Lincoln memorial vandalized

That's not a real link -- that's Fox News Insider, where anybody can post anything.

Here's a real link

"Vandalized" is a stretch -- it's a bit of spray-paint graffiti.

How about we wait till this guy is caught before jumping to conclusions?

How 'bout we wait to get a full coherent story before running to the internet to post "I just heard it -- don't have a link"? I know, what a concept.

A bit of spray paint? Seriously? How big did it have to be to be considered more than a "bit"?
It was vandalized, defaced, period.
  1. spoil the surface or appearance of (something), e.g., by drawing or writing on it; mar or disfigure.
  1. deliberately destroy or damage (public or private property).
    "stations have been wrecked and vandalized beyond recognition"
    synonyms: destroy, desecrate, despoil, deface, disfigure, mutilate, damage, sabotage, wreck, ruin

That's not a real link -- that's Fox News Insider, where anybody can post anything.

Here's a real link

"Vandalized" is a stretch -- it's a bit of spray-paint graffiti.

How about we wait till this guy is caught before jumping to conclusions?

How 'bout we wait to get a full coherent story before running to the internet to post "I just heard it -- don't have a link"? I know, what a concept.

Come on know how these whackos are....they decriminalize everything that other koooks do.
They most certainly are Democrats and they donated to Clinton's
Campaign and gave her millions of Dollars through various organizations!

Even Barak Obama licked Byrd's boots like the good Marxist House (Expletive) he was groomed to be.

That's a complete lie. The KKK was started by The Democrat
Party as a paramilitary terrorist wing to
Intimidate Black Americans and Conservative Voters.

The KKK are Leftist in the sense that they believe in the suppression of the minority races birth rates through Eugenics (Planned Parenthood) and Mass Incarceration! See Clinton "Super Predators" and Sanger "Population Control"

The KKK believes in the Pacification of Minorities through Benevolent Paternalism and taxpayer funded Plantation Style Government housing and communities to contain and make docile minority communities.

White Supremacists are overwhelming Democrat.

See Byrd, McGovern, LBJ, Clinton, Gore. And like it or not Barak Obama was groomed to be a Marxist House (Expletive) I hate the word but it applies.

Obama Bin Lying's his was to carry out Plantation Policies of The Left, to stir racial divisions so The Left could push us further in to a Plantation Style Marxist Society with us all being "Docile Unaware and Compliamt Citezemry". Quoate: Hillary Clinton!

Just heard it. Don't have a link yet
ANTIFA, BLM, The KKK are all leftist paramilitary organizations and imo that makes them Domestic Terrorists.

They are part of The Left's Resisitance. The Democrat Party has brought Soviet Union style politics to The US and America needs to stand against it!

The Klan has never for a moment in its lives been "leftist". :lmao:

This place takes the cake. No shit.

This crap again? Fast forward a 100+ years . Those confederate flag waving nazis in VA are not "democrats ". To deny that is to be a hack liar .
That's a complete lie. The KKK was started by The Democrat
Party as a paramilitary terrorist wing to
Intimidate Black Americans and Conservative Voters.

The KKK are Leftist in the sense that they believe in the suppression of the minority races birth rates through Eugenics (Planned Parenthood) and Mass Incarceration! See Clinton "Super Predators" and Sanger "Population Control"

The KKK believes in the Pacification of Minorities through Benevolent Paternalism and taxpayer funded Plantation Style Government housing and communities to contain and make docile minority communities.

White Supremacists are overwhelmingly Democrat.

See Byrd, McGovern, LBJ, Clinton, Gore etc. And like it or not Barak Obama was groomed to be a Marxist House (Expletive) I hate the word but it applies.

Obama Bin Lying's Job was to carry out Plantation Policies of The Left, to stir racial divisions so The Left could push us further in to a Plantation Style Marxist Society with us all being "Docile Unaware and Compliant Citizenry". Quote: Hillary Clinton!

