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Lions, tigers and babies....oh my? Which do you value more? State your political leanings please.

Which means more to you?

  • 1) the death of Cecil the lion

  • 2) the death of the babies at planned parenthood

Results are only viewable after voting.
Most cons don't care about women or babies. What they care about is punishing women for having sex (especially single women) and those who do not follow their "religious beliefs," and their tax payer dollars going to provide low income and poor women with "free stuff." They are the MOST greedy and selfish sons of bitches ever.
Well you do have a good point.

One cannot convince someone that abortion is very wrong and sinful if they do not have any care or concern about God.

So just to correct you --- this is not about punishing women for having sex, it is about the evils of abortion. Because we believe that God is real and His Word is for our benefit. Wanton sex has negative consequences for many obvious moral reasons. The fact we disagree does not change that.

So we can assume that you were a virgin when you married? Maybe you are still a virgin? :D

So I can assume you will be skirting around my main points. Ok.

I was not a virgin. Pre-marital sex is sinful and I can understand why. I do go to confession regularly and confess my sins as the Bible so instructs, as the Catholic Church heavily emphasizes its importance and benefits.

God does not care nearly so much how many times we fail, as He does how many times we try. How many times we repent, confess our weaknesses and try again. In most cases, things get better and easier.
Most cons don't care about women or babies. What they care about is punishing women for having sex (especially single women) and those who do not follow their "religious beliefs," and their tax payer dollars going to provide low income and poor women with "free stuff." They are the MOST greedy and selfish sons of bitches ever.
Well you do have a good point.

One cannot convince someone that abortion is very wrong and sinful if they do not have any care or concern about God.

So just to correct you --- this is not about punishing women for having sex, it is about the evils of abortion. Because we believe that God is real and His Word is for our benefit. Wanton sex has negative consequences for many obvious moral reasons. The fact we disagree does not change that.

You might not be able to convince an atheist that abortion is a sin. But plenty of them think abortion is wrong. This idea that you must be religious to be moral is ridiculous.
Most cons don't care about women or babies. What they care about is punishing women for having sex (especially single women) and those who do not follow their "religious beliefs," and their tax payer dollars going to provide low income and poor women with "free stuff." They are the MOST greedy and selfish sons of bitches ever.
Well you do have a good point.

One cannot convince someone that abortion is very wrong and sinful if they do not have any care or concern about God.

So just to correct you --- this is not about punishing women for having sex, it is about the evils of abortion. Because we believe that God is real and His Word is for our benefit. Wanton sex has negative consequences for many obvious moral reasons. The fact we disagree does not change that.

So we can assume that you were a virgin when you married? Maybe you are still a virgin? :D

So I can assume you will be skirting around my main points. Ok.

I was not a virgin. Pre-marital sex is sinful and I can understand why. I do go to confession regularly and confess my sins as the Bible so instructs, as the Catholic Church heavily emphasizes its importance and benefits.

God does not care nearly so much how many times we fail, as He does how many times we try. How many times we repent, confess our weaknesses and try again. In most cases, things get better and easier.

So if the woman repents and goes to confession after her abortion, all is well?
Most cons don't care about women or babies. What they care about is punishing women for having sex (especially single women) and those who do not follow their "religious beliefs," and their tax payer dollars going to provide low income and poor women with "free stuff." They are the MOST greedy and selfish sons of bitches ever.
Well you do have a good point.

One cannot convince someone that abortion is very wrong and sinful if they do not have any care or concern about God.

So just to correct you --- this is not about punishing women for having sex, it is about the evils of abortion. Because we believe that God is real and His Word is for our benefit. Wanton sex has negative consequences for many obvious moral reasons. The fact we disagree does not change that.

So we can assume that you were a virgin when you married? Maybe you are still a virgin? :D

So I can assume you will be skirting around my main points. Ok.

I was not a virgin. Pre-marital sex is sinful and I can understand why. I do go to confession regularly and confess my sins as the Bible so instructs, as the Catholic Church heavily emphasizes its importance and benefits.

