Limbaugh: Obama impeachment will never happen

There you have it folks... straight from the fat cows mouth.

Limbaugh insists Obama impeachment will never happen | MSNBC

While some Republicans may dream of it, President Barack Obama will never be impeached, according to Rush Limbaugh...

Limbaugh: Obama impeachment will never happen

And he's right.

There are no grounds.


You are wrong again, Buh weet!


The National Black Republican Association (NBRA) based in Sarasota, FL, headed by Chairman Frances Rice, filed Articles of Impeachment against President Barack Obama with the following language:

We, black American citizens, in order to free ourselves and our fellow citizens from governmental tyranny, do herewith submit these Articles of Impeachment to Congress for the removal of President Barack H. Obama, aka, Barry Soetoro, from office for his attack on liberty and commission of egregious acts of despotism that constitute high crimes and misdemeanors.

On July 4, 1776, the founders of our nation declared their independence from governmental tyranny and reaffirmed their faith in independence with the ratification of the Bill of Rights in 1791. Asserting their right to break free from the tyranny of a nation that denied them the civil liberties that are our birthright, the founders declared:

“When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” - Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.


Article II, Section IV of the United States Constitution provides: “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”


In his conduct of the office of President of the United States, Barack H. Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, personally and through his subordinates and agents, in violation or disregard of the constitutional rights of citizens and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has prevented, obstructed, and impeded the administration of justice, in that:


He has covered up, delayed, impeded and obstructed the investigation of the Benghazi Battle.

Specific conduct includes: (1) failing to adequately secure the US Consulate and the CIA annex in Benghazi; (2) failing to send a response team to rescue embattled US citizens in Benghazi; (3) lying to the American people about why the US Consulate and the CIA annex were attacked in Benghazi; and (3) hiding from the media and congressional investigators the Central Intelligence Agency personnel and other wounded US citizens who were on the ground in Benghazi by scattering them throughout the United States, forcing them to adopt new identities and subjecting them to monthly polygraph tests.

Benghazi Battle elements that are under investigation:

On September 11, 2012, the anniversary of the September 11, 2001, the US Consulate and the CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya was targeted in a premeditated, preplanned attack launched without warning by Islamist militants.

Footage of the attack broadcast in real time showed armed men attacking the consulate with rocket-propelled grenades, hand grenades, assault rifles, 14.5 mm anti-aircraft machine guns, truck mounted artillery, diesel canisters, and mortars. It was not an act of savage mob violence, nor a spontaneous protest in response to an anti-Islamic video on YouTube.

In that attack, four American citizens were killed: US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens; Information Officer Sean Smith; and two embassy security personnel, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs. Ambassador Stevens is the first U.S. ambassador killed in an attack since Adolph Dubs was killed in 1979.


He has disclosed secret grand jury material by exposing the existence of a sealed indictment of one of the Benghazi attackers in violation of Rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure that clearly states: “… no person may disclose the indictment’s existence except as necessary to issue or execute a warrant or summons.’’


He has authorized and permitted the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, a division of the Justice Department, to conduct Operation Fast and Furious, wherein guns were sold to Mexican drug trafficking organizations that were used to kill innocent Mexican civilians and two rifles sold to a smuggler in January 2010 ended up at the scene of the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in December 2010.


He has authorized and permitted confidential income tax returns information from the Internal Revenue Service to be provided to unauthorized individuals, organizations and agencies.


He has caused investigations and audits to be initiated or conducted by the Internal Revenue Service in a discriminatory manner, including harassment and intimidation of conservative, evangelical and Tea Party groups applying for non-profit status between 2010 and 2012.

Elements of this illegal conduct include the facts that: (1) the head of the Internal Revenue Service tax-exempt organization division, Lois Lerner, admitted during a telephonic press event that illegal targeting occurred, then invoked her Fifth Amendment right and refused to answer questions before Congress about the targeting out of fear of self-incrimination; (2) two other career Internal Revenue Service employees stated that they acted at the behest of superiors in Washington — Carter Hull, a retired Internal Revenue Service Attorney and Elizabeth Hofacre, an employee of the Cincinnati IRS office which oversaw tax-exempt applications; and (3) Carter Hull stated that he was directed to forward the targeted applications to, among others, one of only two political appointees in the Internal Revenue Service Chief Counsel William Wilkins.


