Linear politics


Nov 12, 2013
I believe that of all issues discussed in politics in America that our two party system is under discussed. The left vs right mentality divides so many people from actually achieving social equality and political progress. To so two dimensionally define ourselves in the 21st century is a great shame to our time. It is time that we as informed citizens change the way we debate our issues. Why must Republicans adhere to straight marriage and no abortions? Why are Democrats the only ones fighting for higher minimum wages and rights for the LGBT community?

Left is democrat right is republican. Who knows where the libertarians are. Center is moderate. Whatever. Those are relics created by parties formed during the time of Abraham Lincoln. Yet we still fight for racial equality in America. We must unshackle ourselves and address the issues as a whole. Middle ground could be found in order to stop the decades long fight of abortion, drugs, guns, and civil rights. We could move on finally and address our issues that are more relevant to the technology of today.

Take a cube and place the issues along the corners. Define the political landscape by issues, not headlines. I hope one day to see the informed citizens stand up and fight for facts that could lead our decision process, instead of emotions. Why do the alternative voices in the media have to be comedians with drug addictions worth $15 million telling us profit is a dirty word. Why are the conspiracy theorists the ones demanding attention and receiving it? Let the people who can look past what we can't prove and better ourselves speak more loudly to the future of our children.

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