Limbaugh: Obama impeachment will never happen

What has he done worthy of impeachment? Has he invaded another country that did not attack us? Has he lied in order to get us into a war? He he knowingly withheld information about a political break in? Tell me what he has done.....crickets?
Are you talking about Bush or Nixon?

I think the moron is talking about FDR's Declaration of War on Germany.

Or maybe the douchebag is talking about Harry Truman sending tens of thousands of American Troops to their deaths in Korea.

Or maybe he's talking about JFK and LBJ sending HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Americans to Viet Nam?

It's hard to tell what a dimocrap is talking about. They're pretty stupid
"He has allowed the NSA to spy on ordinary American citizens."

This is a policy begun by his predecessor which Obama merely continued, with the blessing and oversight of Congress.

"He has ordered drone strikes on American citizens again without due process killing a 16 year old very innocent boy."

Bush and Obama have ordered drone strikes on terrorists in military operating theaters. They were not under civilian domestic jurisdiction. That many civilians, US and foreign, have been killed is one of the great tragedies of any war.

"He has changed laws by executive fiat. While I suppose this isn't a high crime how do you rein in such behavior."

I agree he is overstepping his bounds here. You rein in such behavior with challenges in court, the same way much of Bush's "illegal" behavior was challenged in court. It's why we have a judiciary. Checks and balances.

"He may not have invaded but he bombed two counties, from the rear, that were of absolutely no threat to American interests."

Is there any modern President who has not done so?

"He allowed and directed the IRS to harass certain groups which effected, disenfranchised, voters in the 2012 election."

This is pure manufactured bullshit. No evidence exists of the President giving such an order.

I'll plead the fifth on the last one, oh wait that was Learner.
"He has allowed the NSA to spy on ordinary American citizens."

This is a policy begun by his predecessor which Obama merely continued, with the blessing and oversight of Congress.

"He has ordered drone strikes on American citizens again without due process killing a 16 year old very innocent boy."

Bush and Obama have ordered drone strikes on terrorists in military operating theaters. They were not under civilian domestic jurisdiction. That many civilians, US and foreign, have been killed is one of the great tragedies of any war.

"He has changed laws by executive fiat. While I suppose this isn't a high crime how do you rein in such behavior."

I agree he is overstepping his bounds here. You rein in such behavior with challenges in court, the same way much of Bush's "illegal" behavior was challenged in court. It's why we have a judiciary. Checks and balances.

"He may not have invaded but he bombed two counties, from the rear, that were of absolutely no threat to American interests."

Is there any modern President who has not done so?

"He allowed and directed the IRS to harass certain groups which effected, disenfranchised, voters in the 2012 election."

This is pure manufactured bullshit. No evidence exists of the President giving such an order.

But they dont need facts man their Conservadaddies gave them talking points and those talking points tell them this happened. They dont need facts they only need to access their gut :lol:

Then when you ask them to prove it they show again they dont need facts...they feel its real so instead of facts they'll tell you how intelligent you are not and a slew of names
I don't want the lying cocksucker in chief impeached.

I want him left in office as a reminder to people of what happens when you elect an idiot, a moron, a pathological liar, a faggot so limp-wristed that Foreign Leaders LAUGH at him and a generally incompetent douche.

Enjoy it people.
"He has allowed the NSA to spy on ordinary American citizens."

This is a policy begun by his predecessor which Obama merely continued, with the blessing and oversight of Congress.

"He has ordered drone strikes on American citizens again without due process killing a 16 year old very innocent boy."

Bush and Obama have ordered drone strikes on terrorists in military operating theaters. They were not under civilian domestic jurisdiction. That many civilians, US and foreign, have been killed is one of the great tragedies of any war.

"He has changed laws by executive fiat. While I suppose this isn't a high crime how do you rein in such behavior."

I agree he is overstepping his bounds here. You rein in such behavior with challenges in court, the same way much of Bush's "illegal" behavior was challenged in court. It's why we have a judiciary. Checks and balances.

"He may not have invaded but he bombed two counties, from the rear, that were of absolutely no threat to American interests."

Is there any modern President who has not done so?

"He allowed and directed the IRS to harass certain groups which effected, disenfranchised, voters in the 2012 election."

This is pure manufactured bullshit. No evidence exists of the President giving such an order.

I'll plead the fifth on the last one, oh wait that was Learner.

Wasn't Lerner hired during the Bush administration?

Oh yeah.

That's right.

She was. :D
There you have it folks... straight from the fat cows mouth.

Limbaugh insists Obama impeachment will never happen | MSNBC

While some Republicans may dream of it, President Barack Obama will never be impeached, according to Rush Limbaugh...

Limbaugh: Obama impeachment will never happen

If republicans win the house and senate..they will impeach.

They won't be able to remove him however.

And it will insure a clean sweep in 2016.

Hittin' the pipe already, huh shallow?

No wonder your brain is fried
"He has allowed the NSA to spy on ordinary American citizens."

This is a policy begun by his predecessor which Obama merely continued, with the blessing and oversight of Congress.

"He has ordered drone strikes on American citizens again without due process killing a 16 year old very innocent boy."

Bush and Obama have ordered drone strikes on terrorists in military operating theaters. They were not under civilian domestic jurisdiction. That many civilians, US and foreign, have been killed is one of the great tragedies of any war.