God does not care nearly so much how many times we fail, as He does how many times we try. How many times we repent, confess our weaknesses and try again. In most cases, things get better and easier.

So you are a hypocrite. Thanks for admitting. :D

Also, where in the Bible specifically does it say that we should have no compassion, not tolerate people making mistakes and to judge and punish them for what we see as "sinning?"
Where in the bible does it say to not help and to condemn those who have made errors or have sinned?
What a crock of fucking shit. It's okay for YOU to sin because you can just ask your fairy godfather for forgiveness? A cop out for your own human weaknesses, blaming the "devil."
Yer preaching to Bonzi about Catholics. Catholics to Bonzi=BAD.

The word "preaching" gets such negative responses.

All I was doing was offering my opinion to RKBrown.

I am unfluttered by those Christians who find Catholicism so wrong. Jesus said "father forgive them, they know not what they do."

I think there are Catholic's who are Christian.
Just because I think much of their doctrine and their ritualism is unbiblical doesn't mean I hate Catholics.
That's like saying because I don't approve of the Gay lifestyle I hate Gay's.

Very ignorant remark Gracie
So let's recap.

You rewrote bible excerpts to replace them with your own writing that was the opposite of the original text, but quoted it as if it were the original text. This to try to win an argument about what the bible actually says vs. what you claim it says. FYI: citing your opinion as biblical text, esp. when your opinion of the cited text is the OPPOSITE of what you say it says... yeah that's gonna raise people's ire. You literally wrote and claimed your version of a bible. But you failed to cite the fact that the bible you were quoting was written by Bonzi.

Then when you get called out for it and Gracie puts you on "ignore" you go out of your way to respond to her claiming that her remark was "ignorant." This knowing that she has placed you on ignore. FYI when you are placed on ignore that means people can't see your posts.

I quoted the Bible as per the interpretation I know it to be.
I am not perfect, never claimed to be. I will admit when I'm wrong. This scripture may have not been the correct one to use, that being said, I still believe animals don't have souls.
I didn't realize she had put me on ignore. I either didn't read that in her post, or forgot it.
Her comments are ignorant, either way because she said I think Catholics are "bad" which is not true.
I don't care if she sees that I said that or not honestly..........it was a general statement for the thread.....
Yer preaching to Bonzi about Catholics. Catholics to Bonzi=BAD.

The word "preaching" gets such negative responses.

All I was doing was offering my opinion to RKBrown.

I am unfluttered by those Christians who find Catholicism so wrong. Jesus said "father forgive them, they know not what they do."

I think there are Catholic's who are Christian.
Just because I think much of their doctrine and their ritualism is unbiblical doesn't mean I hate Catholics.
That's like saying because I don't approve of the Gay lifestyle I hate Gay's.

Very ignorant remark Gracie
So let's recap.

You rewrote bible excerpts to replace them with your own writing that was the opposite of the original text, but quoted it as if it were the original text. This to try to win an argument about what the bible actually says vs. what you claim it says. FYI: citing your opinion as biblical text, esp. when your opinion of the cited text is the OPPOSITE of what you say it says... yeah that's gonna raise people's ire. You literally wrote and claimed your version of a bible. But you failed to cite the fact that the bible you were quoting was written by Bonzi.

Then when you get called out for it and Gracie puts you on "ignore" you go out of your way to respond to her claiming that her remark was "ignorant." This knowing that she has placed you on ignore. FYI when you are placed on ignore that means people can't see your posts.

I quoted the Bible as per the interpretation I know it to be.
I am not perfect, never claimed to be. I will admit when I'm wrong. This scripture may have not been the correct one to use, that being said, I still believe animals don't have souls.
I didn't realize she had put me on ignore. I either didn't read that in her post, or forgot it.
Her comments are ignorant, either way because she said I think Catholics are "bad" which is not true.
I don't care if she sees that I said that or not honestly..........it was a general statement for the thread.....

