Like a boil; you have to suffer until its ready for the lance

Purging representatives who aren't accountable and responsible ie endless wars, social engineering, entitlements, never ending spending etc...., is what a sane country would do.
Not if the replacements are reckless ideologues with no political acumen. Such folks are apt to shut down the government (costing the economy some $24 billion in the bargain) and using a chainsaw to cut funding when a scalpel would be more effective.

What scalpel? Politicians both dem and repubs only increase spending. That's why we have a 17trillion debt. We need the TEA PARTY to put some common sense back into our spending. Neither d's or r's have any plans to curtail spending while knowing it can't go on much longer. I think the politicians in both party's plan on spending as long as they can then retire and let the future generations deal with an unmanageable debt.

If your premise is there's no difference between McConnell and Graham on entitlements and Pelosi, you are wrong. If you think you can win natl elections on even Paul Ryan's budget of 2012, you are also wrong. The conservative choice is between accomodation and annihilation.
have you ever considered going out to get another job?
I'm 56, have twenty years at this position and I'm planning to retire in 10 years.

Ok, now tell me where in the constitution does it guarantee federal workers raises and jobs for life? If we can't afford the current size of the federal government, should we be obligated to keep paying you, even if we don't really need you doing what you are doing?
I don't expect a job for life. I do expect to be treated with the same level of respect as any other worker. If you think you don't need what I'm doing, ask an insurance adjuster or a victim of an earthquake or mud slide. Ask them if building standards are something we need. Because that's what I do. I make sure that our construction standards are just a little bit better than the mud huts found in third world.

Should other workers with 20 years tenure be afforded salary raises, or is a raise in salary something only those who make money in the stock market worthy of? Why would you want to erode the middle class?
I'm 56, have twenty years at this position and I'm planning to retire in 10 years.

Ok, now tell me where in the constitution does it guarantee federal workers raises and jobs for life? If we can't afford the current size of the federal government, should we be obligated to keep paying you, even if we don't really need you doing what you are doing?
I don't expect a job for life. I do expect to be treated with the same level of respect as any other worker. If you think you don't need what I'm doing, ask an insurance adjuster or a victim of an earthquake or mud slide. Ask them if building standards are something we need. Because that's what I do. I make sure that our construction standards are just a little bit better than the mud huts found in third world.

Should other workers with 20 years tenure be afforded salary raises, or is a raise in salary something only those who make money in the stock market worthy of? Why would you want to erode the middle class?

Because builders have plenty of incentive to build unsafe structures, right?

Workers with 20 years' experience (wtf is "tenure" in private enterprise??) should get raises only if they represent more value to their employer than they did previously.
Ok, now tell me where in the constitution does it guarantee federal workers raises and jobs for life? If we can't afford the current size of the federal government, should we be obligated to keep paying you, even if we don't really need you doing what you are doing?
I don't expect a job for life. I do expect to be treated with the same level of respect as any other worker. If you think you don't need what I'm doing, ask an insurance adjuster or a victim of an earthquake or mud slide. Ask them if building standards are something we need. Because that's what I do. I make sure that our construction standards are just a little bit better than the mud huts found in third world.

Should other workers with 20 years tenure be afforded salary raises, or is a raise in salary something only those who make money in the stock market worthy of? Why would you want to erode the middle class?

Because builders have plenty of incentive to build unsafe structures, right?

Workers with 20 years' experience (wtf is "tenure" in private enterprise??) should get raises only if they represent more value to their employer than they did previously.
Builders will cut corners to save costs. Should they be allowed to pour an inferior grade of concrete in a foundation? Should they be allowed to install wiring that will not safely carry the electrical load? Should they cut corners by installing studs farther apart than 16" on center? They can save money on concrete, wiring and lumber, but does that make for a building that will be safe and insurable?

And why shou7ldn't I enjoy a similar standard of living as any other middle class taxpayer? I still have bills and taxes to pay. Or do you see the public sector as more workers to exploit?
have you ever considered going out to get another job?
I'm 56, have twenty years at this position and I'm planning to retire in 10 years.

