Limbaugh Dares Obama: 'Debate Me'

Rush Limbaugh challenging anyone is funny. The big sissy with the bad ass! Here is a talk show hostess who makes millions and never even served this nation because while he is a perfect a-hole, something was amiss. He uses the nation's resources to spread stupidity while he is a bawk bawk chickenhawk. Blah blah blah blah or is it bawk bawk bawk..... Rush Limbaugh's Pilonidal Cyst
New Hampshire Gazette I Barking Head Brigade
New Hampshire Gazette I Propaganda Platoon

The first thing one must learn about Libs, like yourself, is that once aspersions and pejoratives are thrown about, they slink away as though there had been a point made. There has not been.

Now read carefully: The President called out Rush Limbaugh. He warned people not to listen to him. He and his hit squad painted him as head of the GOP.
Limbaugh responded: he demanded a debate. The President has never had to face such a challenge, and, we would both bet, will decline. The 'Why' is evident.

At no point in your post did you deal with this, and so I am forced to remind you of a major difference between Conservatives and Liberals:
Since Liberals see their view as a higher calling that that of Conservatives, they mistakenly believe that it is entirely appropriate for then to use, not logic, facts, nor accepted debating techniques, but ad hominem attacks on the physical appearance, personal history, or imaginary mental defects. Notice how the Liberal replaces intellect with emotion. This is, no doubt, based on a medieval concept of recognizing witches and demons. In fact, Liberals attempt to deal with opponents in similar fashion: recall Clarence Thomas’ “High Tech Lynching.”

Aren't you embarrassed?
They're never embarassed by lack of veracity or character.

That's the #1 trait of a lib.
In the words of the Immortal Brown Bomber, "You can run but you can't hide."

Yoo hoo! I'm baaaaaaaaaaack! Please leave a message, I'll get back to you as soon as possible :D

Not simple enough?

You have covered yourself in the rhetorical equivalent of Twister: bending and contorting, just as I predicted those on your side of the aisle would.

You claim not to see the point? Now, you know this is an obfuscation.

Did you also clap your hands over your ears and say "I can't hear you, so your not speaking"?

Honesty is the least I should be able to expect, and, sadly, you have disqualified yourself.
you are looking like a moron for even bringing that up

And you are a damn fool, as we were there and having a cyst during Nam was no excuse. Consider how much the fat ass sits today and one can only wonder. bawk bawk bawk
no, you have exposed yourself as the fool
but then, i have suspected you of being a fool for some time

do you even know what a pilodial cyst is?
the POTUS shouldnt be calling out them either
don't you agree?

Now I don't want to shock you :D

While I appreciate that the office has a fair amount of gravitas about it - and rightly so - it seems to me to be the holder has to have a mix of statesmanship and politician but with a definite leaning towards statesmanship. The statesmanship aspect of the office demands that it be kept above the day to day political fray that rightly belongs in Congress. But the political aspect of the office demands that there be prudent reaction to political threats. The holder of the office should not have to endure political attack without having a go back. That would render the office impotent, politically.

Limbaugh entered the political arena when he made his presentation to CPAC. He is now a political player. That's his grave personal mistake and the GOP has made a grave tactical mistake in allowing LImbaugh to take over their party. Limbaugh isn't able to use his status as a radio show host to slide out of the political engagement. He is a valid political target, he pinned that label on himself.
In the words of the Immortal Brown Bomber, "You can run but you can't hide."

Yoo hoo! I'm baaaaaaaaaaack! Please leave a message, I'll get back to you as soon as possible :D

Not simple enough?

You have covered yourself in the rhetorical equivalent of Twister: bending and contorting, just as I predicted those on your side of the aisle would.

You claim not to see the point? Now, you know this is an obfuscation.

Did you also clap your hands over your ears and say "I can't hear you, so your not speaking"?

Honesty is the least I should be able to expect, and, sadly, you have disqualified yourself.

Not disqualified. Just waiting for you to make a point worthwhile engaging.

