Like a boil; you have to suffer until its ready for the lance

Grimes may win 40 percent in Louisville and 50 percent in Lexington but she loses the rest of the state.
So McConnel is a "pragmatic conservative" because he dropped his drawers to the Democrats?
The piece has it exactly wrong. People vote Republican because they want smaller gov't, less debt, fewer regulations. Republicans who consistently go along with the opposite are not their representatives, and need to be replaced. If the TP people win primaries and ultimately elections, how does this render the GOP irrelevant?
Oh she'll lose to McConnell, but will McConnell be primaried. And more likely will guys like Portman, Ayotte and Kirk lose to democrats as the gop is perceived more as a TPM party. If guys like McConnell, Graham, Cochran and Alexander can't survive in very to pretty much red states, the party will be shoved rightward. And polls don't show that to be a good natl strategy.
Way back in 1973 the Democrat Party began to purge the pragmatic, the responsible, the centrist in favor of the radical Left. That action made the Democrat Party basically irrelevant for the next decade. Only public outrage over Watergate made the election of Jimmy Carter possible.

Today the Tea Party faction is purging the pragmatic, the responsible, the centrists from the Republican ranks. They are doing so through the back door: the primary elections. They know that as aroused activists, they can turn out the vote in May in order to get their candidate on November's ballot.

Is this purge a worthy cause? It is if what you desire is elected officials doing nothing but obstruct, destroy and sabotage the federal government. For you see, the Tea Party isn't interested in electing legislators to govern. Ideology drives the Tea Party. It's as if they are hijackers and after they take over the plane, they don't know how to fly it, but elect to crash it into whatever is handy just to destroy the plane, regardless of whoever else might be on it at the time.

And that ideology will erode public confidence in the Tea Party to get anything done and thus render the GOP irrelevant until the right leader (that's LEADER, not Ideologue) comes along.
Well, imo, the TPM premises its ideology upon the notion that if they just keep on, eventually people will decide they are right. There are times when leaders percieve this courageous and worth the risk. MKLjr or Reagan on neoliberal economic principles. Now whether history's justification of their stances hinges on luck or some nevitable result ... that's a whole other issue.

But, as your post points out, some overreach based on hubris results in serious electoral reversals. Hoover's inabilty to use the federal govt purse and pursue an expansive monetary policy likewise was fatal.
Way back in 1973 the Democrat Party began to purge the pragmatic, the responsible, the centrist in favor of the radical Left. That action made the Democrat Party basically irrelevant for the next decade. Only public outrage over Watergate made the election of Jimmy Carter possible.

Today the Tea Party faction is purging the pragmatic, the responsible, the centrists from the Republican ranks. They are doing so through the back door: the primary elections. They know that as aroused activists, they can turn out the vote in May in order to get their candidate on November's ballot.

Is this purge a worthy cause? It is if what you desire is elected officials doing nothing but obstruct, destroy and sabotage the federal government. For you see, the Tea Party isn't interested in electing legislators to govern. Ideology drives the Tea Party. It's as if they are hijackers and after they take over the plane, they don't know how to fly it, but elect to crash it into whatever is handy just to destroy the plane, regardless of whoever else might be on it at the time.

And that ideology will erode public confidence in the Tea Party to get anything done and thus render the GOP irrelevant until the right leader (that's LEADER, not Ideologue) comes along.

Purging representatives who aren't accountable and responsible ie endless wars, social engineering, entitlements, never ending spending etc...., is what a sane country would do.
Way back in 1973 the Democrat Party began to purge the pragmatic, the responsible, the centrist in favor of the radical Left. That action made the Democrat Party basically irrelevant for the next decade. Only public outrage over Watergate made the election of Jimmy Carter possible.

Today the Tea Party faction is purging the pragmatic, the responsible, the centrists from the Republican ranks. They are doing so through the back door: the primary elections. They know that as aroused activists, they can turn out the vote in May in order to get their candidate on November's ballot.

Is this purge a worthy cause? It is if what you desire is elected officials doing nothing but obstruct, destroy and sabotage the federal government. For you see, the Tea Party isn't interested in electing legislators to govern. Ideology drives the Tea Party. It's as if they are hijackers and after they take over the plane, they don't know how to fly it, but elect to crash it into whatever is handy just to destroy the plane, regardless of whoever else might be on it at the time.

And that ideology will erode public confidence in the Tea Party to get anything done and thus render the GOP irrelevant until the right leader (that's LEADER, not Ideologue) comes along.

Purging representatives who aren't accountable and responsible ie endless wars, social engineering, entitlements, never ending spending etc...., is what a sane country would do.
Not if the replacements are reckless ideologues with no political acumen. Such folks are apt to shut down the government (costing the economy some $24 billion in the bargain) and using a chainsaw to cut funding when a scalpel would be more effective.
Way back in 1973 the Democrat Party began to purge the pragmatic, the responsible, the centrist in favor of the radical Left. That action made the Democrat Party basically irrelevant for the next decade. Only public outrage over Watergate made the election of Jimmy Carter possible.

