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LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Ga. college student a reluctant immigration symbol - Yahoo! News

Just some points in the story that I thought merited a direct answer.

Jessica Colotl has always tried to keep a low profile — obeying the speed limit, making sure her car's lights work properly — knowing that a brush with law enforcement could lead to her deportation and cost her a college diploma.

After a few close calls, her fears were realized last spring, when she was stopped for a minor traffic violation, charged with driving without a license and turned over to immigration authorities. She spent 37 days in a detention center in Alabama before authorities let her out and said they would give her a year to finish her studies at Kennesaw State University.

Excuse me? WHY, precisely, are we concerned about her finishing her studies? Are there any other criminals for whom we put off prosecution and punishment to allow them to go to school?

"I think it's grossly unfair to the real immigrants who have followed the rules to come here legally," said D.A. King, founder of the Dustin Inman Society, which advocates stricter enforcement of immigration laws.

Through it all, the soft-spoken Colotl has been left wondering, "Why me?"

Um, because you're a criminal, you dumb bitch. You're in college, and you can't figure out something THAT simple?

Colotl's case sparked public concerns that Georgia state colleges and universities were being overrun by illegal immigrants, that taxpayers were subsidizing their education and legal residents were being displaced. Yet a study conducted by the university system's Board of Regents found that less than 1 percent of the state's public college students were illegal immigrants, and that students who pay out-of-state tuition — which illegal immigrants are required to do — more than pay for their education.

Now how about the fact that THEY'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE?! Could we perhaps address THAT?

King, an ardent supporter of that bill, said he used Colotl's case last year to file a complaint against the Board of Regents. Young people like Colotl who were brought here by their parents present a sympathetic case, he said, but he blames their parents for their situation.

"I think Jessica Colotl should have been deported last year as an example to the parents who are shamelessly bringing their children into this country," he said.

No, I blame her parents for bringing her here as a child, but this whining twat is an adult now, who has deliberately and with malice aforethought chosen to remain in the country, knowing that she shouldn't be here. Hell, the story tells you in the first paragraph how hard she's worked at hiding her crime from law enforcement. Nothing sympathetic about premeditated criminal behavior, in my book.

Despite all her troubles over the past year, Colotl doesn't regret her parents' decision to bring her here.

"I would never dare to blame them for trying to give me a better life," she said.

Well, isn't that sweet, that she's learned such high moral standards that she doesn't blame her parents for breaking the law and harming other people in the service of their goals for her. I guess she'd get equally soppy if they'd robbed a couple of banks to help support her over the years, too.

Wow, sure want THIS shining example of law-abiding integrity to hang around. What a fantastic addition to the country.
Your critique is most appreciated.

Am I correct in assuming that those who are too effectively indoctrinated to know, or who simply refuse to accept, that Bush's invasion of Iraq was illegal cannot be persuaded by anything I might have to say about it?

Because this is a discussion forum I'm predisposed to the notion that anything I say is open to (hopefully sensible) debate, which probably is why I'm more inclined to invite discussion rather than to persuade on the basis of initial commentary. So what are your thoughts on what I had to say? Do you believe the Iraq invasion was legal? Morally justifiable? If not, why do you suppose the Bush crime family was allowed to get away with the conspiracy?

Invading Iraq, in my opinion, should have been something that was promoted by the UN. For many years, Saddam had been an unmitigated tyrant, responsible for the brutalizing of his own people. This sort of behavior is exactly one of the sort of things the UN was supposed to address. Of course , it doesn't, though I feel it has moved in the right direction with Libya.

I think removing Saddam from power by force was the right thing to do.

The reasons that were given for invading Iraq, again in my opinion, were paper thin and possibly in many ways fabricated. The timing also made little or no sense. In addition to that, having ousted Saddam, the countries involved did an awful job maintaining a functioning society as the transition to truly representative democracy was attempted.

