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LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

I vote Republican since 1972 95% of the time.
My county is 100% Republican, no Democrat elected to anything.
My neighbor is a county commissioner, was on the school board and other community positions. I like the guy.
He favors strict rules on immigration. I just returned from the local coffee shop and saw a half dozen Mexicans in his yard spreading pine straw. He picks them up by the grocery store in town where they hang out looking for work.
Why do we celebrate Cinco De Mayo?

Cinco De Mayo commemorates the victory of 4,000 Mexican soldiers against 8,000 French forces on the morning of May 5, 1862 in Puebla, Mexico.:confused:

Should be celebrate an African or African-American's Independence Day?

And why don't we celibrate the American victory over the Mexicans in the Mexican War of 1846?

Incarceration of criminal illegal aliens is a problem of our broken enforcement and border security system. Criminal illegal aliens are a product (off spring) of illegal immigration and Comprehensive Immigration Reform should deal with enforcement and border security and not catch and release and amnesty.

California alone in 2009 had over 100,000 incarcerated illegal alien criminals at a cost to the tax payers of $34,000 each a year each. This is only California. Multiply that by 52 and the cost is astronomical. The is a problem that could easily be corrected if we enforced our immigration laws and secured our border and deport illegal alien criminals instead of housing them. Deportation do not separate families, illegal immigration does.

Unlimited supply of unskilled illegal workers are of no benefit to our economy and those that become skilled are further compete for jobs with our own skilled workers. Matter of fact they are a drain our on our economy. Majority of illegal aliens do not come here to work in agriculture but go to the inner cities to take unskilled jobs from America’s unskilled workers. Criminal illegal aliens are all part of a family unit and as one goes the other goes also. Crime is a more lucrative business here than in Mexico, so they come. The biggest incident of crime and fraud came from hard working family of illegal aliens.

More secured border than ever, more deportations than ever is not enough. We have a legal immigration system that is not broken. It allows 500,000 to enter the country each year. More than ever. A criminal is a criminal. Illegal is illegal and when we realize that the solution to our illegal immigration problem is a piece of cake.
MS 13.

Why are there a MS13 gang problem in this country? Because our enforcement and border security system is broken. Why isn’t our military here going from city to city scooping them up and putting them on rocket ships back to Venezuela via the moon? They are the most dangerous terrorist in the nation but be are spending billions fight a few thugs half way cross the world who do not have the military power or do the damage of MS13. They are committing crimes, murdering, dealing in drugs and terrorizing cities across this nation. We know who they are, what they are doing and where they are so why are they still here?

They are not here because our immigration system is broken but because our enforcement and border security system is broken and no one in our government has the cajones to fix it. Fix our enforcement and border security system and we fix our illegal immigration problem. Not Comprehensive Immigration Reform with amnesty which will only exacerbate the illegal immigration and illegal crime problem. It does not take a miracle to get that done. Only someone in government that has the cajones to do it.
The latest on California politics and government
April 21, 2011
California's criminal alien population rises

The number of criminal aliens incarcerated in California rose to 102,795 in 2009, a 17 percent increase since 2003, federal auditors reported Thursday.

This isn't cheap. Nationwide, the Government Accountability Office reports, it costs well over $1.1 billion a year for states to imprison criminal aliens -- those who committed a crime after entering the United States illegally. California, moreover, is more expensive than other states. GAO auditors estimated California spends $34,000 to incarcerate a criminal alien for one year; in Texas, it's only $12,000.

The audit, requested by Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-San Jose, will provide ammunition for states' perennial effort to secure more federal reimbursement dollars.

More than one in four of the illegal immigrants imprisoned in California are behind bars for drug offenses. Many are also repeat offenders. GAO auditors say that, based on a survey, criminal alien inmates have been arrested an average of seven different times.

