Limbaugh: Obama impeachment will never happen

If gop takes over the senate in 2014, obozo could very well be removed. Otherwise no way. The house can impeach buit no way a democrat controlled senate will find him guilty. GOP knows that so they won't impeach untill they control the senate.
Were both House and Senate to go strongly Republican in 2014 Obama would still be safe from impeachment.


Because, were he impeached and removed then Joe Biden would become president.

Strong enough reason to stay with a weak wannabe dictator rather that graduate to something far worse.
If gop takes over the senate in 2014, obozo could very well be removed. Otherwise no way. The house can impeach buit no way a democrat controlled senate will find him guilty. GOP knows that so they won't impeach untill they control the senate.

Did you bother to look up how many votes it takes to impeach?
Obama is, without a doubt, the most incompetent and stupid President we have had in nearly a century. Coming in on the heels of George Bush, that is an amazing ignominious feat.

True, and yes it is an amazing feat, W has horrible.

There. Fixed that for you.

True, and yes it is an amazing feat, W has horrible critics.

His "critics," the Democrats, were liars and frauds, but W did a bunch of sucking on his own. Here's a list I did for Redfish.

- Adding prescription drug to the Medicare welfare program
- Doing another round of granting amnesty to illegals without addressing the problem
- Continuing Clinton's sub-prime lending policy
- Never vetoing a spending bill
- Proposing budgets that grow the Federal government faster than GDP, inflation or any reasonable economic measure ... before ... even starting negotiations with the Democrats
- Signing the so called transportation bill which was just an earmark and special interest christmas tree
- Signing campaign finance while correctly stating it was Unconstitutional as it regulates free speech going into elections
- Invading Iraq which was not in our interest or in defense of the United States
- Engaging in nation building in Afghanistan
- Unconstitutionally regulating education with the No Child Gets Ahead program
- Not responding to Democrats in WMDs or anything else thinking he looked Reaganesque when actually he just looked clueless and uninformed and the Democrats used his silence to defend his own policies to pound him with lies
- While his tax cuts themselves were good, he grew the ridiculous complexity of taxes even more
- Raised social security taxes and repeated the lie there is a trust fund to justify it.

W blew chunks, he was awful.
True, and yes it is an amazing feat, W has horrible.

No doubt about it. Had anybody else been in charge, no doubt the Titanic wouldn't have sunk, the Stock Market wouldn't have crashed, we wouldn't have gone into Vietnam and the Russians would have never sent Nuclear Missiles aimed at America to Cuba..


the stupidity that runs rampant in here is unfuckingbelievable

I don't even know what that means

It means there's a whole lot of irony running rampant. :badgrin:
True, and yes it is an amazing feat, W has horrible.

There. Fixed that for you.

True, and yes it is an amazing feat, W has horrible critics.

His "critics," the Democrats, were liars and frauds, but W did a bunch of sucking on his own. Here's a list I did for Redfish.

- Adding prescription drug to the Medicare welfare program
- Doing another round of granting amnesty to illegals without addressing the problem
- Continuing Clinton's sub-prime lending policy
- Never vetoing a spending bill
- Proposing budgets that grow the Federal government faster than GDP, inflation or any reasonable economic measure ... before ... even starting negotiations with the Democrats
- Signing the so called transportation bill which was just an earmark and special interest christmas tree
- Signing campaign finance while correctly stating it was Unconstitutional as it regulates free speech going into elections
- Invading Iraq which was not in our interest or in defense of the United States
- Engaging in nation building in Afghanistan
- Unconstitutionally regulating education with the No Child Gets Ahead program
- Not responding to Democrats in WMDs or anything else thinking he looked Reaganesque when actually he just looked clueless and uninformed and the Democrats used his silence to defend his own policies to pound him with lies
- While his tax cuts themselves were good, he grew the ridiculous complexity of taxes even more
- Raised social security taxes and repeated the lie there is a trust fund to justify it.

W blew chunks, he was awful.


Yours is the very first post criticizing GWB I've seen which doesn't sound like a 6th grader put it together.

And when you think about it, much more criticism should be directed at W for No Child Left Behind.


Seriously, when his usual critics assemble their posts they are full of outrage except that what he did wasn't what they allege.

Their criticisms aren't true.

Your criticisms sound true, on the face of it, but I can't get behind the outrage of your conclusion.

This 'bad' thing W did...

Signing the so called transportation bill which was just an earmark and special interest christmas tree

Doesn't really get the blood boiling, does it?

And yet because of this you say, "W blew chunks, he was awful."???

I get the impression you felt the outrage and then went looking for reasons to justify your feelings.

You came up with an interesting set of real and/or imagined shortcomings, none of which is the kind which can really get the dander up and then despite the list's ho hum nature, you felt you had to goose it a bit with the kicker you chose which was faithful to your emotional state.

Your post is a textbook example ofsomeone making an emotional decision and then looking for logical, rational justifications for that emotional decision.

