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LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

He wasn't "my president", junior.

I haven't voted for a single remocrat or depublican since '94.

You should've picked up a program when you came in the door.

You may not have voted for him, but you sure get awful defensive when someone brings him up.. Just sayin'
Interesting analogy about Arizona in this thread when it comes to big Govt. The last I checked this nation was called the United States and as such a state that makes laws that are an exact mirror of Federal Law for the purpose of protecting it's own citizens and those same people that some on the left claim to support when in fact they don't. Had they been consistant they would have been out in masse protesting the Federal Govt. for the same reasons they claim to claim are at stake in Arizona. In fact when anyone supports an effort to tear down borders and look the other way and ignore Federal Law they are in fact supporting an environment that takes advantage of illegal aliens in the form of human traffic, the drug trade, and yes even murder and death. So I for one do not need to look far to understand when SEIU sends bus loads of people to Arizona from California claiming to support the hispanic community to understand that they are the very same people who take advantage of them for their own political gain.
Interesting first step, but it doesn't tackle the root of the problem and it doesn't do it in the manner that would be most effective. It is an effort doomed to fail in the long run. Here's why:

1. As detailed by the name of the problem itself, the problem of Transnational Street Gangs is a Transnational problem. Even being the biggest, baddest world power, the United States will not and cannot effectively tackle such a problem unless it leads in efforts to integrate the strategy at the regional level. In other words, this sort of program will become a piecemeal program unless there's some sort of regionally designed and implemented "Community Shield" operation stretching from California to Panama.

2. The street gang problem is indeed a threat to public safety in the US, however it is becoming a problem of national stability and survival itself in places like Mexico but especially the 'Northern Triangle' of Central America (Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras). This is where the problem can be said to originate in the late 80s and early 90s. A strategy of simply arresting and later deporting these criminals is not new, it has been occurring for 20 years, and has made the problem infinitely worse inadvertently, again, because it is not an integrated long-term strategy that takes into account the conditions under which these people are being deported.

3. Why does that matter? "It's not our problem, we just want to get them out." Well, thats one of the core parts of the issue: It is a problem, for everyone, whether in the US or Mexico, or Central America. When the first wave of mass deportations of gang members began 20 years ago, they consisted in many parts cases of people who had been for all intents and purposes become Americanized, who had never lived or only had a faint memory of their country of origin - they were in effect uprooted people, a fact which made them even more dangerous. Their gang teeth had been cut in the streets of Los Angeles, and they were now being exported, pissed off and trained, into countries with much less institutional capacity to deal with them and more corruption than the United States. They thrive and proliferate in these settings and have grown by leaps and bounds.

4. The fact is that this sort of problem is quite complex and requires complex solutions, adopted transnationally, to make it work. There's many contextual factors at work, of course - the poverty and the terribly low job opportunities in the migrant countries being a core both constituent parts of the problem (migration and crime). But a strategy that only tackles the problem of arresting and deporting, when fueling the problem by deporting them to weak states in which they can grow and therefore exacerbate the crime problem and encourage immigration for both economic and criminal reasons, will just continue to make this a loop: arrest, deport, come back, arrest, deport, infinitely and expensively.

The answer to the problem in one word:


It is a sad day in American if we have to depend on cheap illegal labor and illegal drugs to fix our economy. Out founding fathers must be turning over in their graves to see how we have screwed up this country and how low we have stooped. Calif is thinking about legalizing drugs to fix their economy. Reich wing nut want cheap labor for corporations for donations and democrats want cheap votes. But it’s all costing the American tax payer. Illegal aliens receive more in benefits then they contribute in federal, state or local taxes. They all do not all pay taxes and that is where the term “mattress money” comes in. And if illegal aliens contribute so much to us and our economy why do we have so little?
There is absolute no reason why we should have cheap illegal labor. Only 7 million out of 20 million illegal aliens are in the work force. What is the rest of them doing?
And if they contribute $8 billion to social security each year, how do they do that when they are low income earners and pay very little in taxes if any.(Rich Sanchez) They send $35 billion back to Mexico each year. How did they do that?
Washington and Jefferson grew hemp.

The "war" on (some) drugs has been a towering failure, which has aided and abetted the socialistic welfare state in exacerbating the problem along the southern border.

Nice try, but no cheroot.

jefferson also owned slaves. times change.