The KKK is Fascist!
ANTIFA is Fascist!
Black Lives Matter is Fascist!
The Democrat Party is Fascist!

Just heard it. Don't have a link yet
ANTIFA, BLM, The KKK are all leftist paramilitary organizations and imo that makes them Domestic Terrorists.

They are part of The Left's Resisitance. The Democrat Party has brought Soviet Union style politics to The US and America needs to stand against it!

The Klan has never for a moment in its lives been "leftist". :lmao:

This place takes the cake. No shit.
No matter how many times that fact is posted, the regressives just lie. Every time, everyday, every minute. So far it's all been the regressives doing the violence and vandalism, all documented with video. None the less, the lies twist and distort and whimper but but but.....
View attachment 143886 Since hate crimes and vandalism has increased exponentially since Trump took over it doesn't take too much imagination who did it.
Due to Liberal assholes.

Prove it.
You missed all the "Trump's a pussy" videos when Trump won?
You should watch the news once in a while.
Or perhaps you enjoy making a fool of yourself every 5 minutes.

'Trump's a pussy' videos = hate crimes? Clearly you've thought this through.
Sounds like this could have been done by any of a number of nutjobs that frequent this forum... who have been saying bad things about Lincoln the last couple days.
I have been saying bad things about that tyrannical asshole for years
That's a complete lie. The KKK was started by The Democrat
Party as a paramilitary terrorist wing to
Intimidate Black Americans and Conservative Voters.

Wrong again Mytho. The Klan was started by six twentysomething ex-Confederate soldiers who were bored in a small town and simply started a silly klub with no purpose. That's exactly WHY it has all those silly K-alliterations and collegiate hazing rituals. A goof. Shortly after it was taken over by 'night rider' elements that had existed since at least the 18th century, before there were any political parties let alone a United States.

After that fizzled out in a few years it was re-founded in 1915 by an ex-Methodist minister, salesman and huckster who was out to make money selling memberships by making the Klan that was pictured in the then-current film "Birth of a Nation". His motive was capitalism.

Specifically the founders were (1865, in alpha order) Maj. James Crowe, Calvin Jones, Capt. John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, Frank O. McCord and Richard Reed, specifically at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, on Christmas Day. NONE of them had any known political affiliations, NOR did political parties exist in that time and place anyway even if they were old enough to vote. The second (1915) was William Joseph Simmons and a gaggle of a lynch mob from the recent lynching of Leo Frank, a Jewish businessman who had been accused of a murder, specifically at midnight on Thanksgiving Day at Stone Mountain outside Atlanta. Again-- Simmons had no known political affiliations or activities.

BOTH of these foundings pointedly described themselves as non-political.

Btw officially the first Klan was dissolved in January of 1869, even if that order was ignored. The second Klan officially ended April 23 1944 when FDR's IRS slapped it with a 2/3 of a million dollar back-tax bill and the Governor of Georgia Ellis Arnall revoke its charter. Again, ad hoc groups continued to play dress-up.

Those are the facts. Just try to prove any of them wrong. After that you can try to explain Ed Jackson, Rice Means, Owen Brewster, George Mason, Clarence Morley, D.C. Stephenson, Ben Paulen and even Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover.
Sounds like this could have been done by any of a number of nutjobs that frequent this forum... who have been saying bad things about Lincoln the last couple days.
I have been saying bad things about that tyrannical asshole for years

Ah but how are you with a spray paint can...? :eusa_think:
Not very good. I cant even draw a strait line with a ruler.
The funny thing? I am a graphics designer LOL Computer is much easier.
I would have better luck making a sticker and putting it on there lol
That's a complete lie. The KKK was started by The Democrat
Party as a paramilitary terrorist wing to
Intimidate Black Americans and Conservative Voters.

