LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

How about if I illegally break into your house and live there, can you give me amnesty and let me stay, I am betting you would call the police and have me thrown out. Why can't we do that for our country.

At least read part of my post.:confused:
Mexico's farm workers move north, US agri-businesses move south...
Jan 03 2011
Mexican migrant workers have played an important role in US agriculture for decades, especially during harvest time, when they fill temporary menial and low-paid positions.

In recent years, border restrictions and periodic US crack-downs on the employment of undocumented workers have reduced the number of Mexicans seeking seasonal jobs north of the border. This has apparently resulted in some US agricultural enterprises deciding to shift their production centers into Mexico – if the workers won’t come to the farms, then the farms have to come to the workers…

Mexico’s farm workers move north, US agri-businesses move south… | Geo-Mexico, the geography of Mexico

Give farm worker a path to citizenship and they will leave the farms for better jobs in the cities leaving farms short of workers.:
It is not that they are not allowed more workers, Mexicans do not want to do hard dirty back breaking work either. There is no cap on H-2A visas. They have to take their business to Mexico to get amply suppply of workers. Mexicos are not sneaking across the border to work on farms.
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You might get a wider audience for your views if you avoid including signposts in the first sentence.

Use words like 'illegal', and instantly the reader is left with the impression that this is going to be 3 paragraphs of slanted criticism (whether true or not) rather than an honest appraisal of the facts, possibly culminating in some personal views.

That said, if you're posting this for the benefit of those that share your view, then I guess they will have no problem with it. However, if your intention was to persuade those with different views, you're probably not going to do it by rubbing their noses in how "illegal" it was.
Your critique is most appreciated.

Am I correct in assuming that those who are too effectively indoctrinated to know, or who simply refuse to accept, that Bush's invasion of Iraq was illegal cannot be persuaded by anything I might have to say about it?

Because this is a discussion forum I'm predisposed to the notion that anything I say is open to (hopefully sensible) debate, which probably is why I'm more inclined to invite discussion rather than to persuade on the basis of initial commentary. So what are your thoughts on what I had to say? Do you believe the Iraq invasion was legal? Morally justifiable? If not, why do you suppose the Bush crime family was allowed to get away with the conspiracy?

Invading Iraq, in my opinion, should have been something that was promoted by the UN. For many years, Saddam had been an unmitigated tyrant, responsible for the brutalizing of his own people. This sort of behavior is exactly one of the sort of things the UN was supposed to address. Of course , it doesn't, though I feel it has moved in the right direction with Libya.

I think removing Saddam from power by force was the right thing to do.

The reasons that were given for invading Iraq, again in my opinion, were paper thin and possibly in many ways fabricated. The timing also made little or no sense. In addition to that, having ousted Saddam, the countries involved did an awful job maintaining a functioning society as the transition to truly representative democracy was attempted.

With regard to the paragraph I highlighted in bold, it's not really for me to say what others may think, but your use of terms like "Indoctrination" and "Bush crime family" appear to make it clear what your position is towards those who supported the invasion of Iraq. I would assume that those who you believe have been indoctrinated would probably be uninclined to consider your views, primarily because people tend not to react well to being told they have no mind of their own.
Even though you believe the reasons given for invading Iraq, which, according to international law was a war crime, were "paper thin" (deliberate, systematic lies) and "the timing made little or no sense," you believe removing Saddam Hussein from power was the right thing to do?


Were you among the American troops who served under arms in Iraq? If not, were any of the 4,400+ of those troops who died in Iraq related to you in some way? If not, were any of the thousands who were physically or mentally crippled in that illegal invasion and occupation related to you?

Inasmuch as Iraq represented absolutely no threat or provocation to the United States, keeping in mind that the United States has never been appointed cops of the world, how about telling us in very specific terms why you believe the American and Allied soldiers who were killed, the bodies and minds that were ruined and the massive treasure expended are justifiable losses.

And while you're at it, can you think of any other "unmitigated tyrants" in the world whom you believe the U.S. should send its sons and brothers to die and be crippled, as well as expending treasure we simply cannot afford, in an effort to remove?

