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LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Interesting first step, but it doesn't tackle the root of the problem and it doesn't do it in the manner that would be most effective. It is an effort doomed to fail in the long run. Here's why:

1. As detailed by the name of the problem itself, the problem of Transnational Street Gangs is a Transnational problem. Even being the biggest, baddest world power, the United States will not and cannot effectively tackle such a problem unless it leads in efforts to integrate the strategy at the regional level. In other words, this sort of program will become a piecemeal program unless there's some sort of regionally designed and implemented "Community Shield" operation stretching from California to Panama.

2. The street gang problem is indeed a threat to public safety in the US, however it is becoming a problem of national stability and survival itself in places like Mexico but especially the 'Northern Triangle' of Central America (Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras). This is where the problem can be said to originate in the late 80s and early 90s. A strategy of simply arresting and later deporting these criminals is not new, it has been occurring for 20 years, and has made the problem infinitely worse inadvertently, again, because it is not an integrated long-term strategy that takes into account the conditions under which these people are being deported.

3. Why does that matter? "It's not our problem, we just want to get them out." Well, thats one of the core parts of the issue: It is a problem, for everyone, whether in the US or Mexico, or Central America. When the first wave of mass deportations of gang members began 20 years ago, they consisted in many parts cases of people who had been for all intents and purposes become Americanized, who had never lived or only had a faint memory of their country of origin - they were in effect uprooted people, a fact which made them even more dangerous. Their gang teeth had been cut in the streets of Los Angeles, and they were now being exported, pissed off and trained, into countries with much less institutional capacity to deal with them and more corruption than the United States. They thrive and proliferate in these settings and have grown by leaps and bounds.

4. The fact is that this sort of problem is quite complex and requires complex solutions, adopted transnationally, to make it work. There's many contextual factors at work, of course - the poverty and the terribly low job opportunities in the migrant countries being a core both constituent parts of the problem (migration and crime). But a strategy that only tackles the problem of arresting and deporting, when fueling the problem by deporting them to weak states in which they can grow and therefore exacerbate the crime problem and encourage immigration for both economic and criminal reasons, will just continue to make this a loop: arrest, deport, come back, arrest, deport, infinitely and expensively.
Leadership by George Washington: Founding Fathers on Illegal Immigration and the Safety of the Republic

Historically, America has provided for lawful immigration to those who wish to live here and are willing to accept the responsibilities of citizenship. The Founding Fathers welcomed immigrants who contributed to society and who would assimilate into the culture. James Madison said he wished “to invite foreigners of merit and republican principles among us.” He recognized that “America was indebted to emigration for her settlement and prosperity,” but he wanted to exclude anyone who could not readily incorporate himself into society. George Washington felt that immigration should be limited to useful mechanics and some particular description of men and professions.

Thomas Jefferson feared that immigrants who brought different ideas and refused to assimilate would cause discord in society. He warned that “These principles, with their language, they will transmit to their children. In proportion to their numbers, they will share with us the legislation. They will infuse into it their spirit, warp and bias its direction, and tender it a heterogeneous, incoherent, distracted mass.” Such an effect would be to destabilize and fracture society.

As opposed to legal immigration, illegal immigration occurs when foreign nationals enter and/or remain in another country in violation of the law. Immigration in conformity with the laws of the United States is to be supported and encouraged, but those who break the law should not be allowed to stay. Rewarding law-breakers only encourages them to further ignore and flaunt our laws and policies.

In September 2007, Mexican President Calderón criticized the United States for cracking down on illegal immigrants, even though Mexican officials strictly enforce Mexican immigration laws. Elton Gallegly’s response was “It is our hope that in future discussions with the Mexican government, you will encourage Mexico to do its part to address illegal immigration rather than encourage their citizens to illegally enter the U.S.” Unfortunately, Mexico has a strong incentive to encourage its nationals to illegally work in the U.S., since its economy benefits greatly from the money they send back home.

