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Lions, tigers and babies....oh my? Which do you value more? State your political leanings please.

Which means more to you?

  • 1) the death of Cecil the lion

  • 2) the death of the babies at planned parenthood

Results are only viewable after voting.
Yeah, that lion in Africa was killed...and the left is in mourning like a human was killed. I am sorry the lion was killed as well, I love animals a lot...even liberals.......but the mourning for the lion, vs. the silence on the killings at planned unparenthood are revealing...so a poll......

Please, for the purpose of this poll, state your political leanings.....if you dare...

I am a modern American Conservative.....

I am confused as to how these two are related. On the one hand, the killing of the lion was a pretty disgusting act. I say that as a hunter. On the other hand, Planned Parenthood provides a number of services, and only one of those is objectionable to some people. They do a lot of good for women who would be forced to do without if not for them (mainly for financial reasons).

Sorry, this isn't the 19th century...any hospital or medical practice or county health dept. could do what they do.....and they already get tax money for regular services........

Could? Sure.
Do they? No.

But if you want to dismiss 400,000 PAP smears, 500,000 breast exams, and 4.5 million STI tests and treatments, you are free to do so. But comparing it to a rich guy paying to have an old lion lured out of sanctuary so he could be shot over bait seems a bit of a stretch.

I am pointing out that the very people mourning the death of this lion.....look the other way when these babies are murdered. We aren't talking about a glob of cells.....we are talking about small human beings with arms, legs and internal organs that apparently are being harvested for profit.........

Let's be realistic here.

Of the abortions performed - 33% occur before prior to 7 weeks and another 30% occur between 7-8 weeks. There are no organs yet. It's indistinguishable from the fetus' of a number of species.

Another 26% occur between weeks 9 and 12: beginnings of organs but no internal organs like you are thinking, size of a grape.

So that is 89% of all abortions and, yes - in many cases it is a glob of cells indistinguishable other than by genetics from similar globs of cells in chimpanzees, horses or dogs.

Sources: Your pregnancy week by week BabyCenter and Induced Abortion in the United States

Thus far no one has shown they are doing anything for a profit and the figures cited are so low as to be laughable. Not only that, companies that work with organ and tissue donations agree that is the going rate and barely covers costs involved in getting them.
I am totally against any sort of trophy hunting. I have no issue hunting for meat. I don't feel sorry for the dentist exactly but he is getting rather unfairly attacked - the blame belongs as much if not more to the guides responsible for luring the lion out of the park.

Other than that - I feel more sorry for the lion's death as I do for the blastocyst flushed out of a woman's body during a chemical abortion. It's hard to feel sorry for something that has no awareness, feels no pain, and only exists. The lion is aware of what is happening, is thinking and sentient, and feels the pain and comprehends fear. It was a trusting soul.

Politically I'm a liberal.

With some folks it's necessary to point out the obvious.
Yeah, that lion in Africa was killed...and the left is in mourning like a human was killed. I am sorry the lion was killed as well, I love animals a lot...even liberals.......but the mourning for the lion, vs. the silence on the killings at planned unparenthood are revealing...so a poll......

Please, for the purpose of this poll, state your political leanings.....if you dare...

I am a modern American Conservative.....

I am confused as to how these two are related. On the one hand, the killing of the lion was a pretty disgusting act. I say that as a hunter. On the other hand, Planned Parenthood provides a number of services, and only one of those is objectionable to some people. They do a lot of good for women who would be forced to do without if not for them (mainly for financial reasons).

Sorry, this isn't the 19th century...any hospital or medical practice or county health dept. could do what they do.....and they already get tax money for regular services........

Could? Sure.
Do they? No.

But if you want to dismiss 400,000 PAP smears, 500,000 breast exams, and 4.5 million STI tests and treatments, you are free to do so. But comparing it to a rich guy paying to have an old lion lured out of sanctuary so he could be shot over bait seems a bit of a stretch.

I am pointing out that the very people mourning the death of this lion.....look the other way when these babies are murdered. We aren't talking about a glob of cells.....we are talking about small human beings with arms, legs and internal organs that apparently are being harvested for profit.........

"...harvested for profit"?? WTF??

Please point out ANY abortions performed by PP that were specifically done in order to profit from the sale of the carcass???