Also, considering the condition of Iraq before we invaded and the condition of that country now, and considering the number of Iraqis killed by our direct action, including innocent men women and children -- little tots, can you say our effort has benefited the Iraqi people?
Your critique is most appreciated.

Am I correct in assuming that those who are too effectively indoctrinated to know, or who simply refuse to accept, that Bush's invasion of Iraq was illegal cannot be persuaded by anything I might have to say about it?

Because this is a discussion forum I'm predisposed to the notion that anything I say is open to (hopefully sensible) debate, which probably is why I'm more inclined to invite discussion rather than to persuade on the basis of initial commentary. So what are your thoughts on what I had to say? Do you believe the Iraq invasion was legal? Morally justifiable? If not, why do you suppose the Bush crime family was allowed to get away with the conspiracy?

Invading Iraq, in my opinion, should have been something that was promoted by the UN. For many years, Saddam had been an unmitigated tyrant, responsible for the brutalizing of his own people. This sort of behavior is exactly one of the sort of things the UN was supposed to address. Of course , it doesn't, though I feel it has moved in the right direction with Libya.

I think removing Saddam from power by force was the right thing to do.

The reasons that were given for invading Iraq, again in my opinion, were paper thin and possibly in many ways fabricated. The timing also made little or no sense. In addition to that, having ousted Saddam, the countries involved did an awful job maintaining a functioning society as the transition to truly representative democracy was attempted.

With regard to the paragraph I highlighted in bold, it's not really for me to say what others may think, but your use of terms like "Indoctrination" and "Bush crime family" appear to make it clear what your position is towards those who supported the invasion of Iraq. I would assume that those who you believe have been indoctrinated would probably be uninclined to consider your views, primarily because people tend not to react well to being told they have no mind of their own.
Even though you believe the reasons given for invading Iraq, which, according to international law was a war crime, were "paper thin" (deliberate, systematic lies) and "the timing made little or no sense," you believe removing Saddam Hussein from power was the right thing to do?


Were you among the American troops who served under arms in Iraq? If not, were any of the 4,400+ of those troops who died in Iraq related to you in some way? If not, were any of the thousands who were physically or mentally crippled in that illegal invasion and occupation related to you?

Inasmuch as Iraq represented absolutely no threat or provocation to the United States, keeping in mind that the United States has never been appointed cops of the world, how about telling us in very specific terms why you believe the American and Allied soldiers who were killed, the bodies and minds that were ruined and the massive treasure expended are justifiable losses.

And while you're at it, can you think of any other "unmitigated tyrants" in the world whom you believe the U.S. should send its sons and brothers to die and be crippled, as well as expending treasure we simply cannot afford, in an effort to remove?

Also, considering the condition of Iraq before we invaded and the condition of that country now, and considering the number of Iraqis killed by our direct action, including innocent men women and children -- little tots, can you say our effort has benefited the Iraqi people?

Once again folks throwing around personnel opinions as facts.
Invading Iraq, in my opinion, should have been something that was promoted by the UN. For many years, Saddam had been an unmitigated tyrant, responsible for the brutalizing of his own people. This sort of behavior is exactly one of the sort of things the UN was supposed to address. Of course , it doesn't, though I feel it has moved in the right direction with Libya.

I think removing Saddam from power by force was the right thing to do.

The reasons that were given for invading Iraq, again in my opinion, were paper thin and possibly in many ways fabricated. The timing also made little or no sense. In addition to that, having ousted Saddam, the countries involved did an awful job maintaining a functioning society as the transition to truly representative democracy was attempted.

With regard to the paragraph I highlighted in bold, it's not really for me to say what others may think, but your use of terms like "Indoctrination" and "Bush crime family" appear to make it clear what your position is towards those who supported the invasion of Iraq. I would assume that those who you believe have been indoctrinated would probably be uninclined to consider your views, primarily because people tend not to react well to being told they have no mind of their own.
Even though you believe the reasons given for invading Iraq, which, according to international law was a war crime, were "paper thin" (deliberate, systematic lies) and "the timing made little or no sense," you believe removing Saddam Hussein from power was the right thing to do?


