Limbaugh Dares Obama: 'Debate Me'

On his best day with full bottles of oxycontin and viagra he couldn't come close to winning an argument with Randy.

She would hand him his little set of balls in a thimble.:lol:

Ah, Chocolate Soldier, you have given me an ephany! It is not ideology that causes your defense of the constantly failed left wing talk radio. No, it your unrequited love of the unsucessful, washed-up, never-was, foul-mouthed Randy-one.

In fact, I now believe that is goes further, a more personal envy. Let's test the theory: do you have trouble balancing a checkbook? Have trouble parallel parking? Hate it when folks leave the toilet seat up? Can't resist sales at Nordstroms? I've got it: you are a woman in a man's body! What frilly unmentionables are hidden beneath that tunic and John Brown belt?

And that reference to the two male accessories: is that a silent wish that they were gone?

I think that there are pills that you can take. Speak to your doctor to see if they are right for you.
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Ah, Chocolate Soldier, you have given me an ephany! It is not ideology that causes your defense of the constantly failed left wing talk radio. No, it your unrequited love of the unsucessful, washed-up, never-was, foul-mouthed Randy-one.

In fact, I now believe that is goes further, a more personal envy. Let's test the theory: do you have trouble balancing a checkbook? Have trouble parallel parking? Hate it when folks leave the toilet seat up? Can't resist sales at Nordstroms? I've got it: you are a woman in a man's body! What frilly unmentionables are hidden beneath that tunic and John Brown belt?

And that reference to the two male accessories: is that a silent wish that they were gone?

I think that there are pills that you can take. Speak to your doctor to see if they are righ for you.

That's a good idea. I'd pay to see it -

Yes, Obama shouldn't be stooping to mention Limbaugh, but I thought it was Rahm that did that, not Obama, and Rahm is supposed to be a bit of a hot head.

Obama is a poor leader if he can't control his Chief of Staff.

Who outted Valerie Plames? If it was Scooter & Chaney, then Bush is a poor leader if he can't control his people.

Rahm says things Obama wants to say but can't.
That's a good idea. I'd pay to see it -

Yes, Obama shouldn't be stooping to mention Limbaugh, but I thought it was Rahm that did that, not Obama, and Rahm is supposed to be a bit of a hot head.

Obama is a poor leader if he can't control his Chief of Staff.

Who outted Valerie Plames? If it was Scooter & Chaney, then Bush is a poor leader if he can't control his people.

Rahm says things Obama wants to say but can't.


We all know Obama is behind this. The President of the United States is attacking a private citizen because he doesn't like criticism. Anyone else see a problem here?
On his best day with full bottles of oxycontin and viagra he couldn't come close to winning an argument with Randy.

She would hand him his little set of balls in a thimble.:lol:

Ah, Chocolate Soldier, you have given me an ephany! It is not ideology that causes your defense of the constantly failed left wing talk radio. No, it your unrequited love of the unsucessful, washed-up, never-was, foul-mouthed Randy-one.

In fact, I now believe that is goes further, a more personal envy. Let's test the theory: do you have trouble balancing a checkbook? Have trouble parallel parking? Hate it when folks leave the toilet seat up? Can't resist sales at Nordstroms? I've got it: you are a woman in a man's body! What frilly unmentionables are hidden beneath that tunic and John Brown belt?

And that reference to the two male accessories: is that a silent wish that they were gone?

I think that there are pills that you can take. Speak to your doctor to see if they are right for you.

For something that is a failure and garbage, you guys sure do fight awfully hard to avoid putting Randi against Rush in syndication.

Oh you'll put some average non threatening liberals on, like Ed Schultz or Bill Press, but you REFUSE to put the left's version of Rush on.

Because you are liars, punks, bitches and pussies. :eusa_whistle:
Obama is a poor leader if he can't control his Chief of Staff.

Who outted Valerie Plames? If it was Scooter & Chaney, then Bush is a poor leader if he can't control his people.

Rahm says things Obama wants to say but can't.


We all know Obama is behind this. The President of the United States is attacking a private citizen because he doesn't like criticism. Anyone else see a problem here?

Actually, in some ways, Rush is acting like Tokyo Rose. He is hurting America's chances to recover from the financial crisis his own party caused.

He's just another anti American right wing obstructionist.

