Limbaugh Dares Obama: 'Debate Me'

Obama is a poor leader if he can't control his Chief of Staff.

Who outted Valerie Plames? If it was Scooter & Chaney, then Bush is a poor leader if he can't control his people.

Rahm says things Obama wants to say but can't.


We all know Obama is behind this. The President of the United States is attacking a private citizen because he doesn't like criticism. Anyone else see a problem here?

It seems ridiculous to take a few comments and characterize it as a problematice attack on a private citizen.

Surely freedom of speech is still available to the president? Surely opinions are allowed?

This line of thinking is bizarre.
Who outted Valerie Plames? If it was Scooter & Chaney, then Bush is a poor leader if he can't control his people.

Rahm says things Obama wants to say but can't.


We all know Obama is behind this. The President of the United States is attacking a private citizen because he doesn't like criticism. Anyone else see a problem here?

It seems ridiculous to take a few comments and characterize it as a problematice attack on a private citizen.

Surely freedom of speech is still available to the president? Surely opinions are allowed?

This line of thinking is bizarre.
sure he has it
so does Rush to respond
Here's something odd, this whole point is moot, why? If Obama did spend time debating Rush then the right wingnuts would complain that he is wasting time anyway, placing someone in a no win situation is just bad form, even though I don't like Obamas policies ... it's just bad form.
sure he has it
so does Rush to respond
Yeah, and people here have the right to call Obama a pussy for not going on Rush's show.

And people have the right to call the whole thing ass-stupid.
sure he has it
so does Rush to respond
Yeah, and people here have the right to call Obama a pussy for not going on Rush's show.

And people have the right to call the whole thing ass-stupid.

Pertty much ... isn't America great?

Oh, and I forgot, no matter which side of the debate "wins" ... wingnuts on both sides will claim their "leader" did better.
Here's something odd, this whole point is moot, why? If Obama did spend time debating Rush then the right wingnuts would complain that he is wasting time anyway, placing someone in a no win situation is just bad form, even though I don't like Obamas policies ... it's just bad form.
then maybe Obama should have had the smarts not to engage a talk radio personality in the first place

win/win for conservatism
Here's something odd, this whole point is moot, why? If Obama did spend time debating Rush then the right wingnuts would complain that he is wasting time anyway, placing someone in a no win situation is just bad form, even though I don't like Obamas policies ... it's just bad form.
then maybe Obama should have had the smarts not to engage a talk radio personality in the first place

win/win for conservatism

True ... that was a stupid move on his part.
Here's something odd, this whole point is moot, why? If Obama did spend time debating Rush then the right wingnuts would complain that he is wasting time anyway, placing someone in a no win situation is just bad form, even though I don't like Obamas policies ... it's just bad form.
then maybe Obama should have had the smarts not to engage a talk radio personality in the first place

win/win for conservatism

if you think this is a win for conservatism then I guess it's no wonder why teh GOP keeps failing.

Truly, it's hilarious to watch you people put all of your eggs into the basket of.. a radio dj.
No way Obama or any of his tax cheats go on his show... Why would they... They have the rest of the media in their back pocket...

Besides Rush would kill him in a debate...
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Limbaugh knows Obama wouldn't take the challenge. Among other things it would demean the office. He's on safe ground, bluffing as usual. It's sad that a radio shock jock is considered to be the intellectual force of the GOP. You folks who think that Limbaugh could defeat Obama in a debate are either deluded or you are so partisan that you've lost touch with reality. It won't happen so you can speculate without fear.

Limbaugh is a lightweight (that is not a fat man joke). He doesn't debate, he declaims. I just wonder how the hell he can get through a programme without pissing himself laughing at his audience of dittoheads. I bet at times the man stops, thinks and wonders if he is actually living in reality or it's some sort of illusion. How can a former sports broadcaster (sorry Billo) make the sort of money he has and have such influence? He holds a mirror up to popular prejudices. If he wanted to he could achieve high political office in the US. You know that don't you? He won't though, because whatever else he is he knows he isn't a political demagogue. He's enjoying himself immensely but he's no Hitler (a reverse play on Godwin's Law). You should be glad ol' Rush doesn't take himself as seriously as some of his supporters.
Limbaugh knows Obama wouldn't take the challenge. Among other things it would demean the office. He's on safe ground, bluffing as usual. It's sad that a radio shock jock is considered to be the intellectual force of the GOP. You folks who think that Limbaugh could defeat Obama in a debate are either deluded or you are so partisan that you've lost touch with reality. It won't happen so you can speculate without fear.

You should be glad ol' Rush doesn't take himself as seriously as some of his supporters.

Wow, did I predict this? Check out part of my post #15:

"For the Obama supporters who crooned about how smart, what a great speaker, how messianic their favorite son is, they are going to have to, publically at least, come up with maneuvers reminiscent of the game Twister to explain why he picked this fight, actually naming Limbaugh, but cannot pick up the gauntlet. "

The only thing I left out was your name.

If he won't take the challenge, why did he start it?

Did it demean the office starting the dustup?

You must be delirious if you actually think the radio host would pass up an opportunity to have the POTUS on his show!!!!

Yeah, Limbaugh would eat his lunch.

BTW, still playin' much Twister?
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Limbaugh knows Obama wouldn't take the challenge. Among other things it would demean the office. He's on safe ground, bluffing as usual. It's sad that a radio shock jock is considered to be the intellectual force of the GOP. You folks who think that Limbaugh could defeat Obama in a debate are either deluded or you are so partisan that you've lost touch with reality. It won't happen so you can speculate without fear.

You should be glad ol' Rush doesn't take himself as seriously as some of his supporters.