Were you among the American troops who served under arms in Iraq? If not, were any of the 4,400+ of those troops who died in Iraq related to you in some way? If not, were any of the thousands who were physically or mentally crippled in that illegal invasion and occupation related to you?

Inasmuch as Iraq represented absolutely no threat or provocation to the United States, keeping in mind that the United States has never been appointed cops of the world, how about telling us in very specific terms why you believe the American and Allied soldiers who were killed, the bodies and minds that were ruined and the massive treasure expended are justifiable losses.

And while you're at it, can you think of any other "unmitigated tyrants" in the world whom you believe the U.S. should send its sons and brothers to die and be crippled, as well as expending treasure we simply cannot afford, in an effort to remove?

Also, considering the condition of Iraq before we invaded and the condition of that country now, and considering the number of Iraqis killed by our direct action, including innocent men women and children -- little tots, can you say our effort has benefited the Iraqi people?

Once again folks throwing around personnel opinions as facts.
If you disagree with something I've said why not present your argument rather than waste time and space with meaningless, unproductive comments.
Touched a nerve??

people throw around numbers killed,how legal or illegal Iraq has been,Bush lied the list goes on and on,same old BS these ARE ALL OPINIONS now if you don't like that its just to bad for you.
Touched a nerve??

people throw around numbers killed,how legal or illegal Iraq has been,Bush lied the list goes on and on,same old BS these ARE ALL OPINIONS now if you don't like that its just to bad for you.
Do you doubt the number of Americans killed in Iraq that I mentioned? Do you doubt that Bush's invasion and occupation of Iraq was illegal by the standard of International Law? Neither item is an opinion of mine -- or of anyone else. Both are well established matters of fact.

I'm sorry if this information is difficult for you to swallow whole but I suggest the reason is you are among the indoctrinated right-wing acolytes for whom the truth and the facts are painful.

Again, if you have a reasoned argument I would like to know what it is. Otherwise, rather than wasting your time expressing vacuous resentment I suggest you make use of Google in educating yourself as to the fact that the Bush Administration was guilty of some of the worst crimes in the history of the Executive Branch of our government.
OBAMA PLUGGING COM. IMMIG. REFORM AGAIN.Obama to push immigration reform in Texas; Rep. Lamar Smith says it’s ‘unlikely he will succeed anytime soon’ | Texas on the Potomac | a blog
Our immigration system is not broken and if it is not broken it does not need fixing.

Just because 20 million people entered this country illegally, been here for 20 years, working illegally, putting down roots and producing 350,000 anchor babies a year does not mean our immigration system is broken and need to be reformed. It mean our government is broken and need reforming. (fixing)

20 million illegal aliens broke our Federal Immigration and Nationality Act when they entered the country illegally and that is a federal crime exacting imprisonment and a fine. Not a path to citizenship and a fine. Changing the law does not fix the problem, it exacerbates the problem.

Our government has been broken for more than 50 years because it does not enforce our immigration laws and have not secured the borders. Enforcing our immigration laws and securing our border would cost less than amnesty. 1986 should never have happened but it should be a learning experience and not let it happen again. Because we did not learn from the 1986 amnesty we are repeating it again. It did not fix our illegal immigration problem. Letting people in the country that cannot contribute anything to the country is a country destroyer. Illegal immigration is costing Americans in education, healthcare, welfare, law enforcement and incarcerations and economically.

Our immigration system allows 500,000 to enter the country legally each year and proves it is not broken. H-2A visas allow farmers unlimited supply of workers for their farms. If they are short of workers it is because illegal aliens do not want to work on farms. We do not need to legalize 20 million illegal aliens to fill jobs American will not do because there are no jobs American will not do. Businesses hire illegal aliens because they will work for less, worker harder and not complain about working conditions. Much like slave labor in China and America should be ashamed.

So what is really broken and need reforming (fixing) is our government that is not doing their job of enforcing our immigration laws and not securing our border and businesses addiction to cheap slave labor.
Amnesty in 1986 did not fix our illegal immigration problem and amnesty in the form of a fine and path to citizenship will not fix it in 2012. Com.Immig. Reform should have nothing to do with compassion and humane treatment and anchor babies. Enforcement and border security will fix it but our government do not have to resolve to fix it for fear of offending Hispanics and the Mexican government. What does that mean? We got a bunch of pussies trying to run the government and it is time we elect someone who has cajones.