Today the Tea Party faction is purging the pragmatic, the responsible, the centrists from the Republican ranks. They are doing so through the back door: the primary elections. They know that as aroused activists, they can turn out the vote in May in order to get their candidate on November's ballot.

Is this purge a worthy cause? It is if what you desire is elected officials doing nothing but obstruct, destroy and sabotage the federal government. For you see, the Tea Party isn't interested in electing legislators to govern. Ideology drives the Tea Party. It's as if they are hijackers and after they take over the plane, they don't know how to fly it, but elect to crash it into whatever is handy just to destroy the plane, regardless of whoever else might be on it at the time.

And that ideology will erode public confidence in the Tea Party to get anything done and thus render the GOP irrelevant until the right leader (that's LEADER, not Ideologue) comes along.

Purging representatives who aren't accountable and responsible ie endless wars, social engineering, entitlements, never ending spending etc...., is what a sane country would do.
Not if the replacements are reckless ideologues with no political acumen. Such folks are apt to shut down the government (costing the economy some $24 billion in the bargain) and using a chainsaw to cut funding when a scalpel would be more effective.

I'd rather have candidates with no political experience versus an elite class that misrepresents its constituents by allowing financial ruin. Surely, you realize that the fed is sending over 85 billion a month to wall street, for the past three years, and you're screaming over 24 billion? The sequester is merely an exercise in fantasy land in which no real cuts have taken place.....and the R's and D's cant even handle that.
Purging representatives who aren't accountable and responsible ie endless wars, social engineering, entitlements, never ending spending etc...., is what a sane country would do.
Not if the replacements are reckless ideologues with no political acumen. Such folks are apt to shut down the government (costing the economy some $24 billion in the bargain) and using a chainsaw to cut funding when a scalpel would be more effective.

I'd rather have candidates with no political experience versus an elite class that misrepresents its constituents by allowing financial ruin. Surely, you realize that the fed is sending over 85 billion a month to wall street, for the past three years, and you're screaming over 24 billion? The sequester is merely an exercise in fantasy land in which no real cuts have taken place.....and the R's and D's cant even handle that.

That 'fantasy' of the sequester has real consequences to me. I work for the government. I have done nothing wrong, nothing political. But I haven't had a raise in salary in four years and this year, due to what you call a "fantasy", I have endured a 10% pay cut! We need leaders who understand the consequences of their actions and are able to think deeper than a sound bite or bumper sticker slogan.
Any TeaP attempt to primary McConnel will merely demonstrate how weak the purity party has become.
Not if the replacements are reckless ideologues with no political acumen. Such folks are apt to shut down the government (costing the economy some $24 billion in the bargain) and using a chainsaw to cut funding when a scalpel would be more effective.

I'd rather have candidates with no political experience versus an elite class that misrepresents its constituents by allowing financial ruin. Surely, you realize that the fed is sending over 85 billion a month to wall street, for the past three years, and you're screaming over 24 billion? The sequester is merely an exercise in fantasy land in which no real cuts have taken place.....and the R's and D's cant even handle that.

That 'fantasy' of the sequester has real consequences to me. I work for the government. I have done nothing wrong, nothing political. But I haven't had a raise in salary in four years and this year, due to what you call a "fantasy", I have endured a 10% pay cut! We need leaders who understand the consequences of their actions and are able to think deeper than a sound bite or bumper sticker slogan.

I worked for them during the 96 shutdown. I endured their ineptitude then so I understand what you are saying. However, in the overall picture, adding more to the deficit will only have dire repercussions for govt employees in the future. That's irresponsible govt. Not something that I would accept.
Mcconnell has the $ advantage but Kentucky has a lot of reactionary rw voters who'll still vote for someone else because they do what Koch/Heritage tells them to.
Oh she'll lose to McConnell, but will McConnell be primaried. And more likely will guys like Portman, Ayotte and Kirk lose to democrats as the gop is perceived more as a TPM party. If guys like McConnell, Graham, Cochran and Alexander can't survive in very to pretty much red states, the party will be shoved rightward. And polls don't show that to be a good natl strategy.

McConnell will likely retain his Senate seat.
Way back in 1973 the Democrat Party began to purge the pragmatic, the responsible, the centrist in favor of the radical Left. That action made the Democrat Party basically irrelevant for the next decade. Only public outrage over Watergate made the election of Jimmy Carter possible.

Today the Tea Party faction is purging the pragmatic, the responsible, the centrists from the Republican ranks. They are doing so through the back door: the primary elections. They know that as aroused activists, they can turn out the vote in May in order to get their candidate on November's ballot.

Is this purge a worthy cause? It is if what you desire is elected officials doing nothing but obstruct, destroy and sabotage the federal government. For you see, the Tea Party isn't interested in electing legislators to govern. Ideology drives the Tea Party. It's as if they are hijackers and after they take over the plane, they don't know how to fly it, but elect to crash it into whatever is handy just to destroy the plane, regardless of whoever else might be on it at the time.

And that ideology will erode public confidence in the Tea Party to get anything done and thus render the GOP irrelevant until the right leader (that's LEADER, not Ideologue) comes along.