He has (1) authorized and permitted the National Security Agency to conduct or continue electronic surveillance of over 300 million average Americans; (2) given access to National Security Agency surveillance data to other intelligence units within the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Secret Service, the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security in violation of the law; and (3) conducted the surveillance of average Americans unconstrained by Congress, the United Supreme Court or the US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court which has, to this date, functioned as a rubber stamp, having approved every request made of it in 2012 and rejecting only two of the 8,591 requests submitted between 2008 and 2012.


He has authorized and permitted the Department of Justice to wiretap and secretly obtain two months of telephone and e-mail records of Fox News Reporter James Rosen and over one hundred Associated Press journalists.


He has thwarted Congress by (1) failing to enforce all or parts of laws duly enacted by Congress, including the Defense of Marriage Act, the No Child Left Behind Act, and the Affordable Care Act; and (2) after Congress refused to pass his Dream Act, unilaterally issuing an executive order directing immigration officers to no longer deport an entire class of illegal immigrants who came here as children, regardless of individual circumstances, and to give them work-authorization permits.


He has violated the Constitution when, on January 4, 2012, (1) he bypassed the U. S. Senate to appoint three members of the National Labor Relations Board, actions that were ruled unconstitutional by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit which affirmed previous decisions by the Court of Appeal for the D.C. Circuit and the Third Circuit; and (2) he bypassed the U. S. Senate to appoint Richard Cordray to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.


He has intimidated whistleblowers and brought twice as many prosecutions against whistleblowers as all prior presidents combined. Egregiously, while refusing to prosecute anyone for actual torture, he prosecuted former Central Intelligence Agency employee John Kiriakou for disclosing the torture program.

Wherefore Barack H. Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office.

The Articles of Impeachment have been sent to President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Speaker Boehner, House Minority Leader Pelosi and the full Judiciary Committee of the US House of Representatives for action.

Black American citizens file "Articles of Impeachment" against Obama
W will go down in history for six things.

1) He re-shuffled the deck in the stalemated spiders nest of the Middle East and planted the seeds of Liberty, freeing dozens of millions in the process. There is no Constitutional basis or benefit for us to be policeman to the world. And Iraq and Afghanistan we accomplished nothing other than removing their old governments. Had we done that and left, it would have ended up as it's heading now anyway. Frankly, the Taliban probably will even retake Afghanistan eventually.

2) He prevented a MUCH larger regional war in the M.E. by preventing Israel from being forced to take preventative action against Saddam's WMD's (that no one could 100% confirm nor deny). In fact, that larger regional war could have spun out of control and led to WWIII.

3) He prevented any significant stoppage of oil flowing out of the M.E. to any of the world's leading economic or industrial powers and our trading partners.

4) He was POTUS during the worst attack on America in our history.

5) He prevented any subsequent terrorist attacks on America when EVERYONE fully expected a second round of attacks were certain to occur. In other words, he kept us safe.

6) Though he warned Congress on 17 different occasions about excesses in the mortgage lending industry Congress scoffed at, laughed at and attacked his people who tried to warn of the looming dangers and the economy melted down at the end of his 2nd term.

I find it amusing you think my list is not so important, I listed a lot of big things. I also forgot another screw up with TARP. Pure crony capitalism, the failures should have failed.

As for your six.

1-3) I generally agree he did that, but it's not our job. Though on 1, I'm not sure what seeds of liberty he sowed, seems the same to me.

4) He will go down in history for that, and his immediate handling was good. Though using it to get us deeper in the ME quagmire wasn't.

5) I agree.

6) I disagree. He did say Clinton's policy was a bad one, but he could have done a lot more to stop it and didn't. It was a screw up. At best, he failed as you pointed out. I don't see any way it was an accomplishment.
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W will go down in history for six things.

1) He re-shuffled the deck in the stalemated spiders nest of the Middle East and planted the seeds of Liberty, freeing dozens of millions in the process.