We do not need racial profiling to enforce our immigration laws. I am an American citizen and when I was born I was issued a birth certificate proving my citizenship. In dealing with any areas of our government I have to produce an evidence of who I am and that identification proves I am a citizen of this country. It also identifies my race. I have to prove who I am when I entered school, go to the doctor, get a drivers license, get a Social Security card and apply for a job and they all need proof of birth. Why do I have to produce evidence of who I am and illegal aliens don’t and if they are asked for identification it is racial profiling? If I am walking down the street to the ice cream parlor I have my identification on me. The Federal Immigration and Nationality Act allows for profiling illegal aliens if there is reasonable suspicion that they are illegal.

There is absolutely no excuse for 20 million people to be in this country illegally and Com. Immig. Reform will not fix it. It will only legalize 20 million illegal aliens so no one in the county will be illegal. That like letting a child eat the last cookie so there will be no more cookies for him to eat.

We cannot take the path we have taken before by calling it by another name. Path to citizenship with a fine. Selling U.S. citizenship may be illegal, unconstitutional and a crime?

I want to see Americans back to work. What prompted this is I got up to close my window because of the noise coming from the lawn mower and I saw a young white man mowing the lawn. Raids done on businesses have released jobs for American who have lined up for the jobs once held by illegal aliens. Jobs Obama say American will not do. I want to see American once again taking my order and flipping burgers, assisting me in Walmart, picking up my garbage, babying sitting our children and elderly, building houses, fixing our roads and streets, and parking lots, doing the unskilled jobs they used to do before they were taken by illegal aliens. My daughter who just got laid off from her $60 a year job is now a nanny, cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, picking up kids form school, and taking them to dance classes, etc. Who is doing this work for Obama’s family in the white house?

Com. Immig. Reform will have 20 million people legally competing for jobs with Americans. Legalizing 20 million people will not cause them to contribute more to the system but will allow them to benefit more form the system. Americans will never agree to another amnesty by any name again. Anyone who believes Americans are for anything other than enforcement and border security are not listening to Americans. And that can be a big mistake.

Last year 1,130,818 people became legal permanent residents of the United States.

US Citizenship For Sale
Welcome to Texans For Immigration Reform!
We favor the rigorous enforcement of existing laws against persons who illegally enter or reside in the United States.

We work to oppose or repeal laws and programs that encourage illegal immigration and residence.

Finally, we work to educate the public and work with our elected representatives to achieve these objectives.
Texans For Immigration Reform - Home
HomeHolder eyes Utah guest-worker law
State gets time to change its policy

A year after suing Arizona over its tough immigration law, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. told Congress on Tuesday that his department is prepared to sue Utah for going the other way and creating its own guest-worker program - though he is giving the state some time to change its law.

“That’s a law that doesn’t go into effect until 2013,” Mr. Holder told the House Judiciary Committee. “We will look at the law, and if it is not changed to our satisfaction by 2013, we will take all the necessary steps.”

Holder eyes Utah guest-worker law - Washington Times
OBAMA PLUGGING COM. IMMIG. REFORM AGAIN.Obama to push immigration reform in Texas; Rep. Lamar Smith says it’s ‘unlikely he will succeed anytime soon’ | Texas on the Potomac | a blog
Our immigration system is not broken and if it is not broken it does not need fixing.

Just because 20 million people entered this country illegally, been here for 20 years, working illegally, putting down roots and producing 350,000 anchor babies a year does not mean our immigration system is broken and need to be reformed. It mean our government is broken and need reforming. (fixing)

20 million illegal aliens broke our Federal Immigration and Nationality Act when they entered the country illegally and that is a federal crime exacting imprisonment and a fine. Not a path to citizenship and a fine. Changing the law does not fix the problem, it exacerbates the problem.

Our government has been broken for more than 50 years because it does not enforce our immigration laws and have not secured the borders. Enforcing our immigration laws and securing our border would cost less than amnesty. 1986 should never have happened but it should be a learning experience and not let it happen again. Because we did not learn from the 1986 amnesty we are repeating it again. It did not fix our illegal immigration problem. Letting people in the country that cannot contribute anything to the country is a country destroyer. Illegal immigration is costing Americans in education, healthcare, welfare, law enforcement and incarcerations and economically.

