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LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

E.J. Montini is a columnist for The Arizona Republic
.Racial profiling legal says AZ prof

One of the go-to experts in the SB 1070 debate has been Professor Gabriel Chin at the University of Arizona.

In Tuesday’s Washington Post, Chin and University of California Davis Professor Kevin Johnson argue that the U.S. Supreme Court and the Arizona State Supreme Court have allowed racial profiling when it comes to immigration enforcement. (Read their essay here.)
azcentral.com blogs - E.J. Montini's Columns & Blog - EJMontini - Racial profiling legal says AZ prof
Who cares what a couple of socialists from a couple of socialist brainwashing school think? The bill specifically prohibited profiling. But that was too much. The obama admin got embarrassed and filed a lawsuit to save face.
What does the Bible say about illegal immigration?
What does the Bible say about illegal immigration?

The vast majority of illegal immigrants in the United States have come for the purpose of having a better life, providing for their families, and escaping from poverty. These are good goals and motivations. However, it is not biblical to violate a law to achieve something "good." Caring for the poor, orphans, and widows is something the Bible commands us to do (Galatians 2:10; James 1:27; 2:2-15). However, the biblical fact that we are to care for the misfortunate does not mean we should violate the law in doing so. Supporting, enabling, and/or encouraging illegal immigration is, therefore, also a violation of God's Word. Those seeking to immigrate to another country should always obey the immigration laws of that country. While this may cause delays and frustrations, these reasons do not give a person the right to violate a law.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil,
but because of those who look on and do nothing.”

That's because the bible was written by a govt and for all govts.
King James was the head architect of your current brainwashed enslavement.
If you knew anything and weree half intelligent you would know the bible was not written by gov't. but by God through man.
I live here in the twilight zone. Years ago, some Anglo guy was killed by a bunch of Hispanics right in front of my house. Reality. FACT. Nobody , accept his family shed a tear. By a group of Hispanics. Legal? Do you care, even? A few years later, an Hispanic guy was murdered a block down the street by a Mexican gang banger. I heard the shrieks that night. That same family lives there, the ones that created that mess. These same jerks, Mexicans, ignored health and housing codes, and were raided by government TWICE. AND those "immigrants" are still there. NOTHING stops these assholes, nothing.. They are STILL there! , since then, the entire neighborhood has fallen over to Illegals from Mexico. It never ends, If this shit doesn’t effect you NOW, it WILL, one day. If you support illlegals and YOU aren’t “HISPANIC”, you will regret it big time one day. Mark my words.

SB1070 do not “pre-empt” federal law but complement it. How do you enforce immigration laws if you do not profile?
Legal citizens to not have to be asked citizenship status if they are stopped on a traffic violation if they have a driver’s license because to get a drivers license a birth certificate is required.
If an illegal aliens have a NY driver’s license it can be run through the NYDMV and data will show that a birth certificate in not on application and that is reasonable suspicion that they are illegal.
To obtain a NY driver’s license some kind of identification is necessary or it cannot be used for identification. Plus they may have numerous identifications in numerous names. Cannot identify that the person using the driver’s license is really who it say they are.
No way to do a credible back ground check on a person with numerous aliases.

State and local law enforcement officials have the general power to investigate and arrest violators of federal immigration statutes without prior INS knowledge or approval, as long as they are authorized to do so by state law. There is no extant federal limitation on this authority. The 1996 immigration control legislation passed by Congress was intended to encourage states and local agencies to participate in the process of enforcing federal immigration laws. Immigration officers and local law enforcement officers may detain an individual for a brief warrant less interrogation where circumstances create a reasonable suspicion that the individual is illegally present in the U.S. Specific facts constituting a reasonable suspicion include evasive, nervous, or erratic behavior; dress or speech indicating foreign citizenship; and presence in an area known to contain a concentration of illegal aliens. Hispanic appearance alone is not sufficient.
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SB1070 do not “pre-empt” federal law but complement it. How do you enforce immigration laws if you do not profile?
Legal citizens to not have to be asked citizenship status if they are stopped on a traffic violation if they have a driver’s license because to get a drivers license a birth certificate is required.
If an illegal aliens have a NY driver’s license it can be run through the NYDMV and data will show that a birth certificate in not on application and that is reasonable suspicion that they are illegal.
To obtain a NY driver’s license some kind of identification is necessary or it cannot be used for identification. Plus they may have numerous identifications in numerous names. Cannot identify that the person using the driver’s license is really who it say they are.
No way to do a credible back ground check on a person with numerous aliases.