Wrong again Mytho. The Klan was started by six twentysomething ex-Confederate soldiers who were bored in a small town and simply started a silly klub with no purpose. That's exactly WHY it has all those silly K-alliterations and collegiate hazing rituals. A goof. Shortly after it was taken over by 'night rider' elements that had existed since at least the 18th century, before there were any political parties let alone a United States.

After that fizzled out in a few years it was re-founded in 1915 by an ex-Methodist minister, salesman and huckster who was out to make money selling memberships by making the Klan that was pictured in the then-current film "Birth of a Nation". His motive was capitalism.

Specifically the founders were (1865, in alpha order) Maj. James Crowe, Calvin Jones, Capt. John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, Frank O. McCord and Richard Reed, specifically at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, on Christmas Day. NONE of them had any known political affiliations, NOR did political parties exist in that time and place anyway even if they were old enough to vote. The second (1915) was William Joseph Simmons and a gaggle of a lynch mob from the recent lynching of Leo Frank, a Jewish businessman who had been accused of a murder, specifically at midnight on Thanksgiving Day at Stone Mountain outside Atlanta. Again-- Simmons had no known political affiliations or activities.

BOTH of these foundings pointedly described themselves as non-political.

Btw officially the first Klan was dissolved in January of 1869, even if that order was ignored. The second Klan officially ended April 23 1944 when FDR's IRS slapped it with a 2/3 of a million dollar back-tax bill and the Governor of Georgia Ellis Arnall revoke its charter. Again, ad hoc groups continued to play dress-up.

Those are the facts. Just try to prove any of them wrong. After that you can try to explain Ed Jackson, Rice Means, Owen Brewster, George Mason, Clarence Morley, D.C. Stephenson, Ben Paulen and even Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover.
The KKK was Democrats in the far past. They are all republicans today. Their leader is donald trump.
Oh goody. Yet more mythology.

White Supremacists are overwhelmingly Democrat.

Link to this poll is where?

See Byrd, McGovern, LBJ, Clinton, Gore etc.

Byrd was in the Klan in the early '40s, quit before he ran for any office, and roundly repudiated it. The others, not only do they have no Klan affiliations, let's call your bluff and "see" one. Roll tape.

See that? That's a President, calling out, denouncing and arresting the Klan, in detail, with no ambiguity at all about any "on many sides" bullshit. The first POTUS since Grant to prosecute them btw.

Know what (else) is ironic about that video considering contemporary events?

In the same period LBJ's father was denouncing the Klan in public, Rump's father was getting arrested at a Klan rally. Things that make ya go hmmm.

See where he notes "my father fought them many long years ago in Texas and I have fought them all my life"? That's a reference to an incident in LBJ's childhood when Sam Johnson, then in Texas state government, had used the speaker's podium in the state house to bitterly denounce the Klan. Local KKK threatened the Johnson family and Sam said "bring it on" and stood on the porch with LBJ's uncles and older cousins, waiting. With shotguns. The Klan backed down, being as they are kowards. Later in the mid-'50s Klanners burned a cross on the LBJ ranch. They didn't like LBJ's comingling with Jews.

There's another thing --- you might want to essplain why the Klan would be persecuting Jews, and Catholics, and labor unions, and immigrants in general, if it was a Democratic Party operation, since all those groups are the party's own constituents. You might want to figure out why it would work to remove a Democratic governor from Oklahoma (Walton), oppose another loud Democrat voice that denounced it (Underwood), spearhead a smear campaign against the Democratic presidential nominee because he was Catholic (Smith) and send death threats to a Florida Democrat candidate (Kennedy). Kind of self-defeating for a political party's own operation doncha think?

The Klan throughout its history, whenever it dabbled in politics, worked with, or against, any politician regardless of political party. Supporting Democrats or Republicans here, opposing Democrats or Republicans there. Even a write-in mayor candidate who had no party at all (Bowles).
Last edited:
That's a complete lie. The KKK was started by The Democrat
Party as a paramilitary terrorist wing to
Intimidate Black Americans and Conservative Voters.

