Limbaugh: Don’t tell ‘people on welfare when the election is’



Add them up and let us know how many times Limbaugh has called people freeloaders.

What is wrong with calling people on welfare and people who don't pay taxes "freeloaders"? That's exactly what they are.

: to impose upon another's generosity or hospitality without sharing in the cost or responsibility involved

He could be calling them much worse. I would call them leeches.
No ONE, Absolutely NO ONE lives in this country, rich or poor, that does not pay taxes....that's is pure BS the Hawk....let me repeat, pure the enth degree. so why lie about it?

Oh yea I forgot, those people pay a lot in liquor and tabacco taxes. Silly me.


Add them up and let us know how many times Limbaugh has called people freeloaders.

What is wrong with calling people on welfare and people who don't pay taxes "freeloaders"? That's exactly what they are.

: to impose upon another's generosity or hospitality without sharing in the cost or responsibility involved

He could be calling them much worse. I would call them leeches.
No ONE, Absolutely NO ONE lives in this country, rich or poor, that does not pay taxes....that's is pure BS the Hawk....let me repeat, pure the enth degree. so why lie about it?

Everyone pays sales tax, other consumption taxes, etc... but there is a growing number (close to 50%) that do not pay income taxes and a number of them actually draw money out of the income tax system... and that in itself is WRONG if you believe in equal treatment by government under law
What is wrong with calling people on welfare and people who don't pay taxes "freeloaders"? That's exactly what they are.

: to impose upon another's generosity or hospitality without sharing in the cost or responsibility involved

He could be calling them much worse. I would call them leeches.
No ONE, Absolutely NO ONE lives in this country, rich or poor, that does not pay taxes....that's is pure BS the Hawk....let me repeat, pure the enth degree. so why lie about it?

Everyone pays sales tax, other consumption taxes, etc... but there is a growing number (close to 50%) that do not pay income taxes and a number of them actually draw money out of the income tax system... and that in itself is WRONG if you believe in equal treatment by government under law
all those families that work and do not pay taxes of their first 20k or so earned do not pay taxes because they did not earn enough to pay taxes...and the middle class and wealthy families do NOT pay taxes on that first 20k either....

as far as the EIC. that is to keep low income workers, working...if the EIC was not given to the poorest of our working families, then Welfare benefits etc would be MORE than them working for a living...

The EIC is one of the smartest things gvt has ever done to get the poorest among us in to jobs and working.
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'Zactly...Which is why no unionized bureaucrat should have a vote, either,.
It can go on and on oddball, to the point of where NO ONE can vote due to receiving something....and that is NOT how a Democratic Republic is run....

A democratic republic doesn't exist when you have bureaucrat unions acting as defacto money laundering operations, run for the purpose of using taxpayer dollars to support a one-party state, either.

That's different... somehow.
I don't think you know what fascist means

In fact, I do. When you're mandating service to, and economic activity to the benefit of, the state, as a means of procuring citizenship status or rights, then your position is unequivocally fascist.

No one is mandating service except the governments mandate to take my money and give it to someone else. If you think it is fascist of me to be of the opinion that people who take from someone else through the forces of the state shouldn't have a vote, you're wrong. If you would like to be a participant in our voting system, get your grubby fucking hands off my money and go work for your own. There is nothing fascist about this. You're trying to pin me as the fascist for not believing some should steal from others legally and have to do nothing in return. im saying if you want to use state force to steal from me and do nothing, fine. But you're a conscript of the state apparatus and have rescinded your voting right upon doing so.

Don't like these terms? Simple! Dont be a lazy fucking hand out recipient. Stop being an apparatus of the states use of force to steal.
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Limbaugh: Don’t tell ‘people on welfare when the election is’ | The Raw Story

Rush Limbaugh is calling on his listeners to keep the election date a secret from the poorest Americans.

“Ninety-nine days, folks,” the conservative radio host announced on Monday. “Ninety-nine days before the election. If you are a welfare recipient, that’s just a little more than three checks.”

“Maybe we shouldn’t remind people,” he added after thinking about it. “We shouldn’t remind people on welfare when the election is. That may not be something we want to actually do.”

Earlier this month, Limbaugh suggested that President Barack Obama was plotting to win reelection with new rules that allow states to apply for waivers to work requirements under the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program.

The president doesn’t “want people off of welfare in this regime” because “those are voters that are getting away,” Limbaugh said.

oh give me a fucking break if someone has to be told when the November presidential election is they are too fucking stupid to vote to begin with.
Limbaugh: Don’t tell ‘people on welfare when the election is’ | The Raw Story

Rush Limbaugh is calling on his listeners to keep the election date a secret from the poorest Americans.

“Ninety-nine days, folks,” the conservative radio host announced on Monday. “Ninety-nine days before the election. If you are a welfare recipient, that’s just a little more than three checks.”

“Maybe we shouldn’t remind people,” he added after thinking about it. “We shouldn’t remind people on welfare when the election is. That may not be something we want to actually do.”

Earlier this month, Limbaugh suggested that President Barack Obama was plotting to win reelection with new rules that allow states to apply for waivers to work requirements under the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program.

The president doesn’t “want people off of welfare in this regime” because “those are voters that are getting away,” Limbaugh said.

nothing new for republicans....they want to keep CITIZENS from voting....that has been their game plan for a near century....they think only their votes should count and to hell with their fellow citizens......

sure, that was a generalization regarding republicans, but hey, why not group them all together since most of them do walk LOCK STEP with each other....and call all liberals scum of the earth commies, socialists, atheists etc etc etc etc etc?:eusa_whistle:

Nice character

Blow it Out Yer ASS TM.