You had/have a "hard-on" for Bushy and yet these are the only rational criticisms you could post about him. Yet, what to do with those amped up feelings against him?

You just threw in a kicker at the end.

I get it.

So, in conclusion, I don't really have anything negative to say about your list, but let me close by saying, your post blows chunks. It is awful.

Were both House and Senate to go strongly Republican in 2014 Obama would still be safe from impeachment.


Because, were he impeached and removed then Joe Biden would become president.

Strong enough reason to stay with a weak wannabe dictator rather that graduate to something far worse.

That's an interesting juxtaposition if it were possible to arrange.

Which POTUS would be most damaging to the US?

One who was INTENTIONALLY trying to do as much damage as possible without being recognized as a political saboteur...

Or a well meaning Liberal doofus.

I'd say Biden would be preferable to Obama.

He just wouldn't have the smarts or the motivation to be as devious and as harmful as Obama.

Any potential fuck ups he'd make as POTUS would be nixxed before he'd commit it if he had some kind of counsel to keep him out of trouble (unless it was counsel like Frank Underwood! lol).
Impeachment is serious business and not to be taken lightly.

A president needs to do something really bad like getting blow job in the oval office.
I get the impression you felt the outrage and then went looking for reasons to justify your feelings
I hope you're not a psychiatrist because you suck at it. W was a good man who tried to do the right thing. And the left's view that he isn't intelligent is frankly retarded. He's not a good speaker and they are eight year olds, it is what it is. His policies were dreadful. It's laughable you don't think that list is a big deal. It is. He was a good man, but a terrible President. Awful.
I get the impression you felt the outrage and then went looking for reasons to justify your feelings
I hope you're not a psychiatrist because you suck at it. W was a good man who tried to do the right thing. And the left's view that he isn't intelligent is frankly retarded. He's not a good speaker and they are eight year olds, it is what it is. His policies were dreadful. It's laughable you don't think that list is a big deal. It is. He was a good man, but a terrible President. Awful.

W will go down in history for six things.

1) He re-shuffled the deck in the stalemated spiders nest of the Middle East and planted the seeds of Liberty, freeing dozens of millions in the process.

2) He prevented a MUCH larger regional war in the M.E. by preventing Israel from being forced to take preventative action against Saddam's WMD's (that no one could 100% confirm nor deny). In fact, that larger regional war could have spun out of control and led to WWIII.

3) He prevented any significant stoppage of oil flowing out of the M.E. to any of the world's leading economic or industrial powers and our trading partners.

4) He was POTUS during the worst attack on America in our history.

5) He prevented any subsequent terrorist attacks on America when EVERYONE fully expected a second round of attacks were certain to occur. In other words, he kept us safe.

6) Though he warned Congress on 17 different occasions about excesses in the mortgage lending industry Congress scoffed at, laughed at and attacked his people who tried to warn of the looming dangers and the economy melted down at the end of his 2nd term.

I'd say he was a GREAT POTUS.

He loved America and he led us well.

There were some things he might have done differently, because no administration is ever 100% perfect.

But he is FAAAAAAR different from the dreary picture you paint of him.

The major things he got right.

And your laundry list of lesser important matters are hardly the things historians use to measure a POTUS' performance.

They will look at my list, see the excellence and he will shine brightly once the emotional Bush haters' comments are swept away from the evaluations.

The Decider is one hell of a guy and one great POTUS.

He did his country proud.

I'd take him over Clinton or Obama (especially Obama!) any day of the week and twice on Sunday!

But even without the comparison to those two disgraceful Progressives, W's perfomance stands on its own.

He was a great President.
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What has he done worthy of impeachment? Has he invaded another country that did not attack us? Has he lied in order to get us into a war? He he knowingly withheld information about a political break in? Tell me what he has done.....crickets?

He has allowed the NSA to spy on ordinary American citizens.

He has ordered drone strikes on American citizens again without due process killing a 16 year old very innocent boy.

He has changed laws by executive fiat. While I suppose this isn't a high crime how do you rein in such behavior.

He may not have invaded but he bombed two counties, from the rear, that were of absolutely no threat to American interests.

He allowed and directed the IRS to harass certain groups which effected, disenfranchised, voters in the 2012 election.

He has appointed numerous people to cabinet level positions without the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate, as is required by the Constitution.

He has continued to use his powers and executive branch of government to implement this legislation despite the fact that a federal judge had declared the entire law unconstitutional, and ordered that it not be implemented. In addition, Obama has directed members of his administration to violate the right to freedom of religion protected by the 1st Amendment to the Constitution.

He has ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to use regulations to implement key portions of the bill, including those regulating so-called greenhouse gases.

He has placed a moratorium on offshore oil drilling or exploration off both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States and in parts of the Gulf of Mexico. He has also prohibited new drilling exploration on federal land in any states in the United States. These actions by the DOI have continued in direct defiance of several court orders issued by Federal Judge Martin Feldman in New Orleans,

He has betrayed the American people and authorized loans of billions of dollars to countries like Brazil and Mexico so that they can drill for oil, and then sell that oil to the United States.