Wrong again Mytho. The Klan was started by six twentysomething ex-Confederate soldiers who were bored in a small town and simply started a silly klub with no purpose. That's exactly WHY it has all those silly K-alliterations and collegiate hazing rituals. A goof. Shortly after it was taken over by 'night rider' elements that had existed since at least the 18th century, before there were any political parties let alone a United States.

After that fizzled out in a few years it was re-founded in 1915 by an ex-Methodist minister, salesman and huckster who was out to make money selling memberships by making the Klan that was pictured in the then-current film "Birth of a Nation". His motive was capitalism.

Specifically the founders were (1865, in alpha order) Maj. James Crowe, Calvin Jones, Capt. John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, Frank O. McCord and Richard Reed, specifically at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, on Christmas Day. NONE of them had any known political affiliations, NOR did political parties exist in that time and place anyway even if they were old enough to vote. The second (1915) was William Joseph Simmons and a gaggle of a lynch mob from the recent lynching of Leo Frank, a Jewish businessman who had been accused of a murder, specifically at midnight on Thanksgiving Day at Stone Mountain outside Atlanta. Again-- Simmons had no known political affiliations or activities.

BOTH of these foundings pointedly described themselves as non-political.

Btw officially the first Klan was dissolved in January of 1869, even if that order was ignored. The second Klan officially ended April 23 1944 when FDR's IRS slapped it with a 2/3 of a million dollar back-tax bill and the Governor of Georgia Ellis Arnall revoke its charter. Again, ad hoc groups continued to play dress-up.

Those are the facts. Just try to prove any of them wrong. After that you can try to explain Ed Jackson, Rice Means, Owen Brewster, George Mason, Clarence Morley, D.C. Stephenson, Ben Paulen and even Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover.
The KKK was Democrats in the far past. They are all republicans today. Their leader is donald trump.

They're not "all Republicans" any more than they were ever "all Democrats". For one thing not everybody has a political party. For another, their purpose is a self-infatuated moral crusade, not politics. This may be a political message board but politics and binary political parties simply do not, and can, not, pigeonhole everything that happens.

This is a description from the early, original Klan of the South:

Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, bored young men, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own. --- Elaine Frantz Parsons, Ku Klux: "The Birth of the Klan During Reconstruction" (UNC Press) p. 816
"Antiblack vigilante groups", as the Klan became by infiltration, were already rampant in the former Confederacy immediately after the War. Dozens of them sprang up, locally and regionally, expressing the same oppression against freed slaves in countless individual and spontaneous incidents as well.

Another component of these, separate from racism and slavery, was the element during the War called "Home Guards", who took no sides in, and wanted no part of, the War, and served as militants and snipers to ward off invasion from any side. In a civil war a beseiged town can see its fate controlled by different sides over and over and over. This is why some of these groups fought off occupying Union troops and "carpetbaggers".

"Rapists" is an interesting conclusion above, in that we have an orange President all too willing to be specific with what he calls "Mexicans", yet trips all over himself with fear of being specific about "Klan" and "Nazis" and "fascists". I guess it's a term that's employed when it serves Numero Uno and shunned when it doesn't What a surprise that is.
That's a complete lie. The KKK was started by The Democrat
Party as a paramilitary terrorist wing to
Intimidate Black Americans and Conservative Voters.

Wrong again Mytho. The Klan was started by six twentysomething ex-Confederate soldiers who were bored in a small town and simply started a silly klub with no purpose. That's exactly WHY it has all those silly K-alliterations and collegiate hazing rituals. A goof. Shortly after it was taken over by 'night rider' elements that had existed since at least the 18th century, before there were any political parties let alone a United States.

After that fizzled out in a few years it was re-founded in 1915 by an ex-Methodist minister, salesman and huckster who was out to make money selling memberships by making the Klan that was pictured in the then-current film "Birth of a Nation". His motive was capitalism.

