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LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Obama to hold immigration-reform meeting
April 19, 2011

WASHINGTON, April 19 (UPI) -- U.S. President Barack Obama will lose a Democratic congressman's re-election support if he doesn't do more to reform immigration laws, the lawmaker said.

"I want to support Barack Obama for re-election," Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., told MSNBC Monday. "But the lack of progress on immigration reform and the lack of action that Barack Obama, our president, has -- the discretion he has -- is really making that job difficult for me."

Obama to hold immigration-reform meeting - UPI.com

It time we let our reps and Obama know how we fell about amnesty and enforcement.

We know anyform of amnesty do not fix our immigration problem,, so let try enforcement. :evil:

Punish Luis Gutierrez! Take away HIS citizenship for the acts of treason he has committed against the people of the United States.

After they have completed 200 years of free labor like the African-Americans did and another 200 years of discrimination and having to take to the streets and protest, since they like to compare themselves to the plight of African-Americans. That’s’ earning the right to citizenship. Not stealing across the border scrambling under the radar, hiding out for 20 years and producing over ½ million anchor babies at the expense of those African-Americans and other citizens.

A $5,000 fine it not a fair punishment for the crime committed for entering this country illegally and escaping detection for 20 years. There is no statue of limitation on illegal immigrations,

During the time of the Jews in the old testament, foreigners had to serve them for 400 years.

Gen 15;13...God said to Abram, "You can know for sure that your descendants will live in a land that is not their own, where they will be slaves, and they will be oppressed for 400 years.
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After they have completed 200 years of free labor like the African-Americans did and another 200 years of discrimination and having to take to the streets and protest, since they like to compare themselves to the plight of African-Americans. That’s’ earning the right to citizenship. Not stealing across the border scrambling under the radar, hiding out for 20 years and producing ½ million anchor babies at the expense of those African-Americans and other citizens.
$6 Billion a Year for Mexican “Anchor Babies?”

A $5,000 fine it not a fair punishment for the crime committed for entering this country illegally and escaping detection for 20 years. There is no statue of limitation on illegal immigrations,

During the time of the Jews in the old testament, foreigners had to serve them for 400 years.

Gen 15;13...God said to Abram, "You can know for sure that your descendants will live in a land that is not their own, where they will be slaves, and they will be oppressed for 400 years.
Obama to hold immigration-reform meeting
April 19, 2011

WASHINGTON, April 19 (UPI) -- U.S. President Barack Obama will lose a Democratic congressman's re-election support if he doesn't do more to reform immigration laws, the lawmaker said.

"I want to support Barack Obama for re-election," Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., told MSNBC Monday. "But the lack of progress on immigration reform and the lack of action that Barack Obama, our president, has -- the discretion he has -- is really making that job difficult for me."

Obama to hold immigration-reform meeting - UPI.com

It time we let our reps and Obama know how we fell about amnesty and enforcement.

We know anyform of amnesty do not fix our immigration problem,, so let try enforcement. :evil:

Punish Luis Gutierrez! Take away HIS citizenship for the acts of treason he has committed against the people of the United States.

Obama meets with leaders about immigration
CNN White House Producer Becky Brittain

WASHINGTON (CNN) - President Obama met this afternoon with a variety of government, religious, and business leaders behind closed doors to discuss immigration. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Rev. Al Sharpton were among the attendees. According to the White House, the president and the group discussed the failure to pass the DREAM Act and "stressed that in order to successfully tackle this issue they must bring the debate to communities around the country and involve many sectors of American society in insisting that Congress act to create a system that meets our nation's needs for the 21st century and that upholds America's history as a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants."
Obama meets with leaders about immigration – The 1600 Report - CNN.com Blogs

“Variety” my Fat Old Native American Butt.
Another back door immigration amnesty bill is in the making without the voice of the American people. I am thoroughly pissed that those meeting are all advocates of legalization for 20 million illegal aliens with no input from the opposing voice. Well, I will make my voice heard loud and clear in 2012 with my vote. They are going to do this no matter how we Americans feel. Legalization of 20 million illegal aliens will negatively affect this country and every American man, woman and child and we should not be excluded. You want to know how this American feels? Take your immigration bill and roll it up and flush it. The presence of illegal immigration has already had an adverse effect. what will happen when they are legalized and bring the families here and add millions of top of the already 20 million. Cost of “Chain migration” will be astronomically on top of the cost of legalizationThey are already costing us billions. . Importing poverty on top of poverty. “Meet our nation’s needs for the 21st century?” Our need are to reduce poverty, not increase it.
Nation of "immigrants" not "illegal aliens"Lets have a town hall meeting in any border city with “American“ citizens.”
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We have 20 million illegal aliens in this country and only 7.5 million in the work force., What are the other 13 million doing and where will the jobs come from for the "chain migration?" When we do not have jobs for the 14 million unemployed americans?

