Limbaugh Dares Obama: 'Debate Me'

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Not simple enough?

You have covered yourself in the rhetorical equivalent of Twister: bending and contorting, just as I predicted those on your side of the aisle would.

You claim not to see the point? Now, you know this is an obfuscation.

Did you also clap your hands over your ears and say "I can't hear you, so your not speaking"?

Honesty is the least I should be able to expect, and, sadly, you have disqualified yourself.

Not disqualified. Just waiting for you to make a point worthwhile engaging.

Try this. I just posted how Limbaugh is now in the political game. No longer is he on the sidelines cheerleading, he actually walked out on to the field. Your views on that?

Di, if what you say is true, then Limbaugh is no longer just a "shock jock", but is part of the republican political game, and should be elevated to a discussion with our messiah.
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Not simple enough?

You have covered yourself in the rhetorical equivalent of Twister: bending and contorting, just as I predicted those on your side of the aisle would.

You claim not to see the point? Now, you know this is an obfuscation.

Did you also clap your hands over your ears and say "I can't hear you, so your not speaking"?

Honesty is the least I should be able to expect, and, sadly, you have disqualified yourself.

Not disqualified. Just waiting for you to make a point worthwhile engaging.

Try this. I just posted how Limbaugh is now in the political game. No longer is he on the sidelines cheerleading, he actually walked out on to the field. Your views on that?

Di, if what you say is true, then Limbaugh is not longer just a "shock jock", but is part of the republican political game, and should be elevated to a discussion with our messiah.

And on this topic - how many times has Obama discussed his policies in an unfiltered environment - taken questions from reporters not pre-approved to do so?

He has spent trillions in weeks and has not done this ONCE.

That my friends, is a frightening situation. Not that Obama has done so, but that he has done so with so little requirement to explain it.
I was listing today and someone called and challenged him to debate on TV with a negotiated venue, and he wouldn't agree to it. It's a stunt.
I was wondering if anybody was going to bring that up....why should Rush agree to a TV debate just because somebody called in to ask him?

In the first place, radio is Rush's venue so why should he risk a (possibly rigged) TV show....if the President is going to attack a private citizen like a typical neomarxist then he needs to meet Rush's challenge on Rush's home ground or else go to ground like a typical neomarxist whose bluff has been called...which is what he's done.

In the second place, attempting to switch the venue is nothing more than a shell game, a sleight of hand....leftists can then say well, he won't go on TV so he must be all bluff....

In the third place, BO never actually asked Rush to debate him on TV (he never will).....if he did, I think Rush might just take him up on long as the rules were fair.

Lastly, here we have the conservative right opening up plenty of talk time for the neomarxist left oppostion....and the left is turning down a radio opportunity for "Fairness".....what's with that? :lol:
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I was wondering if anybody was going to bring that up....why should Rush agree to a TV debate just because somebody called in to ask him?

In the first place, radio is Rush's venue so why should he risk a (possibly rigged) TV show....if the President is going to attack a private citizen like a typical neomarxist then he needs to meet Rush's challenge on Rush's home ground or else go to ground like a typical neomarxist whose bluff has been called...which is what he's done.

In the second place, attempting to switch the venue is nothing more than a shell game, a sleight of hand....leftists can then say well, he won't go on TV so he must be all bluff....

In the third place, BO never asked Rush to debate him on TV.....if he did, I think Rush might just take him up on long as the rules were fair.

Lastly, here we have the conservative right opening up plenty of talk time for the neomarxist left.....and the left is turning down a radio opportunity for "Fairness".....what's with that? :lol:
All good arguments, and ones that Rush should have made.
well, come on, it was McLame
That The Obama didn't absolutely trounce McCain hands-down in the debates is still sort of a sticking point. Like if the Steelers managed only to win by 6 against a high school team. There'd be questions.

I think the questions should be, why did the Republicans nominate a "high school team" to represent their party in leading the country?

Massive intellectual failure, brought on by a virulent infection of leftism... More than sufficient to explain the lethal levels of stupidity which are required to run John McCain against Hillary Clinton or the great anti-while-HOPE...
That The Obama didn't absolutely trounce McCain hands-down in the debates is still sort of a sticking point. Like if the Steelers managed only to win by 6 against a high school team. There'd be questions.

I think the questions should be, why did the Republicans nominate a "high school team" to represent their party in leading the country?

Massive intellectual failure, brought on by a virulent infection of leftism... More than sufficient to explain the lethal levels of stupidity which are required to run John McCain against Hillary Clinton or the great anti-while-HOPE...

Geeze, and I thought the media had nominated McCain.
Rush Limbaugh challenging anyone is funny. The big sissy with the bad ass! Here is a talk show hostess who makes millions and never even served this nation because while he is a perfect a-hole, something was amiss. He uses the nation's resources to spread stupidity while he is a bawk bawk chickenhawk. Blah blah blah blah or is it bawk bawk bawk..... Rush Limbaugh's Pilonidal Cyst
New Hampshire Gazette I Barking Head Brigade
New Hampshire Gazette I Propaganda Platoon
New Hampshire Gazette I Politicans Platoon


Now if something relevant comes along... don't hesitate to bring that up as well.

