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LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread


We are a nation of laws and when we do not enforce laws that we make because there are a group of people who don’t like them and refuse to recognize them we no longer exist as a sovereign nation. Our laws cannot apply to one group of people and not another. We cannot as a nation excuse some and punish others who do not obey our laws. We do not change to law to excuse people who cannot obey them either.

Illegal aliens should not be rewarded with amnesty or a path to citizenship just because they chose to ignore our immigration laws. Which laws can you and I break and be excused and rewarded. What kind of message are we sending those who choose to respect and obey our immigration laws by waiting to immigrate legally? That our laws are not worth the paper they are written on and do not matter if you just get into the country? If we let those who are here illegally stay, they are automatically ahead of those waiting by the rules to get in. Those that are here are already reaping the benefits of our system and that puts them in front of the line. In the back of the line for citizenship? What illegal alien gives a damn about citizenship? There are some who have been here for years and have not applies for citizenship or learned English.

Illegal immigration violates every American’s civil rights. Those that believe illegal aliens must be allowed to stay here simple because they are here have no respect for our laws.

“We are a nation of laws. And in order for there to be laws, we as a nation, must have a defined sense of what is right and what is wrong. Without a notion of right and wrong there can be no notion of legal and illegal. For what is legal and what is illegal can not be defined without first defining right from wrong.” A Nation of Laws - Conservative Politics Web Site
It is difficult to acknowledge the statement that we are a nation of laws considering how brazenly the Bush Administration committed some of the most egregious crimes in the history of our Nation's government. And because Obama prevented his Attorney General from investigating these obvious crimes he has made himself complicit in them.

Those circumstances, and others, clearly demonstrate that we are not a nation of laws. Rather, we are a nation whose laws apply to ordinary citizens but not to the politically powerful. In the shadow of such monumental contempt for the Criminal Law, how can we focus serious attention on some poor, wretched wetback who sneaks across our border just to earn enough money to keep his family back in Mexico from starving?
In the shadow of such monumental contempt for the Criminal Law, how can we focus serious attention on some poor, wretched wetback who sneaks across our border just to earn enough money to keep his family back in Mexico from starving?

Simple........They're not Americans!

Do you really believe that Mexicans are starving?

The High Prevalence of Overweight and
Obesity in Mexican Children

We are a nation of many laws, that is true.

But the law is no more useful than its application.

All the best laws in the world don't make a difference if the people charged with their judicious application are corrupt.
Or if the laws is uninforceable.

If you make a law against breathing you will never be able to inforce it.

The laws we made against these people coming here are uninforceable.

The proof is in the fact that it was never inforced.

We have businesses that depend on their labor for their very exsistance yet we allow for only a tiny fraction of them to come here legally.

Pretending crossing the border to obtain the work to supply your family with the basic nessesities is tantamount to even drunk driving is a morall affront on logic.

These people come because we welcome them financially and then some pretend they are monsters because our laws dont jibe with our actions.
Laws are needed to maintain order, and hopefully keep the playing field level for all.

I believe with all my heart that, "If we can not apply a particular law equally and fairly to everyone we can not apply that particular law to anyone." It really is the only moral way to go.
When the head law enforcer, the President, refuses to enforce the law of the land and protect Americans from foreigners, you no longer have a system based on laws, you have anarchy.
Or if the laws is uninforceable.

If you make a law against breathing you will never be able to inforce it.

The laws we made against these people coming here are uninforceable.

The proof is in the fact that it was never inforced.

We have businesses that depend on their labor for their very exsistance yet we allow for only a tiny fraction of them to come here legally.

Pretending crossing the border to obtain the work to supply your family with the basic nessesities is tantamount to even drunk driving is a morall affront on logic.

These people come because we welcome them financially and then some pretend they are monsters because our laws dont jibe with our actions.

Sorry, but your unwillingness to respect and enforce laws, and that of the political jackasses you worship, does not constitute "unenforceable". That just says to me that the idiots need to be replaced, not that the laws do.
The latest on California politics and government
April 21, 2011
California's criminal alien population rises

The number of criminal aliens incarcerated in California rose to 102,795 in 2009, a 17 percent increase since 2003, federal auditors reported Thursday.

This isn't cheap. Nationwide, the Government Accountability Office reports, it costs well over $1.1 billion a year for states to imprison criminal aliens -- those who committed a crime after entering the United States illegally. California, moreover, is more expensive than other states. GAO auditors estimated California spends $34,000 to incarcerate a criminal alien for one year; in Texas, it's only $12,000.

The audit, requested by Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-San Jose, will provide ammunition for states' perennial effort to secure more federal reimbursement dollars.

More than one in four of the illegal immigrants imprisoned in California are behind bars for drug offenses. Many are also repeat offenders. GAO auditors say that, based on a survey, criminal alien inmates have been arrested an average of seven different times.