That's utterly fucking retarded. What he did was remove a dictator that kept the IRanians penned in (which is why his father had the good sense NOT to dispose Saddam in 1991) while apply inadequate force to Afghanistan, allowing Al Qaeda to escape.

2) He prevented a MUCH larger regional war in the M.E. by preventing Israel from being forced to take preventative action against Saddam's WMD's (that no one could 100% confirm nor deny). In fact, that larger regional war could have spun out of control and led to WWIII.

Again, this is the problem with letting the Zionists dictate our policies. FOr the record, the Zionists are chickenshits and haven't won a war on their own in 1967.

3) He prevented any significant stoppage of oil flowing out of the M.E. to any of the world's leading economic or industrial powers and our trading partners.

and yet Gasoline prices skyrocketed on his watch!

4) He was POTUS during the worst attack on America in our history.

Yes, it would have been nice if he took a memo titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike US" more seriously than "You've covered your ass, then!" and went fishing.

5) He prevented any subsequent terrorist attacks on America when EVERYONE fully expected a second round of attacks were certain to occur. In other words, he kept us safe.

Or maybe Al Qaeda never had the capability to launch a second attack.

6) Though he warned Congress on 17 different occasions about excesses in the mortgage lending industry Congress scoffed at, laughed at and attacked his people who tried to warn of the looming dangers and the economy melted down at the end of his 2nd term.

Um. Yeah. He also appointed Chris COx, buddy of hte banking industry, to run the SEC.

I'd say he was a GREAT POTUS.


I wouldn't.

Let's look at that record.

1) A huge attack that killed 3000 Americans.
2) A mismanaged war in Afghanistan.
3) Bin Laden still alive at the end of his term.
4) An unnecessary invasion of Iraq that cost 4500 American and 100,000 Iraqi lives.
5) Two Recessions, including the worst one in 80 years.
6) Complete mismanagement of the response to Hurricane Katrina, leaving thousands dead and hundreds of thousands homeless.

W will go down in history for six things.

1) He re-shuffled the deck in the stalemated spiders nest of the Middle East and planted the seeds of Liberty, freeing dozens of millions in the process.

That's utterly fucking retarded. What he did was remove a dictator that kept the IRanians penned in (which is why his father had the good sense NOT to dispose Saddam in 1991) while apply inadequate force to Afghanistan, allowing Al Qaeda to escape.

2) He prevented a MUCH larger regional war in the M.E. by preventing Israel from being forced to take preventative action against Saddam's WMD's (that no one could 100% confirm nor deny). In fact, that larger regional war could have spun out of control and led to WWIII.

Again, this is the problem with letting the Zionists dictate our policies. FOr the record, the Zionists are chickenshits and haven't won a war on their own in 1967.

and yet Gasoline prices skyrocketed on his watch!

Yes, it would have been nice if he took a memo titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike US" more seriously than "You've covered your ass, then!" and went fishing.

Or maybe Al Qaeda never had the capability to launch a second attack.

6) Though he warned Congress on 17 different occasions about excesses in the mortgage lending industry Congress scoffed at, laughed at and attacked his people who tried to warn of the looming dangers and the economy melted down at the end of his 2nd term.

Um. Yeah. He also appointed Chris COx, buddy of hte banking industry, to run the SEC.

I'd say he was a GREAT POTUS.


I wouldn't.

Let's look at that record.

1) A huge attack that killed 3000 Americans.
2) A mismanaged war in Afghanistan.
3) Bin Laden still alive at the end of his term.
4) An unnecessary invasion of Iraq that cost 4500 American and 100,000 Iraqi lives.
5) Two Recessions, including the worst one in 80 years.
6) Complete mismanagement of the response to Hurricane Katrina, leaving thousands dead and hundreds of thousands homeless.

1. If Obama was told of a pending attack but not given the specifics there is nothing he could do to prevent it any more than W was unable to prevent it.

In fact, Benghazi. Nuff said.

2. The POTUS is limited in what he can do to manage a war. Unless you use the micromanaging model set by LBJ in Viet Nam. And we see how THAT worked.

