Limbaugh: Obama impeachment will never happen

Here he is again folks!
The insulter extraordinaire.
If he cannot put some insult into his statement he has nothing to say.

Is he wrong or right?

He's right. Because dimocraps are some two-faced, dishonest dirtbags.

ALL of them


dimocraps are the scum of the earth. Period
Here he is again folks!
The insulter extraordinaire.
If he cannot put some insult into his statement he has nothing to say.

He's right. Because dimocraps are some two-faced, dishonest dirtbags.

ALL of them


dimocraps are the scum of the earth. Period

He backed up his insult pretty darned well, I'm not sure why you wanted to highlight that.

Yes he did with a picture of one democrat. You should set the bar higher
True, and yes it is an amazing feat, W has horrible.

No doubt about it. Had anybody else been in charge, no doubt the Titanic wouldn't have sunk, the Stock Market wouldn't have crashed, we wouldn't have gone into Vietnam and the Russians would have never sent Nuclear Missiles aimed at America to Cuba..


the stupidity that runs rampant in here is unfuckingbelievable

I don't even know what that means

It means you are wrong when you say that Bush was terrible. He made mistakes, but on whole he was a pretty good president.
Do you realize you just confirmed what he said? :mad:

Doesn't matter.

Reality isn't a strong suit with these folks.

They are constantly stepping on themselves.

She follows Obama's orders. As witnessed by her taking the 5th. No doubt about it she sounds like a career politician.

Issa had tons of documentation to prove that.

He didn't.

As for her taking the fifth?

She was fired and under no obligation to further open herself to legal problems because of Issa's fishing expedition.

Rove didn't even bother to show up to Congress.

That sets a standard.
No doubt about it. Had anybody else been in charge, no doubt the Titanic wouldn't have sunk, the Stock Market wouldn't have crashed, we wouldn't have gone into Vietnam and the Russians would have never sent Nuclear Missiles aimed at America to Cuba..


the stupidity that runs rampant in here is unfuckingbelievable

I don't even know what that means

It means you are wrong when you say that Bush was terrible. He made mistakes, but on whole he was a pretty good president.

You're kidding..

Well no your not.

A large part of Manhattan and many of her citizens were vaporized under Bush watch.

He then went apeshit and attacked the wrong country killing over 100K people.

When he was done? We were trillions in debt and the financial industry collapsed.

By any metric you choose, including comparisons to other Presidents..that was pretty terrible.
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I don't even know what that means

It means you are wrong when you say that Bush was terrible. He made mistakes, but on whole he was a pretty good president.

You're kidding..

Well no your not.

A large part of Manhattan and many of her citizens were vaporized under Bush watch.

He then went apeshit and attacked the wrong country killing over 100K people.

When he was done? We were trillions in debt and the financial industry collapsed.

By any metric you choose, including comparisons to other Presidents..that pretty terrible.

9/11 happened because Clinton destroyed our intel gathering systems. Bush was only in office 8 months, nothing he did caused it--------unless you are one of the truthers who think that Bush and Cheney set explosives in the WTC buildings and sent fake planes to crash into them.

Iraq was a mistake, both parties voted to authorize and fund it. Bush could not, and did not, do it on his own.

on debt------10T when obama took over 17T today, over 20T when he leaves office---obama will have added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is a fact, shallow.
There you have it folks... straight from the fat cows mouth.

Limbaugh insists Obama impeachment will never happen | MSNBC

While some Republicans may dream of it, President Barack Obama will never be impeached, according to Rush Limbaugh...

Limbaugh: Obama impeachment will never happen

Astute political analysis

I can see why he makes the big bucks

Funny, you lefties have made multi millionaires out of Rush and Palin---the two people you hate most in the world. Just shows how stupid you are.
It means you are wrong when you say that Bush was terrible. He made mistakes, but on whole he was a pretty good president.

You're kidding..

Well no your not.

A large part of Manhattan and many of her citizens were vaporized under Bush watch.