Specifically the founders were (1865, in alpha order) Maj. James Crowe, Calvin Jones, Capt. John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, Frank O. McCord and Richard Reed, specifically at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, on Christmas Day. NONE of them had any known political affiliations, NOR did political parties exist in that time and place anyway even if they were old enough to vote. The second (1915) was William Joseph Simmons and a gaggle of a lynch mob from the recent lynching of Leo Frank, a Jewish businessman who had been accused of a murder, specifically at midnight on Thanksgiving Day at Stone Mountain outside Atlanta. Again-- Simmons had no known political affiliations or activities.

BOTH of these foundings pointedly described themselves as non-political.

Btw officially the first Klan was dissolved in January of 1869, even if that order was ignored. The second Klan officially ended April 23 1944 when FDR's IRS slapped it with a 2/3 of a million dollar back-tax bill and the Governor of Georgia Ellis Arnall revoke its charter. Again, ad hoc groups continued to play dress-up.

Those are the facts. Just try to prove any of them wrong. After that you can try to explain Ed Jackson, Rice Means, Owen Brewster, George Mason, Clarence Morley, D.C. Stephenson, Ben Paulen and even Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover.
The KKK was Democrats in the far past. They are all republicans today. Their leader is donald trump.

They're not "all Republicans" any more than they were ever "all Democrats". For one thing not everybody has a political party. For another, their purpose is a self-infatuated moral crusade, not politics. This may be a political message board but politics and binary political parties simply do not, and can, not, pigeonhole everything that happens.

This is a description from the early, original Klan of the South:

Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, bored young men, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own. --- Elaine Frantz Parsons, Ku Klux: "The Birth of the Klan During Reconstruction" (UNC Press) p. 816
"Antiblack vigilante groups", as the Klan became by infiltration, were already rampant in the former Confederacy immediately after the War. Dozens of them sprang up, locally and regionally, expressing the same oppression against freed slaves in countless individual and spontaneous incidents as well.

Another component of these, separate from racism and slavery, was the element during the War called "Home Guards", who took no sides in, and wanted no part of, the War, and served as militants and snipers to ward off invasion from any side. In a civil war a beseiged town can see its fate controlled by different sides over and over and over. This is why some of these groups fought off occupying Union troops and "carpetbaggers".

"Rapists" is an interesting conclusion above, in that we have an orange President all too willing to be specific with what he calls "Mexicans", yet trips all over himself with fear of being specific about "Klan" and "Nazis" and "fascists". I guess it's a term that's employed when it serves Numero Uno and shunned when it doesn't What a surprise that is.
The fact you defend and whitewash the racist past, and present of The Democrat Party and it's Current Plantation Policies & Benevolent Paternalism, and then criticize The President, Defame Him, Lie about him when he has Denounced David Duke and the KKK since 1991 until The Present, tells me that you are a TROLL, and I am done reading you.

Another America Hating Douchebag on IGNORE.

Keep Lying Lefties and Being Intellectually Dishonest. You won't get any clicks from me.
"Antiblack vigilante groups", as the Klan became by infiltration, were already rampant in the former Confederacy immediately after the War. Dozens of them sprang up, locally and regionally, expressing the same oppression against freed slaves in countless individual and spontaneous incidents as well.