3. So? This is not a football game where it only counts if the score is made during regulation time. Pancho Villa was never captured despite a whole Army expeditionary force led by Gen. Blackjack Pershing himself sent to Mexico to catch or kill him. W did the best thing he could. He announced they would stop looking. This lulled OBL into a false sense of security which led to the raid.

4. You'd have preferred Israel go up in a mushroom cloud or Israel attacking Iraq and triggering WWIII. Silly fool. Now, go and signal to all the readers just how brain limited you are by stating there were no WMD's! :badgrin:

5. Once again, Bush tried to warn Congress about the looming problems in the mortgage industry but Barney Frank poo poo'ed any thought of being more prudent in the lending qualifications.

6. The reports all state that the local authorities, the City of New Orleans and the state of Louisiana had the responsibility for handling disaster response. FEMA is and always has been and was only designed to support the local authorities in a disaster. And if you mention W flying over the disaster zone rather than flying in to the area and tying up resources, clogging thoroughfares and disrupting the disaster response wtf would his being there have helped?

You are pretty short sighted Sarge.

The best thing you can do is stop while you are behind otherwise you will only succeed in digging a deeper hole for yourself.

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W will go down in history for six things.

1) He re-shuffled the deck in the stalemated spiders nest of the Middle East and planted the seeds of Liberty, freeing dozens of millions in the process. There is no Constitutional basis or benefit for us to be policeman to the world. And Iraq and Afghanistan we accomplished nothing other than removing their old governments. Had we done that and left, it would have ended up as it's heading now anyway. Frankly, the Taliban probably will even retake Afghanistan eventually.

2) He prevented a MUCH larger regional war in the M.E. by preventing Israel from being forced to take preventative action against Saddam's WMD's (that no one could 100% confirm nor deny). In fact, that larger regional war could have spun out of control and led to WWIII.

3) He prevented any significant stoppage of oil flowing out of the M.E. to any of the world's leading economic or industrial powers and our trading partners.

4) He was POTUS during the worst attack on America in our history.

5) He prevented any subsequent terrorist attacks on America when EVERYONE fully expected a second round of attacks were certain to occur. In other words, he kept us safe.

6) Though he warned Congress on 17 different occasions about excesses in the mortgage lending industry Congress scoffed at, laughed at and attacked his people who tried to warn of the looming dangers and the economy melted down at the end of his 2nd term.

I find it amusing you think my list is not so important, I listed a lot of big things. I also forgot another screw up with TARP. Pure crony capitalism, the failures should have failed.

As for your six.

1-3) I generally agree he did that, but it's not our job. Though on 1, I'm not sure what seeds of liberty he sowed, seems the same to me.

4) He will go down in history for that, and his immediate handling was good. Though using it to get us deeper in the ME quagmire wasn't.

5) I agree.

6) I disagree. He did say Clinton's policy was a bad one, but he could have done a lot more to stop it and didn't. It was a screw up. At best, he failed as you pointed out. I don't see any way it was an accomplishment.

You are quite reasonable to exchange disagreements with. I get the feeling you really do care about the truth and what is right and wrong.

I admire that about you.

That is the way Americans should be able to relate.

You are not in line with the extremists of the Left.

Does my pointing out your difference from the dregs of the Left make you feel uncomfortable or does it give you a sense of not fitting in with your silly, stupid, toxic political bedfellows?
I mean in this time of financial hard ship for a whole lot of Americans what is the purpose of Michelle Antoinette and girls going to China on the tax payer's dime?

They'z gitten thems reparations whiles they canz 'cause they'z black.
The idea of Obama being impeached was started, by the Right, almost from the day he was elected. It's all been about them being sore losers, about them creating scandals out of nothing, about making up issues that didn't exist, about ignorance, racism, and intense partisan politics. He has never done anything at all warranting impeachment, not anything anywhere near warranting impeachment; it's all been a creation of the right because they don't like having a Democrat in the White House, and because, the truth is, the first black president is more vulnerable than most presidents and an easy target. It's all fiction and nonsense and shows the true colors of today's Republican Party. A party who, by the looks of it nowadays, will never elect a GOP candidate ever again unless they make huge changes in the way they function.
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1. If Obama was told of a pending attack but not given the specifics there is nothing he could do to prevent it any more than W was unable to prevent it.