Given that Medicare is considered part of the so-called 'welfare state', Limbaugh is referring to you, too.

So the thinking here is that he was being serious, that they'll be able to hide the date?



The thinking is that Limbaugh thinks his audience is stupid enough that some of them think this is a clever trick that might work.
Get the fuck out of my country with that kind of fascist BS.

I don't think you know what fascist means, there fella. And I'm not going anywhere, but the end of the welfare/warfare state is coming whether you pencil dick, PC LOLberals like it or not.
50% of those on welfare DO WORK....

you know...gingrich WELFARE REFORM BILL...have ya read it? do ya know what it entails? do you even know the numbers of people on welfare that were eliminate due to the reform?

and under your one receiving a gvt benefit should vote...that means all those that benefit from Corporate welfare as well! and all those farmers receiving Agri money, and all those people like mitt who plays gvt loopholes written specifically by the gvt for THEM and the people like him....and anyone receiving any kind of business support and grants and aid from the gvt....AND those on college grants, or those going to universities since the gvt forks out for that too...


That's it? I'll be happy when it is 100%. Everyone can do something. Even those disabled. I have a buddy that is in a chair and has no use of most muscles. He works on computer software for work and finds time to go to music shows all the time. Dont give me this bleeding heart fucking bullshit.


So the thinking here is that he was being serious, that they'll be able to hide the date?



The thinking is that Limbaugh thinks his audience is stupid enough that some of them think this is a clever trick that might work.

His audience? I get more information from the left on what Rush said than I would if I listen to rush , so the left if Rushes audience
Government conscripts aren't citizens.

Citizen - : a civilian as distinguished from a specialized servant of the state.

Welfare recipients are servants of the state. they are slaves, or conscripts.

Someone needs to read the Constitution

But you know how Libertarians are
No ONE, Absolutely NO ONE lives in this country, rich or poor, that does not pay taxes....that's is pure BS the Hawk....let me repeat, pure the enth degree. so why lie about it?

Everyone pays sales tax, other consumption taxes, etc... but there is a growing number (close to 50%) that do not pay income taxes and a number of them actually draw money out of the income tax system... and that in itself is WRONG if you believe in equal treatment by government under law
all those families that work and do not pay taxes of their first 20k or so earned do not pay taxes because they did not earn enough to pay taxes...and the middle class and wealthy families do NOT pay taxes on that first 20k either....

as far as the EIC. that is to keep low income workers, working...if the EIC was not given to the poorest of our working families, then Welfare benefits etc would be MORE than them working for a living...

The EIC is one of the smartest things gvt has ever done to get the poorest among us in to jobs and working.

Earn enough to pay taxes.. the typical cop out... funny how that is not argues for things such as sales tax, etc...

What next? Differing prices on things because of what you earn??

The salary floor for taxes only accomplishes one single thing... creates a disguised result of more progressive taxes.. even if you try and combine this with a flat rate, as shown by me mathematically numerous times, it brings about a differing tax rate on all dollars earned.... those first X amount of dollars earned are not mythical, they are indeed earned... and because we have those who wish to pander on this notion of subjective fairness, we will always end up with unequal treatment because of it.... it is an easy and cheap way to obtain votes while hiding the favoritism and greed behind it (which is solely used as a ploy for power)

Disguised unequal treatment is one of the WORST things our government has done, not one of the best
Government conscripts aren't citizens.

Citizen - : a civilian as distinguished from a specialized servant of the state.

Welfare recipients are servants of the state. they are slaves, or conscripts.

Someone needs to read the Constitution

But you know how Libertarians are

I've read it several times. Unless you're referring to yourself in need of remediation on the consttitution.
what's funny is the only one's who notices Limbaugh is you liberals..

he really does get in your heads.:lol:

So those 15 million conservative listeners he claims to have don't exist?
Actually the pathological liar claims to have OVER 40 million listeners per day, who he admits have no jobs. So it's his audience who are the welfare queens!!!!!

May 26, 2011
RUSH:. According to reports at the peak of The Oprah's popularity, her show had 40 million weekly viewers. Now, that's not bad. That's almost as many as we have every day here. So our hat's off to The Oprah, 40 million viewers a week, not bad.

April 14, 2011
RUSH:* * In television, primetime is 8 to 11 p.m. Eastern (7 to 10 central).* That's just the way it is.* In the early days of this program -- and, in fact, even before this program -- it was thought that the middle of the day was the absolute worst time to be an advertiser on radio because the only people listening were people who have no jobs, and what could they afford to buy?* You know, what sponsor could they frequent?*

With each complaint, Rush is more grateful for the attention, I have no doubt. He's laughing all the way to the bank, and must be tempted to send Thank You cards to his detractors.


So the thinking here is that he was being serious, that they'll be able to hide the date?



No the story is liberals have no sense of humor.
No the story is your MessiahRushie was perpetuating the CON$ervoFascist canard that Libs are lazy slackers and CON$ are the achievers when the opposite is true. Libs are more financially successful than you lazy assed CON$ervoFascist slackers, which makes CON$ insanely jealous. But rather than be motivated to work as hard as Libs to achieve what the Libs have achieved, the lazy assed CON$ervoFascist slackers simply declare themselves successful while sucking off the government teat.

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