Lindsey Graham: If Ford Had No Intention Of Coming Forward, Why’d She Take A Polygraph

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Even Lindseed has this one figured out! Can you imagine they even ADVERTISED this act.....with NO INTENTION OF COMING FORWARD!.....It is coming apart, and the best thing is that INDEPENDENTS are getting to see just how corrupt the DemonRAT party truly is!!!!!

Lindsey Graham: If Ford Had No Intention Of Coming Forward, Why’d She Take A Polygraph In Early August?(FULL TITLE)

I've written half a dozen posts about the WaPo story since Sunday and feel embarrassed that I missed this simple but salient point. My focus has been on the fact that Christine Blasey Ford approached Democrats — and the Post itself — back in July with her story, then clammed up all the way through Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing. Only at the eleventh hour, after the letter she sent to Dianne Feinstein mysteriously leaked last week, did she decide to enter the fray, she says. It seemed … strange that someone who volunteered her information to Democrats months ago would then resolutely refuse to let them so much as identify her in order to use it effectively.

But note the fine print in the WaPo article. It makes sense that Ford would take a polygraph once she had resolved to come forward and speak to the Post. But according to the paper, that didn’t happen last week. She took the polygraph in early August, weeks before the Feinstein letter broke big in the media and ostensibly all but forced her into public view.

If she had every intention of remaining silent, why was she taking elaborate professional measures to shore up her credibility weeks before the letter emerged?

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Yes, how does one explain that away when she stated she wanted to be anonymous?????...ROTFLMFAO!
The above should be the FIRST question asked to this insane bitch!

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