Capitol Alert: California's criminal alien population rises

This is one of the many problems that come with illegal immigration. Why don't we just deport them and their families and close the border so they cannot come back and let Mexico deal with them. Instead of letting them out after their serve their time and they go home to family and continure their criminal activity until the next time.

How do they intend to deal with the ciminals when considering path to citizenship or amnesty? Criminals are not going to come out of the shadows. We have to deport all 20 million of them, close the border and open an Ellis Island on the border with one entrance in and one going out.
This is way to solve the immigration problem and balance the budget at the same time.
The latest on California politics and government
April 21, 2011
California's criminal alien population rises

The number of criminal aliens incarcerated in California rose to 102,795 in 2009, a 17 percent increase since 2003, federal auditors reported Thursday.

This isn't cheap. Nationwide, the Government Accountability Office reports, it costs well over $1.1 billion a year for states to imprison criminal aliens -- those who committed a crime after entering the United States illegally. California, moreover, is more expensive than other states. GAO auditors estimated California spends $34,000 to incarcerate a criminal alien for one year; in Texas, it's only $12,000.

The audit, requested by Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-San Jose, will provide ammunition for states' perennial effort to secure more federal reimbursement dollars.

More than one in four of the illegal immigrants imprisoned in California are behind bars for drug offenses. Many are also repeat offenders. GAO auditors say that, based on a survey, criminal alien inmates have been arrested an average of seven different times.

Capitol Alert: California's criminal alien population rises

This is one of the many problems that come with illegal immigration. Why don't we just deport them and their families and close the border so they cannot come back and let Mexico deal with them. Instead of letting them out after their serve their time and they go home to family and continure their criminal activity until the next time.

How do they intend to deal with the ciminals when considering path to citizenship or amnesty? Criminals are not going to come out of the shadows. We have to deport all 20 million of them, close the border and open an Ellis Island on the border with one entrance in and one going out.
This is way to solve the immigration problem and balance the budget at the same time.

How many threads do you think you need to create apologizing for criminals?
California's criminal alien population rises
The latest on California politics and government
April 21, 2011

The number of criminal aliens incarcerated in California rose to 102,795 in 2009, a 17 percent increase since 2003, federal auditors reported Thursday.

This isn't cheap. Nationwide, the Government Accountability Office reports, it costs well over $1.1 billion a year for states to imprison criminal aliens -- those who committed a crime after entering the United States illegally. California, moreover, is more expensive than other states. GAO auditors estimated California spends $34,000 to incarcerate a criminal alien for one year; in Texas, it's only $12,000.

The audit, requested by Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-San Jose, will provide ammunition for states' perennial effort to secure more federal reimbursement dollars.

More than one in four of the illegal immigrants imprisoned in California are behind bars for drug offenses. Many are also repeat offenders. GAO auditors say that, based on a survey, criminal alien inmates have been arrested an average of seven different times.
Capitol Alert: California's criminal alien population rises

This is one of the many problems that come with illegal immigration. Why don't we just deport them and their families and close the border so they cannot come back and let Mexico deal with them. Instead of letting them out after their serve their time and they go home to family and continure their criminal activity until the next time.

How do they intend to deal with the ciminals when considering path to citizenship or amnesty? Criminals are not going to come out of the shadows. We have to deport all 20 million of them, close the border and open an Ellis Island on the border with one entrance in and one going out.
This is way to solve the immigration problem and balance the budget at the same time.

I thought I make myself very clear on where I stand on illegal immigration and criminals illegal aliens. Guess I didn't. I don't know how else to say it.
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I think we should take em to the border and catapult them over the fence.

Oh, that's right. Big Sister doesn't need a fence. She's been kicking them out in record numbers, according to her.
I heard CA has bingo, therapeuriic massages, and personal trainers or some shit. Can get pretty expensive I imagine.
Another good idea...
Prove You're Here Legally Before Getting Gov’t Services, Voters Say
Friday, April 22, 2011 – Most voters in the United States want stricter enforcement of immigration laws, and a vast majority say people should be required to prove they are in the country legally before receiving any federal, state or local services, according to a new poll.
“Before anyone receives local, state or federal government services, should they be required to prove they are legally allowed to be in the United States?” Rasmussen Reports asked likely voters. Eighty-four percent of respondents answered in the affirmative, while nine percent disagreed. “Most voters continue to feel that the policies of the federal government encourage illegal immigration,” Rasmussen commented.

In the same vein, the polling firm found that a solid majority oppose birthright citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants. It asked, “Suppose a woman enters the United States as an illegal alien and gives birth to a child in the United States. Should that child automatically become a citizen of the United States?” No, said 61 percent of respondents, while 28 percent said yes, and percent were undecided. Under current law the child would automatically gain citizenship.

