LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Why unskilled immigrants hurt America:
In the old days, we cried 'give me your tired, your poor,' but today's welfare and social- services apparatus enormously raises the cost of immigration July 23, 2006

By Steven Malanga

The day after Librado Velasquez arrived on Staten Island after a long, surreptitious journey from his home in Chiapas, Mexico, he headed out to a street corner to wait with other illegal immigrants looking for work. Velasquez, who had supported his wife, seven kids, and his in-laws as a campesino, or peasant farmer, until a 1998 hurricane devastated his farm, eventually got work, off the books, loading trucks at a small New Jersey factory, which hired illegals for jobs that required few special skills. The arrangement suited both, until a work injury sent Velasquez to the local emergency room, where federal law required that he be treated, though he could not afford to pay for his care. After five operations, he is now permanently disabled and has remained in the United States to pursue compensation claims.


Manhattan Institute ... grants.htm
Napolitano Announces Obama Administration Plan to Give Amnesty to Illegal Aliens
11/13/2009 | Penny Starr
Posted on Friday, November 13, 2009 4:05:53 PM by markomalley

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Friday that the Obama administration will push for “immigration reform” by giving the estimated 14 million people who are in the United States illegally “fair pathway to earned legal status.”
“A tough and fair pathway to earned legal status will mandate that illegal immigrants meet a number of requirements—including registering, paying a fine, passing a criminal background check, fully paying all taxes and learning English,”
Napolitano Announces Obama Administration Plan to Give Amnesty to Illegal Aliens

Stupid ass woman. Big fucking deal.
How is that going to help Americans?[/

How the fuck you fix some thing that is not broken. When you try to fix some thing that is not broken you end up breaking it. I guess you and tell I am toughly pissed at this kind of left wing nuts radical rhetoric and propaganda.

I am going to puke if I keep hearing this kind of shit

They already pay taxes and very little at that because they are low wages earners and if legal will get the unearned tax return for their kids. So they will get all they paid in and more. Plus being legal they will receive more in benefits then they contribute.

Our economy do not grow off the poor and unskilled laborers. We will have a 5th world country of poverty if we legalize 20 million illegal aliens. All of them will not work and will be collectors or welfare or commit crimes and in up in prison at a cost taxpayers.
Not doing the jobs Americans won’t do: 70% of illegal aliens in Texas receive welfare
April 18, 2011 ·

Illegal aliens crossing the border to line up at the welfare office
A new study has found that a remarkable 70% of illegal aliens in Texas are on the dole. Since only 39% of native born Americans are on welfare, it makes one think that the phrase “doing the jobs Americans won’t do” should be changed to “not doing the jobs that Americans won’t do.”

Legalize them and there would be more of welfare.
Not doing the jobs Americans won’t do: 70% of illegal aliens in Texas receive welfareApril 18, 2011 ·

Illegal aliens crossing the border to line up at the welfare office
A new study has found that a remarkable 70% of illegal aliens in Texas are on the dole. Since only 39% of native born Americans are on welfare, it makes one think that the phrase “doing the jobs Americans won’t do” should be changed to “not doing the jobs that Americans won’t do.”

Legalize them and there would be more of welfare. What is it going to take to wake you you fools in Washington? AN illegal aliens in your beds? They are in my bed and every aspect of my life and I am a senior citizen not working or on welfare. I hate illegal immigration and it is causing me to hate Mexicans. I don't llike what it does to me.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Not doing the jobs Americans won’t do: 70% of illegal aliens in Texas receive welfareApril 18, 2011 ·

Illegal aliens crossing the border to line up at the welfare office
A new study has found that a remarkable 70% of illegal aliens in Texas are on the dole. Since only 39% of native born Americans are on welfare, it makes one think that the phrase “doing the jobs Americans won’t do” should be changed to “not doing the jobs that Americans won’t do.”