With regard to the paragraph I highlighted in bold, it's not really for me to say what others may think, but your use of terms like "Indoctrination" and "Bush crime family" appear to make it clear what your position is towards those who supported the invasion of Iraq. I would assume that those who you believe have been indoctrinated would probably be uninclined to consider your views, primarily because people tend not to react well to being told they have no mind of their own.
Even though you believe the reasons given for invading Iraq, which, according to international law was a war crime, were "paper thin" (deliberate, systematic lies) and "the timing made little or no sense," you believe removing Saddam Hussein from power was the right thing to do?


Were you among the American troops who served under arms in Iraq? If not, were any of the 4,400+ of those troops who died in Iraq related to you in some way? If not, were any of the thousands who were physically or mentally crippled in that illegal invasion and occupation related to you?

Inasmuch as Iraq represented absolutely no threat or provocation to the United States, keeping in mind that the United States has never been appointed cops of the world, how about telling us in very specific terms why you believe the American and Allied soldiers who were killed, the bodies and minds that were ruined and the massive treasure expended are justifiable losses.

And while you're at it, can you think of any other "unmitigated tyrants" in the world whom you believe the U.S. should send its sons and brothers to die and be crippled, as well as expending treasure we simply cannot afford, in an effort to remove?

Also, considering the condition of Iraq before we invaded and the condition of that country now, and considering the number of Iraqis killed by our direct action, including innocent men women and children -- little tots, can you say our effort has benefited the Iraqi people?

Your viewpoint is so far way from mine (and you sarcasm seems to indicate that won't be changing anytime soon) that it's probably a waste of time to engage with you on this.

No offense meant. I just don't see a point.

Another immigration myth. Illegal aliens are not hiding in the shadows in under ground bunkers. The are everywhere you and I are. In our schools, medical and dental clinics, welfare office, stores, restaurants, prisons, in gangs dealing in drugs and defacing property with graffiti, in cities and neighborhoods where they tend to live, and we do not have to bribe them with amnesty to draw the out of the shadows. If we can find one man half way across the nation we can surely find 20 million illegal aliens who are hiding in plain sight. We do not pay bribes to hostage takers. We do not deal with terrorist either. Illegal aliens are terrorizing Americans. They are not hard working law abiding people who only want a better life for their families. I don’t have a problem with that. Just do not do it in my country at my expense. And all those little anchor babies are not all sucking pacifiers in strollers like amnesty supporter like to describe them. Some of them are old enough to vote and the are going to vote in the best interest of their families. Anyone who promises them amnesty. Anchors babies are what they are because their parent are not seldom deported because of them.

No person is illegal. Yes they are. If they are in the country illegally they are illegal. And illegal immigration is a crime and illegal aliens are criminals and how do you catch a criminal? By profiling.

illegal alien 
a foreigner who has entered or resides in a country unlawfully or without the country's authorization.
a foreigner who enters the U.S. without an entry or immigrant visa, especially a person who crosses the border by avoiding inspection or who overstays the period of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or businessperson. Compare resident alien.
Illegal immigrant | Define Illegal immigrant at Dictionary.com

I know many of you will call this post racist and bigoted but it is fact and we have 20 million in this country because we refuse to deal with reality.
[B]The Dark Side Of Illegal ImmigrationFacts, Figures And Statistics On Illegal Immigration[/B]
Ignoring the "minor crime" such as ID theft and property crimes being committed by illegal aliens, here is a summary on some of the collateral damage reaped in crimes as a result of tolerating illegal aliens in the USA:

In tolerating illegal immigration, how many Americans do YOU accept being molested, raped and murdered each year to save ten cents on a head of lettuce?
Impacts of Illegal Immigration: Crime Summary
And now we know who's helpin' `em...
Harry Reid: ‘We Need The People Of America To Rise Up’ in Favor of Amnesty for Illegal Aliens
Wednesday, May 11, 2011 - Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is calling on Americans to ‘rise up’ and express how important the DREAM Act is to them.
Reid made the comments at a conference on Wednesday in support of the measure that would allow qualifying illegal aliens obtain legal residence status. “As was said yesterday in El Paso by the president, we need the people of America to rise up and indicate to each of us how important this legislation is,” Reid said. “I believe that the people in America need to understand that these young men and women who want to be educated, who want to be able to serve the military. It’s good for everybody.”