If they want to become a part of this country, they need to go home, get in line behind those already waiting and enter this country legally. And then prove they are worthy to be a citizen of this country. And if they ever commit a crime, misdemeanor or felon, they should be deported immediately, and all their assets confiscated, except their personal belongings and their anchor babies and never allowed in this country ever again. They should not be incarcerated as the expense of the American taxpayer as they are now.
American citizenship is an honor and a privilege and cannot be stolen or bought. It is earned. Immigrants of old came through Ellis Island and registered and earned the right to be citizens of this country and asked for nothing.
Illegal aliens who disrespected our laws and entered this country illegally do not deserve a path to citizenship.
Those that were arrested today in Phoenix should be deported and stripped of their citizenship, if they were given amnesty in 1986 or anchor babies. And illegal aliens are again showing disrespect for our laws and should be deported. They are not the kind of people I want to share my country with.

To buy and own property.
Open a business.
Have a drives license.
Have a social security number or tax ID number.
Arizona Law | Jan Brewer | Hannity | MediaiteJul 29, 2010 ... AZ Gov. Jan Brewer 'Will Consider Suing' The Federal Government Over Immigration Law ... but I am pretty “sure” she can sue them! ... Jon Stewart: 'Andrew Breitbart May Be The Most Honest Person In The Entire Story' ...
Arizona Law | Jan Brewer | Hannity | Mediaite

Just because some illegal aliens have been here living a lie for 20 years is no reason to excuse the fact they broke our immigration laws and have been doing so for 20 years. Criminals have eluded the law for 20 years and when caught we have brought them to justice and punished. Why should illegal aliens be any different. For 20 years they have been stealing from Americans and they need to be brought to justice and punished. Deportation.
They always use the number “20” years as an excuse for them to stay and most have been here less than 20 and maybe less then 5. Are we going to let those let those who have been here 20 years stay? I would think about it if those who have been here less than 20 years were deported. That would send a clear message to those thinking about coming.

Just because some illegal aliens have been here living a lie for 20 years is no reason to excuse the fact they broke our immigration laws and have been doing so for 20 years. Criminals have eluded the law for 20 years and when caught we have brought them to justice and punished. Why should illegal aliens be any different. For 20 years they have been stealing from Americans and they need to be brought to justice and punished. Deportation.
They always use the number “20” years as an excuse for them to stay and most have been here less than 20 and maybe less then 5. Are we going to let those let those who have been here 20 years stay? I would think about it if those who have been here less than 20 years were deported. That would send a clear message to those thinking about coming.

it all depends on how you define the crime. Does the crime occur when a person crosses the border illegally? the first day they stay past a limited time visa? or is the crime occuring every new day the person is here illegally?

The definition of what the actual crime is determines things like the statue of limitations, which can come into play with certain definitions of the crime of being here illegally.

Just because some illegal aliens have been here living a lie for 20 years is no reason to excuse the fact they broke our immigration laws and have been doing so for 20 years. Criminals have eluded the law for 20 years and when caught we have brought them to justice and punished. Why should illegal aliens be any different. For 20 years they have been stealing from Americans and they need to be brought to justice and punished. Deportation.
They always use the number “20” years as an excuse for them to stay and most have been here less than 20 and maybe less then 5. Are we going to let those let those who have been here 20 years stay? I would think about it if those who have been here less than 20 years were deported. That would send a clear message to those thinking about coming.

JUAN HUMBERTO (through translator): I've lived in this country for 15 years. I pay taxes just like any other person. I'm a homeowner. I bought a house. I also have a gardening business. I'm not robbing anyone. I'm not a criminal.

That Mexican invader was here for 15 years and is a business man. But not one word of English could he speak. Who does he do business with?

Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly . FEATURE . IMMIGRANT SANCTUARY MOVEMENT . June 15, 2007 | PBS

Just because some illegal aliens have been here living a lie for 20 years is no reason to excuse the fact they broke our immigration laws and have been doing so for 20 years. Criminals have eluded the law for 20 years and when caught we have brought them to justice and punished. Why should illegal aliens be any different. For 20 years they have been stealing from Americans and they need to be brought to justice and punished. Deportation.
They always use the number “20” years as an excuse for them to stay and most have been here less than 20 and maybe less then 5. Are we going to let those let those who have been here 20 years stay? I would think about it if those who have been here less than 20 years were deported. That would send a clear message to those thinking about coming.

it all depends on how you define the crime. Does the crime occur when a person crosses the border illegally? the first day they stay past a limited time visa? or is the crime occuring every new day the person is here illegally?