A partial list of these:
  • '76 Association (Louisiana 1869)
  • Caucasian Club(s) (Louisiana 1869)
  • Constitutional Union Guard (North Carolina 1868-70)
  • Heggie's Scouts (Mississippi)
  • Heroes of America (South Carolina)
  • Knights of the Black Cross (Mississippi)
  • Knights of the Rising Sun (Texas 1868)
  • Knights of the White Camellia (Louisiana 1867-69)
  • Knights of the White Carnation (Alabama)
  • Men of Justice
  • Native Sons of the South (Mississippi)
  • Order of Pale Faces (Tennessee 1869 or 1867)
  • Order of the White Rose
  • Red Caps (Tennessee)
  • Red Jackets (Tennessee)
  • Red Strings (South Carolina)
  • Robertson Family (Mississippi)
  • Society of the White Rose (Mississippi)
  • Seymour Knights (Louisiana)
  • White League (Louisiana 1874)
  • White Brotherhood (North Carolina 1868-70)
  • Yellow Jackets (Tennessee)
Note the frequent occurrence of the self-styled terms "knights" and "heroes" and "brotherhoods". These groups saw and sold themselves as chivalrous Protecotors of the social order in a time of postwar chaos. Simmons' 1915 rekindled group was officially called the "Knights of the Ku Klux Klan" and his lynch mob co-conspirators had dubbed themselves the "Knights of Mary Phagan", referring to the murder victim as they painted themselves as protectors of her honor against Da Eebil Jew. In effect Lynch victim Leo Frank died of a Christian "honor killing".

Note also the White League on the same list. This was the group behind the riot in New Orleans named in the first of that city's monuments that it removed a few months ago. That was late 19th century; it outlasted the original Klan by decades.

Other similar self-styled "knightly" or "chivalrous" if we follow the flow of national history, e.g the American Protective Association (APA) (Iowa 1887 to 1914) (which targeted Catholics) and the White Caps (Indiana 1888-1906). These are some of the time-links between the two Klans, occupying the hyper-racist and xenophobic period of the late 19th/early 20th century, and not at all confined to the South.

The White Caps' targets expanded from blacks, Hispanics and Jews to "the poor whites and ne'er-do-wells of the American countryside", "loose women" and "drunken, shiftless and wife-beating whites" These targets would be resurrected in the 1915 Klan which went after drunks, adulterers and people "not going to church".

The APA, by 1896, claiming 2.5 million members nationwide, dominated local politics in Omaha, Kansas City, Toledo, Rockford, Duluth, Saginaw and Louisville while boasting strong outposts in Detroit, St.Louis and Denver. Several of those cities would a few years later see Klan influence and Klan-backed politicians, notably Denver and Toledo. Duluth, about as far as you can get from the South and still be in the United States, was the site of a 1920 lynching of black circus workers, among the witnesses of which was one Abraham Zimmerman, who related the story to his son who incorporated the story into a song he wrote called "Desolation Row" under the name Bob Dylan.

And Louisville was the site of a serious anti-immigrant episode incited, in the other historical direction (1855) by the extreme nativist Know Nothings (my thread on that is here). If the Klan, the "white nationalists", "alt-right" and Rump's own candidacy have a political party derivation it would be the Know Nothings. Everything comes from somewhere.
Last edited:
That's a complete lie. The KKK was started by The Democrat
Party as a paramilitary terrorist wing to
Intimidate Black Americans and Conservative Voters.

Wrong again Mytho. The Klan was started by six twentysomething ex-Confederate soldiers who were bored in a small town and simply started a silly klub with no purpose. That's exactly WHY it has all those silly K-alliterations and collegiate hazing rituals. A goof. Shortly after it was taken over by 'night rider' elements that had existed since at least the 18th century, before there were any political parties let alone a United States.

After that fizzled out in a few years it was re-founded in 1915 by an ex-Methodist minister, salesman and huckster who was out to make money selling memberships by making the Klan that was pictured in the then-current film "Birth of a Nation". His motive was capitalism.

Specifically the founders were (1865, in alpha order) Maj. James Crowe, Calvin Jones, Capt. John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, Frank O. McCord and Richard Reed, specifically at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, on Christmas Day. NONE of them had any known political affiliations, NOR did political parties exist in that time and place anyway even if they were old enough to vote. The second (1915) was William Joseph Simmons and a gaggle of a lynch mob from the recent lynching of Leo Frank, a Jewish businessman who had been accused of a murder, specifically at midnight on Thanksgiving Day at Stone Mountain outside Atlanta. Again-- Simmons had no known political affiliations or activities.

BOTH of these foundings pointedly described themselves as non-political.