Our immigration system allows 500,000 to enter the country legally each year and proves it is not broken. H-2A visas allow farmers unlimited supply of workers for their farms. If they are short of workers it is because illegal aliens do not want to work on farms. We do not need to legalize 20 million illegal aliens to fill jobs American will not do because there are no jobs American will not do. Businesses hire illegal aliens because they will work for less, worker harder and not complain about working conditions. Much like slave labor in China and America should be ashamed.

So what is really broken and need reforming (fixing) is our government that is not doing their job of enforcing our immigration laws and not securing our border and businesses addiction to cheap slave labor.
Amnesty in 1986 did not fix our illegal immigration problem and amnesty in the form of a fine and path to citizenship will not fix it in 2012. Com.Immig. Reform should have nothing to do with compassion and humane treatment and anchor babies. Enforcement and border security will fix it but our government do not have to resolve to fix it for fear of offending Hispanics and the Mexican government. What does that mean? We got a bunch of pussies trying to run the government and it is time we elect someone who has cajones.

We do not need racial profiling to enforce our immigration laws. I am an American citizen and when I was born I was issued a birth certificate proving my citizenship. In dealing with any areas of our government I have to produce an evidence of who I am and that identification proves I am a citizen of this country. It also identifies my race. I have to prove who I am when I entered school, go to the doctor, get a drivers license, get a Social Security card and apply for a job and they all need proof of birth. Why do I have to produce evidence of who I am and illegal aliens don’t and if they are asked for identification it is racial profiling? If I am walking down the street to the ice cream parlor I have my identification on me. The Federal Immigration and Nationality Act allows for profiling illegal aliens if there is reasonable suspicion that they are illegal.

There is absolutely no excuse for 20 million people to be in this country illegally and Com. Immig. Reform will not fix it. It will only legalize 20 million illegal aliens so no one in the county will be illegal. That like letting a child eat the last cookie so there will be no more cookies for him to eat.

We cannot take the path we have taken before by calling it by another name. Path to citizenship with a fine. Selling U.S. citizenship may be illegal, unconstitutional and a crime?

I want to see Americans back to work. What prompted this is I got up to close my window because of the noise coming from the lawn mower and I saw a young white man mowing the lawn. Raids done on businesses have released jobs for American who have lined up for the jobs once held by illegal aliens. Jobs Obama say American will not do. I want to see American once again taking my order and flipping burgers, assisting me in Walmart, picking up my garbage, babying sitting our children and elderly, building houses, fixing our roads and streets, and parking lots, doing the unskilled jobs they used to do before they were taken by illegal aliens. My daughter who just got laid off from her $60 a year job is now a nanny, cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, picking up kids form school, and taking them to dance classes, etc. Who is doing this work for Obama’s family in the white house?

Com. Immig. Reform will have 20 million people legally competing for jobs with Americans. Legalizing 20 million people will not cause them to contribute more to the system but will allow them to benefit more form the system. Americans will never agree to another amnesty by any name again. Anyone who believes Americans are for anything other than enforcement and border security are not listening to Americans. And that can be a big mistake.

Last year 1,130,818 people became legal permanent residents of the United States.

US Citizenship For Sale

You give them a hand and they demand a foot.
OBAMA PLUGGING COM. IMMIG. REFORM AGAIN.Obama to push immigration reform in Texas; Rep. Lamar Smith says it’s ‘unlikely he will succeed anytime soon’ | Texas on the Potomac | a blog
Our immigration system is not broken and if it is not broken it does not need fixing.

Just because 20 million people entered this country illegally, been here for 20 years, working illegally, putting down roots and producing 350,000 anchor babies a year does not mean our immigration system is broken and need to be reformed. It mean our government is broken and need reforming. (fixing)

20 million illegal aliens broke our Federal Immigration and Nationality Act when they entered the country illegally and that is a federal crime exacting imprisonment and a fine. Not a path to citizenship and a fine. Changing the law does not fix the problem, it exacerbates the problem.