That is bullshit.
Hmm. There are too many unwanted babies in the world. We need to remove some gonads. Men might want their gonads, but, alas, they gotta go.

That is what guys like this dude want for women. Our bodies. Our choice. But he wants that choice taken away. So...I want to take his gonads. Sound fair?
For Iceweasel

An old man and his dog were walking down a hot, dusty road lined with a beautiful white fence on both sides. As they walked along, the old man and his dog became very thirsty and tired.

Soon, they came to a gate in the fence where, on the other side, they saw a nice grassy, wooded area surrounding a cool clear pool of fresh water. "Just where a thirsty 'huntin' dog and a man would like to rest!" thought the old man. But there was a sign over the gate that read "No Dogs" so they walked on.

Further on, they came upon a man in flowing white robes standing just inside a strong iron gate across a path that led to a beautiful, sunny meadow with a cool clear stream running through it.

"'Scuse me Sir," said the old man, "My dog and I have been on this road all day. Mind if we come in and sit in the shade for awhile?" "Of course!" The man said. "Come on in and rest. You look thirsty and tired." The old man said, "We sure are!" and started through the gate with his dog.

The gatekeeper stopped him. "Sorry, you can come in but your dog can't come with you. "You see, this is Heaven, and dogs aren't allowed here. He has to stay out here on the road." "What kind of Heaven won't allow dogs?" said the old man. "Well, if he can't come in, then I'll stay out here on the road with him. He's been my faithful companion all his life and I won't desert him now."

"Suit yourself," said the gatekeeper, "but I have to warn you, the Devil's on this road and he'll try to sweet talk you into his place. He'll promise you anything, but dogs can't go there either. If you won't leave that dog on the road, you'll spend all Eternity on the road with him. Better if you stay here."

"Well, I'm stayin' with my dog," replied the man and he and the dog walked on. Gradually, the fence became more and more faded and rundown until they finally reached a spot where the boards fell away completely leaving a gap. Another man dressed in old, ragged clothes sat just inside the broken fence under a shady tree.

"'Scuse me Sir," said the old man, "My dog and I have been on this road all day. Mind if we come in and sit in the shade for awhile?" "Of course!" The man said. "Come on in and rest. There's some cold water here under the tree. Make yourself comfortable."

The old man paused, "but what about my dog? Can he can come in, too? The man up the road said dogs weren't allowed here, and they had to stay on the road." The other man answered, "Well, you look pretty tired and thirsty. Would you come in here and rest if you had to leave that dog?"

"No sir!" the old man replied, "A glass of cold water and some shade would be mighty fine right about now but I won't come in if my buddy here can't come too. I didn't go to Heaven because my dog couldn't come with me, so I sure as how ain't about to go to Hell without him neither."

The man smiled and said, "Welcome to Heaven, and bring your dog!" The old man exclaimed, "You mean this is Heaven? And my dog can come with me? Then why did that fellow down the road say they weren't allowed in Heaven?" The man replied, "That was the Devil and he gets all the souls who are willing to give up a life-long companion".
Yeah, that lion in Africa was killed...and the left is in mourning like a human was killed. I am sorry the lion was killed as well, I love animals a lot...even liberals.......but the mourning for the lion, vs. the silence on the killings at planned unparenthood are revealing...so a poll......

Please, for the purpose of this poll, state your political leanings.....if you dare...

I am a modern American Conservative.....

I am confused as to how these two are related. On the one hand, the killing of the lion was a pretty disgusting act. I say that as a hunter. On the other hand, Planned Parenthood provides a number of services, and only one of those is objectionable to some people. They do a lot of good for women who would be forced to do without if not for them (mainly for financial reasons).

Sorry, this isn't the 19th century...any hospital or medical practice or county health dept. could do what they do.....and they already get tax money for regular services........

Could? Sure.
Do they? No.

But if you want to dismiss 400,000 PAP smears, 500,000 breast exams, and 4.5 million STI tests and treatments, you are free to do so. But comparing it to a rich guy paying to have an old lion lured out of sanctuary so he could be shot over bait seems a bit of a stretch.

I am pointing out that the very people mourning the death of this lion.....look the other way when these babies are murdered. We aren't talking about a glob of cells.....we are talking about small human beings with arms, legs and internal organs that apparently are being harvested for profit.........

Let's be realistic here.

