Like a Rolling Stone


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Fake news just keeps on keeping on.

Why the Media Keep Publishing Fiction

I once taught a whole college seminar on how Rolling Stone got took.

And now Rolling Stone has done it again. Maybe I’ll expand that seminar to a full semester — because the lessons of the journalistic crimes of Rolling Stone are applicable to much more than Rolling Stone.

The venerable pop-music magazine, which not long ago had to retract a splashy story about a vicious gang rape that never happened, has now been obliged to issue a correction — this should be a prelude to retraction — for a story about how gunshot victims wheeled into hospitals in rural Oklahoma are being left to bleed and groan in agony because the emergency rooms are overrun by cases of ivermectin poisoning. As with the infamous rape case, this is a culturally electric event that . . . did not actually happen: “Rolling Stone,” the correction reads, “has been unable to independently verify any such cases as of the time of this update.” There is a reason Rolling Stone has been unable to independently identify any such cases: There are no such cases.

More from the correction:

The National Poison Data System states there were 459 reported cases of ivermectin overdose in the United States in August. Oklahoma-specific ivermectin overdose figures are not available, but the count is unlikely to be a significant factor in hospital bed availability in a state that, per the CDC, currently has a 7-day average of 1,528 Covid-19 hospitalizations.

The most important word in this story is not “ivermectin” — it is “Oklahoma.” Because you know who lives in Oklahoma — Joe Rogan fans.

The story turns out to have been based on the claims of one doctor — claims that Rolling Stone never checked. Why? Because the story is about (1) ivermectin, and, more important, (2) Oklahoma.

More correction:

The doctor is affiliated with a medical staffing group that serves multiple hospitals in Oklahoma. Following widespread publication of his statements, one hospital that the doctor’s group serves, NHS Sequoyah, said its ER has not treated any ivermectin overdoses and that it has not had to turn away anyone seeking care.

Another journalistic Hindenburg goes down in flames at Rolling Stone — oh, the buffoonery.​

Fake news just keeps on keeping on.

Why the Media Keep Publishing Fiction
I once taught a whole college seminar on how Rolling Stone got took.​
And now Rolling Stone has done it again. Maybe I’ll expand that seminar to a full semester — because the lessons of the journalistic crimes of Rolling Stone are applicable to much more than Rolling Stone.​
The venerable pop-music magazine, which not long ago had to retract a splashy story about a vicious gang rape that never happened, has now been obliged to issue a correction — this should be a prelude to retraction — for a story about how gunshot victims wheeled into hospitals in rural Oklahoma are being left to bleed and groan in agony because the emergency rooms are overrun by cases of ivermectin poisoning. As with the infamous rape case, this is a culturally electric event that . . . did not actually happen: “Rolling Stone,” the correction reads, “has been unable to independently verify any such cases as of the time of this update.” There is a reason Rolling Stone has been unable to independently identify any such cases: There are no such cases.
More from the correction:​
The most important word in this story is not “ivermectin” — it is “Oklahoma.” Because you know who lives in Oklahoma — Joe Rogan fans.​
The story turns out to have been based on the claims of one doctor — claims that Rolling Stone never checked. Why? Because the story is about (1) ivermectin, and, more important, (2) Oklahoma.​
More correction:​
Another journalistic Hindenburg goes down in flames at Rolling Stone — oh, the buffoonery.​

The Democrat Death Cult, deranged and driven by hate, will believe ANYTHING as long as it targets the people they wish to destroy - namely half of all Americans.

They are more dangerous than Nazis.
The pop-rag "Rolling Stone" magazine supports the same liberal agenda as the democrat party and as such will never be openly criticized in the like minded media. Like the lifestyles of their pop-culture heroes, getting caught in a lie (rehab) means never having to say you're sorry.
The pop-rag "Rolling Stone" magazine supports the same liberal agenda as the democrat party and as such will never be openly criticized in the like minded media. Like the lifestyles of their pop-culture heroes, getting caught in a lie (rehab) means never having to say you're sorry.