Too bad the radical left won in the long run.
Not if the replacements are reckless ideologues with no political acumen. Such folks are apt to shut down the government (costing the economy some $24 billion in the bargain) and using a chainsaw to cut funding when a scalpel would be more effective.

I'd rather have candidates with no political experience versus an elite class that misrepresents its constituents by allowing financial ruin. Surely, you realize that the fed is sending over 85 billion a month to wall street, for the past three years, and you're screaming over 24 billion? The sequester is merely an exercise in fantasy land in which no real cuts have taken place.....and the R's and D's cant even handle that.

That 'fantasy' of the sequester has real consequences to me. I work for the government. I have done nothing wrong, nothing political. But I haven't had a raise in salary in four years and this year, due to what you call a "fantasy", I have endured a 10% pay cut! We need leaders who understand the consequences of their actions and are able to think deeper than a sound bite or bumper sticker slogan.

have you ever considered going out to get another job?
I'd rather have candidates with no political experience versus an elite class that misrepresents its constituents by allowing financial ruin. Surely, you realize that the fed is sending over 85 billion a month to wall street, for the past three years, and you're screaming over 24 billion? The sequester is merely an exercise in fantasy land in which no real cuts have taken place.....and the R's and D's cant even handle that.

That 'fantasy' of the sequester has real consequences to me. I work for the government. I have done nothing wrong, nothing political. But I haven't had a raise in salary in four years and this year, due to what you call a "fantasy", I have endured a 10% pay cut! We need leaders who understand the consequences of their actions and are able to think deeper than a sound bite or bumper sticker slogan.

have you ever considered going out to get another job?
I'm 56, have twenty years at this position and I'm planning to retire in 10 years.
That 'fantasy' of the sequester has real consequences to me. I work for the government. I have done nothing wrong, nothing political. But I haven't had a raise in salary in four years and this year, due to what you call a "fantasy", I have endured a 10% pay cut! We need leaders who understand the consequences of their actions and are able to think deeper than a sound bite or bumper sticker slogan.

have you ever considered going out to get another job?
I'm 56, have twenty years at this position and I'm planning to retire in 10 years.

Translation: I have few real skills and no motivation. iow, I am a perfect Democrat voter.

Back to the OP: We are seeing a reaction against "business as usual" Republicans. People have screamed long enough that there are no real differences between the parties. In many cases they are right. I've seen complaints about "ideologically motivated" candidates, like it is something bad. There have been no more ideologically motivated candidates and reps than teh Democrats, starting with Obama. It is a question of whose ideology one prefers.
I prefer an ideology that says The Federal Gov't is too big, too expensive, tries to do too much, and in the process destroys the basic foundations of this country. Time to prune it back to something resembling what the Founders had in mind.
That 'fantasy' of the sequester has real consequences to me. I work for the government. I have done nothing wrong, nothing political. But I haven't had a raise in salary in four years and this year, due to what you call a "fantasy", I have endured a 10% pay cut! We need leaders who understand the consequences of their actions and are able to think deeper than a sound bite or bumper sticker slogan.

have you ever considered going out to get another job?
I'm 56, have twenty years at this position and I'm planning to retire in 10 years.

Ok, now tell me where in the constitution does it guarantee federal workers raises and jobs for life? If we can't afford the current size of the federal government, should we be obligated to keep paying you, even if we don't really need you doing what you are doing?
Way back in 1973 the Democrat Party began to purge the pragmatic, the responsible, the centrist in favor of the radical Left. That action made the Democrat Party basically irrelevant for the next decade. Only public outrage over Watergate made the election of Jimmy Carter possible.

Today the Tea Party faction is purging the pragmatic, the responsible, the centrists from the Republican ranks. They are doing so through the back door: the primary elections. They know that as aroused activists, they can turn out the vote in May in order to get their candidate on November's ballot.

Is this purge a worthy cause? It is if what you desire is elected officials doing nothing but obstruct, destroy and sabotage the federal government. For you see, the Tea Party isn't interested in electing legislators to govern. Ideology drives the Tea Party. It's as if they are hijackers and after they take over the plane, they don't know how to fly it, but elect to crash it into whatever is handy just to destroy the plane, regardless of whoever else might be on it at the time.

And that ideology will erode public confidence in the Tea Party to get anything done and thus render the GOP irrelevant until the right leader (that's LEADER, not Ideologue) comes along.

Purging representatives who aren't accountable and responsible ie endless wars, social engineering, entitlements, never ending spending etc...., is what a sane country would do.
Not if the replacements are reckless ideologues with no political acumen. Such folks are apt to shut down the government (costing the economy some $24 billion in the bargain) and using a chainsaw to cut funding when a scalpel would be more effective.

What scalpel? Politicians both dem and repubs only increase spending. That's why we have a 17trillion debt. We need the TEA PARTY to put some common sense back into our spending. Neither d's or r's have any plans to curtail spending while knowing it can't go on much longer. I think the politicians in both party's plan on spending as long as they can then retire and let the future generations deal with an unmanageable debt.

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