He then went apeshit and attacked the wrong country killing over 100K people.

When he was done? We were trillions in debt and the financial industry collapsed.

By any metric you choose, including comparisons to other Presidents..that pretty terrible.

9/11 happened because Clinton destroyed our intel gathering systems. Bush was only in office 8 months, nothing he did caused it--------unless you are one of the truthers who think that Bush and Cheney set explosives in the WTC buildings and sent fake planes to crash into them.

Iraq was a mistake, both parties voted to authorize and fund it. Bush could not, and did not, do it on his own.

on debt------10T when obama took over 17T today, over 20T when he leaves office---obama will have added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is a fact, shallow.

And that's total bullshit. All of it.

Only 8 months..


In that time, Bush managed to quit the ABM treaty, piss off the Russians, piss off the Chinese in an international spy plane incident, gave a huge tax cut to the wealthy and was fast tracking a new cold war.

He called terrorists mosquitoes. And there was ample evidence something big was coming.

It's amazing you guys have zero contrition about this.
There you have it folks... straight from the fat cows mouth.

Limbaugh insists Obama impeachment will never happen | MSNBC

Limbaugh: Obama impeachment will never happen

Astute political analysis

I can see why he makes the big bucks

Funny, you lefties have made multi millionaires out of Rush and Palin---the two people you hate most in the world. Just shows how stupid you are.

It's not us buying the crap that gets advertized on their shows. Or part of the 1% that floats their boats when they lose money.
I must agree that Obama will not be impeached.

It does seem possible, though, that once out of office he might be tried for any of a variety of crimes. Whether he has sufficiently rigged the courts to ensure any trials are only for show is an open question.

Of course he could flee into exile. But would Kenya welcome him home? Big question, that, as they already have one dictator.
No doubt about it. Had anybody else been in charge, no doubt the Titanic wouldn't have sunk, the Stock Market wouldn't have crashed, we wouldn't have gone into Vietnam and the Russians would have never sent Nuclear Missiles aimed at America to Cuba..


the stupidity that runs rampant in here is unfuckingbelievable

I don't even know what that means

It means you are wrong when you say that Bush was terrible. He made mistakes, but on whole he was a pretty good president.

Well, as far as sucking, there was

- Adding prescription drug to the Medicare welfare program
- Doing another round of granting amnesty to illegals without addressing the problem
- Continuing Clinton's sub-prime lending policy
- Never vetoing a spending bill
- Proposing budgets that grow the Federal government faster than GDP, inflation or any reasonable economic measure ... before ... even starting negotiations with the Democrats
- Signing the so called transportation bill which was just an earmark and special interest christmas tree
- Signing campaign finance while correctly stating it was Unconstitutional as it regulates free speech going into elections
- Invading Iraq which was not in our interest or in defense of the United States
- Engaging in nation building in Afghanistan
- Unconstitutionally regulating education with the No Child Gets Ahead program
- Not responding to Democrats in WMDs or anything else thinking he looked Reaganesque when actually he just looked clueless and uninformed and the Democrats used his silence to defend his own policies to pound him with lies
- While his tax cuts themselves were good, he grew the ridiculous complexity of taxes even more
- Raised social security taxes and repeated the lie there is a trust fund to justify it.

W blew chunks, he was awful.
A large part of Manhattan and many of her citizens were vaporized under Bush watch

What a stupid post. As a New Yorker who was there when it happened as well, I can't believe after what happened you would say something so overtly partisan and tasteless as this for cheap political points. The same system was in place for both Slick and W and the hijackers were in the US training when W took over. Cleaning toilets on Wall Street doesn't seem to have taught you anything about New York or anything else except how to be a shill and just a generally pathetic human being.

