Like I've always told you, don't hold your breath...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

I've never had respect for Bill Barr, he was always a Nutria as far as I am concerned. He has always been an enemy of the Second Amendment, which as far as I'm concerned makes him an enemy of the entire Constitution. He has done NOTHING to prosecute a single one of the DC sociopaths that have interfered with the executive administration for the last 3+ years. He has done nothing to investigate the massive corruption of the entire DC establishment and expose the sociopaths who govern the sheep of this country.

To be honest I don't know who would. Of the few political whores I have any respect for, such as Ted Cruz, I have to wonder if even he would begin to unravel just how fucked up our government has become.

The Constitution is fine, the system of government does not need a lot to be fixed. It's the pieces of shit governing us that need to be thrown out of helicopters. If Trump submitted me a set of Orders I would report to Flight School in 24 hours and help make it happen.

These lifelong Feds are looking out for their careers. They know if a Dem gets in the White House again they will get fired. That’s why they play both sides, but usually more towards the left since they are more vindictive.
These lifelong Feds are looking out for their careers. They know if a Dem gets in the White House again they will get fired. That’s why they play both sides, but usually more towards the left since they are more vindictive.
Barr will never work for the government again and he knows it.
I heard the statement and Trump said "I don't know that he made that statement, I would be very disappointed in him," Trump said on "The Rush Limbaugh Show." He didn't say he was disappointed in him, only that IF he said that he would be.

Sounds like the media is trying to start more crap.

I've never had respect for Bill Barr, he was always a Nutria as far as I am concerned. He has always been an enemy of the Second Amendment, which as far as I'm concerned makes him an enemy of the entire Constitution. He has done NOTHING to prosecute a single one of the DC sociopaths that have interfered with the executive administration for the last 3+ years. He has done nothing to investigate the massive corruption of the entire DC establishment and expose the sociopaths who govern the sheep of this country.

To be honest I don't know who would. Of the few political whores I have any respect for, such as Ted Cruz, I have to wonder if even he would begin to unravel just how fucked up our government has become.

The Constitution is fine, the system of government does not need a lot to be fixed. It's the pieces of shit governing us that need to be thrown out of helicopters. If Trump submitted me a set of Orders I would report to Flight School in 24 hours and help make it happen.

To say that Barr ". . has done NOTHING to prosecute a single one of the DC sociopaths that have interfered with the executive administration for the last 3+ years would be entirely false. Barr has stood on his head and done everything he can possibly do to find enough evidence and bring prosecutions of everyone involved.

The only evidence of any wrong doing they found was that FBI drone who changed the email exhibit on the Carter Page FISA app, a crime that had absolutely no bearing on whether or not the application was granted or renewed. They nailed his ass to the wall on that one. Yes, he deserved to be fired, but jailed? It's like using a elephant gun to kill a gnat.

Barr has convened two grand juries, both of which refused to indict anyone. The judge in one of the cases told him to shit or get off the pot - charge or dismiss, his case against Andrew McCabe, after a year without Barr providing any evidence of any crimes that McCabe could be indicted for. You lot got all excited and twittery when he convened those GJ's. One has been disbanded, and we've heard crickets from the other.

Barr travelled all over the world, talking to the security and intel agencies in numerous countries, including Great Britain, Italy, and the Netherlands, seeking evidence against the Obama era officials responsible for the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. Barr issued breathless press releases at every stop on Bill Barr's Eurpean Vacation. He and Durham would be issuing charges when he got home. He's been home for over a year now. No charges so far.

The Inspector General reported that the investigation of the Trump Campaign's ties to Russia was properly constituted based on the evidence in their possession. The investigation was properly conducted in a non-partisan manner. The Campaign was not spied upon, regardless of what Barr and Trump claimed. The only "malfeasance" was the FBI drone's messing with an email on the Carter Page FISA app, which had no material effect on the outcome.

Barr expressed outrage at the findings and promised that the Durham would have a much different conclusion. Trump fired the IG.

The Huber Investigation of All Things Hillary handed in its report last September, just as the Ukraine mess was heating up. Huber cleared Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundations of any wrong doing including her emails, donations to the Foundation, and allegated of corruption and bribery.

