Lincoln memorial vandalized

Trump is right yet again as black people demand that Washington and Jackson be removed.

Pastor Wants Presidents' Names Removed From Washington, Jackson Parks Over Ties To Slavery

Isn't it interesting that a POTUS who claims to have dissembled about "on many sides... on many sides" supposedly because that office can't be taking sides---- suddenly about-faces and takes sides on the statue thing?

Isn't it further interesting that he then about-faces from that, opining that such removals should be up to that local community --- which it already is --- and which Charlottesville already decided?

And doesn't that fact, which the POTUS already agrees with, make the "alt-white" crowd including the Spencers and the Dukes and especially the kid from Ofreakinghio playing demolition derby who was astoundingly never mentioned yesterday --- interlopers?

Fun stuff, making pretzels.
Just heard it. Don't have a link yet
ANTIFA, BLM, The KKK are all leftist paramilitary organizations and imo that makes them Domestic Terrorists.

They are part of The Left's Resisitance. The Democrat Party has brought Soviet Union style politics to The US and America needs to stand against it!

The Klan has never for a moment in its lives been "leftist". :lmao:

This place takes the cake. No shit.

The Klan has almost always been an arm of the southern Democrats.
Southern right wing Christians.

Not just Democrat, though. And not just the south, either.


We're Republicans now.

With the Klan operating primarily within the Republican party...


Hooded Americanism





Sounds like this could have been done by any of a number of nutjobs that frequent this forum... who have been saying bad things about Lincoln the last couple days.
I have been saying bad things about that tyrannical asshole for years

Ah but how are you with a spray paint can...? :eusa_think:
Not very good. I cant even draw a strait line with a ruler.
The funny thing? I am a graphics designer LOL Computer is much easier.
I would have better luck making a sticker and putting it on there lol

AHA. So if we find neat, well-designed CGI graffiti carefully stenciled onto a statue of Andy Griffith -- your ass is grass. :eusa_naughty:
Sounds like this could have been done by any of a number of nutjobs that frequent this forum... who have been saying bad things about Lincoln the last couple days.
I have been saying bad things about that tyrannical asshole for years

Ah but how are you with a spray paint can...? :eusa_think:
Not very good. I cant even draw a strait line with a ruler.
The funny thing? I am a graphics designer LOL Computer is much easier.
I would have better luck making a sticker and putting it on there lol

AHA. So if we find neat, well-designed CGI graffiti carefully stenciled onto a statue of Andy Griffith -- your ass is grass. :eusa_naughty:
"Fuck Law"?

According to WTTG, silver spray paint was also discovered on Smithsonian signage near U.S. Route 1.

There, the vandal wrote "Jackie Shot JFK" and something about the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center.
More recently, over the President's Day weekend in February 2017, the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument and World War II Memorial, three of D.C.’s most popular monuments, were vandalized with marker pen. Local ABC affiliate WJLA reported that the graffiti included small phrases that appeared to be conspiracy theories, such as "Jackie shot JFK," "blood test is a lie, leukemia, cancer HIV get 2nd opinion" and "9/11/01 Misty pilots fly planes into WTC 1, 2, P, F."

Lincoln Memorial vandalized with explicit graffiti

What does "Misty pilots fly planes into WTC 1, 2, P, F" mean?

Misty pilots?

WTC 1 and 2. Got that. P = Pentagon? F = Field?

This sounds like some kind of Alex Jones shit.
Maybe the vandal was trying to say Fuck Sharia Law but was too retarded to know how to spell Sharia.

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