Try this. I just posted how Limbaugh is now in the political game. No longer is he on the sidelines cheerleading, he actually walked out on to the field. Your views on that?
you are looking like a moron for even bringing that up

And you are a damn fool, as we were there and having a cyst during Nam was no excuse. Consider how much the fat ass sits today and one can only wonder. bawk bawk bawk
no, you have exposed yourself as the fool
but then, i have suspected you of being a fool for some time

do you even know what a pilodial cyst is?

Was it up his arse?
Yoo hoo! I'm baaaaaaaaaaack! Please leave a message, I'll get back to you as soon as possible :D

Not simple enough?

You have covered yourself in the rhetorical equivalent of Twister: bending and contorting, just as I predicted those on your side of the aisle would.

You claim not to see the point? Now, you know this is an obfuscation.

Did you also clap your hands over your ears and say "I can't hear you, so your not speaking"?

Honesty is the least I should be able to expect, and, sadly, you have disqualified yourself.

Not disqualified. Just waiting for you to make a point worthwhile engaging.

Try this. I just posted how Limbaugh is now in the political game. No longer is he on the sidelines cheerleading, he actually walked out on to the field. Your views on that?

He's always been on the field. What has happened that is different is that OBAMA entered the TALK SHOW field when he idiotically told people to stop listening to Rush, and when his party (as noted above) stupidly named Rush as the head of the GOP.

They thought that would hurt the GOP, but all it has done is put them in a really awkward position....because people DO agree with Rush.
the POTUS shouldnt be calling out them either
don't you agree?

Now I don't want to shock you :D

While I appreciate that the office has a fair amount of gravitas about it - and rightly so - it seems to me to be the holder has to have a mix of statesmanship and politician but with a definite leaning towards statesmanship. The statesmanship aspect of the office demands that it be kept above the day to day political fray that rightly belongs in Congress. But the political aspect of the office demands that there be prudent reaction to political threats. The holder of the office should not have to endure political attack without having a go back. That would render the office impotent, politically.

Limbaugh entered the political arena when he made his presentation to CPAC. He is now a political player. That's his grave personal mistake and the GOP has made a grave tactical mistake in allowing LImbaugh to take over their party. Limbaugh isn't able to use his status as a radio show host to slide out of the political engagement. He is a valid political target, he pinned that label on himself.
uh, only Obama called him out PRIOR to that

so you are either ignorant of the facts, or just another simpleton that hates anyone that disagrees with your politics
Not simple enough?

You have covered yourself in the rhetorical equivalent of Twister: bending and contorting, just as I predicted those on your side of the aisle would.

You claim not to see the point? Now, you know this is an obfuscation.

Did you also clap your hands over your ears and say "I can't hear you, so your not speaking"?

Honesty is the least I should be able to expect, and, sadly, you have disqualified yourself.

Not disqualified. Just waiting for you to make a point worthwhile engaging.

Try this. I just posted how Limbaugh is now in the political game. No longer is he on the sidelines cheerleading, he actually walked out on to the field. Your views on that?

He's always been on the field. What has happened that is different is that OBAMA entered the TALK SHOW field when he idiotically told people to stop listening to Rush, and when his party (as noted above) stupidly named Rush as the head of the GOP.

They thought that would hurt the GOP, but all it has done is put them in a really awkward position....because people DO agree with Rush.
no kidding, i think Di doesnt actually know whats going on
but since he doesnt live here, i can understand that
He's always been on the field. What has happened that is different is that OBAMA entered the TALK SHOW field when he idiotically told people to stop listening to Rush, and when his party (as noted above) stupidly named Rush as the head of the GOP.

They thought that would hurt the GOP, but all it has done is put them in a really awkward position....because people DO agree with Rush.

Always been in the field? What on the special team? Pig's bloody arse he has. He has sat on the sidelines, commenting on the plays, John Madden without the football brain.