Senator Reid along with Senators Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) say the Senate will bring the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act to the floor for a vote. The measure previously failed to pass during the lame duck session of the last Congress when both chambers were under Democratic control.

The bill would allow qualifying illegal aliens to obtain legal residence status. President Barack Obama addressed the previous failure of the DREAM Act and called for it’s future passage during his speech on immigration in El Paso, Texas yesterday.

Harry Reid:

We do not punish poor little innocent children of illegal aliens when we deport their parents. (We all know some of the most dangerous gangs are made up of children of illegal aliens and our prisons are full of children of illegal aliens and children of illegal aliens are dealing the drugs that are smuggled in by illegal aliens) If the parent leaves the children here for tax payers to take care of they should be charged with child abandonment. Those that cross the border with children should be charged with child endangerment. Illegal aliens are teaching their children how to lie and steal when they enter the county illegally and work illegally. Let them go home and build a better life for themselves and their children in Mexico by creating jobs there.
We cannot continue to allow illegal aliens who have “jackpot babies” to remain in the country. That only encourage more illegal aliens coming here to have “jackpot babies.” Parents of “jackpot” babies are rarely deported. And the rhetoric that “illegal aliens don’t come here to have “jackpot babies” has failed. Pregnant women coming here to have their babies is big business and illegal aliens do come here to have “jackpot babies.” Fraud by mid-wives on border cities forge birth certificates for illegal aliens who bring children across the border with them. Automatic Birthright Citizenship has been abused by illegal aliens and made a mockery of and should be repealed retro-active. It also encourage more illegal immigration and more teen age pregnancies.
There are so many problems with illegal immigration that has to be fixed before we ever consider another amnesty. (Path to citizenship)

Amnesty for 2.7 million illegal aliens in 1986 led to 20 million illegal aliens 25 years later and a failed economy. Where are the educated illegal aliens that were supposed to save our economy, save Social Security and Medicare, build industries that were suppose to create jobs? And Obama believe 20 million more will make a difference? Only jobs they created cost American tax payers more. Gang, graffiti and drug units, more prison guards, more policemen, more border patrol agents and ICE agents, teachers to teach their children English, more welfare workers, more clinics, doctors and nurses and longer waits in ER for Americans. These jobs they created are services for themselves and their children that taxpayers have had to pay for while they took their job and lowered their wages thus lowering the standard of living for hard working Americans.
Legalization of 20 million illegal aliens while only lead to more of the same. A repeat of the past 50 years.
While Americans are struggling to make a better life for their families, Obama is helping illegal aliens make a better life off the backs of struggling Americans. Americans have to make sacrifices and sacrifice their children to make room for illegal aliens and their children. The price of amnesty is too high of a price to ask Americans to pay. We have absolutely nothing to gain by another amnesty by any name.

Obama believes the only way to deal with the 20 million illegal aliens and illegal immigration is amnesty. But an all out assault on businesses that hire illegal aliens with mandatory E-Verily, finger printed social security cards, raids and fines would work more effectively and less costly and release jobs for the 14 million unemployed Americans. Jobs that Obama claim Americans will not do. I don’t remember on single construction site ever being raided and releasing $20 an hour jobs for Americans? We need to put Americans back to work and they will fix our economy. Not importing more poverty.
If they cannot work they will leave and they will not come thus eliminating the need for Comprehensive Immigration Reform and amnesty. Lets make America great from within with empowering Americans and their children. Not by importing people to take jobs and compete with them. If we have to import workers, let them be those who have something to contribute.

Something interesting happen yesterday at the food bank when there were about 50 people were in line and people came and broken in the line and almost caused a riot. Some people had been waiting in line for hours before the food bank even came and was pissed off. So you can imaging how pissed off immigrants who have been waiting in line for years are when illegal aliens illegally cross the border and crash the line. It is not fair and our government should send them to the back of the line and wait their turn. We teach our children not to cheat and break into the line and yet our government aids people to crash the immigration line with amnesty. It is not fair and it should be illegal and unconstitutional.
Just because they broken in the line do not give them the right to remain in the line. What about compassion for those who have been waiting for years. Where is the justice for them?