"He has changed laws by executive fiat. While I suppose this isn't a high crime how do you rein in such behavior."

I agree he is overstepping his bounds here. You rein in such behavior with challenges in court, the same way much of Bush's "illegal" behavior was challenged in court. It's why we have a judiciary. Checks and balances.

"He may not have invaded but he bombed two counties, from the rear, that were of absolutely no threat to American interests."

Is there any modern President who has not done so?

"He allowed and directed the IRS to harass certain groups which effected, disenfranchised, voters in the 2012 election."

This is pure manufactured bullshit. No evidence exists of the President giving such an order.

I'll plead the fifth on the last one, oh wait that was Learner.

Wasn't Lerner hired during the Bush administration?

Oh yeah.

That's right.

She was. :D

She moved over from the Federal Elections Commission.

You really are stupid
There you have it folks... straight from the fat cows mouth.

Limbaugh insists Obama impeachment will never happen | MSNBC

While some Republicans may dream of it, President Barack Obama will never be impeached, according to Rush Limbaugh...

Limbaugh: Obama impeachment will never happen

If republicans win the house and senate..they will impeach.

They won't be able to remove him however.

And it will insure a clean sweep in 2016.

It takes 2/3 to convict in the senate. It will not happen. Clinton was impeached in his second term and repubs went on to win the next two presidential elections. Not sure how you are surmising a clean sweep in 2016.
Obama is, without a doubt, the most incompetent and stupid President we have had in nearly a century. Coming in on the heels of George Bush, that is an amazing ignominious feat.

He is an extremely self-centered person. He does not have a commanding presence. He does not even have the basic skills necessary to lobby and gain the support of allies on the Hill. He lets others do the work when the task at hand is long and difficult, and then attempts to ride in on a shining steed at the last second to win the final battle, and more often than not, snatches defeat from the jaws of victory.

If the GOP had just let Obama be Obama, they would have handily beat him in 2012, and would have a bigger majority in the House and a supermajority in the Senate.

Instead, the GOP destroyed its brand by manufacturing a pile of bullshit of astronomical proportions. They have let their blind hatred get away from them. They have cast up such a cacophony of complaining and whining and pessimism and sheer meanness that the party is completely unrecognizable from the brilliant, solution-oriented, optimistic party of Reagan.

The Republicans have completely blown a once in a lifetime golden opportunity, and Limbaugh's pity pot impeachment soliloquy is just another example of the gasping deluded desperation of losers.
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"he has allowed the nsa to spy on ordinary american citizens."

this is a policy begun by his predecessor which obama merely continued, with the blessing and oversight of congress.

"he has ordered drone strikes on american citizens again without due process killing a 16 year old very innocent boy."

bush and obama have ordered drone strikes on terrorists in military operating theaters. they were not under civilian domestic jurisdiction. that many civilians, us and foreign, have been killed is one of the great tragedies of any war.

"he has changed laws by executive fiat. While i suppose this isn't a high crime how do you rein in such behavior."

i agree he is overstepping his bounds here. You rein in such behavior with challenges in court, the same way much of bush's "illegal" behavior was challenged in court. It's why we have a judiciary. Checks and balances.

"he may not have invaded but he bombed two counties, from the rear, that were of absolutely no threat to american interests."

is there any modern president who has not done so?

"he allowed and directed the irs to harass certain groups which effected, disenfranchised, voters in the 2012 election."

this is pure manufactured bullshit. No evidence exists of the president giving such an order.

Obama is, without a doubt, the most incompetent and stupid President we have had in nearly a century. Coming in on the heels of George Bush, that is an amazing ignominious feat.

True, and yes it is an amazing feat, W has horrible.
Obama is, without a doubt, the most incompetent and stupid President we have had in nearly a century. Coming in on the heels of George Bush, that is an amazing ignominious feat.

True, and yes it is an amazing feat, W has horrible.

No doubt about it. Had anybody else been in charge, no doubt the Titanic wouldn't have sunk, the Stock Market wouldn't have crashed, we wouldn't have gone into Vietnam and the Russians would have never sent Nuclear Missiles aimed at America to Cuba..


the stupidity that runs rampant in here is unfuckingbelievable
There you have it folks... straight from the fat cows mouth.

Limbaugh insists Obama impeachment will never happen | MSNBC

While some Republicans may dream of it, President Barack Obama will never be impeached, according to Rush Limbaugh...

Limbaugh: Obama impeachment will never happen

How could you Libs and Progressives EVER DREAM of impeaching the first Black POTUS???

He could shit on yo momma's lace doiliy, lick your dog's privates, sell our nukes to the Taliban and impregnate your underaged mentally challenged daughter before you'd THINK of impeaching him.

But even THEN you'd stop yourselves because he is Black.

The epitome of racism.
Obama is, without a doubt, the most incompetent and stupid President we have had in nearly a century. Coming in on the heels of George Bush, that is an amazing ignominious feat.

True, and yes it is an amazing feat, W has horrible.

No doubt about it. Had anybody else been in charge, no doubt the Titanic wouldn't have sunk, the Stock Market wouldn't have crashed, we wouldn't have gone into Vietnam and the Russians would have never sent Nuclear Missiles aimed at America to Cuba..


the stupidity that runs rampant in here is unfuckingbelievable

I don't even know what that means

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