Ok, now tell me where in the constitution does it guarantee federal workers raises and jobs for life? If we can't afford the current size of the federal government, should we be obligated to keep paying you, even if we don't really need you doing what you are doing?

Considering the work force is the lowest in more than a decade, the problem is not the workers, Marty. It's DoD and corporate subsidies. The former must be downsized by 30% in ten years, saving $3 trillion and the latter simply cut out, saving $1 trillion.
I don't expect a job for life. I do expect to be treated with the same level of respect as any other worker. If you think you don't need what I'm doing, ask an insurance adjuster or a victim of an earthquake or mud slide. Ask them if building standards are something we need. Because that's what I do. I make sure that our construction standards are just a little bit better than the mud huts found in third world.

Should other workers with 20 years tenure be afforded salary raises, or is a raise in salary something only those who make money in the stock market worthy of? Why would you want to erode the middle class?

Because builders have plenty of incentive to build unsafe structures, right?

Workers with 20 years' experience (wtf is "tenure" in private enterprise??) should get raises only if they represent more value to their employer than they did previously.
Builders will cut corners to save costs. Should they be allowed to pour an inferior grade of concrete in a foundation? Should they be allowed to install wiring that will not safely carry the electrical load? Should they cut corners by installing studs farther apart than 16" on center? They can save money on concrete, wiring and lumber, but does that make for a building that will be safe and insurable?

And why shou7ldn't I enjoy a similar standard of living as any other middle class taxpayer? I still have bills and taxes to pay. Or do you see the public sector as more workers to exploit?

Remember that The Rabbi sees nothing wrong with child labor if he could get away with it.
I don't expect a job for life. I do expect to be treated with the same level of respect as any other worker. If you think you don't need what I'm doing, ask an insurance adjuster or a victim of an earthquake or mud slide. Ask them if building standards are something we need. Because that's what I do. I make sure that our construction standards are just a little bit better than the mud huts found in third world.

Should other workers with 20 years tenure be afforded salary raises, or is a raise in salary something only those who make money in the stock market worthy of? Why would you want to erode the middle class?

Because builders have plenty of incentive to build unsafe structures, right?

Workers with 20 years' experience (wtf is "tenure" in private enterprise??) should get raises only if they represent more value to their employer than they did previously.
Builders will cut corners to save costs. Should they be allowed to pour an inferior grade of concrete in a foundation? Should they be allowed to install wiring that will not safely carry the electrical load? Should they cut corners by installing studs farther apart than 16" on center? They can save money on concrete, wiring and lumber, but does that make for a building that will be safe and insurable?

And why shou7ldn't I enjoy a similar standard of living as any other middle class taxpayer? I still have bills and taxes to pay. Or do you see the public sector as more workers to exploit?

Everyone will cut costs to the point it affects his business. Relying on the market and private sources of information will be much more effective than some gov't paid flunky who can be bought off.

What makes you think you are owed any standard of living at all? You have this job because it was the best one you could get under the circumstances. Perhaps you are exploiting the taxpayers, not vice versa?
Because builders have plenty of incentive to build unsafe structures, right?

Workers with 20 years' experience (wtf is "tenure" in private enterprise??) should get raises only if they represent more value to their employer than they did previously.
Builders will cut corners to save costs. Should they be allowed to pour an inferior grade of concrete in a foundation? Should they be allowed to install wiring that will not safely carry the electrical load? Should they cut corners by installing studs farther apart than 16" on center? They can save money on concrete, wiring and lumber, but does that make for a building that will be safe and insurable?

And why shou7ldn't I enjoy a similar standard of living as any other middle class taxpayer? I still have bills and taxes to pay. Or do you see the public sector as more workers to exploit?

Everyone will cut costs to the point it affects his business. Relying on the market and private sources of information will be much more effective than some gov't paid flunky who can be bought off.

What makes you think you are owed any standard of living at all? You have this job because it was the best one you could get under the circumstances. Perhaps you are exploiting the taxpayers, not vice versa?
No one will write a policy on new construction until it has been signed off. That's the way of the market. I resent your implication that I am bribable.