Legalize them and there would be more of welfare. What is it going to take to wake you you fools in Washington? AN illegal aliens in your beds? They are in my bed and every aspect of my life and I am a senior citizen not working or on welfare. I hate illegal immigration and it is causing me to hate Mexicans. I don't llike what it does to me.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."

Whose paying taxes?

The problem you face is that you cannot become as hate filled as the Mexicans who are demanding money from America for doing less than what they did in Mexico.

I think like this. For every Mexican that sneaks into the US, at least one child from one of over 125 countries in the world that is poorer than Mexico will have to go hungry. That Mexican will steal the funds that would have gone overseas to feed others. I can't even find information on charities from Latin America that are concerned with countries outside of Latin America.

Deporting children of illegal aliens is not a punishment. If we need them as much as Obama say we need them, just think how much more Mexico need them. If we take Mexico’s children it will destroy Mexico because it will only leave the elderly. Children are Mexico’s future. Mexico need it’s children to built a strong Mexico. Mexico has good schools, a better healthcare system then ours, and a welfare system but they are not as generous as we are in spreading their wealth around. Illegal aliens and their children, 2.7 million, is costing us billions and amnesty will cost us trillions. If illegal aliens go home, they will create jobs for themselves. They will stimulate Mexico’s economy.

There is no evidence that children of illegal aliens, as a rule, are all attending school. All evidence points to drop outs, teen pregnancies, gang affiliation and drug dealing and crimes. Incarceration of illegal aliens and their children prove that are not all hard working law abiding people who only want to take care of their families and Obama want to bring families together by Chain Migration. We do not have the natural resources to support a population explosion of poverty.

Children cross the border with their parents leaving schools, friends, language and culture to a country that is alien to them and it is a culture shock no matter how long they have been here. I have seen children translating for their parents. They have not assimilated because their parents haven’t. Most of the parents do not speak English and still live as if they are still in Mexico in neighborhoods that are predominantly Hispanic. Some cities in this California are 98% Hispanic. Mexicans are the least of illegal aliens to assimilate making it hard for their children to assimilate. The are torn between the culture of their parents and the American culture.

The best thing for illegal aliens and their children is to go back to their homeland. Anchor babies although they are American citizens are in the same family and cannot be separated. They are torn between two countries and two cultures.

Mexico need it’s young men in their military to help fight drugs cartels. We don’t need them in our military. If Mexico defeat drug cartels, it benefits us. Drugs from Mexico is supporting drug addiction here and is destroying Americans.

Obama is working for big corporations and his political career. The Dream Act and Com. Immig. Reform is not about what is best for America or illegal aliens and their children, its’ about 2012.

Dream Act is just another plot to amnesty. If we legalize the children we are not going to deport their parents.

Obama speaks with a forked tongue. He speaks of the Dream Act, Com. Immig. Reform. Enforcement and border security in the same breath. He cannot get re-elected without the Hispanic vote and El Paso has amply supply of Hispanic votes. Do the math.

I don’t know who he is trying to fool. The American people has a first hand experience with illegal aliens and it is quite different from the crap Obama was throwing around in El Paso.

Children of illegal aliens are not all working hard in school. Some of them are drop outs, in gangs, dealing drugs and committing other crimes and is prisons, and unwed pregnant teens on welfare.

Illegal aliens and their 2.7 million children are costing American tax payers billions in education, healthcare, welfare, law enforcement, gang and graffiti units and incarcerations each year while they are struggling to take care of their families and send their children to college. Illegal aliens kill 15 Americans (more then the Iraq war) and rape 8 children daily. Take jobs from Americans and lower wages for Americans. They are not doing jobs American will not do but jobs Americans would do it they were not taken by them. With 14 million Americans unemployed we do not need to legalize illegal aliens to create jobs and rise wages for Americans. Biggest pile of crap I ever heard.