In fact, Benghazi. Nuff said.

Ummm... sorry, guy an consulate in a foreign country is a lot harder to protect from a population than an airliner in the US. All Bush had to do was tighten security at the airports. Oh, wait. Can't have that. The Airlines might object to less profits.

2. The POTUS is limited in what he can do to manage a war. Unless you use the micromanaging model set by LBJ in Viet Nam. And we see how THAT worked.

pure idiocy. The Generals TOLD Bush that invading Iraq without greater international support was a terrible idea. General Shinkisi specifically told Bush that we would need at least 500,000 troops. (He was forced to resign.) Bush was also the guy who decided that disbanding the Iraqi Army was a great idea.

3. So? This is not a football game where it only counts if the score is made during regulation time. Pancho Villa was never captured despite a whole Army expeditionary force led by Gen. Blackjack Pershing himself sent to Mexico to catch or kill him. W did the best thing he could. He announced they would stop looking. This lulled OBL into a false sense of security which led to the raid.

Bush's gross incompetence did lull OBL into a false sense of security. When you completely attack the wrong fucking country, the guy you are after won't spend a lot of time worrying about you.

Incidently, if you want to use Pancho as an example, our military action was so inept that the Kaiser's folks figured we werent' a threat and they might as well torpedo our ships (dragging us into WWII). Inept actions do not add to security.

4. You'd have preferred Israel go up in a mushroom cloud or Israel attacking Iraq and triggering WWIII. Silly fool. Now, go and signal to all the readers just how brain limited you are by stating there were no WMD's! :badgrin:

I'd prefer Israel to get pushed into the sea finally proving to the stupids there is no God. But here's the thing. Iraq didn't have nukes, and the Zionists didn't have the balls to attack him again.

5. Once again, Bush tried to warn Congress about the looming problems in the mortgage industry but Barney Frank poo poo'ed any thought of being more prudent in the lending qualifications.

Bush was also the guy who thought that lending money to anyone who wanted a house was a wonderful idea. IN fact, he cited increased minority home ownship as an "accomplishment". And, no what Barney was against was further changes at Fanny Mae, which wasn't the problem until eerything else Bush was ignoring collapsed.

6. The reports all state that the local authorities, the City of New Orleans and the state of Louisiana had the responsibility for handling disaster response. FEMA is and always has been and was only designed to support the local authorities in a disaster. And if you mention W flying over the disaster zone rather than flying in to the area and tying up resources, clogging thoroughfares and disrupting the disaster response wtf would his being there have helped?

Guy, when you have to fire your FEMA director after saying, "He was doing a heckuva job", that's just incompetence. Did state officials fuck up? Yup. But Bush and the folks at FEMA did so badly they had to finally call in the Army to clean up the mess.

You are pretty short sighted Sarge.

The best thing you can do is stop while you are behind otherwise you will only succeed in digging a deeper hole for yourself.

GUy, you are the one living in a fantasy world that Bush was a good president. The man had a 27% approval rating when he left. If you are an example of that 27%, it explains much.
What has he done worthy of impeachment? Has he invaded another country that did not attack us? Has he lied in order to get us into a war? He he knowingly withheld information about a political break in? Tell me what he has done.....crickets?

He has allowed the NSA to spy on ordinary American citizens.

He has ordered drone strikes on American citizens again without due process killing a 16 year old very innocent boy.

He has changed laws by executive fiat. While I suppose this isn't a high crime how do you rein in such behavior.

He may not have invaded but he bombed two counties, from the rear, that were of absolutely no threat to American interests.

He allowed and directed the IRS to harass certain groups which effected, disenfranchised, voters in the 2012 election.

He has appointed numerous people to cabinet level positions without the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate, as is required by the Constitution.