Pop rag nailed it
Fake news just keeps on keeping on.

Why the Media Keep Publishing Fiction
I once taught a whole college seminar on how Rolling Stone got took.​
And now Rolling Stone has done it again. Maybe I’ll expand that seminar to a full semester — because the lessons of the journalistic crimes of Rolling Stone are applicable to much more than Rolling Stone.​
The venerable pop-music magazine, which not long ago had to retract a splashy story about a vicious gang rape that never happened, has now been obliged to issue a correction — this should be a prelude to retraction — for a story about how gunshot victims wheeled into hospitals in rural Oklahoma are being left to bleed and groan in agony because the emergency rooms are overrun by cases of ivermectin poisoning. As with the infamous rape case, this is a culturally electric event that . . . did not actually happen: “Rolling Stone,” the correction reads, “has been unable to independently verify any such cases as of the time of this update.” There is a reason Rolling Stone has been unable to independently identify any such cases: There are no such cases.
More from the correction:​
The most important word in this story is not “ivermectin” — it is “Oklahoma.” Because you know who lives in Oklahoma — Joe Rogan fans.​
The story turns out to have been based on the claims of one doctor — claims that Rolling Stone never checked. Why? Because the story is about (1) ivermectin, and, more important, (2) Oklahoma.​
More correction:​
Another journalistic Hindenburg goes down in flames at Rolling Stone — oh, the buffoonery.​

I agree on your take of Rolling Stone. But Ivermectin was discovered in 1975 and is approved for use in humans to treat infections caused by some parasitic worms, head lice and skin conditions such as rosacea. When taken in appropriate, prescribed doses it can be highly effective and is included in the World Health Organization's list of essential medicines. It must of went over my head what one has to do with the other.
Fake news just keeps on keeping on.

Why the Media Keep Publishing Fiction
I once taught a whole college seminar on how Rolling Stone got took.​
And now Rolling Stone has done it again. Maybe I’ll expand that seminar to a full semester — because the lessons of the journalistic crimes of Rolling Stone are applicable to much more than Rolling Stone.​
The venerable pop-music magazine, which not long ago had to retract a splashy story about a vicious gang rape that never happened, has now been obliged to issue a correction — this should be a prelude to retraction — for a story about how gunshot victims wheeled into hospitals in rural Oklahoma are being left to bleed and groan in agony because the emergency rooms are overrun by cases of ivermectin poisoning. As with the infamous rape case, this is a culturally electric event that . . . did not actually happen: “Rolling Stone,” the correction reads, “has been unable to independently verify any such cases as of the time of this update.” There is a reason Rolling Stone has been unable to independently identify any such cases: There are no such cases.
More from the correction:​
The most important word in this story is not “ivermectin” — it is “Oklahoma.” Because you know who lives in Oklahoma — Joe Rogan fans.​
The story turns out to have been based on the claims of one doctor — claims that Rolling Stone never checked. Why? Because the story is about (1) ivermectin, and, more important, (2) Oklahoma.​
More correction:​
Another journalistic Hindenburg goes down in flames at Rolling Stone — oh, the buffoonery.​

This is one of the reasons I look down on the left. They are SO easy to dupe, their claims shouldn't be given ANY amount of credibility, unless and until they can produce proof that a reasonably intelligent person will accept. So far they're batting fucking zero.
The Democrat Death Cult, deranged and driven by hate, will believe ANYTHING as long as it targets the people they wish to destroy - namely half of all Americans.

They are more dangerous than Nazis.

Unfortunately, too many Americans are not smart enuff to realize this yet!
And, may never be.
Fake news just keeps on keeping on.