This is the things Obama did not talk about in El Paso. Obama was not talking to Americans, he was talking to illegal aliens and Hispanics. Americans don’t want to hear the left wing illegal immigration BS. We want to hear enforcement and border security and no the Dream Act or Comprehensive Immigration Reform which mean amnesty.

Valley leaders applaud Obama's call for immigration reform after El Paso speech

Hidalgo County Sheriff Lupe Treviño traveled to El Paso for Obama’s appearance after he was invited late last week by White House officials.

“We have 12 million illegal aliens in this country right now,” the sheriff said. “There’s no way you’re going to be able to deport or push back those people to their country of origin. That’s impossible.”
Valley leaders applaud Obama's call for immigration reform after El Paso speech | obama, immigration, calling -

We did it twice before with less resources than we have now and we can do it again if we had the resolve to do it. Rounding them up and putting them on planes, trains, busses and ships in not the only way to get them to leave. If they cannot work they will self deport and we do that by enforcing our laws against business hiring illegal aliens. E-Verity system and fingerprint social security cards and repealing automatic birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens if we are serious about ending illegal immigration. If we don’t have to cajones to do this we will never stop illegal immigration.
“We have 12 million illegal aliens in this country right now,” the sheriff said. “There’s no way you’re going to be able to deport or push back those people to their country of origin. That’s impossible.”

The Doolittle Raid, on 18 April 1942, was the first air raid by the United States to strike the Japanese Home Islands (specifically Honshu) during World War II. By demonstrating that Japan itself was vulnerable to American air attack, it provided a vital morale boost and opportunity for U.S. retaliation after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941. The raid was planned and led by Lieutenant Colonel James "Jimmy" Doolittle. Doolittle would later recount in his autobiography that the raid was intended to bolster American morale and to cause the Japanese to begin doubting their leadership:
The Japanese people had been told they were invulnerable ... An attack on the Japanese homeland would cause confusion in the minds of the Japanese people and sow doubt about the reliability of their leaders. There was a second, and equally important, psychological reason for this attack ... Americans badly needed a morale boost.[1]
Sixteen U.S. Army Air Forces B-25B Mitchell medium bombers were launched from the U.S. Navy's aircraft carrier USS Hornet deep in the Western Pacific Ocean. The plan called for them to bomb military targets in Japan, and to continue westward to land in China—landing a medium bomber on the Hornet was impossible. All of the aircraft involved in the bombing were lost and 11 crewmen were either killed or captured—with three of the captured men executed by the Japanese Army in China. One of the B-25s landed in the Soviet Union at Vladivostok, where it was confiscated and its crew interned for more than a year. Thirteen entire crews, and all but one crewman of a 14th, returned either to the United States or to American forces.[2][3]

The Doolittle raid was considered "impossible" to the Japs, but Americans do the impossible all the time during a war to free the captive world.

It would never have taken place if Mexicans ran the United States. That is the thing people should remember.


Obama’s speech in El Paso on immigration was directed to toward telling illegal aliens and supporters what he wanted them to hear. He was praising illegal immigrants as if they were the best thing that has happen to this country since apple pie and kool aid.

He said he has delivered what we ask for and now he want Comprehensive Immigration Reform. The border is more secure than ever, deportations are up, etc. but he lied.

--Only 44% of the border is secure. Arizona is asking for public donation to build a fence.

--Drugs and illegal aliens are still coming in from Mexico and guns and drug money still going out to Mexico.

--Drug cartels are still operating in side our borders, growing marijuana in our national forests.

--State and local officials are still not required to arrest, detain and turn -----illegal aliens over to Federal Immigration authorities for deportation.

--Sanctuary cities are still harboring illegal aliens.

--We still have 14 million unemployed Americans and Obama still want keep 7.5 million illegal aliens taking jobs and lowering wages.

Obama has not given us all we ask for. Enforcement and border security is no where near a trade off for any form of amnesty. Illegal immigration is not a game between Democarts and Republicans. Enforcement and border security is necessary to avoid Americans from becoming an endangered species.
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“We have 12 million illegal aliens in this country right now,” the sheriff said. “There’s no way you’re going to be able to deport or push back those people to their country of origin. That’s impossible.”