I hurried across the street outside the cross walk and the light to catch a bus that was waiting. A cop saw me and sent me back across the street at the cross walk and made me use the cross walk and cross on the green light. I missed my bus and had to wait an hour for the next one. My punishment was to go back across the street and cross it legally. I was not given the choice to pay a fine and catch my bus.
He said; "Do it right the first time and you want have to do it over."

Illegal aliens need to be sent back across the border that they crossed illegally and come back across the border legally. That is the legal punishment for crossing the border illegally. Illegal aliens should not be allowed to pay a fine for crossing illegally but go back and enter legally.

Chris Matthews and others believe the “humane” “compassionate” thing to do is to let those that are here stay and put on a path to citizenship? What is so “inhumane” “un-compassionate” with sending them home to enter legally? Just because they have been here a long time and have children born here is no reason for them to be pardoned for entering the country illegally. No statue of limitation of “entering the country illegally. Other criminals are punished for their crimes and their children are not “get out of jail card.” American born children of illegal aliens are not “anchors.” Mexican Constitution, Chapter II, Article 30, paragraph II

What about the “inhumane” conditions I and my family are put in because of the presence of illegal aliens? Sending them home is not a death sentence because they are not coming because they are starving but because of the benefits they receive. And they are not 20 million hard working law abiding people who only want to take care of their children. They were doing that in Mexico. They are crossing the border in designer cloths and shoes, cell phone and not with pot bellies. Mexico is fully economically capable of taking care of it own. If we need them for our economy, Mexico must need them more.

Chris Matthews and others do not have to live with them and their graffiti, gangs, drugs and crime. They and their children do not compete for class room space and for education. They do not have to compete with them for their jobs. Illegal immigration do not touch people like the Obamas and the Matthews and until it does they cannot understand how it touches others.

There is no way to solve the illegal immigration problem except by enforcement of our immigration laws which is legal and not inhumane. Which has not been done or else there would not be 20 million entering after the 1986 amnesty.

What is the benefit for us and Mexico for them to remain here? Who benefit’s the most by them being put on a path to citizenship? Sure as hell not me and my family.

Of the 20 million that are here, how many are criminals and potential criminals. Will they be put on a path to citizenship also. If not, what will we do with them? Round them up and deport them? No more than we would round up the others. They will be put on a path to citizenship with the rest. What if one member of the family is a criminal, will the entire family be deported? This path to citizenship cannot be effectively implemented. Just send them back across the border and make them cross legally. Then we might know who is here.

“Do it right the first time and you want have to do it over”
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Call a rose a banana and it is still a rose. A green card, temporary visa, temporary work program, path the citizenship it all add up to a big amnesty. If they are here and they get to stay, it’s AMNESTY. Dip it in sugar and it is still AMNESTY.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

These are not the people that has invaded and occupied this country and we are no longer into nation building but nation survival. We are running out of natural resources and will not have enough to sustain our own, much less 20 million plus more if we give amnesty to 20 million and bring their families. We are destine for self destruction of America that our ancestors worked so hard to build. These were the people who come and they asked for nothing but gave ever thing they had to build this country and make it what it is today. They came in the light of day, heads held high and registered at the door. We are in survival mode and amnesty works against us all we have worked so hard for.

Why I Support Amnesty for Undocumented Immigrants
By Tom Head,

"Although there are a lot of immigration reform proposals on the table, virtually everyone agrees that they don't support amnesty. This is fine; a transitional citizenship arrangement has no more to do with amnesty than civil unions do with same-sex marriage, or mainstream affirmative action policies do with racial quotas. But I do support amnesty." Here's why. Tom Head
Immigrant Amnesty and the Rule of Law - Why the Immigrant Amnesty Debate Isn't Really About the Rule of Law
e-mail Tom Head [email protected].