Our government has been broken for more than 50 years because it does not enforce our immigration laws and have not secured the borders. Enforcing our immigration laws and securing our border would cost less than amnesty. 1986 should never have happened but it should be a learning experience and not let it happen again. Because we did not learn from the 1986 amnesty we are repeating it again. It did not fix our illegal immigration problem. Letting people in the country that cannot contribute anything to the country is a country destroyer. Illegal immigration is costing Americans in education, healthcare, welfare, law enforcement and incarcerations and economically.

Our immigration system allows 500,000 to enter the country legally each year and proves it is not broken. H-2A visas allow farmers unlimited supply of workers for their farms. If they are short of workers it is because illegal aliens do not want to work on farms. We do not need to legalize 20 million illegal aliens to fill jobs American will not do because there are no jobs American will not do. Businesses hire illegal aliens because they will work for less, worker harder and not complain about working conditions. Much like slave labor in China and America should be ashamed.

So what is really broken and need reforming (fixing) is our government that is not doing their job of enforcing our immigration laws and not securing our border and businesses addiction to cheap slave labor.
Amnesty in 1986 did not fix our illegal immigration problem and amnesty in the form of a fine and path to citizenship will not fix it in 2012. Com.Immig. Reform should have nothing to do with compassion and humane treatment and anchor babies. Enforcement and border security will fix it but our government do not have to resolve to fix it for fear of offending Hispanics and the Mexican government. What does that mean? We got a bunch of pussies trying to run the government and it is time we elect someone who has cajones.

We do not need racial profiling to enforce our immigration laws. I am an American citizen and when I was born I was issued a birth certificate proving my citizenship. In dealing with any areas of our government I have to produce an evidence of who I am and that identification proves I am a citizen of this country. It also identifies my race. I have to prove who I am when I entered school, go to the doctor, get a drivers license, get a Social Security card and apply for a job and they all need proof of birth. Why do I have to produce evidence of who I am and illegal aliens don’t and if they are asked for identification it is racial profiling? If I am walking down the street to the ice cream parlor I have my identification on me. The Federal Immigration and Nationality Act allows for profiling illegal aliens if there is reasonable suspicion that they are illegal.

There is absolutely no excuse for 20 million people to be in this country illegally and Com. Immig. Reform will not fix it. It will only legalize 20 million illegal aliens so no one in the county will be illegal. That like letting a child eat the last cookie so there will be no more cookies for him to eat.

We cannot take the path we have taken before by calling it by another name. Path to citizenship with a fine. Selling U.S. citizenship may be illegal, unconstitutional and a crime?

I want to see Americans back to work. What prompted this is I got up to close my window because of the noise coming from the lawn mower and I saw a young white man mowing the lawn. Raids done on businesses have released jobs for American who have lined up for the jobs once held by illegal aliens. Jobs Obama say American will not do. I want to see American once again taking my order and flipping burgers, assisting me in Walmart, picking up my garbage, babying sitting our children and elderly, building houses, fixing our roads and streets, and parking lots, doing the unskilled jobs they used to do before they were taken by illegal aliens. My daughter who just got laid off from her $60 a year job is now a nanny, cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, picking up kids form school, and taking them to dance classes, etc. Who is doing this work for Obama’s family in the white house?

Com. Immig. Reform will have 20 million people legally competing for jobs with Americans. Legalizing 20 million people will not cause them to contribute more to the system but will allow them to benefit more form the system. Americans will never agree to another amnesty by any name again. Anyone who believes Americans are for anything other than enforcement and border security are not listening to Americans. And that can be a big mistake.

Last year 1,130,818 people became legal permanent residents of the United States.

US Citizenship For Sale

You give them a hand and they demand a foot.

No, an arm and a leg.:razz:
Obama announcing Comprehensive immigration Reform is like announcing the day after Christmas sales, the Okla. land rush of 1889, the gold rush and the lottery. Illegal aliens will stampede across the border stepping each other and over border patrols to get in on the next amnesty. Nothing would stop them. Now, announcing immigrations enforcement will send them scrambling back across the border to get the best jobs available there.