Rush is right though, yet again. Obama won't be impeached, anyone thinking that is about as aware of what's going on as you are.
Iraq was a mistake, both parties voted to authorize and fund it. Bush could not, and did not, do it on his own

I agree with you in that Democrats pointing fingers is pathetic and they can't get off the hook. It doesn't get W off the hook either though.
What has he done worthy of impeachment? Has he invaded another country that did not attack us? Has he lied in order to get us into a war? He he knowingly withheld information about a political break in? Tell me what he has done.....crickets?

He has placed a moratorium on offshore oil drilling or exploration off both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States and in parts of the Gulf of Mexico. He has also prohibited new drilling exploration on federal land in any states in the United States. These actions by the DOI have continued in direct defiance of several court orders issued by Federal Judge Martin Feldman in New Orleans,

He has betrayed the American people and authorized loans of billions of dollars to countries like Brazil and Mexico so that they can drill for oil, and then sell that oil to the United States.

History of Offshore Drilling

In 1982, Congress placed a moratorium on oil and gas leasing off the west coast of the United States, and in the years that followed, they also restricted leasing off the Atlantic coast and the eastern Gulf of Mexico.

Then in 1990, President George H.W. Bush issued an executive moratorium on oil and gas leasing in those same regions, which was extended by President Bill Clinton until 2012.

For more than 25 years, U.S. waters were protected, until 2008 when President George W. Bush lifted the executive moratorium. At the same time, fueled by rising gas prices and a challenging election year, cries of “drill baby drill” convinced Congress to allow the moratorium to lapse as well.

In a 2006 bipartisan agreement, Congress passed the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA) which opened up new areas in the western and central Gulf while protecting the eastern Gulf until 2022.

When President Obama took office, his administration put a hold on the plan to allow appropriate time for comments from all sides of the drilling debate. But in March 2010, President Obama announced that he would open much of the Atlantic coastline, the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the north coast of Alaska to offshore drilling, including areas that were previously protected.

Shortly after this announcement, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in April, 2010, resulting in the largest accidental oil spill in history.

Dispelling the Brazil Oil Loan Myth as Obama Heads to Rio - Forbes

The Export Import Bank is a government run bank. It made a preliminary commitment to offer Petrobras $2 billion in April 2009. What that means is, Petrobras could take out a loan from the Bank and use that money not to enrich Soros or shareholders, per se, but to enrich US companies in the energy space, mainly businesses in the oil, natural gas, and oil rig space. The money would in fact come back to the US and, hopefully, even create jobs due to demand for goods and services from Petrobras, one of the biggest oil companies in the Americas.

What has he done worthy of impeachment? Has he invaded another country that did not attack us? Has he lied in order to get us into a war? He he knowingly withheld information about a political break in? Tell me what he has done.....crickets?

He has allowed the NSA to spy on ordinary American citizens.

He has ordered drone strikes on American citizens again without due process killing a 16 year old very innocent boy.

He has changed laws by executive fiat. While I suppose this isn't a high crime how do you rein in such behavior.

He may not have invaded but he bombed two counties, from the rear, that were of absolutely no threat to American interests.

He allowed and directed the IRS to harass certain groups which effected, disenfranchised, voters in the 2012 election.

Those crickets you hear do they ever go away?

Plus, no one lied us into war.

And he has violated every single part of his Oath of Office.

He swore to uphold the laws of the United States and defend the Constitution.

He has told Eric Himmler to not investigate certain crimes, he has violated the law on deportation of illegal immigrants, he refused to defend DOMA, he illegally prosecutes States for ..

The man is a scumbag. He is the lowest, scummiest, most gutless, cowardly, anti-American piece of fucking shit that has ever held office in this Country.

And the people who defend him aren't much better. In fact.... They're worse because they know EXACTLY who and what he is and they don't care.

I think you're holding your emotions in a little too much. Let it out, tell me how you really feel about President Obama.
Obama is, without a doubt, the most incompetent and stupid President we have had in nearly a century. Coming in on the heels of George Bush, that is an amazing ignominious feat.

True, and yes it is an amazing feat, W has horrible.

There. Fixed that for you.

True, and yes it is an amazing feat, W has horrible critics.

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