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Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Most of your Facebook friends don’t care about you and probably wouldn’t even sympathise with your problems, according to a new study.

Many people have hundreds of Facebook friends. But people can only really depend on four of them, on average, according to new research. The truth about your Facebook friends
Never been a FB'r,,,,,....really dont get those that post their entire existence there.....govt thanks you for your assistance
I've never had a Facebook account. I have dozens of friends in real life.
Meh, not a surprise to anyone who uses Facebook. We know the difference between "friends" who are interested in what you post, and friends who are there for you.

Facebook has a place and for me that place is both a family and friend connection and a place to educate and inform people on politics.
Only have family on Facebook

Easy to share pictures, etc
daughters have accounts......had the school call me one day concerned one of them might be "cutting" themselves. They had received an email from a concerned "parent" citing their facebook page. Anonymous absurd smear anyone could have written and the school thinks its worth pursuing. I quickly set them straight and then filed a police report which was passed on to the school occifer.....simply as a shot back across their bow that anymore such meddling was going to have consequences
FB has a purpose. It also has limitations like anything else. People can make friends in any reality depends on the chemistry etc. People will be there to assist as they can.
unlike myself, my sister had a load of friends, and has received a lot of support for the last 2 deaths in her family
Most of your Facebook friends don’t care about you and probably wouldn’t even sympathise with your problems, according to a new study.

Many people have hundreds of Facebook friends. But people can only really depend on four of them, on average, according to new research. The truth about your Facebook friends
Never been a FB'r,,,,,....really dont get those that post their entire existence there.....govt thanks you for your assistance

Facebook, Twitter and Message Boards are usually used to serve one person - SELF.
People are nice in hopes of people being "nice" in return the way of LIKES, responses etc. - for SELF gratification purposes....

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