Capitol Alert: California's criminal alien population rises

This is one of the many problems that come with illegal immigration. Why don't we just deport them and their families and close the border so they cannot come back and let Mexico deal with them. Instead of letting them out after their serve their time and they go home to family and continure their criminal activity until the next time.

How do they intend to deal with the ciminals when considering path to citizenship or amnesty? Criminals are not going to come out of the shadows. We have to deport all 20 million of them, close the border and open an Ellis Island on the border with one entrance in and one going out.
This is way to solve the immigration problem and balance the budget at the same time.

How many threads do you think you need to create apologizing for criminals?

Can you even read?:confused:
What part of "deport them" and close the border and "stop housing them" do you not understand?
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I think we should take em to the border and catapult them over the fence.

Oh, that's right. Big Sister doesn't need a fence. She's been kicking them out in record numbers, according to her.

You cannot read and comprehend at the same time either. Kicking them our in record number is not enough.
I think we should take em to the border and catapult them over the fence.

Oh, that's right. Big Sister doesn't need a fence. She's been kicking them out in record numbers, according to her.

Patriotic Millionaires’ want to pay more taxes, You are just not listening.:cuckoo::eusa_hand:

Advocates for amnesty for 20 million illegal aliens present a side of illegal immigration that do not exist.
If 20 million illegal aliens left the country our economy would collapse. Not true. The cost of illegal immigrants cost us more they contribute in income taxes or sale taxes. That cost is education, healthcare, welfare for anchor babies, law enforcement and incarcerations. If deporting them would cause our economy to collapse, how much more it affects Mexico’s economy when it’s economy loses 20 million of it’s workforce. It would benefit us and Mexico more if they returned to Mexico alone with 500,000 anchor babies that we have educated. If Mexico’s economy is healthy, Mexicans will not want to come here.

Amnesty will bring the out of the shadows and they will contribute more to our economy. It is estimated that illegal aliens contribute $428 billion in taxes in 2006. Not to mention sales taxes. But how is it possible for 7.5 million low income workers contribute $428 billion in taxes? How is it possible for 7.5 million low wage earning illegal aliens send home $17 billion each year? If they were needed to save our economy, social security and Medicare, why are these programs broke and we have the biggest deficit in history.?

We are not going to round up 20 million people and deport them. Yes we can, but we don’t have to. Take away jobs and you take away the incentive and they will not be able to work and they will self deport. Thousands have already self deported because on the economy and no work.

There is absolute no benefits for giving amnesty to 20 million low wage earner who receive benefits that far out weighs contributions. Amnesty in 1986 had no benefit to us what so every. It contributed to the 20 million more low wage earners entering this country illegally and the cost criminal illegal aliens.

Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year,
Study Finds
By Ed Barnes
Published July 06, 2010
Groups that support immigration reform immediately attacked FAIR's report and pointed out that it is the polar opposite of the Perryman Report, a 2008 study that found illegal immigration was actually a boon to the American economy. It estimated that illegal immigrants add $245 billion in Gross Domestic Product to the economy and account for 2.8 million jobs.

“The most important finding of the study is the enormous cost to state and local governments due to lack of enforcement of our immigration laws,” Martin wrote.
The report found that the federal government paid $28.6 billion in illegal related costs, and state and local governments paid $84.2 billion on an estimated 13 million undocumented residents. In his speech, Obama estimated that there are 11 million

Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study Finds - FoxNews.com

Advocates for amnesty for 20 million illegal aliens present a side of illegal immigration that do not exist.
If 20 million illegal aliens left the country our economy would collapse. Not true. The cost of illegal immigrants cost us more they contribute in income taxes or sale taxes. That cost is education, healthcare, welfare for anchor babies, law enforcement and incarcerations. If deporting them would cause our economy to collapse, how much more it affects Mexico’s economy when it’s economy loses 20 million of it’s workforce. It would benefit us and Mexico more if they returned to Mexico alone with 500,000 anchor babies that we have educated. If Mexico’s economy is healthy, Mexicans will not want to come here.

