Lindsey Graham talks about his "whites only" presidency

people shun Cnn as a serious and unbiased news source

they are nothing but the National Enquire for the DNC

There is an audio tape of his speech. I heard it Steph....was that doctored also?

WOW! Did not know that either.

Lindsey Graham Gay Conservative Group ALIPAC Demands Senator Admit Homosexuality

Do you think the people gives a shit about such petty stuff? that is you shallow liberals gig

This always seems to be your response when a Republican or conservative says something silly. When Democrat or liberal says something silly you jump on it like white on rice. It seems you are incapable of ever criticizing anything that comes from your side if the aisle. Ever. Such is the life of a blind partisan I suppose.

You're right though, people should not care about this. They should care about your bunk thread where a lesbian teaches school kids how to use sex toys. lol

worry over your actions and life
I'll deal with mine

I am not worried over your actions and life, that would imply that I actually care. You just don't like people calling you out on your blind and abrasive partisanship. Sorry about it.
people shun Cnn as a serious and unbiased news source

they are nothing but the National Enquire for the DNC

There is an audio tape of his speech. I heard it Steph....was that doctored also?

WOW! Did not know that either.

Lindsey Graham Gay Conservative Group ALIPAC Demands Senator Admit Homosexuality

Do you think the people gives a shit about such petty stuff? that is you shallow liberals gig

This always seems to be your response when a Republican or conservative says something silly. When Democrat or liberal says something silly you jump on it like white on rice. It seems you are incapable of ever criticizing anything that comes from your side if the aisle. Ever. Such is the life of a blind partisan I suppose.

You're right though, people should not care about this. They should care about your bunk thread where a lesbian teaches school kids how to use sex toys. lol

worry over your actions and life
I'll deal with mine

I am not worried over your actions and life, that would imply that I actually care. You just don't like people calling you out on your blind and abrasive partisanship. Sorry about it.

well I guess some people have nothing more to do in their pathetic lives. My conversation was with Jim I don't remember yanking on your chain
I must admit, it isn't all Lindsey's fault. He only respoke what he has been indoctrinated with at nearly every GOP caucus he has attended. The master plan is to return the White Male to power in the federal government. The GOP hopes that their gains next Tuesday will be the first steps. The irony is if they do get control of the Senate, the country will be so sick of them by 2016, both the Presidency and the Senate will be lost to the GOP again. It is a cycle that is slowly spiraling downward for the republican party.
oh boy, the judger ^^^^^ of all people in the country speaketh.

pass the barf bag
yawn....Sometimes a joke is a joke.

Shouldn't you Democrats be beating the drum about the "war in women"? That's the entire DNC strategy this cycle.....:rofl:

It doesn't seem too be working to well though..... Apparently, young single women need jobs too....not just free rubbers and abortions.

You're a white male, right?

And racist, ignorant, inbred, cracker ....

Puddly is a true believer.....

Is puddly a black woman? Never can be sure with these LIBTARDS.

Not sure, and I truly don't care.

Puddly is an excellent source of entertainment though...... :lol:
I guess the "war on women" meme didn't work this now it's back to the DNC's most reliable play....... "THE RACE CARD"!!

You really can't make this shit up!! Hilarious!

Jim dear you need to shoot that high horse you ride on. You done wore him out and broke him down. And your nose is so in the high air you block out the sun on your face.

giddy up
There is an audio tape of his speech. I heard it Steph....was that doctored also?

WOW! Did not know that either.

Lindsey Graham Gay Conservative Group ALIPAC Demands Senator Admit Homosexuality

Do you think the people gives a shit about such petty stuff? that is you shallow liberals gig

This always seems to be your response when a Republican or conservative says something silly. When Democrat or liberal says something silly you jump on it like white on rice. It seems you are incapable of ever criticizing anything that comes from your side if the aisle. Ever. Such is the life of a blind partisan I suppose.

You're right though, people should not care about this. They should care about your bunk thread where a lesbian teaches school kids how to use sex toys. lol

worry over your actions and life
I'll deal with mine

I am not worried over your actions and life, that would imply that I actually care. You just don't like people calling you out on your blind and abrasive partisanship. Sorry about it.

well I guess some people have nothing more to do in their pathetic lives. My conversation was with Jim I don't remember yanking on your chain

I'll continue to comment on any post I see, even yours. I am quite capable of doing many things at once, I am a natural at multi-tasking.

You do more harm than good to the conservative movement with your blind and abrasive partisanship.
Do you think the people gives a shit about such petty stuff? that is you shallow liberals gig

This always seems to be your response when a Republican or conservative says something silly. When Democrat or liberal says something silly you jump on it like white on rice. It seems you are incapable of ever criticizing anything that comes from your side if the aisle. Ever. Such is the life of a blind partisan I suppose.