The Doolittle Raid, on 18 April 1942, was the first air raid by the United States to strike the Japanese Home Islands (specifically Honshu) during World War II. By demonstrating that Japan itself was vulnerable to American air attack, it provided a vital morale boost and opportunity for U.S. retaliation after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941. The raid was planned and led by Lieutenant Colonel James "Jimmy" Doolittle. Doolittle would later recount in his autobiography that the raid was intended to bolster American morale and to cause the Japanese to begin doubting their leadership:
The Japanese people had been told they were invulnerable ... An attack on the Japanese homeland would cause confusion in the minds of the Japanese people and sow doubt about the reliability of their leaders. There was a second, and equally important, psychological reason for this attack ... Americans badly needed a morale boost.[1]
Sixteen U.S. Army Air Forces B-25B Mitchell medium bombers were launched from the U.S. Navy's aircraft carrier USS Hornet deep in the Western Pacific Ocean. The plan called for them to bomb military targets in Japan, and to continue westward to land in China—landing a medium bomber on the Hornet was impossible. All of the aircraft involved in the bombing were lost and 11 crewmen were either killed or captured—with three of the captured men executed by the Japanese Army in China. One of the B-25s landed in the Soviet Union at Vladivostok, where it was confiscated and its crew interned for more than a year. Thirteen entire crews, and all but one crewman of a 14th, returned either to the United States or to American forces.[2][3]

The Doolittle raid was considered "impossible" to the Japs, but Americans do the impossible all the time during a war to free the captive world.

It would never have taken place if Mexicans ran the United States. That is the thing people should remember.

"Japs" is not an abbreviation for Japanese. "Jap" became a degoratory during the war and still is a insult and ethnic slur to Japanese-Americans. Where are you coming from?:eusa_hand:
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I don’t know who he is trying to fool. The American people has a first hand experience with illegal aliens and it is quite different from the crap Obama was throwing around in El Paso.

Children of illegal aliens are not all working hard in school. Some of them are drop outs, in gangs, dealing drugs and committing other crimes and is prisons, and unwed pregnant teens on welfare.

Illegal aliens and their 2.7 million children are costing American tax payers billions in education, healthcare, welfare, law enforcement, gang and graffiti units and incarcerations each year while they are struggling to take care of their families and send their children to college. Illegal aliens kill 15 Americans (more then the Iraq war) and rape 8 children daily. Take jobs from Americans and lower wages for Americans. They are not doing jobs American will not do but jobs Americans would do it they were not taken by them. With 14 million Americans unemployed we do not need to legalize illegal aliens to create jobs and rise wages for Americans. Biggest pile of crap I ever heard.

This is the things Obama did not talk about in El Paso. Obama was not talking to Americans, he was talking to illegal aliens and Hispanics. Americans don’t want to hear the left wing illegal immigration BS. We want to hear enforcement and border security and no the Dream Act or Comprehensive Immigration Reform which mean amnesty.

Valley leaders applaud Obama's call for immigration reform after El Paso speech

Hidalgo County Sheriff Lupe Treviño traveled to El Paso for Obama’s appearance after he was invited late last week by White House officials.

“We have 12 million illegal aliens in this country right now,” the sheriff said. “There’s no way you’re going to be able to deport or push back those people to their country of origin. That’s impossible.”
Valley leaders applaud Obama's call for immigration reform after El Paso speech | obama, immigration, calling -

We did it twice before with less resources than we have now and we can do it again if we had the resolve to do it. Rounding them up and putting them on planes, trains, busses and ships in not the only way to get them to leave. If they cannot work they will self deport and we do that by enforcing our laws against business hiring illegal aliens. E-Verity system and fingerprint social security cards and repealing automatic birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens if we are serious about ending illegal immigration. If we don’t have to cajones to do this we will never stop illegal immigration.