Why the Media Keep Publishing Fiction
I once taught a whole college seminar on how Rolling Stone got took.​
And now Rolling Stone has done it again. Maybe I’ll expand that seminar to a full semester — because the lessons of the journalistic crimes of Rolling Stone are applicable to much more than Rolling Stone.​
He could teach two full semesters on Fox News's lies. :lol:
This is one of the reasons I look down on the left. They are SO easy to dupe, their claims shouldn't be given ANY amount of credibility, unless and until they can produce proof that a reasonably intelligent person will accept. So far they're batting fucking zero.
I know what you mean!


Americans are dropping like flies after taking the Kung Flu vaccine.

The Covid vaccine alters your DNA.

Covid is no worse than the flu.

Covid is a hoax.

Only 9 people have died from Covid.*

“Cheese pizza” is Democrat code for child pornography.

Jewish space lasers started the fires in California.

Democratic leaders should be executed.

As of September 2015, Crooked Hillary had only six months to live.


Sleepy Joe Biden will be determined to be too far mentally gone to continue in office within his first six months in the White House and Phony Kamala Harris will take over.

The Italian defense, security and aerospace company Leonardo SpA used military satellites to change votes for Trump to votes for Biden.

Deceased Venezuelan Marxist Hugo Chavez rigged Dominion voting machines to change Trump votes to Biden votes.

Donald Trump will be reinstated in the White House in August.

The DNC servers are in Ukraine.

Windmill noise causes cancer.

Trump won the 2020 election.

Deep State! Deep State!

ObaMao is a Muslim. We know this because he attended the Trinity United Church of Christ for decades and killed more Muslims than any other president, including the Muslim responsible for the greatest attack on America since Pearl Harbor.

President Trump is facing down a shadowy cabal of Democratic pedophiles, including Crooked Hillary, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, John Podesta, and other high-ranking Democrats.

Barack Obama was born in Kenya. We know this because there is zero evidence his mother ever visited there.

Deep State! Deep State!

Jeffrey Epstein was killed by Bill Clinton.

Every God-fearing American knows it is okay to cheat on your hot third wife as long as it is with a horse-faced whore who sells her body for money. After all, she has big fake tits and there’s a verse in the Bible somewhere about that being a loophole.

If you are a Christian who loves and observes the Holy Bible, it is entirely sensible to sell your mind, body, and eternal soul to a thoroughly unrepentant, thrice married, serial adulterer and pathological liar who bears false witness against others on practically a daily basis. Every good Christian must back an unapologetic con artist who made his fortune by exploiting every human weakness with gambling houses, contests of the flesh, and a reality TV show, and robbed the elderly through a fake university. It is also incumbent upon you to slander every other Republican candidate who you once vociferously supported. Because the Republican Party is the party of Family Values.

Lyin’ Ted Cruz's dad was complicit in the assassination of JFK.

Deep State! Deep State!

It is the epitome of honesty to constantly whine aloud about Obama’s spending as he cut the deficit by more than half, and then be completely silent as Trump and the GOP Congress doubled the deficit in his first two years, because the Republican Party is the party of small government.

Anyone who lies has no credibility. Except Trump.

It is everyone’s job to meekly fall in line with Trump’s claim Saddam never had WMDs, after you spent 12 years claiming Saddam did have WMDs.

It’s okay to still vote for Trump if he commits murder on Fifth Avenue. What the hell, he’s broken all the other Commandments thousands of times, what’s one more?

Obummer used a “Muslim prayer curtain” as a backdrop in the East Room for public appearances.




These, and other batshit insane beliefs, are ricocheting around the inside of the skulls of Trump and his supporters.

*Two people on this forum actually made this claim in the past week. I shit you not. God help us all.
Rolling Stone panned.

Led Zeppelin, 'Led Zeppelin' (1969)​

Black Sabbath, 'Black Sabbath' (1970)​

Neil Young, 'Harvest' (1972)​

The Rolling Stones, 'Exile on Main Street' (1972)​

AC/DC, 'High Voltage' (1976)​

They couldn't even get music something they are suppossed to be expert in right no reason to think they would get anything not music related right.

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