The definition of what the actual crime is determines things like the statue of limitations, which can come into play with certain definitions of the crime of being here illegally.

I do not think there is a statue of limitations of illegal immigration or not, but illegals have been deported after being here 20 years.

Just because some illegal aliens have been here living a lie for 20 years is no reason to excuse the fact they broke our immigration laws and have been doing so for 20 years. Criminals have eluded the law for 20 years and when caught we have brought them to justice and punished. Why should illegal aliens be any different. For 20 years they have been stealing from Americans and they need to be brought to justice and punished. Deportation.
They always use the number “20” years as an excuse for them to stay and most have been here less than 20 and maybe less then 5. Are we going to let those let those who have been here 20 years stay? I would think about it if those who have been here less than 20 years were deported. That would send a clear message to those thinking about coming.

it all depends on how you define the crime. Does the crime occur when a person crosses the border illegally? the first day they stay past a limited time visa? or is the crime occuring every new day the person is here illegally?

The definition of what the actual crime is determines things like the statue of limitations, which can come into play with certain definitions of the crime of being here illegally.

I do not think there is a statue of limitations of illegal immigration or not, but illegals have been deported after being here 20 years.

I have a feeling most of those 20 year plus deporatations are due to the person being arrested and convicted of something else, and then deported due to thier status, not for the crime of being here illegally itself.

Just because some illegal aliens have been here living a lie for 20 years is no reason to excuse the fact they broke our immigration laws and have been doing so for 20 years. Criminals have eluded the law for 20 years and when caught we have brought them to justice and punished. Why should illegal aliens be any different. For 20 years they have been stealing from Americans and they need to be brought to justice and punished. Deportation.
They always use the number “20” years as an excuse for them to stay and most have been here less than 20 and maybe less then 5. Are we going to let those let those who have been here 20 years stay? I would think about it if those who have been here less than 20 years were deported. That would send a clear message to those thinking about coming.

JUAN HUMBERTO (through translator): I've lived in this country for 15 years. I pay taxes just like any other person. I'm a homeowner. I bought a house. I also have a gardening business. I'm not robbing anyone. I'm not a criminal.

That Mexican invader was here for 15 years and is a business man. But not one word of English could he speak. Who does he do business with?

Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly . FEATURE . IMMIGRANT SANCTUARY MOVEMENT . June 15, 2007 | PBS
murkins. They just point and use hand gestures.Seen it a million times.
You cutty my grassy por fezory ?
You painto my fenso ameeger. ?
There are murkins down here that have been here 30 years and can barely belch out " hola".
Stupidity is not race specific.

Just because some illegal aliens have been here living a lie for 20 years is no reason to excuse the fact they broke our immigration laws and have been doing so for 20 years. Criminals have eluded the law for 20 years and when caught we have brought them to justice and punished. Why should illegal aliens be any different. For 20 years they have been stealing from Americans and they need to be brought to justice and punished. Deportation.
They always use the number “20” years as an excuse for them to stay and most have been here less than 20 and maybe less then 5. Are we going to let those let those who have been here 20 years stay? I would think about it if those who have been here less than 20 years were deported. That would send a clear message to those thinking about coming.

JUAN HUMBERTO (through translator): I've lived in this country for 15 years. I pay taxes just like any other person. I'm a homeowner. I bought a house. I also have a gardening business. I'm not robbing anyone. I'm not a criminal.

That Mexican invader was here for 15 years and is a business man. But not one word of English could he speak. Who does he do business with?

Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly . FEATURE . IMMIGRANT SANCTUARY MOVEMENT . June 15, 2007 | PBS
murkins. They just point and use hand gestures.Seen it a million times.
You cutty my grassy por fezory ?
You painto my fenso ameeger. ?
There are murkins down here that have been here 30 years and can barely belch out " hola".
Stupidity is not race specific.

I wish there was a ENGLISH to HORRIBLY DEFORMED, SOUNDS VAGUELY LIKE, ENGLISH Dictionary for people who now live in Mexican-occupied America.
It's incredible to me. I have several friends who are naturalized citizens and English is not their first language. Yet they are perfectly fluent in both languages.

I can only surmise that those that have lived here for 15 years and don't speak the language are either a: mentally retarded (obviously not the case here) or b. actively defiant toward assimilation (which would make them ineligible for citizenship, right?)

Can't think of any other reasons...

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