Amnesty will bring the out of the shadows and they will contribute more to our economy. It is estimated that illegal aliens contribute $428 billion in taxes in 2006. Not to mention sales taxes. But how is it possible for 7.5 million low income workers contribute $428 billion in taxes? How is it possible for 7.5 million low wage earning illegal aliens send home $17 billion each year? If they were needed to save our economy, social security and Medicare, why are these programs broke and we have the biggest deficit in history.?

We are not going to round up 20 million people and deport them. Yes we can, but we don’t have to. Take away jobs and you take away the incentive and they will not be able to work and they will self deport. Thousands have already self deported because on the economy and no work.

There is absolute no benefits for giving amnesty to 20 million low wage earner who receive benefits that far out weighs contributions. Amnesty in 1986 had no benefit to us what so every. It contributed to the 20 million more low wage earners entering this country illegally and the cost criminal illegal aliens.

Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year,
Study Finds
By Ed Barnes
Published July 06, 2010
Groups that support immigration reform immediately attacked FAIR's report and pointed out that it is the polar opposite of the Perryman Report, a 2008 study that found illegal immigration was actually a boon to the American economy. It estimated that illegal immigrants add $245 billion in Gross Domestic Product to the economy and account for 2.8 million jobs.

“The most important finding of the study is the enormous cost to state and local governments due to lack of enforcement of our immigration laws,” Martin wrote.
The report found that the federal government paid $28.6 billion in illegal related costs, and state and local governments paid $84.2 billion on an estimated 13 million undocumented residents. In his speech, Obama estimated that there are 11 million

Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study Finds - FoxNews.com

Does that include damages done by illegals who are gang members?

Does that include money taken away from services to feed poor Americans that now must go to give legal assitance to illegal immigrants and their children?

That bill skyrockets when you include money given by charities to help illegals that would have gone to poor Americans.

What about all the not-for profits that specifically help illegals on their quest for amnesty. They don't pay taxes but use service that are paid for by American taxpayers.

$428 billion is far too little.
This country would see a positive and not a negative if many illegals would leave. That is the honest truth. Why then were things so much better BEFORE they came?
They are nothing but parasites. They are ALL criminals. First charge...illegal...against the law and that makes them a criminal element. AWWWWWW shame, they came here for a better life. All they are, are parasites. These people are more protected than the bald eagle. No where, but no where in the Constitution does it say that if you're illegal and you squirt a baby (anchor baby) are you or the baby entitled to stay in OUR country. All you see in LA are these breeding machines with many children around them and pushing strollers with larvae inside them Yeah..larvae, because these parasites breed like flies.
They are nothing but parasites. They are ALL criminals. First charge...illegal...against the law and that makes them a criminal element. AWWWWWW shame, they came here for a better life. All they are, are parasites. These people are more protected than the bald eagle. No where, but no where in the Constitution does it say that if you're illegal and you squirt a baby (anchor baby) are you or the baby entitled to stay in OUR country. All you see in LA are these breeding machines with many children around them and pushing strollers with larvae inside them Yeah..larvae, because these parasites breed like flies.

No one is stopping Washington from handing the bill to Mexico. That's part of the solution.
That's odd...I seem to remember the GOP supporting amnesty for illegals.

Why don't YOU remember that, too LIL?

Don't you remember that?


Why not?
The latest on California politics and government
April 21, 2011
California's criminal alien population rises

The number of criminal aliens incarcerated in California rose to 102,795 in 2009, a 17 percent increase since 2003, federal auditors reported Thursday.

This isn't cheap. Nationwide, the Government Accountability Office reports, it costs well over $1.1 billion a year for states to imprison criminal aliens -- those who committed a crime after entering the United States illegally. California, moreover, is more expensive than other states. GAO auditors estimated California spends $34,000 to incarcerate a criminal alien for one year; in Texas, it's only $12,000.