(Now what that means is no one gives a red rats ass what boils are growing in Limbaughs ass... and Limbaugh not serving in the US military is ABSOLUTELY IRRELEVANT... I served in the US Military and YOU LOATHE ME EVERY BIT AS MUCH AS YOU LOATHE LIMBAUGH... so this fiegning respect for the US military; holding up those who didn't serve in the military to be somehow unworthy of consideration is absurd... GIVEN PRESIDENT HUSSEIN, WHO YOU VOTED TO PUT INTO THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENCY HAS NEVER EVEN APPLIED TO SERVE IN THE US MILITARY AND IT OTHERWISE PERFECTLY QUALIFIED TO DO SO...

Why would Obama care to go on Rush's show to debate him? Hell, I CHALLENGE RUSH LIMBAUGH TO DEBATE ON US MESSAGEBOARD. IF HE DOESN'T, then he is a giant pussy.

now... let's see how quickly Rush logs on. I am about as important to Rush as Rush is to Obama. You people want Rush on that kind of platform? Put your vote where your big mouths are and get him out from his little radio cave.

I like your avatar, but please, that is a bit mentally Obamatarded if you ask me.
Sorry, and don't hold your breath, he gets paid to do such things, how much do you have for him?
The right has degenerated into personal points. It's over :lol:
you gotta be kidding
the LEFT is always on personal attacks

I do a bit of it myself at times but usually only when someone throws shit at me. Childish I know but my inner brat loves it :D

Now, I'll point out your ad hom DC. And this isn't a personal attack, just an observation. You wanted to make the point that I can't understand this particular issue because I don't live in the US. You might be right but to simply make the claim and then sit back, job well done, doesn't cut it. it is a classic ad hom. I'm not doing ethnographic research :lol: I am perfectly able to, at a distance, examine the issues and make certain logical claims. :eusa_angel:
Di, if what you say is true, then Limbaugh is no longer just a "shock jock", but is part of the republican political game, and should be elevated to a discussion with our messiah.

But he isn't in an elected office. Being elected to an office does give one some moral authority. The people's choice and all that. Right now Limbaugh is still just a shock jock. Do you think that if President McCain were in the White House he should answer an invite from Keith Olbermann to come on his show and debate him? Truly I don't think so, I do really believe it would demean the office.

I think when Rushbo gets himself a seat in Congress he can hop right into it and....he can even launch his campaign for the presidency.....until then your president (whoever he or she is) is best advised not to get into the mudpit with anyone.
The right has degenerated into personal points. It's over :lol:
you gotta be kidding
the LEFT is always on personal attacks

I do a bit of it myself at times but usually only when someone throws shit at me. Childish I know but my inner brat loves it :D

Now, I'll point out your ad hom DC. And this isn't a personal attack, just an observation. You wanted to make the point that I can't understand this particular issue because I don't live in the US. You might be right but to simply make the claim and then sit back, job well done, doesn't cut it. it is a classic ad hom. I'm not doing ethnographic research :lol: I am perfectly able to, at a distance, examine the issues and make certain logical claims. :eusa_angel:
actually, i didnt say that you CANT, i said its understandable that you DONT
you gotta be kidding
the LEFT is always on personal attacks

I do a bit of it myself at times but usually only when someone throws shit at me. Childish I know but my inner brat loves it :D

Now, I'll point out your ad hom DC. And this isn't a personal attack, just an observation. You wanted to make the point that I can't understand this particular issue because I don't live in the US. You might be right but to simply make the claim and then sit back, job well done, doesn't cut it. it is a classic ad hom. I'm not doing ethnographic research :lol: I am perfectly able to, at a distance, examine the issues and make certain logical claims. :eusa_angel:
actually, i didnt say that you CANT, i said its understandable that you DONT

I never claimed I read a post carefully :D
no kidding, i think Di doesnt actually know whats going on
but since he doesnt live here, i can understand that

and here is the post in question

maybe you were trying to read MORE into my post that what i actually said ;)
I do a bit of it myself at times but usually only when someone throws shit at me. Childish I know but my inner brat loves it :D

Now, I'll point out your ad hom DC. And this isn't a personal attack, just an observation. You wanted to make the point that I can't understand this particular issue because I don't live in the US. You might be right but to simply make the claim and then sit back, job well done, doesn't cut it. it is a classic ad hom. I'm not doing ethnographic research :lol: I am perfectly able to, at a distance, examine the issues and make certain logical claims. :eusa_angel:
actually, i didnt say that you CANT, i said its understandable that you DONT

I never claimed I read a post carefully :D
ah, there is that ;)

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