He has now made his gravest error though. He has engaged Obama. Obama is constrained, as I pointed out, by the nature of his office, he can't go after Limbaugh - and would be ill-advised - in the manner a politician goes after another (not that there's much of that in US politics, you're a genteel lot indeed). But Obama's proxies will certainly feel free to go after him. And they will. The debate invitation was pure Limbaugh. Bluff. If he was serious he'd invite Obama to the Oxford Union, not on his radio show.

He isn't serious, he knew Obama would be forced to turn down the invitation. Limbaugh is one of the Hollow Men. Limbaugh will end, not with a bang, but a whimper.

We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats’ feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar
Now read carefully: The President called out Rush Limbaugh. He warned people not to listen to him. He and his hit squad painted him as head of the GOP.
Limbaugh responded: he demanded a debate. The President has never had to face such a challenge, and, we would both bet, will decline. The 'Why' is evident.

The president may have made a mistake mentioning the idiot by name but Limbaugh is a insult to all that is good in this country, and calling the million dollar a year hostess who can only berate others, who are doing real things, what he is, is a great thing. I hope others do that and do it again and again. Limpwrist talks hate and lies and deserves to be called out but let others do it. The president has real work - sissy pants chickenhawk has only words and a following of lemmings.

Rush, Newspeak and Fascism: An exegesis: I: Projecting Fascism
the POTUS shouldnt be calling out them either
don't you agree?

Now I don't want to shock you :D

While I appreciate that the office has a fair amount of gravitas about it - and rightly so - it seems to me to be the holder has to have a mix of statesmanship and politician but with a definite leaning towards statesmanship. The statesmanship aspect of the office demands that it be kept above the day to day political fray that rightly belongs in Congress. But the political aspect of the office demands that there be prudent reaction to political threats. The holder of the office should not have to endure political attack without having a go back. That would render the office impotent, politically.

Limbaugh entered the political arena when he made his presentation to CPAC. He is now a political player. That's his grave personal mistake and the GOP has made a grave tactical mistake in allowing LImbaugh to take over their party. Limbaugh isn't able to use his status as a radio show host to slide out of the political engagement. He is a valid political target, he pinned that label on himself.
uh, only Obama called him out PRIOR to that

so you are either ignorant of the facts, or just another simpleton that hates anyone that disagrees with your politics

Call me ignorant of the facts. I don't follow Limbaugh's activities. Obama may have cautioned about Limbaugh's growing influence well before the CPAC appearance but that only validates Obama's political nous. He saw it coming :D

I don't hate anyone that disagrees with my politics. If I did I wouldn't post here or I'd be a seething wreck in minutes. :eusa_angel:
Now read carefully: The President called out Rush Limbaugh. He warned people not to listen to him. He and his hit squad painted him as head of the GOP.
Limbaugh responded: he demanded a debate. The President has never had to face such a challenge, and, we would both bet, will decline. The 'Why' is evident.

The president may have made a mistake mentioning the idiot by name but Limbaugh is a insult to all that is good in this country, and calling the million dollar a year hostess who can only berate others, who are doing real things, what he is, is a great thing. I hope others do that and do it again and again. Limpwrist talks hate and lies and deserves to be called out but let others do it. The president has real work - sissy pants chickenhawk has only words and a following of lemmings.

Rush, Newspeak and Fascism: An exegesis: I: Projecting Fascism
spoken like a true obamabot
Not disqualified. Just waiting for you to make a point worthwhile engaging.

Try this. I just posted how Limbaugh is now in the political game. No longer is he on the sidelines cheerleading, he actually walked out on to the field. Your views on that?

He's always been on the field. What has happened that is different is that OBAMA entered the TALK SHOW field when he idiotically told people to stop listening to Rush, and when his party (as noted above) stupidly named Rush as the head of the GOP.

They thought that would hurt the GOP, but all it has done is put them in a really awkward position....because people DO agree with Rush.
no kidding, i think Di doesnt actually know whats going on
but since he doesnt live here, i can understand that

On the other hand there is a certain clarity of vision that comes with distance :D

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