Sixty-three percent of unaffiliated voters, whom both party try to court each election season, agree with the majority that citizenship should not be automatic. The pollster said the 61 percent result was “up slightly from last August but is the highest level of support for a change in the existing law found in five years of Rasmussen Reports surveying.” Both questions came to prominence last year. In November, the California Supreme Court in a controversial ruling supported the right of illegal immigrants to get in-state tuition rates. The only requirement is that they are high school graduates and have spent three years at a California high school. Opponents say they plan to appeal the decision before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Characteristics of the Illegal Alien Population
One way to get a sense of what the illegal alien population is like is to look at the illegal aliens who were given amnesty in the late 1980s (under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986). This group of almost three million illegal aliens, all of whom had been in the United States since before 1982, was made into legal aliens and has since been surveyed by the federal government. The government study found that out of the amnestied illegal alien population:

94 percent had migrated for economic reasons.
55 percent lived in California.
70 percent were from Mexico.1
3 percent were from Central America.
74 percent had never been apprehended.
15 percent spoke English.
80 percent used public health services.
49 percent had no health insurance

Their median age was 32, with an average household of four, seven years education, an hourly wage of $5.45, an annual individual income of $8,982, and annual family income of $15,364.
FAIR: Distribution of the Illegal Alien Population

And we want to do this again for 20 million?:confused:
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Under Title 8 Section 1325 of the U.S. Code, "Improper Entry by Alien," any citizen of any country other than the United States who:

Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or
Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or
Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact;
has committed a federal crime.

Violations are punishable by criminal fines and imprisonment for up to six months. Repeat offenses can bring up to two years in prison. Additional civil fines may be imposed at the discretion of immigration judges, but civil fines do not negate the criminal sanctions or nature of the offense.
See: Unlawful entry a crime since '29 - Rocky Mountain News -- June 11, 2006
Illegal Immigration IS A CRIME!

That means “anyone” that enters this country illegal has committed a federal crime and anyone who commits a crime therefore is a “criminal.” And “criminals” can be profiled.

Federal Immigration and Nationality Act
Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii)

State and local law enforcement officials have the general power to investigate and arrest violators of federal immigration statutes without prior INS knowledge or approval, as long as they are authorized to do so by state law. There is no extant federal limitation on this authority. The 1996 immigration control legislation passed by Congress was intended to encourage states and local agencies to participate in the process of enforcing federal immigration laws. Immigration officers and local law enforcement officers may detain an individual for a brief warrantless interrogation where circumstances create a reasonable suspicion that the individual is illegally present in the U.S. Specific facts constituting a reasonable suspicion include evasive, nervous, or erratic behavior; dress or speech indicating foreign citizenship; (racial profiling) and presence in an area known to contain a concentration of illegal aliens. Hispanic appearance alone is not sufficient. Immigration officers and police must have a valid warrant or valid employer's consent to enter workplaces or residences.
Aiding, abetting, harboring, encouraging illegals a felony

This is racial profiling of criminals and it is legal. If we can profile bank robbers and nationality and race can be used to identify, then profiling illegal aliens is legal. It is absolutely necessary to profile illegal aliens in order to enforce our immigration laws and if we did we would not have 20 million to enter in the past 20 years.
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what the hell is "Llegal Immigration"?

is it like "Llama Immigration"?

"Lloyd Immigration"?
Congressman Luis Gutierriz want deportation of immigrants to stop. When have we stopped arresting and jailing criminals who are not dangerous. Our jails and prisons are full of criminals who are not "dangerous." Criminals break up their families, we don't. Does that mean we cannot deport illegal aliens criminals because they have children. Or cannot jail a criminal if he has children?

Hundreds rally against deportation of immigrants
WBTV -- Charlotte, NC ^ | Apr 20, 2011 | Tom Roussey

Hundreds of people rallied at a church in Charlotte's Belmont neighborhood Wednesday night, calling for an end to deportations that break up families

He says too many are being later deported by the federal government after being arrested for minor offenses.

"I want my federal government to make me safer by going after dangerous criminals in our community, jailing them and deporting them," Gutierrez said. "Those aren't dangerous criminals that we heard from today."

But Mecklenburg County Sheriff Chipp Bailey says 287g is a great program that does what it's meant to do.

"No one living here has anything to fear as long as they follow the law," Bailey told WBTV.

Hundreds rally against deportation of immigrants
Theodore Roosevelt on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN

Are we "SLOW LEARNERS" or what?

"In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."
Theodore Roosevelt on Immigrants - Urban Legends
Theodore Roosevelt 1907
Why do we celebrate Cinco De Mayo?

Cinco De Mayo commemorates the victory of 4,000 Mexican soldiers against 8,000 French forces on the morning of May 5, 1862 in Puebla, Mexico.:confused:

Should be celebrate an African or African-American's Independence Day?
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