His vision of America looks a lot like Mexico. 5 families have all the money and the rest are poor. And those poor mexicans have only themselves to blame for their financial situation. :eusa_liar:
He'd sure make a better prez than Obama...

The GOP needs to get back to its conservative roots....Rush is one of the very few who actually promotes conservatism and opposes Obama's headlong rush toward fascistic socialism....

We all know who would win the debate.....and it ain't D'Ohbama.

Opinions and assholes, buddy.

and no, what we all know is why the big conservative bear needs to hide in his little bear cave while you rushbots make excuses for your failed elections. Like I said, if you feel so strongly then put your vote where your talking points are...

I have no doubt that a debate on a neutral setting would eviscerate what pathetic semblance of leadership you are grasping at. your loser debates?

do you really want to focus on the word LOSER after the spanking you got last year, dude?
Do you have a link for obama calling out Rush?



Washington Times - WH admits Limbaugh attacks unhelpful

Rush Job: Inside Dems' Limbaugh plan - Jonathan Martin -

So, why isn't the WH jumping at this opportunity to put Limbaugh in his place?
I think we all know.
THANKS to everyone that headed me in the right direction for my own google on this and Gibbs and Emanuel....!

Obama made a mistake in my opinion for speaking out against what Limbaugh said this past weekend that implied his hatred for Obama was so great, that he wished total failure on to Obama....allowing America to fail....

Obama's team should NOT have gone out there on the attack after the conservative conference where Limbaugh spoke and was cheered....(Obama had to have approved this, I don't believe they were rogue)

And even if they were wishing America to fail....this is what freedom brings for goodness sakes!

It was more than stupid, stupid...after reading all that i could on it...imho!

Having said that, it is still silly to think that any president would have a debate with a radio host...silly, silly, me...just on National Security alone, reasons....let alone, it just being ridiculous.

We have elections for choosing leaders for our country and for our different leaders of our Political Parties....Limbaugh is neither.

Unless you think he is the Leader of the Republican Party for some reason? But i don't think he was ever elected such and I know he could never be elected by republicans in to that position because he is a very POOR roll model of any kind, when talking about his personal life....he just wouldn't pass muster and be elected for such a position or appointed for such a position, in my humble opinion.

He's an entertainer, nothing more....and this is just for attention...Rush knows enough, to KNOW this debate would never take place...for goodness sake, he's not stupid....he's playing this for entertainment value only....

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Opinions and assholes, buddy.

and no, what we all know is why the big conservative bear needs to hide in his little bear cave while you rushbots make excuses for your failed elections. Like I said, if you feel so strongly then put your vote where your talking points are...

I have no doubt that a debate on a neutral setting would eviscerate what pathetic semblance of leadership you are grasping at.
Your biggest problem so far is, assuming facts not in evidence. I am not a Limbaugh fan, don't listen to his show, and don't even agree with most of his views which reach me.

Your type of assumption asshattery is among the worst kind, makes generally intelligent people look really stupid. Like you do right now.

Are you the idea police? Limbaugh challenges Obama to a debate, in Limbaugh's arena, and I point out it's nothing but posturing blatherskite because Limbaugh knows The Obama is far too intelligent to fall for such a scam, and that's somehow being a fan of Limbaugh and endorsing the idea?

Are you seeing how stupid you've made yourself look yet?

dance, puppy, dance.. Hell, I'll quote you trying to validate the challenge as if a declining Obama will suggest something more than the laughable tirade of a disk jockey and his fan boys.

I know I know... no one is a fan of Bush anymore either, dude. Quick! peel off that W bumper sticker!
Rush debate the issues he didnt before he wont now. I have listen to his show and he has found is niche. Anti anything Obama. Obama just needs to concentrate on the nation and not pay him any attention there are alot more things important right now than debating Rush.
Why would Obama care to go on Rush's show to debate him? Hell, I CHALLENGE RUSH LIMBAUGH TO DEBATE ON US MESSAGEBOARD. IF HE DOESN'T, then he is a giant pussy.

now... let's see how quickly Rush logs on. I am about as important to Rush as Rush is to Obama. You people want Rush on that kind of platform? Put your vote where your big mouths are and get him out from his little radio cave.

Well, the democrat party (of which Mr Obama belongs to) has called Mr Limbaugh the leader of the republican party. It would only make sense for the two party leaders to exchange ideas.

Limbaugh challenges Obama to debate on his show - On Politics -

Rush Limbaugh, apparently taking to heart the Obama administration's description of him as the leader of the Republican Party, has invited President Obama to come on his radio show for a debate.