You're right though, people should not care about this. They should care about your bunk thread where a lesbian teaches school kids how to use sex toys. lol

worry over your actions and life
I'll deal with mine

I am not worried over your actions and life, that would imply that I actually care. You just don't like people calling you out on your blind and abrasive partisanship. Sorry about it.

well I guess some people have nothing more to do in their pathetic lives. My conversation was with Jim I don't remember yanking on your chain

I'll continue to comment on any post I see, even yours. I am quite capable of doing many things at once, I am a natural at multi-tasking.

You do more harm than good to the conservative movement with your blind and abrasive partisanship.

go diddle yourself. was that abrasive enough? You've been on the board for a short time and You don't know me so don't come off preaching to me. You'd be wise to back off especially the week I've had, my boyfriend has been the hospital with a broken hip. I'll cut you down to your knees
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This always seems to be your response when a Republican or conservative says something silly. When Democrat or liberal says something silly you jump on it like white on rice. It seems you are incapable of ever criticizing anything that comes from your side if the aisle. Ever. Such is the life of a blind partisan I suppose.

You're right though, people should not care about this. They should care about your bunk thread where a lesbian teaches school kids how to use sex toys. lol

worry over your actions and life
I'll deal with mine

I am not worried over your actions and life, that would imply that I actually care. You just don't like people calling you out on your blind and abrasive partisanship. Sorry about it.

well I guess some people have nothing more to do in their pathetic lives. My conversation was with Jim I don't remember yanking on your chain

I'll continue to comment on any post I see, even yours. I am quite capable of doing many things at once, I am a natural at multi-tasking.

You do more harm than good to the conservative movement with your blind and abrasive partisanship.

go diddle yourself. was that abrasive enough? You've been on the board for a short time and You don't know me so don't come off preaching to me

I've read many of your posts in my brief time here and I got you pegged. Besides, it doesn't take a lot of time here to notice which posters are one trick ponies.
He definitely said it. He spoke the "unspoken" words of the GOP dream.

Uh... sounded like he was making fun of that stereotype. Did that really sound like genuine 'candid admission' to you??
Maybe some of you should have read the article first there was nothing in there like the idiocy claimed by the Op there was however this near the end of it.

Graham said he was making fun of the society's all-male membership, joking that they were the last such organization in existence after Augusta National Golf Club admitted women.

As for the Baptist riff, Graham said he regularly teases South Carolina audiences about their various religious denominations, before making a larger point about religious liberty in the United States and warning about the threat of radical Islam overseas.
Graham unfiltered jokes about white men Baptists -

The GOP wet dream is finally spoken! The GOP dream is to go back to the 40's and 50's when there were separate black and white bathrooms, where women knew their place in the bedroom and the kitchen, and white men called all the shots in DC.

What kind of a brain dead moron are you? This is what the CNN article you linked printed.

Washington (CNN)-- South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, who is toying with the idea of a presidential bid, joked in a private gathering this month that "white men who are in male-only clubs are going to do great in my presidency," according to an audio recording of his comments provided to CNN.

In the meeting, the Republican also cracked wise about Baptists, saying "they're the ones who drink and don't admit it," a variation of a joke he sometimes tells in public.

Graham said the Hibernian Society encourages speakers "to be earthy, to make fun of yourself, to make fun of them. Then you say something serious and sit down. And if you talk over 20 minutes, they throw something at you."

In the recordings, Graham, who is favored in his race for re-election next Tuesday against Democrat Brad Hutto, appears to joke about the possible 2016 presidential bid he recently floated in an interview with the Weekly Standard.

"I'm trying to help you with your tax status," Graham says in the recording. "I'm sorry the government's so f---ed up. If I get to be president, white men in male-only clubs are going to do great in my presidency." The crowd is then heard laughing.

Graham told several jokes and the Hibernian Society meeting is very similar to the 'roast' that the press club has annually.
He is a sure thing for 2016 then! FUNNY AND STUPID AT THE SAME TIME.
the leftist desperation approaches frenzy..

stand by for the standard sarahpalin insults thread ....with more bushcheney angst to immediately follow
Graham unfiltered jokes about white men Baptists -

The GOP wet dream is finally spoken! The GOP dream is to go back to the 40's and 50's when there were separate black and white bathrooms, where women knew their place in the bedroom and the kitchen, and white men called all the shots in DC.

he will mandate this for school lunches as part of his take back America for whitey






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Anyone who even mentions advancing or protecting white culture/interests has my attention.

For the last 50 years all we've heard about is what negroes want or don't or don't like...Our government now has a legal term for them ..."protected class" order to funnel tax money to them...and it's never enough...

meanwhile they grow more violent, more criminal and more dysfunctional...and they hate us.

I'm absolutely ok with a candidate who isn't afraid to stand up for white interests.

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