They have said it is a path to citizenship with a fine but never said how the fine would be collected? When you cannot get illegal aliens to show up to pay parking tickets.
Teen Joblessness and ILLEGAL Immigration

By Eric Ruark,
FAIR Director of Research

Many jobs held by illegal aliens, such as in the fast food industry or doing seasonal work, were once entry level jobs that introduced teenagers to the labor market and gave them valuable work experience. High rates of unemployment for teenagers is an especially troubling trend because, as Sum has pointed out in earlier studies, teens who do not enter the job market continue to remain unemployed throughout much of their adult lives, and earn lower wages when they do work. They are also more likely to drop out of high school and have a much higher rate of teen pregnancy and criminal activity.

One Old Vet » Teen Joblessness and ILLEGAL Immigration
And the issue isn’t illegal aliens but private sector employers who hire undocumented employees and Federal authorities who, for obvious reasons, don’t investigate and punish employers who violate employment law.

I was going to post a reply, but this guy basically summed it up.

Also, if the immigrants are getting the jobs, that means that they are more qualified than teenagers. End of story. Isn't this what republicans want? People getting jobs on the merits of their own skills, and not through government intervention?
Really, you’re citing a TPM site?

And do you actually research the junk you post or are you merely incapable of comprehending it?

In any event, this canard of an ‘executive order’ has been around for about a year now with no evidence of its existence provided. Indeed, almost a year ago as well DHS clearly stated it would not offer any type of ‘amnesty’ to those who came to the US illegally:

The Department of Homeland Security on Friday denied any plans to grant blanket amnesty to the "entire illegal immigrant population," following claims from senators and others that the Obama administration has been holding behind-the-scenes talks to craft a gameplan for mass legalization.

The concern is that DHS, in a bid to bypass Congress, would extend what is known as deferred action or parole -- actions usually taken on a case-by-case basis -- to millions of illegal immigrants at once.

Read more: Homeland Security Denies Interest in Blanket Amnesty for Illegals -

The department statement, however, did not address the possibility of giving a selective reprieve to the segment of the population holding expired visas -- as opposed to those who crossed illegally. This is something that a former Bush administration official told could be an option.

But the statement said the reprieves would not be drastically expanded. The department, while affirming its authority to grant the extensions "on the merits of cases," said they are applied on a "case-by-case" basis.

"DHS does not grant deferred action without a review of relevant facts," the statement said. "To be clear, DHS will not grant deferred action to the nation's entire illegal immigrant population."

Homeland Security Denies Interest in Blanket Amnesty for Illegals -

So there was no ‘amnesty’ for those here illegally, only a case-by-case review of deferring the deportation of those who came here legally where their visas expired.

So much for this thread and the TPM.
Vicente Fox: Mexicans do jobs "not even blacks will do"
May 14, 2005

Mexican President Vicente Fox tossed a not-so-veiled insult at black Americans yesterday when he insisted that the US should admit illegal immigrants because they do jobs that "not even blacks will do."
Ramblings' Journal: Vicente Fox: Mexicans do jobs "not even blacks will do"

Employment rate for Black men over 20 years old stood at 16.8% Black teenage unemployment at 42% nearly double the white teenage rate of 22%. Unemployment rate for Hispanic teens at 19.7%. High school dropouts unemployment rate at 50% higher than the rest of the nation.

Obama and Reid want to place insult upon insult on Blacks with the Dream Act and Comprehensive Immigration Reform. Their acts are even more insulting to Blacks then President Fox. Hispanic teens and their parents displace Blacks at a rate higher than any other race. Illegal aliens are illegally taking jobs from Americans now and if they are put on a path to citizenship they will legally take more jobs away from Americans.

With the Dream Act they want to make it easier for children of illegal aliens to go to school when they should be making it easier for American children to go to school so we would not have drop-outs and they would contribute to the country. Obama and Reid is making more competition for our children and their parents. Obama and Reid seem to be working for Mexico and not for America. We need to open up those jobs that illegal aliens are doing by doing what President Eisenhower did in 1954 using racial profiling to arrest and deport illegal aliens. Which is perfectly legal and put Americans back to work.

Obama and Reid must feel much the same as President Fox.

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