The Chuck Grassley, had the Senate investigate Hillary's emails because he was convinced that "Comey let her off". Grassley issued his report around the same time as Huber, also exonerating HIllary, and Mike Pompeo's 2 year investigation of all things Hillary at the State Department admonished several staffers for sending emails to her private server, but completely exonerated Clinton of any wrong doing.

You can't indict someone if they haven't committed any crimes and you don''t have any evidence that they have. The USA is not a banana republic. The dictator's word is not law. In the USA, Donald Trump can't throw his enemies in jail just because he doesn't like them, or he's afraid he'll lose the election, like Putin does. The USA is not yet a dictatorship. And god willing, it never will be.

I've never had respect for Bill Barr, he was always a Nutria as far as I am concerned. He has always been an enemy of the Second Amendment, which as far as I'm concerned makes him an enemy of the entire Constitution. He has done NOTHING to prosecute a single one of the DC sociopaths that have interfered with the executive administration for the last 3+ years. He has done nothing to investigate the massive corruption of the entire DC establishment and expose the sociopaths who govern the sheep of this country.

To be honest I don't know who would. Of the few political whores I have any respect for, such as Ted Cruz, I have to wonder if even he would begin to unravel just how fucked up our government has become.

The Constitution is fine, the system of government does not need a lot to be fixed. It's the pieces of shit governing us that need to be thrown out of helicopters. If Trump submitted me a set of Orders I would report to Flight School in 24 hours and help make it happen.

If you are going to drain the swamp, drain it don't screw around, Trump messed up not firing Comey right on the spot when he took office. Trump's later actions should have been done in Jan 2017. Most likely all the major players in the Russia hoax mess will walk, which I figured was going to happen in the first place.
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These lifelong Feds are looking out for their careers. They know if a Dem gets in the White House again they will get fired. That’s why they play both sides, but usually more towards the left since they are more vindictive.
There is no fuckin doubt about that.

Even during the GWB Admin when he tried to fire a bunch of democrook sociopath lawyers that were actively attempting to undermine him, the democrooks and the media apparatchiks went moonbatshit as if he was throwing democrook senators out of helicopters. Which would have been an effective solution to most of the country's problems. The marxists have been working towards a collectivist global state for 150+ years. The USA has always been their greatest foe. The Czarist Russian Government was their weakest foe and when they brought it down, took it over, used it's established channels and infrastructure to legitimize themselves as a geopolitical force they had the capacity to completely infiltrate our government.

From Woodrow Wilson to FDR to LBJ, Carter, Clinton and the Meat Puppet Faggot we have witnessed America and our Constitutionally restricted government enter periods of corruption and decline. We have had to tolerate wars we had no business being involved in. We have been taxed into bankruptcy. We have been regulated to the point of complete powerlessness against petty bureaucrats and have to hire lawyers to defend ourselves as well as public advocacy companies in order to defeat them. We have more people in prison than fuckin china because we don't just kill people rather than feed them and it is all because of the democrook party.

If these assholes are EVER given the power they seek, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot, Kim Jung Ill will look like Mother Theresa. They're NOT trying to undermine the Right To Keep and Bear Arms because of "public safety". They do so to protect their own safety, but at this point I'm wondering why we have not stormed DC with pitchforks, torches and barrels of tar and feathers to run these sociopaths into the Potomac River on miles of rail. There have been so many green lights we have been sitting behind because we are people of faith in God and have to watch leftist assholes run red lights in front of us that I hope the rage shows up on Nov 3rd.
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If you are going to drain the swamp, drain it don't screw around, Trump messed up not firing Comey right on the spot when he took office. Trump's later actions should have been done in Jan 2017. Most likely all the major players in the Russia hoax mess will walk, which I figured was going to happen in the first place.

It would have been like the "De-nazifaction" of Germany, which was a goat fuck, and the "De Ba'athifiation" of Iraq which was a goat fuck. He could have gone full blown Stalin and purged a few million assholes, and I'm not saying I would oppose it at this point, but it would have led to a governmental goat fuck. I could tolerate it as long as the end result is a country that does not imprison people for petty crimes, because we should not have petty laws. We have police that shut down kids Lemonade stands now.