He has continued to use his powers and executive branch of government to implement this legislation despite the fact that a federal judge had declared the entire law unconstitutional, and ordered that it not be implemented. In addition, Obama has directed members of his administration to violate the right to freedom of religion protected by the 1st Amendment to the Constitution.

He has ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to use regulations to implement key portions of the bill, including those regulating so-called greenhouse gases.

He has placed a moratorium on offshore oil drilling or exploration off both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States and in parts of the Gulf of Mexico. He has also prohibited new drilling exploration on federal land in any states in the United States. These actions by the DOI have continued in direct defiance of several court orders issued by Federal Judge Martin Feldman in New Orleans,

He has betrayed the American people and authorized loans of billions of dollars to countries like Brazil and Mexico so that they can drill for oil, and then sell that oil to the United States.

He has abdicated his responsibility to enforce the laws of the United States against illegal immigration. He has virtually declared our southern border an open border by declaring certain areas of federal land in states like Arizona as off-limits to federal, state, and local authorities.

He has ordered the Federal Communications Commission to adopt regulations giving the federal government control of the Internet and its contents, including providing Obama with a kill switch that gives him authority to shut down the Internet if he sees fit

He has failed to defend the laws of the US as he is sworn to do. It is not his choice what laws to defend and he violates his oath when he decides not to defend the DOMA which was duly passed.

Those crickets you hear do they ever go away?

Plus, no one lied us into war.

How tedious, predicable, ignorant, and partisan – and all absent a shred of evidence.

That you and others on the right ‘hate Obama’ is not grounds for ‘impeachment.’
W will go down in history for six things.

1) He re-shuffled the deck in the stalemated spiders nest of the Middle East and planted the seeds of Liberty, freeing dozens of millions in the process. There is no Constitutional basis or benefit for us to be policeman to the world. And Iraq and Afghanistan we accomplished nothing other than removing their old governments. Had we done that and left, it would have ended up as it's heading now anyway. Frankly, the Taliban probably will even retake Afghanistan eventually.

2) He prevented a MUCH larger regional war in the M.E. by preventing Israel from being forced to take preventative action against Saddam's WMD's (that no one could 100% confirm nor deny). In fact, that larger regional war could have spun out of control and led to WWIII.

3) He prevented any significant stoppage of oil flowing out of the M.E. to any of the world's leading economic or industrial powers and our trading partners.

4) He was POTUS during the worst attack on America in our history.

5) He prevented any subsequent terrorist attacks on America when EVERYONE fully expected a second round of attacks were certain to occur. In other words, he kept us safe.

6) Though he warned Congress on 17 different occasions about excesses in the mortgage lending industry Congress scoffed at, laughed at and attacked his people who tried to warn of the looming dangers and the economy melted down at the end of his 2nd term.

I find it amusing you think my list is not so important, I listed a lot of big things. I also forgot another screw up with TARP. Pure crony capitalism, the failures should have failed.

As for your six.

1-3) I generally agree he did that, but it's not our job. Though on 1, I'm not sure what seeds of liberty he sowed, seems the same to me.

4) He will go down in history for that, and his immediate handling was good. Though using it to get us deeper in the ME quagmire wasn't.

5) I agree.

6) I disagree. He did say Clinton's policy was a bad one, but he could have done a lot more to stop it and didn't. It was a screw up. At best, he failed as you pointed out. I don't see any way it was an accomplishment.

You are quite reasonable to exchange disagreements with. I get the feeling you really do care about the truth and what is right and wrong.

I admire that about you.

That is the way Americans should be able to relate.

You are not in line with the extremists of the Left.

Does my pointing out your difference from the dregs of the Left make you feel uncomfortable or does it give you a sense of not fitting in with your silly, stupid, toxic political bedfellows?

My views are nothing like the left. I love America, I'm on our side and I don't undercut my country at every opportunity for cheap political points. I just want us to follow better policies that are in our interest. We're the good guy. However, being policeman to the world is not in our interest, and the countries that benefit also undercut us every chance they get in return. The Euroweenies, the Arabic dictatorships we prop up. Our most reliable allies have been the Eastern Europeans who grasp totalitarian regimes.