The audit, requested by Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-San Jose, will provide ammunition for states' perennial effort to secure more federal reimbursement dollars.

More than one in four of the illegal immigrants imprisoned in California are behind bars for drug offenses. Many are also repeat offenders. GAO auditors say that, based on a survey, criminal alien inmates have been arrested an average of seven different times.

Capitol Alert: California's criminal alien population rises

This is one of the many problems that come with illegal immigration. Why don't we just deport them and their families and close the border so they cannot come back and let Mexico deal with them. Instead of letting them out after their serve their time and they go home to family and continure their criminal activity until the next time.

How do they intend to deal with the ciminals when considering path to citizenship or amnesty? Criminals are not going to come out of the shadows. We have to deport all 20 million of them, close the border and open an Ellis Island on the border with one entrance in and one going out.
This is way to solve the immigration problem and balance the budget at the same time.

How many threads do you think you need to create apologizing for criminals?

Can you even read?:confused:
What part of "deport them" and "close the border" and "stop housing them" do you not understand?
I don't think I am apologizing for criminals.:confused::eusa_eh:
Call for compassion to illegal immigrants
By Stefanie Brock
Jan 29, 2011

The proposed Senate Bill 6, which would make it criminal to be an illegal immigrant in this state, weighs extremely heavy on my heart and soul
Call for compassion to illegal immigrants | Op-Ed | Kentucky.com

In resonse to her article;

it is people like Stefanie Brock that encourage illegal immigrant and believe each American should own atleast one.

Try living in East L.A. and the Barrio of any city and you will have a change of heart ASAP.

Hey, go live with them if it is that satisfying.

Racial profiling and threatening laws have always worked in apprehending criminals. The intended consequences are to get them to leave. Any way necessary.

Bad answer. Cost of mandatory E-Verify. If they cannot work they will self deport.

Good answer. 90% of all our drugs come across the southern border carried by illegal aliens and distributed by illegal aliens.

What does obesity, cigarette abuse and lung cancer got to do with enforcing our immigration laws?

Now catching criminals with racial profiling is eerily reminiscent of Hitler’s regime? If a black man robs a bank, he will be caught quicker knowing he is black.

Illegal aliens “work horses?” “Tobacco and horse industries?” They get paid for the work they do and no one forces them to come here and work. We do not round up illegal aliens and kill them. There are considered a “protected species” by our government.

Compassion for Americans would be to send the home. Illegal aliens have taken away many lives of Americans and taken away their American dreams by taking jobs and lowering wages and standard of living. Illegal immigration is not about race. Fact is majority of illegal aliens are Hispanic.

Enforcement of our immigration laws and securing the border. Which has not be serious applied.

OMG lady, you need your face slapped. Americans are lining up of low skilled and low wage jobs left when illegal aliens are deported. 7.5 million would be available for Americans if they left. And they would be taken by the 14 million unemployed Americans. My dentist works part time at Wal-Mart to supplement his business.

And they love the welfare, housing and the free healthcare and education and stupids like you.

Some have been here longer and has not applied for citizenship and don’t want citizenship.

A better life is no excuse for committing a crime. Poverty no excuse to break the law. If it was we would have no criminals in prison. Many come because crime is a more lucrative business here than in Mexico. Mexico is not our problem. It is a Mexican’s problem and it is only them that can make Mexico better. Tucking tail and running is for cowards. Mexico is not dependent on corn.
What about the drug cartels growing marijuana in our national parks?

Immigrants is not the problem. Illegal immigrants is. We are all immigrants. You are suggesting we all own an “immigrant.” So fucking satisfying. I guess you would be grateful since they provide work for you.

Illegal aliens are killing 15 Americans a day and raping 8 children, taking jobs lower wages, committing crimes, raping the education, healthcare, legal system and lowering the standard of living of Americans. We cannot save the world. Stepanie is employed because of American tax payers.
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