The soviets won and we watched MTV while they did it.
These lifelong Feds are looking out for their careers. They know if a Dem gets in the White House again they will get fired. That’s why they play both sides, but usually more towards the left since they are more vindictive.

Barr came out of retirement to take the job so he wasnt worried about his job.
What his true intentions are remains to be seen.
Kinda disappointed in him at the moment.
To say that Barr ". . has done NOTHING to prosecute a single one of the DC sociopaths that have interfered with the executive administration for the last 3+ years would be entirely false. Barr has stood on his head and done everything he can possibly do to find enough evidence and bring prosecutions of everyone involved.

BULLSHIT. It was just revealed 4 days ago what most of us already knew. Brenan should have been prosecuted along with Mueller, Strzok, Clapper and Comey years ago. Jeff Sessions was another Nutria that protected the DC snakes.

The only evidence of any wrong doing they found was that FBI drone who changed the email exhibit on the Carter Page FISA app, a crime that had absolutely no bearing on whether or not the application was granted or renewed. They nailed his ass to the wall on that one. Yes, he deserved to be fired, but jailed? It's like using a elephant gun to kill a gnat.

Your utter ignorance is why leftists manage to destroy countries, like you pathetic canucks and limies. Rather than hold high level officials to a higher standard, pieces of shit like you absolve them of their crimes as long as they promote a collectivist global agenda. You are a threat to the human gene pool.

Barr has convened two grand juries, both of which refused to indict anyone. The judge in one of the cases told him to shit or get off the pot - charge or dismiss, his case against Andrew McCabe, after a year without Barr providing any evidence of any crimes that McCabe could be indicted for. You lot got all excited and twittery when he convened those GJ's. One has been disbanded, and we've heard crickets from the other.

Thanks for confirming what I posted. Barr did nothing to to effectively prosecute people we know committed serious crimes.

Barr travelled all over the world, talking to the security and intel agencies in numerous countries, including Great Britain, Italy, and the Netherlands, seeking evidence against the Obama era officials responsible for the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. Barr issued breathless press releases at every stop on Bill Barr's Eurpean Vacation. He and Durham would be issuing charges when he got home. He's been home for over a year now. No charges so far.

Again... Thanks for confirming the fact Barr is useless at best, or a nefarious sociopath as I assert.

The Inspector General reported that the investigation of the Trump Campaign's ties to Russia was properly constituted based on the evidence in their possession. The investigation was properly conducted in a non-partisan manner. The Campaign was not spied upon, regardless of what Barr and Trump claimed. The only "malfeasance" was the FBI drone's messing with an email on the Carter Page FISA app, which had no material effect on the outcome.

Do you believe the soft steaming pile of bullshit you have written here? I'm sure you do, I'm sure you also believe in ManBearPig.


Barr expressed outrage at the findings and promised that the Durham would have a much different conclusion. Trump fired the IG.


The Huber Investigation of All Things Hillary handed in its report last September, just as the Ukraine mess was heating up. Huber cleared Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundations of any wrong doing including her emails, donations to the Foundation, and allegated of corruption and bribery.

You believe that bullshit?

The Chuck Grassley, had the Senate investigate Hillary's emails because he was convinced that "Comey let her off". Grassley issued his report around the same time as Huber, also exonerating HIllary, and Mike Pompeo's 2 year investigation of all things Hillary at the State Department admonished several staffers for sending emails to her private server, but completely exonerated Clinton of any wrong doing.


You can't indict someone if they haven't committed any crimes and you don''t have any evidence that they have. The USA is not a banana republic. The dictator's word is not law. In the USA, Donald Trump can't throw his enemies in jail just because he doesn't like them, or he's afraid he'll lose the election, like Putin does. The USA is not yet a dictatorship. And god willing, it never will be.

Prosecutors regularly indict people for political bullshit purposes. The fuckin DNC literally impeached a President for not even actually doing what Joe Biden DID DO.

BTW, WTF do you care what we do here in the US? Fix your own shithole country and get your gun rights back before you tell us WTF to do you sniveling marxist parasite. Pieces of shit like you are the reason I do not actively oppose abortion.

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