1. If Obama was told of a pending attack but not given the specifics there is nothing he could do to prevent it any more than W was unable to prevent it.

In fact, Benghazi. Nuff said.

Ummm... sorry, guy an consulate in a foreign country is a lot harder to protect from a population than an airliner in the US. All Bush had to do was tighten security at the airports. Oh, wait. Can't have that. The Airlines might object to less profits.

2. The POTUS is limited in what he can do to manage a war. Unless you use the micromanaging model set by LBJ in Viet Nam. And we see how THAT worked.

pure idiocy. The Generals TOLD Bush that invading Iraq without greater international support was a terrible idea. General Shinkisi specifically told Bush that we would need at least 500,000 troops. (He was forced to resign.) Bush was also the guy who decided that disbanding the Iraqi Army was a great idea.

Bush's gross incompetence did lull OBL into a false sense of security. When you completely attack the wrong fucking country, the guy you are after won't spend a lot of time worrying about you.

Incidently, if you want to use Pancho as an example, our military action was so inept that the Kaiser's folks figured we werent' a threat and they might as well torpedo our ships (dragging us into WWII). Inept actions do not add to security.

I'd prefer Israel to get pushed into the sea finally proving to the stupids there is no God. But here's the thing. Iraq didn't have nukes, and the Zionists didn't have the balls to attack him again.

Bush was also the guy who thought that lending money to anyone who wanted a house was a wonderful idea. IN fact, he cited increased minority home ownship as an "accomplishment". And, no what Barney was against was further changes at Fanny Mae, which wasn't the problem until eerything else Bush was ignoring collapsed.

6. The reports all state that the local authorities, the City of New Orleans and the state of Louisiana had the responsibility for handling disaster response. FEMA is and always has been and was only designed to support the local authorities in a disaster. And if you mention W flying over the disaster zone rather than flying in to the area and tying up resources, clogging thoroughfares and disrupting the disaster response wtf would his being there have helped?

Guy, when you have to fire your FEMA director after saying, "He was doing a heckuva job", that's just incompetence. Did state officials fuck up? Yup. But Bush and the folks at FEMA did so badly they had to finally call in the Army to clean up the mess.

You are pretty short sighted Sarge.

The best thing you can do is stop while you are behind otherwise you will only succeed in digging a deeper hole for yourself.

GUy, you are the one living in a fantasy world that Bush was a good president. The man had a 27% approval rating when he left. If you are an example of that 27%, it explains much.

You are an ignoramus. Your slipshod method of writing and formatting indicates you are a 'shoot from the hip' kind of guy...shoot first and don't bother to get the facts later.

In addition you are not just a fucking imbecile, but you are an anti-Semite...a racist, a bigot.

You are not worth my time. You are a waste of space. The world is worse off for your existence.

In fact, I consider your condemnation the ultimate proof that GWB was right and right on.

I have gone over every single one of your pedantic, off base, misinformed, racist, short sighted, childish, ineptly formatted and misspelled attempts at trying to defend your absurd hate filled emotions against all that is right and good about America and I have concluded you would be proven wrong on every point.

Therefore, I will make you BEG me for a response.

That's right.

If you want me to embarrass you by thoroughly discrediting your every point you will have to BEG me.

Oh please, Mr. Mojo, PLEASE humiliate me by proving how fucking stupid I am and please do it so everyone can see just how worthless and incompetent I am.

Now, if you REALLY want me, a Black and a Jew Lover, to rub your nose in your own excrement go ahead, beg me and I will oblige your masochistic fetish to be publicly debased.

And always remember you 'axed' for it.

Shalom, motherfucker!



EDIT: Oh, and for those stupid assholes who felt your shit stain of a post was worthy of 'Liking' they should be made to absorb some of the humiliation. If they like your excrement they deserve to have their noses rubbed in it, too! :lol:

[MENTION=31258]BDBoop[/MENTION] [MENTION=42498]Esmeralda[/MENTION] [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION]

Anyone who likes what he says is as stupid as he and they will accept the same treatment he asks for.