The edgy, bombastic conservative, describing himself as a "harmless, lovable little fuzzball" and "the Last Man Standing," wrapped the invitation in a long series of jibes at Obama, his policies, his party, his aides, his speaking style and the entertaining he's done during his six weeks at the White House.

"You are one of the most gifted public speakers of our age. I would think, Mr. President, you would jump at this opportunity," Limbaugh said on his show, which has millions of listeners on more than 600 radio stations.

Read the whole segment here. There's even a cartoon invitation in fancy script.

It's the latest chapter in a tale that began Saturday with Limbaugh reiterating his hope that Obama fails in a nationally televised speech to a conservative group, and has continued all week with Democrats designating him the leader of the GOP and Republicans stumbling over whether to embrace Limbaugh, reject him, ignore him or figure out something else.

We've asked the White House for a response to today's development.

clearly, you comprehend and savor sarcasm. But hey... if you feel so strongly I suggest you write in and replace Steele with Rush. After all, it's a whole lot harder for STEELE to jettison out an escape hatch than it is for Rush's situational standards while we are talking about Radio Booths instead of Speech podiums, eh?

come on, dude.. make it official! Put some validity into King Rush (see, sarcasm.. he's not really anyone's king) and drag him, kicking and screaming, from his little DJ cave!
I didn't say he would, or should. But he would be alot closer to doing that with Limbaugh, than Limbaugh would ever do with you. Because Limbaugh, like him or not, IS somebody.

You're not.

Limbaugh "is somebody"? What, EXACTLY, are his credentials that should temp an American President? Should Bush have gone at it with Randi Rhodes? She's somebody on the radio, yes? If you can't fathom the ridiculous, and let's face it LAUGHABLE, nature of some radio entertainer challenging the President then I guess it's pretty clear why you don't get my farcical challenge to Limbaugh.



Sorry Shogun but President Obama singled Rush Limbaugh out by name in a national address and said Rush was the if Rush wants to make the president back that up face to face, I'm all for that.

When Rush Limbaugh calls you out, I'll defend your right to challenge him to a confrontation.

EDIT: Dangit PC, that's the second time today you have stolen my thoughts...I'm going to get my stud-finder and locate your mind reading device ;)

Hey, if you feel so strongly then put your GOP vote where your talking points are. Let's see you drag Rush out of his little bear cave and talk some shit outside of his security blanket microphone. By all means, take it to the GOP leader electing convention.
Why do you suppose President Obama has brought up Limbaugh's name several times, yet will not accept the challenge?

If he is certain to win the debate, wouldn't he -pun intended- Rush to accept? What is the downside? He would look good: he calls Limbaugh out, accepts the challenge, wins?

And, an added benefit: he puts to rest that old saw that smart Democrats go into politics, smart Republicans make a million, and buy the smart Democrats.

Enlighten me.
This is what I left unsaid from before, during the elitist moronic rant about why Obama should take this "challenge" seriously. Which to that point, no one had suggested.

If Limbaugh is so far below The Obama, why would The Obama find him worthy of so much mention? And if he is worthy of so much mention, why not worthy of a debate?

They could do it pay-per-view, with the revenue going to charity.

simple. Sarcasm and lining up the GOP to continue to fail. You've just missed how Obama has DEFINED the gop. Clearly, your political science comprehension runs deep. Congratrs. you've just been swiftboated into validating Rush's role in your political leadership.

Please, though, do continue to act like you don't have a dog in Rush's little ass cyst race though. It's hilarious to watch you stumble over your own posts.
Who outted Valerie Plames? If it was Scooter & Chaney, then Bush is a poor leader if he can't control his people.

Rahm says things Obama wants to say but can't.


We all know Obama is behind this. The President of the United States is attacking a private citizen because he doesn't like criticism. Anyone else see a problem here?

Actually, in some ways, Rush is acting like Tokyo Rose. He is hurting America's chances to recover from the financial crisis his own party caused.

He's just another anti American right wing obstructionist.

His vision of America looks a lot like Mexico. 5 families have all the money and the rest are poor. And those poor mexicans have only themselves to blame for their financial situation. :eusa_liar:

So citizens like Rush Limbaugh should not criticize our government because he is hurting America's chances of a recovery? Do you realize how crazy that is? :cuckoo:
Rush debate the issues he didnt before he wont now. I have listen to his show and he has found is niche. Anti anything Obama. Obama just needs to concentrate on the nation and not pay him any attention there are alot more things important right now than debating Rush.