I think you may have it wrong , the first immigration office in this country was run by American Indians
Boundaries (borders)
Boundaries were set in place by God from the beginning of time and for a reason. Gen 4;10,11....3;23,24... Gen 15;18-21. Ex 23;31..... To Abraham and his seed God promised a certain land with definitely stated boundaries. Gen 15;13-16.....would enforce an eviction decree when “the error of the Amorites” came to its completion.
Deut 2;4,5,18,19....Jehovah God also decreed that the Israelites would not encrouch on the boundaries of the nations of Edom, .... Deut 32;8....when the Most High gave the nations an inheritance, when he parted the sons of Adam from one another, he proceeded to fix the boundary of the people with regard for the number of the sons of Israel.” Eph 2;12-16....Under penalty of death, Gentiles were prohibited beyond that boundary, such wall serving the apostle as an apt illustration of the division created by the Law covenant.
You must not covet (desire)your fellow man’s house.” (One of the ten commandments.)
“Covetousness”= greedy desire for what belongs to others. This country is my home and for illegals to break in and take what is legally mine is a crime. The law protects a person’s house and so forth. The jobs, social services and benefits that is legally there for me is being stolen by the intruders (illegals ) that broke into my home. They also steal my social security number and my I.D. The law that is supposed to be there to protect me is aiding and abetting the intruder who committed the crime against me and my home. The minister and the church (members) that is giving sanctuary to the intruder is also breaking the law by aiding and abetting the intruder. Whomever is sanctioning this invasion (crime) of my home is breaking God’s law as
Boundaries; GOD given right.
Countries have the right to set boundaries. GOD created the earth and Adam and Eve. From Adam and Eve came the entire human race. After they sinned he put them out of the Garden of Eden and put two angels with flaming swords at the entrance so they could not get back in. First boundaries. Human kind began to spread thorough out the earth.
GOD told the Israelites to go in to the land of Canaan, kill every living thing and gave the land to the Israelites. Boundaries were set again by the Israelites.
GOD gave man the right to posses land and set boundaries. Because GOD allowed this and they were to be respected.
Mexico have boundaries and the consequences of disrespecting them can be imprisonment. But Mexicans believe they have the GOD given right to disrespect and cross our borders and set up housekeeping, live and work, collect benefits as citizens. But they are finding that not to be true. One by one States are cutting off jobs and benefits because the federal government will not enforce immigration laws and no work for them and they are leaving.

Rom 13;17..let every soul be in subjection to superior authorities.
Titus 3;1..be obedient to government and authorities as rulers.
Luke 2;1-a decree went forth from Caesar for all the inhabited earth to be registered
Acts 24;16 am exercising myself continually of committing no offense to GOD and men. (they are breaking our laws and GOD’s laws.)
Rom 13;2-4 ”he who opposes the authority has taken a stand against the arrangement of GOD those who have taken a stand against it will receive judgment..if you are doing what is bad, be in fear. Christians who subject themselves to proper authority of political government receive benefits .Rom 13;3,4 1Pet 2;12-

Amnesty for millions of Mexicans I not in the best interest of US of Mexico. Amnesty will take Mexico’s brightest, youngest and strongest and will destroy Mexico. Our success and survival depend on the success and survival of a strong economy in Mexico. Just like our success depend on success in Afghanistan and Iraq. The more Mexicans we take in the more we have to take in and Mexico become dependent on us and the billions earned here that illegals send home and the billions we give them each year. We give Mexico billions because we have taken it’s workers who are not there to build a strong Mexico economy making Mexico more dependent on it‘s people being here.

If we were really concerned about Mexican and Mexico we would to the right thing and send them home. The more we take from Mexico the more we have to give. It is vital to our economy that Mexico win the war against drugs and against poverty and build a strong economy. And Mexico need it’s young and strong worker to do it. It México’s people were protesting there as hard as they are here for civil rights and jobs it would change Mexico for the best. People make changes.

If we don’t stop this madness, we may as well give up and open the border. It would cost us less to send the home than to keep them.
Another amnesty will destroy us and destory Mexico.

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