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I guess this is as good a time as any to tell you I have you on ignore, Mojo2. No more @ mentions, ta. ;)

BDBoot, instead of denying yourself the pleasure of my posts, why not just withdraw your like of his stupid post?

Hey Sarge, the rats are deserting your shit.

Or is that SHIP?

Ship of Fools!

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I find it amusing you think my list is not so important, I listed a lot of big things. I also forgot another screw up with TARP. Pure crony capitalism, the failures should have failed.

As for your six.

1-3) I generally agree he did that, but it's not our job. Though on 1, I'm not sure what seeds of liberty he sowed, seems the same to me.

4) He will go down in history for that, and his immediate handling was good. Though using it to get us deeper in the ME quagmire wasn't.

5) I agree.

6) I disagree. He did say Clinton's policy was a bad one, but he could have done a lot more to stop it and didn't. It was a screw up. At best, he failed as you pointed out. I don't see any way it was an accomplishment.

You are quite reasonable to exchange disagreements with. I get the feeling you really do care about the truth and what is right and wrong.

I admire that about you.

That is the way Americans should be able to relate.

You are not in line with the extremists of the Left.

Does my pointing out your difference from the dregs of the Left make you feel uncomfortable or does it give you a sense of not fitting in with your silly, stupid, toxic political bedfellows?

My views are nothing like the left. I love America, I'm on our side and I don't undercut my country at every opportunity for cheap political points. I just want us to follow better policies that are in our interest. We're the good guy. However, being policeman to the world is not in our interest, and the countries that benefit also undercut us every chance they get in return. The Euroweenies, the Arabic dictatorships we prop up. Our most reliable allies have been the Eastern Europeans who grasp totalitarian regimes.

Thank you for correcting me.

I knew there was a lot about your posts to like!

What has he done worthy of impeachment? Has he invaded another country that did not attack us? Has he lied in order to get us into a war? He he knowingly withheld information about a political break in? Tell me what he has done.....crickets?

He has allowed the NSA to spy on ordinary American citizens.

He has ordered drone strikes on American citizens again without due process killing a 16 year old very innocent boy.

He has changed laws by executive fiat. While I suppose this isn't a high crime how do you rein in such behavior.

He may not have invaded but he bombed two counties, from the rear, that were of absolutely no threat to American interests.

He allowed and directed the IRS to harass certain groups which effected, disenfranchised, voters in the 2012 election.

He has appointed numerous people to cabinet level positions without the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate, as is required by the Constitution.

He has continued to use his powers and executive branch of government to implement this legislation despite the fact that a federal judge had declared the entire law unconstitutional, and ordered that it not be implemented. In addition, Obama has directed members of his administration to violate the right to freedom of religion protected by the 1st Amendment to the Constitution.

He has ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to use regulations to implement key portions of the bill, including those regulating so-called greenhouse gases.

He has placed a moratorium on offshore oil drilling or exploration off both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States and in parts of the Gulf of Mexico. He has also prohibited new drilling exploration on federal land in any states in the United States. These actions by the DOI have continued in direct defiance of several court orders issued by Federal Judge Martin Feldman in New Orleans,

He has betrayed the American people and authorized loans of billions of dollars to countries like Brazil and Mexico so that they can drill for oil, and then sell that oil to the United States.

He has abdicated his responsibility to enforce the laws of the United States against illegal immigration. He has virtually declared our southern border an open border by declaring certain areas of federal land in states like Arizona as off-limits to federal, state, and local authorities.

He has ordered the Federal Communications Commission to adopt regulations giving the federal government control of the Internet and its contents, including providing Obama with a kill switch that gives him authority to shut down the Internet if he sees fit

He has failed to defend the laws of the US as he is sworn to do. It is not his choice what laws to defend and he violates his oath when he decides not to defend the DOMA which was duly passed.

Those crickets you hear do they ever go away?

Plus, no one lied us into war.

How tedious, predicable, ignorant, and partisan – and all absent a shred of evidence.

That you and others on the right ‘hate Obama’ is not grounds for ‘impeachment.’

How bout this, smegmatron?

10 Arguments For Impeaching Obama

10 Arguments For Impeaching Obama // Mr. Conservative

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