Obama is a liberal so of course he lied. He has an agenda, and it doesn't include preserving America, he wants to transform it. He knows illegals are a large contribution to the downfall of our current health care system, and he has made it quite clear that he wants to destroy our health care system so he can create an all new government controlled one.

Obama doesn't give a rats ass about poor Mexicans looking for work, he doesn't even care about the millions of Americans looking for work. But the illegals do serve a purpose for him politically. More poor minorities, the easier it is for him and the progressives to do their community agitating, and to promote hatred and jealousy between the "haves" and the "have-nots".


Obama’s speech in El Paso on immigration was directed to toward telling illegal aliens and supporters what he wanted them to hear. He was praising illegal immigrants as if they were the best thing that has happen to this country since apple pie and kool aid.

He said he has delivered what we ask for and now he want Comprehensive Immigration Reform. The border is more secure than ever, deportations are up, etc. but he lied.

--Only 44% of the border is secure. Arizona is asking for public donation to build a fence.

--Drugs and illegal aliens are still coming in from Mexico and guns and drug money still going out to Mexico.

--Drug cartels are still operating in side our borders, growing marijuana in our national forests.

--State and local officials are still not required to arrest, detain and turn -----illegal aliens over to Federal Immigration authorities for deportation.

--Sanctuary cities are still harboring illegal aliens.

--We still have 14 million unemployed Americans and Obama still want keep 7.5 million illegal aliens taking jobs and lowering wages.

Obama has not given us all we ask for. Enforcement and border security is no where near a trade off for any form of amnesty. Illegal immigration is not a game between Democarts and Republicans. Enforcement and border security is necessary to avoid Americans from becoming an endangered species.

My guess is that americans already are an endangered species.
“We have 12 million illegal aliens in this country right now,” the sheriff said. “There’s no way you’re going to be able to deport or push back those people to their country of origin. That’s impossible.”

The Doolittle Raid, on 18 April 1942, was the first air raid by the United States to strike the Japanese Home Islands (specifically Honshu) during World War II. By demonstrating that Japan itself was vulnerable to American air attack, it provided a vital morale boost and opportunity for U.S. retaliation after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941. The raid was planned and led by Lieutenant Colonel James "Jimmy" Doolittle. Doolittle would later recount in his autobiography that the raid was intended to bolster American morale and to cause the Japanese to begin doubting their leadership:
The Japanese people had been told they were invulnerable ... An attack on the Japanese homeland would cause confusion in the minds of the Japanese people and sow doubt about the reliability of their leaders. There was a second, and equally important, psychological reason for this attack ... Americans badly needed a morale boost.[1]
Sixteen U.S. Army Air Forces B-25B Mitchell medium bombers were launched from the U.S. Navy's aircraft carrier USS Hornet deep in the Western Pacific Ocean. The plan called for them to bomb military targets in Japan, and to continue westward to land in China—landing a medium bomber on the Hornet was impossible. All of the aircraft involved in the bombing were lost and 11 crewmen were either killed or captured—with three of the captured men executed by the Japanese Army in China. One of the B-25s landed in the Soviet Union at Vladivostok, where it was confiscated and its crew interned for more than a year. Thirteen entire crews, and all but one crewman of a 14th, returned either to the United States or to American forces.[2][3]

The Doolittle raid was considered "impossible" to the Japs, but Americans do the impossible all the time during a war to free the captive world.

It would never have taken place if Mexicans ran the United States. That is the thing people should remember.

"Japs" is not an abbreviation for Japanese. "Jap" became a degoratory during the war and still is a insult and ethnic slur to Japanese-Americans. Where are you coming from?:eusa_hand:

You mean like a Mexican calling a white American a NAZI even though Mexicans were too terrified to actual fight NAZIs so all they did was declare war on Germany?