State and local law enforcement officials have the general power to investigate and arrest violators of federal immigration statutes without prior INS knowledge or approval, as long as they are authorized to do so by state law. There is no extant federal limitation on this authority. The 1996 immigration control legislation passed by Congress was intended to encourage states and local agencies to participate in the process of enforcing federal immigration laws. Immigration officers and local law enforcement officers may detain an individual for a brief warrant less interrogation where circumstances create a reasonable suspicion that the individual is illegally present in the U.S. Specific facts constituting a reasonable suspicion include evasive, nervous, or erratic behavior; dress or speech indicating foreign citizenship; and presence in an area known to contain a concentration of illegal aliens. Hispanic appearance alone is not sufficient.

See my other post. Why not change the law to make officers check everyone status regardless of race.

no more claims of Racial profiling.

The saddest thing about this all, what this whole deal so far has proved.

The lie that we can not Deport them all. We do not have to, the build up to this law proved that. Simply let them know we are going to enforce the law, and stop employers from hiring them, and they will pack up and go home.

I mean wasn't that the theme all day the day it was blocked. How Illegals who were preparing to flee back to Mexico were rejoicing?
I’ve delt with local government. I have delt with the Feds, I have realized how much they like to pass the buck. The thing about Arizona’s Immigration law? The feds don’t enforce immigration laws. GOD forbid the State intervene . I do NOT understand this mess, WHY should the FEDS care? Because It fillls up their jails? Holy Guantanamo ! What do they care? When did (illegally) detaining ANYONE bother the feds?
Bill O. is not the only one who is angry - many, many people across america feel the same way and among those are HISPANICS!!!!!
I live here in the twilight zone. Years ago, some Anglo guy was killed by a bunch of Hispanics right in front of my house. Reality. FACT. Nobody , accept his family shed a tear. By a group of Hispanics. Legal? Do you care, even? A few years later, an Hispanic guy was murdered a block down the street by a Mexican gang banger. I heard the shrieks that night. That same family lives there, the ones that created that mess. These same jerks, Mexicans, ignored health and housing codes, and were raided by government TWICE. AND those "immigrants" are still there. NOTHING stops these assholes, nothing.. They are STILL there! , since then, the entire neighborhood has fallen over to Illegals from Mexico. It never ends, If this shit doesn’t effect you NOW, it WILL, one day. If you support illlegals and YOU aren’t “HISPANIC”, you will regret it big time one day. Mark my words.

There are many, many decent, law abiding hispanics SW2Silver - don't doubt that! In fact many more than what you will ever know feel as YOU do. Just keep in mind that the news media does not report on those that agree with the feds going after those here illegally. I will even bet my last dollar that many minorities in this country are in agreement.
It's incredible to me. I have several friends who are naturalized citizens and English is not their first language. Yet they are perfectly fluent in both languages.

I can only surmise that those that have lived here for 15 years and don't speak the language are either a: mentally retarded (obviously not the case here) or b. actively defiant toward assimilation (which would make them ineligible for citizenship, right?)

Can't think of any other reasons...

Latin Americans HATE Americans and LA RAZA is leading the invasion to take over the United States. It's that simple. Oh, yeah. Plus they're too stupid to fix their own countries so they breed like rats and feed off of the US.
So go home.

Mexico need it’s young, strong and healthy men and women now more than ever and what are they doing? They are tucking tail and running away like bunch of little punk a** cowards. Go home and help clean up your country and we will help you.

We are not cowards. We stay and fight. We have fought civil wars. Had revolutions and we have won. We have had depressions and oppressions of civil rights and human rights and we stay because our country is worth fighting for. You do not win by running away.

We do not want a bunch a little punk a** cowards that is going to tuck tail and run if we needed you. You are running but I don’t see you running to enlist to go to Iraq or Afghanistan.

If you went home and protested as loudly as you have against SB1070 and for amnesty , you may be able to change things for the better in México for all Mexicans.

So go home.

Mexico need it’s young, strong and healthy men and women now more than ever and what are they doing? They are tucking tail and running away like bunch of little punk a** cowards. Go home and help clean up your country and we will help you.

We are not cowards. We stay and fight. We have fought civil wars. Had revolutions and we have won. We have had depressions and oppressions of civil rights and human rights and we stay because our country is worth fighting for. You do not win by running away.

We do not want a bunch a little punk a** cowards that is going to tuck tail and run if we needed you. You are running but I don’t see you running to enlist to go to Iraq or Afghanistan.

