CDZ Lincoln: Hero or Villain?

Lincoln: Hero or Villain

Let’s Debate.
How about this...President Lincoln was a man, all men are flawed. You especially.. President Lincoln tried to be a good man by having all men be equal, freeing them from the tyranny of the Southern White Democrats. you on the other hand, want to destroy what President Lincoln tried to do..
Lincoln: Hero or Villain

Let’s Debate.
How about this...President Lincoln was a man, all men are flawed. You especially.. President Lincoln tried to be a good man by having all men be equal, freeing them from the tyranny of the Southern White Democrats. you on the other hand, want to destroy what President Lincoln tried to do..
I agree with you Lincoln was right to bring down the southern rebellion and the traitorous south. The slave power needed to be wiped out from the face of the earth.
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Lincoln: Hero or Villain

Let’s Debate.
How about this...President Lincoln was a man, all men are flawed. You especially.. President Lincoln tried to be a good man by having all men be equal, freeing them from the tyranny of the Southern White Democrats. you on the other hand, want to destroy what President Lincoln tried to do..
I agree with you Lincoln was right to bring down the southern rebellion and the traitorous south. The slave power needed to be annihilated from the face of the earth.

Honest Abe didn't want to wage a war of annihilation against the South at all. He wanted to reconcile. Modern liberals feel that Lincoln was wrong because he didn't "finish the job" allowing the rebels to surrender.
Lincoln: Hero or Villain

Let’s Debate.
How about this...President Lincoln was a man, all men are flawed. You especially.. President Lincoln tried to be a good man by having all men be equal, freeing them from the tyranny of the Southern White Democrats. you on the other hand, want to destroy what President Lincoln tried to do..
I agree with you Lincoln was right to bring down the southern rebellion and the traitorous south. The slave power needed to be annihilated from the face of the earth.

Honest Abe didn't want to wage a war of annihilation against the South at all. He wanted to reconcile. Modern liberals feel that Lincoln was wrong because he didn't "finish the job" allowing the rebels to surrender.
First your post makes no sense. Those that pursued the war were the liberals of their time who wanted slavery abolished. It were conservative southern Democrats that fought to maintain slavery. It was the descendants of these Democrats that subsequently fled to the Republican Party in the 60s.
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Hero...Lincoln knew a divided US would invite an invasion by Britain and/or France.
Lincoln: Hero or Villain

Let’s Debate.
How about this...President Lincoln was a man, all men are flawed. You especially.. President Lincoln tried to be a good man by having all men be equal, freeing them from the tyranny of the Southern White Democrats. you on the other hand, want to destroy what President Lincoln tried to do..
I agree with you Lincoln was right to bring down the southern rebellion and the traitorous south. The slave power needed to be annihilated from the face of the earth.

Honest Abe didn't want to wage a war of annihilation against the South at all. He wanted to reconcile. Modern liberals feel that Lincoln was wrong because he didn't "finish the job" allowing the rebels to surrender.
Girsts your post makes no sense. Those that pursued the war were the liberals of their time. It were conservative Democrats, modern southern Republicans, that fought to maintain slavery.
The fact is that the farms couldn't afford to pay decent wages and after the war we became in Industrial nation even though that produced the flavor of slavery called sweat shops.
Sweat Shops were mostly manned by Whites so nobody today gives a shit.
Lincoln: Hero or Villain

Let’s Debate.

Are you fucking serious?
Many right-wing nutters argue Lincoln was a villain. I think Lincoln was a hero.

Lincoln was the original Ditto Head, that's for sure. Similar to modern conservatives like Jesse Helms ,Strom Thurmond and Ronald Reagan, he was against Slavery in all its forms.
Lincoln like storm Thurmond and Jesse helms.. That has to the most ludicrous thing I have ever read.
Hero...Lincoln knew a divided US would invite an invasion by Britain and/or France.

You don't save a nation by killing almost a million people.

The fucker started a shooting war by breaking the truce at Ft Sumter and many Americans died in his dirty war.
Lets not forget his jailing of journalists who didn’t tow his line.
Hero...Lincoln knew a divided US would invite an invasion by Britain and/or France.

You don't save a nation by killing almost a million people.

The fucker started a shooting war by breaking the truce at Ft Sumter and many Americans died in his dirty war.
I guess you haven't read any biographies of Lincoln; he felt the survival of the nation was worth the sacrifice and he was right.
Hero...Lincoln knew a divided US would invite an invasion by Britain and/or France.

You don't save a nation by killing almost a million people.

The fucker started a shooting war by breaking the truce at Ft Sumter and many Americans died in his dirty war.
Lincoln took the action he took to preserve our union. He did what he had to do and, as a consequence, set the stage that made us the strongest nation in the history of the world.
Lincoln: Hero or Villain

Let’s Debate.

Are you fucking serious?
Many right-wing nutters argue Lincoln was a villain. I think Lincoln was a hero.

Lincoln was the original Ditto Head, that's for sure. Similar to modern conservatives like Jesse Helms ,Strom Thurmond and Ronald Reagan, he was against Slavery in all its forms.
Lincoln like storm Thurmond and Jesse helms.. That has to the most ludicrous thing I have ever read.

Both Sen. Thurmond and Sen. Helms were against Slavery, solid abolitionists. Both were decorated WW2 veterans as well, Thurmond fought in the Normandy Invasion to expel the national socialists

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