Btw officially the first Klan was dissolved in January of 1869, even if that order was ignored. The second Klan officially ended April 23 1944 when FDR's IRS slapped it with a 2/3 of a million dollar back-tax bill and the Governor of Georgia Ellis Arnall revoke its charter. Again, ad hoc groups continued to play dress-up.

Those are the facts. Just try to prove any of them wrong. After that you can try to explain Ed Jackson, Rice Means, Owen Brewster, George Mason, Clarence Morley, D.C. Stephenson, Ben Paulen and even Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover.
The KKK was Democrats in the far past. They are all republicans today. Their leader is donald trump.

They're not "all Republicans" any more than they were ever "all Democrats". For one thing not everybody has a political party. For another, their purpose is a self-infatuated moral crusade, not politics. This may be a political message board but politics and binary political parties simply do not, and can, not, pigeonhole everything that happens.

This is a description from the early, original Klan of the South:

Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, bored young men, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own. --- Elaine Frantz Parsons, Ku Klux: "The Birth of the Klan During Reconstruction" (UNC Press) p. 816
"Antiblack vigilante groups", as the Klan became by infiltration, were already rampant in the former Confederacy immediately after the War. Dozens of them sprang up, locally and regionally, expressing the same oppression against freed slaves in countless individual and spontaneous incidents as well.

Another component of these, separate from racism and slavery, was the element during the War called "Home Guards", who took no sides in, and wanted no part of, the War, and served as militants and snipers to ward off invasion from any side. In a civil war a beseiged town can see its fate controlled by different sides over and over and over. This is why some of these groups fought off occupying Union troops and "carpetbaggers".

"Rapists" is an interesting conclusion above, in that we have an orange President all too willing to be specific with what he calls "Mexicans", yet trips all over himself with fear of being specific about "Klan" and "Nazis" and "fascists". I guess it's a term that's employed when it serves Numero Uno and shunned when it doesn't What a surprise that is.
The fact you defend and whitewash the racist past, and present of The Democrat Party and it's Current Plantation Policies & Benevolent Paternalism, and then criticize The President, Defame Him, Lie about him when he has Denounced David Duke and the KKK since 1991 until The Present, tells me that you are a TROLL, and I am done reading you.

Another America Hating Douchebag on IGNORE.

Keep Lying Lefties and Being Intellectually Dishonest. You won't get any clicks from me.

That's the butthurt response I usually get when I put out facts that can't be countered.

So you CAN'T refute anything I just said. You CAN'T show any evidence of political affiliations for Crowe, Jones, Kennedy, Lester, McCord, Reed or Simmons. You CAN'T explain why the KKK would be targeting Democrats or that party's constituents. You CAN'T explain why it would be electing Republicans from California to Maine and supporting Republican presidential candidates. You CAN'T explain LBJ's unequivocal denunciation of the Klan with no pussyfooting about "on many sides". You CAN'T show your poll demonstrating, as you just posted and I quote, "White Supremacists are overwhelmingly Democrat" -- or for that matter have any political party at all ...... as if white supremacy ---- a term you tellingly capitalized ---- were a "political" thing.

You're way overmatched, so you run away and hide.
Maybe you need to go get chew a Tiki Torch and jerk off to a David Duke poster. :gay:
That's a complete lie. The KKK was started by The Democrat
Party as a paramilitary terrorist wing to
Intimidate Black Americans and Conservative Voters.

Wrong again Mytho. The Klan was started by six twentysomething ex-Confederate soldiers who were bored in a small town and simply started a silly klub with no purpose. That's exactly WHY it has all those silly K-alliterations and collegiate hazing rituals. A goof. Shortly after it was taken over by 'night rider' elements that had existed since at least the 18th century, before there were any political parties let alone a United States.

After that fizzled out in a few years it was re-founded in 1915 by an ex-Methodist minister, salesman and huckster who was out to make money selling memberships by making the Klan that was pictured in the then-current film "Birth of a Nation". His motive was capitalism.

