ANY objective person should conclude is a joint effort between the previous and current administrations.
Your boy was the beneficiary of wild pitches and bases in balls. None of which improved his batting average
He didn’t do a dang thing to improve the economy
He got on the lucking end of the business cycle
Like a baseball "pinch runner" at third base, Trump (and his loyal followers also known as 1/3 of the population) "THINK" that he has hit a triple on our economy.

Under Obama, the economy hit the very bottom toward the end of 2010....Since then, the economy has slowly improved virtually every quarter.

To deny the above is both delusional and strictly partisan......Yet, Trump and his acolytes repeatedly tout that it was Trump.....and ONLY Trump.....who should be "rewarded" for something that ANY objective person should conclude is a joint effort between the previous and current administrations.

Yeah. Democrats do the same thing when their goon is presiding over a rebound. And it rarely has anything to do with government.

The last thing I want is our government preoccupied with our economic well-being. Protect our rights and otherwise stay out of our business. That's all I ask.
Great analogy. Except you left off the parts about how many runs we were down when Obama was brought into the game. Not to mention how his administration got us to the point where Tubbs could be put in at third.
Great analogy. Except you left off the parts about how many runs we were down when Obama was brought into the game. Not to mention how his administration got us to the point where Tubbs could be put in at third.

Well, my friend, Obama made lots of doubt.....

But my point is a simple one......Of Obama and Trump WHO is shouting from the rooftops the LIE that "....thanks to Trump we have the best economy ever witnessed by mankind"?

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