One thing Tom Head forgot to mention in his article was the cost of illegal immigration, cost of Amnesty and Chain Migration. And what it would mean for the economy which is on the brink of bankrupt. 20 million plus will not save us, but will hasten bankruptcy.
Never heard such a bucket of horse s***.
In the 2012 election I will vote straight “immigration enforcement.” No other issue are more important to me and my family because all the other issues all are affected by illegal immigration. Cuts are being made to services and benefits to all Americans and you want us to share “nothing” with those who are not in the country legally and for us to pay for it with “nothing” we have? Don’t even think about it.
In the 2012 election I will vote straight “immigration enforcement.” No other issue are more important to me and my family because all the other issues all are affected by illegal immigration. Cuts are being made to services and benefits to all Americans and you want us to share “nothing” with those who are not in the country legally and for us to pay for it with “nothing” we have? Don’t even think about it.

And which Democrat would that be? Obama?
Correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't it a republican president who gave amnesty to millions of Mexicans. In fact Obama is deporting more people then Bush did.

The only way to stop it is to send the guard to the border and seal it off then deal with the millions that are here. I think if they serve in the military they should be citizens. And there are millions of deadbeat Americans I would gladly send to Mexico in exchange for people who want to work.
In the 2012 election I will vote straight “immigration enforcement.” No other issue are more important to me and my family because all the other issues all are affected by illegal immigration. Cuts are being made to services and benefits to all Americans and you want us to share “nothing” with those who are not in the country legally and for us to pay for it with “nothing” we have? Don’t even think about it.

How drastically do they really affect your day-to-day life?
Do you live in Juarez? Texas? Arizona?
Correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't it a republican president who gave amnesty to millions of Mexicans. In fact Obama is deporting more people then Bush did.

If, and thats a big IF, but if that were true.... It would be due to the fact that there'nt are'nt any jobs.

Just sayin' :eusa_whistle:

Obama is'nt doing shit on the border though. Lets see.... put up a G-damn sign warning Americans that particular part of the border is unsafe, and to stay away..... :wtf:

Nahh... Im sorry, but Obama sucks on immigration and so did Bush.
Why are Americans afraid to attack "immigration" rallies? They're run by the enemies of the United States. Will it be easier to remove the problem these foreigners create once they are considered Americans?

I hurried across the street outside the cross walk and the light to catch a bus that was waiting. A cop saw me and sent me back across the street at the cross walk and made me use the cross walk and cross on the green light. I missed my bus and had to wait an hour for the next one. My punishment was to go back across the street and cross it legally. I was not given the choice to pay a fine and catch my bus.
He said; "Do it right the first time and you want have to do it over."

Illegal aliens need to be sent back across the border that they crossed illegally and come back across the border legally. That is the legal punishment for crossing the border illegally. Illegal aliens should not be allowed to pay a fine for crossing illegally but go back and enter legally.

Chris Matthews and others believe the “humane” “compassionate” thing to do is to let those that are here stay and put on a path to citizenship? What is so “inhumane” “un-compassionate” with sending them home to enter legally? Just because they have been here a long time and have children born here is no reason for them to be pardoned for entering the country illegally. No statue of limitation of “entering the country illegally. Other criminals are punished for their crimes and their children are not “get out of jail card.” American born children of illegal aliens are not “anchorsMexican Constitution, Chapter II, Article 30, paragraph II

What about the “inhumane” conditions I and my family are put in because of the presence of illegal aliens? Sending them home is not a death sentence because they are not coming because they are starving but because of the benefits they receive. And they are not 20 million hard working law abiding people who only want to take care of their children. They were doing that in Mexico. They are crossing the border in designer cloths and shoes, cell phone and not with pot bellies. Mexico is fully economically capable of taking care of it own. If we need them for our economy, Mexico must need them more.

Chris Matthews and others do not have to live with them and their graffiti, gangs, drugs and crime. They and their children do not compete for class room space and for education. They do not have to compete with them for their jobs. Illegal immigration do not touch people like the Obamas and the Matthews and until it does they cannot understand how it touches others.

There is no way to solve the illegal immigration problem except by enforcement of our immigration laws which is legal and not inhumane. Which has not been done or else there would not be 20 million entering after the 1986 amnesty.

What is the benefit for us and Mexico for them to remain here? Who benefit’s the most by them being put on a path to citizenship? Sure as hell not me and my family.