Wow, did I predict this? Check out part of my post #15:

"For the Obama supporters who crooned about how smart, what a great speaker, how messianic their favorite son is, they are going to have to, publically at least, come up with maneuvers reminiscent of the game Twister to explain why he picked this fight, actually naming Limbaugh, but cannot pick up the gauntlet. "

The only thing I left out was your name.

If he won't take the challenge, why did he start it?

Did it demean the office starting the dustup?

You must be delirious if you actually think the radio host would pass up an opportunity to have the POTUS on his show!!!!

Yeah, Limbaugh would eat his lunch.

BTW, still playin' much Twister?

In there somewhere is a point, I'll see if I can find it.

Nope, there isn't one.

But I'll repeat mine because you didn't understand it.

The president of the US does not go onto a shock jock radio show to debate the host.

How's that? Clear enough?
Limbaugh knows Obama wouldn't take the challenge. Among other things it would demean the office. He's on safe ground, bluffing as usual. It's sad that a radio shock jock is considered to be the intellectual force of the GOP. You folks who think that Limbaugh could defeat Obama in a debate are either deluded or you are so partisan that you've lost touch with reality. It won't happen so you can speculate without fear.

You should be glad ol' Rush doesn't take himself as seriously as some of his supporters.

Wow, did I predict this? Check out part of my post #15:

"For the Obama supporters who crooned about how smart, what a great speaker, how messianic their favorite son is, they are going to have to, publically at least, come up with maneuvers reminiscent of the game Twister to explain why he picked this fight, actually naming Limbaugh, but cannot pick up the gauntlet. "

The only thing I left out was your name.

If he won't take the challenge, why did he start it?

Did it demean the office starting the dustup?

You must be delirious if you actually think the radio host would pass up an opportunity to have the POTUS on his show!!!!

Yeah, Limbaugh would eat his lunch.

BTW, still playin' much Twister?

That's like me challanging Randy Couture or Fedor to a fight.
Limbaugh knows Obama wouldn't take the challenge. Among other things it would demean the office. He's on safe ground, bluffing as usual. It's sad that a radio shock jock is considered to be the intellectual force of the GOP. You folks who think that Limbaugh could defeat Obama in a debate are either deluded or you are so partisan that you've lost touch with reality. It won't happen so you can speculate without fear.

You should be glad ol' Rush doesn't take himself as seriously as some of his supporters.

Wow, did I predict this? Check out part of my post #15:

"For the Obama supporters who crooned about how smart, what a great speaker, how messianic their favorite son is, they are going to have to, publically at least, come up with maneuvers reminiscent of the game Twister to explain why he picked this fight, actually naming Limbaugh, but cannot pick up the gauntlet. "

The only thing I left out was your name.

If he won't take the challenge, why did he start it?

Did it demean the office starting the dustup?

You must be delirious if you actually think the radio host would pass up an opportunity to have the POTUS on his show!!!!

Yeah, Limbaugh would eat his lunch.

BTW, still playin' much Twister?

In there somewhere is a point, I'll see if I can find it.

Nope, there isn't one.

But I'll repeat mine because you didn't understand it.

The president of the US does not go onto a shock jock radio show to debate the host.

How's that? Clear enough?

In the words of the Immortal Brown Bomber, "You can run but you can't hide."
Rush Limbaugh challenging anyone is funny. The big sissy with the bad ass! Here is a talk show hostess who makes millions and never even served this nation because while he is a perfect a-hole, something was amiss. He uses the nation's resources to spread stupidity while he is a bawk bawk chickenhawk. Blah blah blah blah or is it bawk bawk bawk..... Rush Limbaugh's Pilonidal Cyst
New Hampshire Gazette I Barking Head Brigade
New Hampshire Gazette I Propaganda Platoon
Limbaugh knows Obama wouldn't take the challenge. Among other things it would demean the office. He's on safe ground, bluffing as usual. It's sad that a radio shock jock is considered to be the intellectual force of the GOP. You folks who think that Limbaugh could defeat Obama in a debate are either deluded or you are so partisan that you've lost touch with reality. It won't happen so you can speculate without fear.

You should be glad ol' Rush doesn't take himself as seriously as some of his supporters.

Wow, did I predict this? Check out part of my post #15:

"For the Obama supporters who crooned about how smart, what a great speaker, how messianic their favorite son is, they are going to have to, publically at least, come up with maneuvers reminiscent of the game Twister to explain why he picked this fight, actually naming Limbaugh, but cannot pick up the gauntlet. "

The only thing I left out was your name.

If he won't take the challenge, why did he start it?

Did it demean the office starting the dustup?

You must be delirious if you actually think the radio host would pass up an opportunity to have the POTUS on his show!!!!

Yeah, Limbaugh would eat his lunch.

BTW, still playin' much Twister?

In there somewhere is a point, I'll see if I can find it.

Nope, there isn't one.

But I'll repeat mine because you didn't understand it.

The president of the US does not go onto a shock jock radio show to debate the host.

How's that? Clear enough?
the POTUS shouldnt be calling out them either
don't you agree?
Rush Limbaugh challenging anyone is funny. The big sissy with the bad ass! Here is a talk show hostess who makes millions and never even served this nation because while he is a perfect a-hole, something was amiss. He uses the nation's resources to spread stupidity while he is a bawk bawk chickenhawk. Blah blah blah blah or is it bawk bawk bawk..... Rush Limbaugh's Pilonidal Cyst
New Hampshire Gazette I Barking Head Brigade
New Hampshire Gazette I Propaganda Platoon
he had a legal medical reason
you are looking like a moron for even bringing that up
you are looking like a moron for even bringing that up

And you are a damn fool, as we were there and having a cyst during Nam was no excuse. Consider how much the fat ass sits today and one can only wonder. bawk bawk bawk

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