He has abdicated his responsibility to enforce the laws of the United States against illegal immigration. He has virtually declared our southern border an open border by declaring certain areas of federal land in states like Arizona as off-limits to federal, state, and local authorities.

He has ordered the Federal Communications Commission to adopt regulations giving the federal government control of the Internet and its contents, including providing Obama with a kill switch that gives him authority to shut down the Internet if he sees fit

He has failed to defend the laws of the US as he is sworn to do. It is not his choice what laws to defend and he violates his oath when he decides not to defend the DOMA which was duly passed.

Those crickets you hear do they ever go away?

Plus, no one lied us into war.

^^ The short list
Impeachment is serious business and not to be taken lightly.

A president needs to do something really bad like getting blow job in the oval office.

How about Obama's breaking the law?

Doesn't that count any more with law abiding, America loving citizens???

It should.

Anyone else who did this would be facing charges.

Benghazi attorney: What Obama just did absolutely illegal, impeachable

August 13, 2013 by Michael Dorstewitz

Former U.S. attorney Joe DiGenova, who currently represents several of the so-called “Benghazi whistleblowers,” affirmed that when President Obama told the White House Press Corps at his Friday news conference that “a sealed indictment” exists relative to the Benghazi attack, he committed an impeachable offense.

When the issue of the indictment was raised on WMAL’s Mornings On The Mall Monday during the DiGenova interview, he said the indictment “is indeed” supposed to remain under seal.

“We are now getting close to a series of statements by the president that puts him on the wrong road to impeachable offenses,” he said.

“At that news conference, the President of the United States violated a court order of the United States District Court for either the Eastern District of Virginia or the District of Columbia where this sealed indictment apparently exists,” DiGenova noted.

“He is not allowed to say that. A president can declassify a document, but he cannot unseal an indictment. Only a federal court can do that,” he explained. “Whoever is the chief judge of either one of those districts should issue a show cause order for the United States attorney for that district as to why the United States attorney or the president should not be held in contempt.”

The statement DiGenova is referring to is one Obama threw out to the press Friday.

‘‘There’s a sealed indictment,’’ Obama said at the White House news conference according to ABC News. ‘‘It’s sealed for a reason, but we are intent on capturing those who carried out this attack. And we’re going to stay on it until we get them.’’

DiGenova described that statement as “unbelievable,” and added, “This was from our professor-president — our so-called “constitutional scholar.” There’s just no doubt about it — it was illegal,” he emphasized.

“But the AP reporter, Julie Pace, who was on ‘Fox News Sunday’ said, ‘It was kind of unusual for the president to talk about a sealed indictment in a public setting.’ It wasn’t unusual; it was illegal.”

Listen to the full interview, courtesy of WMAL.

Benghazi attorney: What Obama just did absolutely illegal, impeachable - BizPac Review

[ame=]Joe DiGenova on WMAL 8-12-13 - YouTube[/ame]
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There you have it folks... straight from the fat cows mouth.

Limbaugh insists Obama impeachment will never happen | MSNBC

While some Republicans may dream of it, President Barack Obama will never be impeached, according to Rush Limbaugh...

Limbaugh: Obama impeachment will never happen

I say if we don't impeach Obama then we as a country are truly racist. We must treat him absence of color, just like any other POTUS who is ruling and not governing

Won his re-election by lies and fraud.

If he had said the truth about Obamacare, instead of the "you can keep it. PERIOD" crap, do you think he would have been re-elected?

If you think so, you might be interested in buying ocean side property in Oklahoma.

Here's a few of his more outrageous lies he's told. See if you can count how many of those lies were to benefit him or his administration.

[ame=]65 Outrageous Lies by President Obama - YouTube[/ame]
there you have it folks... Straight from the fat cows mouth.

limbaugh insists obama impeachment will never happen | msnbc

while some republicans may dream of it, president barack obama will never be impeached, according to rush limbaugh...

limbaugh: Obama impeachment will never happen

i say if we don't impeach obama then we as a country are truly racist. We must treat him absence of color, just like any other potus who is ruling and not governing


There you have it folks... straight from the fat cows mouth.

Limbaugh insists Obama impeachment will never happen | MSNBC

While some Republicans may dream of it, President Barack Obama will never be impeached, according to Rush Limbaugh...

Limbaugh: Obama impeachment will never happen

And he's right.

There are no grounds.


Of course there are for those without colored blinders on.

So Obama will fade to black and out of sight and mind

A bright day for the country

Limbaugh: Obama impeachment will never happen

Statement of the obvious
Limbaugh: Obama impeachment will never happen

Statement of the obvious

As we move above racism in this country, we should with this opportunity, prove to Obama that we hold him equally in contempt, no different than a white man who would be POTUS. So impeach we must, or risk falling deeper into the racism abyss.


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