If you went home and protested as loudly as you have against SB1070 and for amnesty , you may be able to change things for the better in México for all Mexicans.


Not gonna do it, the American economy needs them.
Mexico could probably use some tourists, too. I'll never go near the place.

SB1070 do not “pre-empt” federal law but complement it. How do you enforce immigration laws if you do not profile?
Legal citizens to not have to be asked citizenship status if they are stopped on a traffic violation if they have a driver’s license because to get a drivers license a birth certificate is required.
If an illegal aliens have a NY driver’s license it can be run through the NYDMV and data will show that a birth certificate in not on application and that is reasonable suspicion that they are illegal.
To obtain a NY driver’s license some kind of identification is necessary or it cannot be used for identification. Plus they may have numerous identifications in numerous names. Cannot identify that the person using the driver’s license is really who it say they are.
No way to do a credible back ground check on a person with numerous aliases.

State and local law enforcement officials have the general power to investigate and arrest violators of federal immigration statutes without prior INS knowledge or approval, as long as they are authorized to do so by state law. There is no extant federal limitation on this authority. The 1996 immigration control legislation passed by Congress was intended to encourage states and local agencies to participate in the process of enforcing federal immigration laws. Immigration officers and local law enforcement officers may detain an individual for a brief warrant less interrogation where circumstances create a reasonable suspicion that the individual is illegally present in the U.S. Specific facts constituting a reasonable suspicion include evasive, nervous, or erratic behavior; dress or speech indicating foreign citizenship; and presence in an area known to contain a concentration of illegal aliens. Hispanic appearance alone is not sufficient.

See my other post. Why not change the law to make officers check everyone status regardless of race.

no more claims of Racial profiling.

The saddest thing about this all, what this whole deal so far has proved.

The lie that we can not Deport them all. We do not have to, the build up to this law proved that. Simply let them know we are going to enforce the law, and stop employers from hiring them, and they will pack up and go home.

I mean wasn't that the theme all day the day it was blocked. How Illegals who were preparing to flee back to Mexico were rejoicing?

None of them ran back to Mexico. They all went to other states. I would bet CA is going to start regretting that sanctuary city law soon....
Can't blame people for leaving a system that's so fucked up as Mexico's.

AFter all most of us White Folks are Americans because our grandfathers or great grandfathers made similar decisions about leaving Europe.

I think that this wave of illegals is a diaster for America, but I certainly can't blame the Mexicans for coming here.

I would BE AN ILLEGAL, too.

And those of you with balls, who probably hate illegals might be ilegals as well if the zapato were on the other foot.
What happen to a city when all it's people leave? it become a ghost town. If Mexico is destroyed, we are next. It is not our problem now, but it will be. Saving Mexico is in our best interest more so than Iraq and Afghanistan.
What happen to a city when all it's people leave? it become a ghost town. If Mexico is destroyed, we are next. It is not our problem now, but it will be. Saving Mexico is in our best interest more so than Iraq and Afghanistan.

Ain't that the truth.

Of course NAFTA is part of Mexico's problem.

And so we see that the masters have actually created a system that not only managed to screw American factory workers, but one that ALSO screwed the Mexican farmers economy at the same time.

But hey it's making them rich, so good enough, eh?
Can't blame people for leaving a system that's so fucked up as Mexico's.

AFter all most of us White Folks are Americans because our grandfathers or great grandfathers made similar decisions about leaving Europe.

I think that this wave of illegals is a diaster for America, but I certainly can't blame the Mexicans for coming here.

I would BE AN ILLEGAL, too.

And those of you with balls, who probably hate illegals might be ilegals as well if the zapato were on the other foot.

That's an old story, get to the end of it.
Can't blame people for leaving a system that's so fucked up as Mexico's.

AFter all most of us White Folks are Americans because our grandfathers or great grandfathers made similar decisions about leaving Europe.

I think that this wave of illegals is a diaster for America, but I certainly can't blame the Mexicans for coming here.

I would BE AN ILLEGAL, too.

And those of you with balls, who probably hate illegals might be ilegals as well if the zapato were on the other foot.

sometimes the zapato is on the other foot. i don't blame the mexicans for coming here either, i would imagine if i were in their position, i would do the same thing.

what i do have a problem with is the mexican president coming to the US and lecturing us on our inhumane immigration policy when "the top UN advocate for migrant rights toured the country and proclaimed that "the impunity with which Mexico victimizes Central American immigrants makes it the principal violator of human rights on the American continent."

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