Illegal immigration to the United States is a tremendous problem. It has been estimated that between 11 and 20 million illegal immigrants live here. The illegal immigrant population in 2008 was estimated by the Center for Immigration Studies to be about 11 million people. That is more than the number of legal immigrants. The majority of the illegal immigrants are from Latin America. According to a 2005 Pew Hispanic Center report, 57% of illegal immigrants were from Mexico and 24% were from other Latin American countries. According to journalist and author, Peter Brimelow, “This type of mass influx is simply too much to handle. What we've had since the disaster of the 1965 Immigration Act will take 100 years or more to absorb.” Illegal immigration is devastating local economies, schools, health care facilities, and public safety across America.
They have no right;
To be in this cournty
To work here
To be angry
To protest in our streets
To wave the American flags
For their American born children to be citizens.

What they are doing and demanding is just making more Americans more angry.
What part of “illegal” to they not understand.
They have displaced anger. If they took this kind of anger home to Mexico they would change things in Mexico for the better and not have to come here and leave their families behind.


Thank you Sheriff Arpio, thank you Gov. Jan Brewer and thank you Sen. Russell Pearce

Exactly! What don't the Liberals and Progressives understand about the word ILLEGAL??

Illegal immigration is way past securing the border. Securing the border will only make sure 20 million illegal aliens cannot leave. We have to concentrate on the inner cities that are taken over by illegal aliens, gangs, drugs and crime, sanctuary cities, kidnappings, killing or Americans and raping of American children.
Today our military need to be on the streets of phoenix and they need to be in all our cities to bring illegal aliens out of the shadows, whatever the hell that means, arrest and deport them.
If we let 20 million illegal aliens legally stay, the border can never be secured.
6,000 ICE agents nationwide cannot deal with 20 million illegals and need the help of state and local officers and the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act allows it. It allow racial profiling also.
A path to citizenship is just a pretty word for amnesty. Been that, done that and will not visit it again. There is nothing good about illegal immigration.


The 14th amendment has long served it purpose and is no longer needed. It was brought forth to ensure citizenship for newly freed slaves. Since we no longer have “newly freed slaves” the 14th amendment is no longer needed and should be eliminated. It is now being gravely mis-used to give citizenship to children of illegal aliens and American born children of illegal aliens are not newly freed slaves and the 14th amendment do not apply to them.
I am with Lindsey Graham on this one. It is no longer needed and is only an incentive for illegal aliens women to come here to drop their babies here in hope they can be anchors for them. Children here born to illegal aliens should be citizens of their parents country.
Oh gee, that would piss off those dudes in NYC that have put together a nice, high rise set of luxury, furnished apartments replete with a welcome basket for women of foreign countries to come and stay to have their anchor babies, all for a measly $5K a month.

Shit like this really does make ya sit and scratch your head and wonder, "what the fuck is wrong with this country?"
Yeah..that consitution shit..makes me really scratch my head and wonder, "what the fuck is wrong with this country"?
Yeah..that consitution shit..makes me really scratch my head and wonder, "what the fuck is wrong with this country"?

Doesn't surprise me any.... this you?

Yeah..that consitution shit..makes me really scratch my head and wonder, "what the fuck is wrong with this country"?
Schmucks like you hiding behind the Constitution is the lowest form of sanctimony there is, junior.
Yeah..that consitution shit..makes me really scratch my head and wonder, "what the fuck is wrong with this country"?
Schmucks like you hiding behind the Constitution is the lowest form of sanctimony there is, junior.

Just pointing out, your love for the constitution..Or the "piece of paper" seems to have drifted..

But then again.. I guess I was also suprised when the anti- big govt. crowd came out in support of the SB law in Arizona..

I guess I should just get used to the hypocrisy..eh?
Right...Can't argue that you yourself aren't the disingenuous phony, so you have to try to dodge, deflect and change the subject. :lol::lol::lol:
What about signs like this?:

Oh..We support the constitution!!!
......Except for the part that gives the brown babies a chance at the american dream..
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He wasn't "my president", junior.

I haven't voted for a single remocrat or depublican since '94.

You should've picked up a program when you came in the door.

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