Of the abortions performed - 33% occur before prior to 7 weeks and another 30% occur between 7-8 weeks. There are no organs yet. It's indistinguishable from the fetus' of a number of species.

Another 26% occur between weeks 9 and 12: beginnings of organs but no internal organs like you are thinking, size of a grape.

So that is 89% of all abortions and, yes - in many cases it is a glob of cells indistinguishable other than by genetics from similar globs of cells in chimpanzees, horses or dogs.

Sources: Your pregnancy week by week BabyCenter and Induced Abortion in the United States

Thus far no one has shown they are doing anything for a profit and the figures cited are so low as to be laughable. Not only that, companies that work with organ and tissue donations agree that is the going rate and barely covers costs involved in getting them.

They are all human beings.........
Hmm. There are too many unwanted babies in the world. We need to remove some gonads. Men might want their gonads, but, alas, they gotta go.

That is what guys like this dude want for women. Our bodies. Our choice. But he wants that choice taken away. So...I want to take his gonads. Sound fair?

Well....not really...it is a body in your body......a human being in your body....not your body.....
Well when I die I hope my dog is there.. otherwise it would not be the heaven I'm hoping for.

If you put that much emphasis on your dog, you have misplaced priorities. We need to talk.
Maybe you should ask for a sit down with Pope Francis so you can tell him all about how you are right and he is wrong.

All dogs go to heaven Pope Francis says animals will enter pearly gates RT News

A monsignor on Catholic radio was asked this same question and he said in the affirmative that he was fairly certain that not only would our pets go to heaven, but also some of the pleasures we enjoy on earth would be present. He did not state it dogmatically, but still with fairly strong assurance. Then he pointed to the Church council Vatican II where he cited the following verses that have been interpreted to allude to that very thing.

>>For after we have obeyed the Lord, and in His Spirit nurtured on earth the values of human dignity, brotherhood and freedom, and indeed all the good fruits of our nature and enterprise, we will find them again, but freed of stain, burnished and transfigured, when Christ hands over to the Father: "a kingdom eternal and universal, a kingdom of truth and life, of holiness and grace, of justice, love and peace."(24) On this earth that Kingdom is already present in mystery. When the Lord returns it will be brought into full flower.<<

As far as the soul is concerned, the late Bishop Sheen (among many others) stated that God created three kinds of souls for our creation. Plants have a vegetative soul, animals have a sensitive soul, and man has a rational soul. For me, I cannot see why God would exclude animals when so many NDEs so many of those individuals witness plants and animals in their experience.

No, I do not place sorrow as great on the passing or suffering of a lion compared to that of any human being, but I thought I would offer this up. I think this pope is fabulous and I really do not have a lot of time to argue with an argumentative cocksure protestant at this time.
Hmm. There are too many unwanted babies in the world. We need to remove some gonads. Men might want their gonads, but, alas, they gotta go.

That is what guys like this dude want for women. Our bodies. Our choice. But he wants that choice taken away. So...I want to take his gonads. Sound fair?

A modest solution...

Hmm. There are too many unwanted babies in the world. We need to remove some gonads. Men might want their gonads, but, alas, they gotta go.

That is what guys like this dude want for women. Our bodies. Our choice. But he wants that choice taken away. So...I want to take his gonads. Sound fair?

Well....not really...it is a body in your body......a human being in your body....not your body.....
But you want to FORCE me to carry that body in my body. Therefore, I want your balls.
Well when I die I hope my dog is there.. otherwise it would not be the heaven I'm hoping for.

If you put that much emphasis on your dog, you have misplaced priorities. We need to talk.
Maybe you should ask for a sit down with Pope Francis so you can tell him all about how you are right and he is wrong.

All dogs go to heaven Pope Francis says animals will enter pearly gates RT News

A monsignor on Catholic radio was asked this same question and he said in the affirmative that he was fairly certain that not only would our pets go to heaven, but also some of the pleasures we enjoy on earth would be present. He did not state it dogmatically, but still with fairly strong assurance. Then he pointed to the Church council Vatican II where he cited the following verses that have been interpreted to allude to that very thing.