Of the 20 million that are here, how many are criminals and potential criminals. Will they be put on a path to citizenship also. If not, what will we do with them? Round them up and deport them? No more than we would round up the others. They will be put on a path to citizenship with the rest. What if one member of the family is a criminal, will the entire family be deported? This path to citizenship cannot be effectively implemented. Just send them back across the border and make them cross legally. Then we might know who is here.

“Do it right the first time and you want have to do it over”

Those attempting to implode the U.S.A. are benefiting from illegal immigration.
Those trying to cross the border from Mexico and South American routes who are up to no good and can blend in because of their body shading will benefit. They are in essence invading our country and those people who are assisting this are treasonous. It is helping overload this country at the least financially and putting her in danger from terrorists, gangs and drugs used to cause the youth to err and the country even more expense as a result of the crime and financial aid to deserted families and this is aside from the job lost to those who come in here who end up hiring their own ethnics in jobs they have after they have become financially stable at the U.S. tax payer expense.
Negative Side Of Illegal Immig. and Amnesty.

The side of Obama and his company do not talk about and don’t want to hear. Illegal aliens are not all hard working law abiding people who only want to make a better life for their families. Americans wants a better life for their families also and illegal immigration and amnesty adversely affects that. All the anchor babies and children of illegal aliens are not working hard in school. Some of in gangs, defacing property with graffiti, dealing in drugs and other criminal activity terrorizing American communities.

The majority of Americans are against illegal immigration and amnesty in any form but don't know the dire situation that our country is in and the damage that illegal aliens are doing to the United States. Obama and Company if you believe Americans wants amnesty or path to citizenship for those that are here, you are not listening to Americans. We are a nation of immigrants and not a nation of illegal aliens.

Our immigration system is not broken because we allow 500,000 immigrants to enter legally each year. But Obama and Company believe we should allow more to enter. What is broken is our enforcement and border security system. 20 million illegal aliens have entered in the past 20 years since 1986. 1986 was a mistake that has cost us dearly. Lets learn from our mistakes and not make that same mistake again. We cannot afford illegal immigration or amnesty.

There is absolute no evidence that illegal aliens make any contribution to this country economically, environmentally or any way what so ever. The fact is they receive more in benefits and services than they contribute in taxes, etc. Since they are low wage earner and pay very little in taxes if any. And they steal more from their employers than they buy. I hate to say that but I know it as a fact. The cost of education, healthcare, law enforcement and incarceration is astronomically. And the hard working law abiding American who only want a better life for their families are footing bill for illegal aliens. Cost of having a Bi-lingual country. They are opening neighborhood Mama and Papa stores all across America putting Mom and Pop stores out of business.

Amnesty, call it path to citizenship or any thing else, but if they are allowed to remain here indefinitely, it is amnesty. It will cause the population to explode with chain migration of families of those given amnesty and cause a mass exodus from south of the border of illegal aliens crossing the border to get in on the next amnesty. The millions will take and compete for jobs and bring down wages because of massive amount of workers. And their children will being down our education system and compete for job with our children who are already struggling to get an education that will lead to jobs. Natural resources will be depleted sooner than expected because of the population explosion that will come with another amnesty.

We do not need to make immigration easier, we need to control it. We cannot afford to make immigration easier and let more immigrants into the country. 20 million in 20 years, 500,000 anchor babies born each year and 500,000 immigrate legally each year is not enough?

Lady liberty is 126 years old, has served her purpose, has retired and close to death. Let her rest in peace
Ugly side? Is there a pretty side of illegal immigration? It doesn't matter whether you can find a hard working criminal alien. The word illegal says it all.
None of these agrument fly.

-Undocumented immigrants might be afraid to seek healthcare, which could mean that they will spread disease to others.

Healthcare and incarcerations cost california $10.5 billion a year shoots the hell out of that pig.

-Udocumented children are sometimes unable to attend school, especially college, which could lead to more poverty and crime.

How Illegal Immigration is Sending Schools Into the Red-
http://www.mnforsustain.org/immg_costs_ ... s_fair.htm

-If an illegal alien witnesses a crime, he or she might be afraid to come forward to authorities, for fear of being discovered

Incarceration. The cost of incarcerating illegal aliens in Arizona prisons and jails amounts to about $80 million a year (not including the monetary costs of the crimes that led to their incarceration).

FAIR: Federation for American Immigration Reform ... enters5e3f

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