Lindsey Graham eyes May presidential announcement

Dear God, no. This assclown just needs to go away altogether.
Meh, the Log Cabin Republicans have a candidate.

I'll assume you actually don't know.
The genuine official out of the closet GOP gay caucus.

There's like nineteen or twenty of them.

Oh, I know.

I just want to know who their candidate is.

Isn't 20 kinda high??

What are 20 gay dudes gonna do in a log cabin together?

Hmmmmm...... hmmmmmm.... :dunno:

Make nachos and watch reruns of "American Idol".

And crochet and do excellent fondue.
He and Huckabee both need to just go away

for crying out loud. they are like a dark house trying to throw the elections or something. pathetic

Own it. We sure as hell didn't elect them into office.
And please tell us who the white horse is.

Serious question.

Which GOP candidate is the "manliest"??

I'm going with Fiorina.


She still could not compete against Ann Coulter, were she/he/it to announce!

I could see the debates now:

Moderator: "Ms. Coulter, you once said that the USA should just 'roll over and crush' Canada. Did you really mean it?"

Coulter: "Well, now that I see Sen. Cruz here, illegally, yeah, I do mean it".

Cruz: "I've got a 2nd Amendment remedy to check the tyranny of Ann Coulter!"

Coulter: "Bring it on. Clinton can shoot better than you, pipsqueak"

Carson: (guffaw, guffaw)

Perry: "oops!"

Rubio: (sounds of swallowing water)

Fiorina: "There are demon sheep up North!"

Christie: "they make great donuts in Canada"

Paul: "No business should have to sell to Canada. But they've got great pot there!"

Huckabee: "6-6-6, oh crap, I was reading Cain's notes from 2012, I meant 9-9-9. Uh, can I said it again".

Bush: "What a bunch of children"

Everyone but Bush: "Oh, shut up, no one wants a third Bush!"

Oh, I cannot wait.....

Is Fiorina's adam's apple bigger than Coulter's?

Dear God, no. This assclown just needs to go away altogether.
Meh, the Log Cabin Republicans have a candidate.

I'll assume you actually don't know.
The genuine official out of the closet GOP gay caucus.

There's like nineteen or twenty of them.

Oh, I know.

I just want to know who their candidate is.

Isn't 20 kinda high??

What are 20 gay dudes gonna do in a log cabin together?

Hmmmmm...... hmmmmmm.... :dunno:
I was thinking Lindsey would be their girl.
She is both butch and bitch enough to set them all atwitter.

Not "atwitter"

Hold on! I caught his address in New Hampshaaaa yesterday. He was unexpectededly funny. He did, however, refer to his 33 years in the military. My stars........

Just gives me a case of the vay-puhs......Someone hand me my Laudanum and my little Japanese paper fan! I do dee-clah.....
Do you ever tire of being the assclown of this site?

Oh, no fear, no one is going to steal that crown from you, L'il

One good thing about this thread is that it completely and unquestionably exposes the hypocrisy of the USMB libtards. Here they are, ridiculing and condemning Linsay Graham for being gay while never missing an opportunity to accuse Conservatives of being intolerant, and hateful toward gays. I ask everyone reading this thread, who are the ones being intolerant and hateful toward gays?
One good thing about this thread is that it completely and unquestionably exposes the hypocrisy of the USMB libtards. Here they are, ridiculing and condemning Linsay Graham for being gay while never missing an opportunity to accuse Conservatives of being intolerant, and hateful toward gays. I ask everyone reading this thread, who are the ones being intolerant and hateful toward gays?

Silly nutter.......we mock the dude because he is so obviously lady-like...but panders to the religious right in his backward state. Barney Frank is 10 times the man.
One good thing about this thread is that it completely and unquestionably exposes the hypocrisy of the USMB libtards. Here they are, ridiculing and condemning Linsay Graham for being gay while never missing an opportunity to accuse Conservatives of being intolerant, and hateful toward gays. I ask everyone reading this thread, who are the ones being intolerant and hateful toward gays?

Silly nutter.......we mock the dude because he is so obviously lady-like...but panders to the religious right in his backward state. Barney Frank is 10 times the man.
Bullshit, one of your favorite insults is to call someone a fag. You know it, everyone knows it. Stop lying.
One good thing about this thread is that it completely and unquestionably exposes the hypocrisy of the USMB libtards. Here they are, ridiculing and condemning Linsay Graham for being gay while never missing an opportunity to accuse Conservatives of being intolerant, and hateful toward gays. I ask everyone reading this thread, who are the ones being intolerant and hateful toward gays?

I guess the idea that Graham may well be a hypocritical gay goes right over your head, eh shorty?
One good thing about this thread is that it completely and unquestionably exposes the hypocrisy of the USMB libtards. Here they are, ridiculing and condemning Linsay Graham for being gay while never missing an opportunity to accuse Conservatives of being intolerant, and hateful toward gays. I ask everyone reading this thread, who are the ones being intolerant and hateful toward gays?

Silly nutter.......we mock the dude because he is so obviously lady-like...but panders to the religious right in his backward state. Barney Frank is 10 times the man.
Bullshit, one of your favorite insults is to call someone a fag. You know it, everyone knows it. Stop lying.

I've never called anyone a fag.
One good thing about this thread is that it completely and unquestionably exposes the hypocrisy of the USMB libtards. Here they are, ridiculing and condemning Linsay Graham for being gay while never missing an opportunity to accuse Conservatives of being intolerant, and hateful toward gays. I ask everyone reading this thread, who are the ones being intolerant and hateful toward gays?

I guess the idea that Graham may well be a hypocritical gay goes right over your head, eh shorty?
Read post 53. It applies to you too, hypocrite.
One good thing about this thread is that it completely and unquestionably exposes the hypocrisy of the USMB libtards. Here they are, ridiculing and condemning Linsay Graham for being gay while never missing an opportunity to accuse Conservatives of being intolerant, and hateful toward gays. I ask everyone reading this thread, who are the ones being intolerant and hateful toward gays?

Silly nutter.......we mock the dude because he is so obviously lady-like...but panders to the religious right in his backward state. Barney Frank is 10 times the man.
Bullshit, one of your favorite insults is to call someone a fag. You know it, everyone knows it. Stop lying.

I've never called anyone a fag.
I said stop lying. Every damn one of you lefties engages in gay bashing. You assholes are notorious for it.
One good thing about this thread is that it completely and unquestionably exposes the hypocrisy of the USMB libtards. Here they are, ridiculing and condemning Linsay Graham for being gay while never missing an opportunity to accuse Conservatives of being intolerant, and hateful toward gays. I ask everyone reading this thread, who are the ones being intolerant and hateful toward gays?

I guess the idea that Graham may well be a hypocritical gay goes right over your head, eh shorty?
Read post 53. It applies to you too, hypocrite.

Grow up.

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