>>For after we have obeyed the Lord, and in His Spirit nurtured on earth the values of human dignity, brotherhood and freedom, and indeed all the good fruits of our nature and enterprise, we will find them again, but freed of stain, burnished and transfigured, when Christ hands over to the Father: "a kingdom eternal and universal, a kingdom of truth and life, of holiness and grace, of justice, love and peace."(24) On this earth that Kingdom is already present in mystery. When the Lord returns it will be brought into full flower.<<

As far as the soul is concerned, the late Bishop Sheen (among many others) stated that God created three kinds of souls for our creation. Plants have a vegetative soul, animals have a sensitive soul, and man has a rational soul. For me, I cannot see why God would exclude animals when so many NDEs so many of those individuals witness plants and animals in their experience.

No, I do not place sorrow as great on the passing or suffering of a lion compared to that of any human being, but I thought I would offer this up. I think this pope is fabulous and I really do not have a lot of time to argue with an argumentative cocksure protestant at this time.
Yer preaching to Bonzi about Catholics. Catholics to Bonzi=BAD.
Yer preaching to Bonzi about Catholics. Catholics to Bonzi=BAD.

The word "preaching" gets such negative responses.

All I was doing was offering my opinion to RKBrown.

I am unfluttered by those Christians who find Catholicism so wrong. Jesus said "father forgive them, they know not what they do."
Danger excitement and maid service How safari outfitters sell lion hunts to rich Americans - The Washington Post

American tourists kill hundreds of lions for sport each year. And it's not cheap — the cost of a lion-hunting safari can run into the tens of thousands of dollars. Walter Palmer, the dentist who allegedly killed Cecil the lion illegally in Zimbabwe, is said to have paid $54,000 for his hunting trip.

The number of African lion trophies taken by American hunters has doubled in recent years, according to the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Given the rising popularity and the amount of money at stake, African safari outfitters have begun aggressively marketing their packages in an attempt to stand out from the crowd.

Most outfitters advertise their prices in U.S. dollars. They promise danger and excitement, but also luxurious accommodations, including spas, well-stocked wine bars, and maid service. Most allow family members or other "observers" to tag along — for a price. Some companies guarantee a trophy animal. Others promise discounted rates. Still others provide frills like the opportunity to hunt rare white lions, or to hunt from a vehicle if a hike is too much. Here's how a handful of them are selling their wares to would-be hunter-tourists online.

African Sky Hunting
7-day lion and plains game hunting package: $29,130. Additional $1,350 per observer.

"This package offers an exceptional hunting experience at a very reasonable price," the Web site promises. "In all cases, the camps and lodges we use are luxurious with en-suite bathrooms, electricity, stylish decor and sumptuous food — places where a lady would feel at home and comfortable. ... The option of hunting from one of our well-equipped vehicles is also available should you have any medical problems, or are limited by not being able to walk long distances." Snacks are "always available." At the Kalahari camp, "the swimming pool is perfect for cooling off after a hard day's hunt trekking through the Kalahari sand."
I think if they are going to hunt lions it should be with a spear, semi naked, and a good pair of boots.
Hmm. There are too many unwanted babies in the world. We need to remove some gonads. Men might want their gonads, but, alas, they gotta go.

That is what guys like this dude want for women. Our bodies. Our choice. But he wants that choice taken away. So...I want to take his gonads. Sound fair?

I don't want your body, your contraception, or anything of yours. When you create another life though, a life that has no choice, then that's a different matter.
I am more worried about the babies murdered at planned parenthood. I am a Racial Socialist. In simple terms economically socialist socially conservative.
Racial socialist would mean you are a racists...that is a socialist.....
Actually it doesn't but continue guessing what my ideology is.
Well I am sure you will continue to move the hash marks, buy we'll find them and smoke them anywhey...
No need to move anything son. You know NOTHING about racial socialism therefore have NO LEG to stand on when trying to comment on it. Its that simple.
Hmm. There are too many unwanted babies in the world. We need to remove some gonads. Men might want their gonads, but, alas, they gotta go.

That is what guys like this dude want for women. Our bodies. Our choice. But he wants that choice taken away. So...I want to take his gonads. Sound fair?

I don't want your body, your contraception, or anything of yours. When you create another life though, a life that has no choice, then that's a different matter.
Not when a woman didn't ask for that life to be "created" and it was forced upon her.
My body. My choice. Womans body. Womans choice. Don't like it? Tough. Hand over yer balls.

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