Just like you can't go on the air and insight a riot, Rush should not be allowed to go on air and blatently lie about the Democrats or the economic stimulus act.

And he is hurting our efforts at recovery. I think it is on purpose because they want 95% of America to fail. If 95% fail, 5% succeed. Just like the last 8 years, the rich got richer and the rest of us got poorer. He's in the top 5% income earners, right?

So of course he wants us to fail.

But should we allow him to go on air and spew his ignorance?

The FCC never told Howard Stern EXACTLY what he did wrong. They could never define what they considered, "indecent". They just said he was.

I consider Rush indecent.

Or just fine the shit out of him each time he lies.

And bring back the fairness doctrine. If he is allowed to lie to millions, we need someone to counter him.

Funny, you right wing assholes want to see a debate between Rush and Obama but you don't want to give us liberals equal time on the radio. Why? Scared the truth will come out?

We all know Obama is behind this. The President of the United States is attacking a private citizen because he doesn't like criticism. Anyone else see a problem here?

Actually, in some ways, Rush is acting like Tokyo Rose. He is hurting America's chances to recover from the financial crisis his own party caused.

He's just another anti American right wing obstructionist.

His vision of America looks a lot like Mexico. 5 families have all the money and the rest are poor. And those poor mexicans have only themselves to blame for their financial situation. :eusa_liar:

So citizens like Rush Limbaugh should not criticize our government because he is hurting America's chances of a recovery? Do you realize how crazy that is? :cuckoo:

Yes, just as crazy as not being honest how the Iraq war was going because it might jeopordize the mission or hurt the moral of our troops..

Just wanted to show you how dumb you all sounded the last 6 years. :clap2:
Does anyone remember how I suggested that this issue of Rush might end up?

Remember me suggesting that by mentioning Rush Obama would stir up the wingnuts in the Republican party thus making the Republican party respond?

And then Stell did respond, and the wingnuts were so incensed that Steel had to apologise?

So what has happed?

The donkey's tail (Rush) is now pinned on the ass of the Republican party.

I doubt this was thought out in advance, but the fall-out for the RNC is fairly obvious.

The RNC looks weak in comparison to a right wing hate monger who has half the brains God gave geese.

The RNC needs to win back control from Rush.

Not the Dems, because they know nobody who supports them cares what Rush thinks, but the RNC certainly doesn't want RUSH in cotnrol of the debate.

Amazing...the RNC is being driven even further to the radical right.

There is no equivalent spokeman for Rush in the Demoractic universe, but this is rather like having some leftwingnut able to make the DNC apologise to them for not being DEMOCRATIC enough.

Holy crap! This is amusing for me to witness.
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Actually, in some ways, Rush is acting like Tokyo Rose. He is hurting America's chances to recover from the financial crisis his own party caused.

He's just another anti American right wing obstructionist.

His vision of America looks a lot like Mexico. 5 families have all the money and the rest are poor. And those poor mexicans have only themselves to blame for their financial situation. :eusa_liar:

So citizens like Rush Limbaugh should not criticize our government because he is hurting America's chances of a recovery? Do you realize how crazy that is? :cuckoo:

Yes, just as crazy as not being honest how the Iraq war was going because it might jeopordize the mission or hurt the moral of our troops..

Just wanted to show you how dumb you all sounded the last 6 years. :clap2:

You are such an idiot. How many times do people have to tell you that just because you disagree with Obama that does NOT mean you supported Bush? Seriously, did you drop out of school at age 12? Were you dropped on your head as an infant? Just how do you explain your incredible stupidity?
So citizens like Rush Limbaugh should not criticize our government because he is hurting America's chances of a recovery? Do you realize how crazy that is? :cuckoo:

Yes, just as crazy as not being honest how the Iraq war was going because it might jeopordize the mission or hurt the moral of our troops..

Just wanted to show you how dumb you all sounded the last 6 years. :clap2:

You are such an idiot. How many times do people have to tell you that just because you disagree with Obama that does NOT mean you supported Bush? Seriously, did you drop out of school at age 12? Were you dropped on your head as an infant? Just how do you explain your incredible stupidity?

I'm not stupid. I don't believe you. Big difference.

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