I'll bet when Adolph read the news about those tough guy Mexicans, he was really relieved.

"They'll come here and breed like Jews!!"

There is no end to how far supporters of illegal immigration will go to get amnesty. They failed five times trying to legalization all of them so they stoop to trying to legalize the children with the rhetoric that we educate them and they go home and take their education with them. That is a crock of shit I have ever heard. Those that come here to go to school pay for their education and had no intention of staying. Our children do the same thing. They go to school over seas and come back home. But it is not the same will children of illegal aliens who Obama and Reid want to legalize under the dream Act. WE do pay for their education and they don’t leave and they don’t want to leave. They fight deportation with a vengeance as of it is a punishment and never should have been here in the first place. We don’t have jobs for our own children so why should we pay to educate children of illegal aliens who will compete with our children for jobs?

Obama spinned the crock in El Paso and it encourages children of illegal aliens to protest deportations. Comparing their plight with the civil rights movement. Which is an insult to all Afro-American and should be to Obama. Obama do not give a crap about Americans and their children.
IF you really listen to Obama's speech, he was not seriously selling immigration reform. He is not stupid. He had to attempt to offer reform knowing it doesn't have a chance in hell of passing any time in the near future. He don't really want to give amnesty to illegal aliens, he only want votes and he got them for attempting. If he was serious he would have got it passed when democrate had control the last two years. I see through him and I am not alone, I heard the very same thing on FOXNEWS last night. He almost talked himself out of it. He talks out of both sides of his mouth to get votes from both sides.
The Doolittle Raid, on 18 April 1942, was the first air raid by the United States to strike the Japanese Home Islands (specifically Honshu) during World War II. By demonstrating that Japan itself was vulnerable to American air attack, it provided a vital morale boost and opportunity for U.S. retaliation after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941. The raid was planned and led by Lieutenant Colonel James "Jimmy" Doolittle. Doolittle would later recount in his autobiography that the raid was intended to bolster American morale and to cause the Japanese to begin doubting their leadership:
The Japanese people had been told they were invulnerable ... An attack on the Japanese homeland would cause confusion in the minds of the Japanese people and sow doubt about the reliability of their leaders. There was a second, and equally important, psychological reason for this attack ... Americans badly needed a morale boost.[1]
Sixteen U.S. Army Air Forces B-25B Mitchell medium bombers were launched from the U.S. Navy's aircraft carrier USS Hornet deep in the Western Pacific Ocean. The plan called for them to bomb military targets in Japan, and to continue westward to land in China—landing a medium bomber on the Hornet was impossible. All of the aircraft involved in the bombing were lost and 11 crewmen were either killed or captured—with three of the captured men executed by the Japanese Army in China. One of the B-25s landed in the Soviet Union at Vladivostok, where it was confiscated and its crew interned for more than a year. Thirteen entire crews, and all but one crewman of a 14th, returned either to the United States or to American forces.[2][3]

The Doolittle raid was considered "impossible" to the Japs, but Americans do the impossible all the time during a war to free the captive world.

It would never have taken place if Mexicans ran the United States. That is the thing people should remember.

"Japs" is not an abbreviation for Japanese. "Jap" became a degoratory during the war and still is a insult and ethnic slur to Japanese-Americans. Where are you coming from?:eusa_hand:

You mean like a Mexican calling a white American a NAZI even though Mexicans were too terrified to actual fight NAZIs so all they did was declare war on Germany?

I'll bet when Adolph read the news about those tough guy Mexicans, he was really relieved.

"They'll come here and breed like Jews!!"

"Breed like Jews?" You are on a roll, Brokenarrow.:cuckoo:
White American are not called Nazi. :confused:
Obama and his advisors will be shocked come 2012 to see how many latinos have jumped ship.

I don't think they will jump ship. Even if they don't get amnesty this term they will still have hope in the next term. They don't have much choice. Herman Cain might work for them.:confused:

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