Specifically the founders were (1865, in alpha order) Maj. James Crowe, Calvin Jones, Capt. John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, Frank O. McCord and Richard Reed, specifically at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, on Christmas Day. NONE of them had any known political affiliations, NOR did political parties exist in that time and place anyway even if they were old enough to vote. The second (1915) was William Joseph Simmons and a gaggle of a lynch mob from the recent lynching of Leo Frank, a Jewish businessman who had been accused of a murder, specifically at midnight on Thanksgiving Day at Stone Mountain outside Atlanta. Again-- Simmons had no known political affiliations or activities.

BOTH of these foundings pointedly described themselves as non-political.

Btw officially the first Klan was dissolved in January of 1869, even if that order was ignored. The second Klan officially ended April 23 1944 when FDR's IRS slapped it with a 2/3 of a million dollar back-tax bill and the Governor of Georgia Ellis Arnall revoke its charter. Again, ad hoc groups continued to play dress-up.

Those are the facts. Just try to prove any of them wrong. After that you can try to explain Ed Jackson, Rice Means, Owen Brewster, George Mason, Clarence Morley, D.C. Stephenson, Ben Paulen and even Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover.
The KKK was Democrats in the far past. They are all republicans today. Their leader is donald trump.

They're not "all Republicans" any more than they were ever "all Democrats". For one thing not everybody has a political party. For another, their purpose is a self-infatuated moral crusade, not politics. This may be a political message board but politics and binary political parties simply do not, and can, not, pigeonhole everything that happens.

This is a description from the early, original Klan of the South:

Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, bored young men, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own. --- Elaine Frantz Parsons, Ku Klux: "The Birth of the Klan During Reconstruction" (UNC Press) p. 816
"Antiblack vigilante groups", as the Klan became by infiltration, were already rampant in the former Confederacy immediately after the War. Dozens of them sprang up, locally and regionally, expressing the same oppression against freed slaves in countless individual and spontaneous incidents as well.

Another component of these, separate from racism and slavery, was the element during the War called "Home Guards", who took no sides in, and wanted no part of, the War, and served as militants and snipers to ward off invasion from any side. In a civil war a beseiged town can see its fate controlled by different sides over and over and over. This is why some of these groups fought off occupying Union troops and "carpetbaggers".

"Rapists" is an interesting conclusion above, in that we have an orange President all too willing to be specific with what he calls "Mexicans", yet trips all over himself with fear of being specific about "Klan" and "Nazis" and "fascists". I guess it's a term that's employed when it serves Numero Uno and shunned when it doesn't What a surprise that is.
The fact you defend and whitewash the racist past, and present of The Democrat Party and it's Current Plantation Policies & Benevolent Paternalism, and then criticize The President, Defame Him, Lie about him when he has Denounced David Duke and the KKK since 1991 until The Present, tells me that you are a TROLL, and I am done reading you.

Another America Hating Douchebag on IGNORE.

Keep Lying Lefties and Being Intellectually Dishonest. You won't get any clicks from me.

That's the butthurt response I usually get when I put out facts that can't be countered.

So you CAN'T refute anything I just said. You CAN'T show any evidence of political affiliations for Crowe, Jones, Kennedy, Lester, McCord, Reed or Simmons. You CAN'T explain why the KKK would be targeting Democrats or that party's constituents. You CAN'T explain why it would be electing Republicans from California to Maine and supporting Republican presidential candidates. You CAN'T explain LBJ's unequivocal denunciation of the Klan with no pussyfooting about "on many sides". You CAN'T show your poll demonstrating, as you just posted and I quote, "White Supremacists are overwhelmingly Democrat" -- or for that matter have any political party at all ...... as if white supremacy ---- a term you tellingly capitalized ---- were a "political" thing.

You're way overmatched, so you run away and hide.
Maybe you need to go get chew a Tiki Torch and jerk off to a David Duke poster. :gay:


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