Also this is not the best job under the circumstances. I used to perfume environmental engineering services for clients around the world. I got burned out living out of a suitcase. I wanted to enjoy the house I had been making mortgage payments on and I no longer wanted to be out of town when the family needed me the most. You make a lot of snarky assumptions so I can only conclude that you are basically immature or calloused beyond repair.
Builders will cut corners to save costs. Should they be allowed to pour an inferior grade of concrete in a foundation? Should they be allowed to install wiring that will not safely carry the electrical load? Should they cut corners by installing studs farther apart than 16" on center? They can save money on concrete, wiring and lumber, but does that make for a building that will be safe and insurable?

And why shou7ldn't I enjoy a similar standard of living as any other middle class taxpayer? I still have bills and taxes to pay. Or do you see the public sector as more workers to exploit?

Everyone will cut costs to the point it affects his business. Relying on the market and private sources of information will be much more effective than some gov't paid flunky who can be bought off.

What makes you think you are owed any standard of living at all? You have this job because it was the best one you could get under the circumstances. Perhaps you are exploiting the taxpayers, not vice versa?
No one will write a policy on new construction until it has been signed off. That's the way of the market. I resent your implication that I am bribable.

Also this is not the best job under the circumstances. I used to perfume environmental engineering services for clients around the world. I got burned out living out of a suitcase. I wanted to enjoy the house I had been making mortgage payments on and I no longer wanted to be out of town when the family needed me the most. You make a lot of snarky assumptions so I can only conclude that you are basically immature or calloused beyond repair.

No, I was spot on. Your job was the best you cpuld get under the circumstance. The circumstance included your desire not to travel. One looks at "total compensation" which includes all the non-financial factors.
I did not imply you were bribable. But dont tell me bribes never occur among inspectors.
But you failed to explain why the municipality owes you a living.
Everyone will cut costs to the point it affects his business. Relying on the market and private sources of information will be much more effective than some gov't paid flunky who can be bought off.

What makes you think you are owed any standard of living at all? You have this job because it was the best one you could get under the circumstances. Perhaps you are exploiting the taxpayers, not vice versa?
No one will write a policy on new construction until it has been signed off. That's the way of the market. I resent your implication that I am bribable.

Also this is not the best job under the circumstances. I used to perfume environmental engineering services for clients around the world. I got burned out living out of a suitcase. I wanted to enjoy the house I had been making mortgage payments on and I no longer wanted to be out of town when the family needed me the most. You make a lot of snarky assumptions so I can only conclude that you are basically immature or calloused beyond repair.

No, I was spot on. Your job was the best you cpuld get under the circumstance. The circumstance included your desire not to travel. One looks at "total compensation" which includes all the non-financial factors.
I did not imply you were bribable. But dont tell me bribes never occur among inspectors.
But you failed to explain why the municipality owes you a living.
The municipality owes me for services rendered. I should be afforded the same level of respect as any private sector worker. Just because I draw a public sector paycheck, should my job, or a policeman's job or a teacher's job be a political football for the likes of you? What makes your job so insulated and secure but public sector workers have to sweat out the whims of idiots and shallow thinkers?
No one will write a policy on new construction until it has been signed off. That's the way of the market. I resent your implication that I am bribable.

Also this is not the best job under the circumstances. I used to perfume environmental engineering services for clients around the world. I got burned out living out of a suitcase. I wanted to enjoy the house I had been making mortgage payments on and I no longer wanted to be out of town when the family needed me the most. You make a lot of snarky assumptions so I can only conclude that you are basically immature or calloused beyond repair.

No, I was spot on. Your job was the best you cpuld get under the circumstance. The circumstance included your desire not to travel. One looks at "total compensation" which includes all the non-financial factors.
I did not imply you were bribable. But dont tell me bribes never occur among inspectors.
But you failed to explain why the municipality owes you a living.
The municipality owes me for services rendered. I should be afforded the same level of respect as any private sector worker. Just because I draw a public sector paycheck, should my job, or a policeman's job or a teacher's job be a political football for the likes of you? What makes your job so insulated and secure but public sector workers have to sweat out the whims of idiots and shallow thinkers?

Yes, the owe you for the job that you do. No one owes you any given level of income or benefits, however.
Glad we got that straightened out.
That said, your job is probably expendable.

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