Well, thank geebus, your views are not universal nor are they universally accepted views. Perhaps it is better to say nothing at all sometimes.
Most cons don't care about women or babies. What they care about is punishing women for having sex (especially single women) and those who do not follow their "religious beliefs," and their tax payer dollars going to provide low income and poor women with "free stuff." They are the MOST greedy and selfish sons of bitches ever.

So let me get this straight.

You think most conservatives don't care about women or babies.

You think that what most conservatives care about is punishing women for having sex.

You think most conservatives want to punish women who do not follow their "religious beliefs."

You think most conservatives want to punish women on welfare.

You think conservatives are the MOST greedy and selfish sons of bitches ever.

So basically either you or some women you know are running around having sex out of wedlock and then blaming conservatives afterwards and demanding that conservatives pay you for having sex.

Not that I'm gonna pay a woman for sex, but if I did I'd expect it to be with me not someone else. Why should I pay you to have sex? I'm not even interested in having sex with you.
Last edited:
You might not be able to convince an atheist that abortion is a sin. But plenty of them think abortion is wrong. This idea that you must be religious to be moral is ridiculous.
I was not implying that all those who have no belief in God do not have a moral conscious. However, I am sure the numbers and facts would bear it out that those who do not care about God or believe in God are far more likely to engage in sexually "sinful' practices. YES, I KNOW Christians commit adultery and engage in pre-marital sex, but I am sure their belief in hell, purgatory and the punishment of sin is a major deterrent as well. I know it is for Catholics. So to suggest religion does not formulate one's conscious and actions a profound way would be false in many or most cases, IMO.

You also said: >>So if the woman repents and goes to confession after her abortion, all is well?<<

"All is well?" Not quite. Are her sins forgiven? Absolutely, unless her confession was not sincere or if she held some known sin back. But there is a very real difference between being "saved" and "being allowed into the kingdom undefiled." If some continually sin, even though they go to confession regularly, I am quite certain they will find themselves in purgatory for a spell before being allowed into heaven. One cannot mock God, so to speak.

I will not take the time to make this case more fully. But I will say this --- David sinned against God by committing adultery with Bathsheba and followed up with greater sins after that. God sent His prophet Nathan who convicted David of his sin and caused enormous remorse and sorrow. Davide repented was forgiven, but still he was punished. So sin will still have its consequences if it is of an egregious nature or repeated endlessly.

2 Sam 12:13-18, “David said to Nathan, ‘I have sinned against the Lord.’ And Nathan said to David, ‘The Lord also has put away your sin; you shall not die. Nevertheless, because by this deed you have utterly scorned the Lord, the child that is born to you shall die.’ And the Lord struck the child that Uriah’s wife bore to David, and it became sick…On the seventh day the child died.” Catholic Scriptural Principle #1 – there is punishment for sin even after one has received forgiveness.
Planned parenthood wants their latest activities to be about abortion so their barbarity will be excused. They have gone to a whole new level of depravity with the selling of body parts and organs.

The only surprising part is how many people are fooled by the claim that they only charge a handling fee. If you believe that do you also feel that the latest as seen on tv fad is absolutely free. Just send your $14.95 shipping and handling fee.
Most cons don't care about women or babies. What they care about is punishing women for having sex (especially single women) and those who do not follow their "religious beliefs," and their tax payer dollars going to provide low income and poor women with "free stuff." They are the MOST greedy and selfish sons of bitches ever.

So let me get this straight.

You think most conservatives don't care about women or babies.

You think all that most conservatives care about is punishing women for having sex.

You think most conservatives want to punish women who do not follow their "religious beliefs."

You think most conservatives want to punish women on welfare.

You think conservatives are the MOST greedy and selfish sons of bitches ever.

So basically either you or some women you know are running around having sex out of wedlock and then blaming conservatives afterwards and demanding that conservatives pay you for having sex.

Not that I'm gonna pay a woman for sex, but if I did I'd expect it to be with me not someone else. Why should I pay you to have sex? I'm not even interested in having sex with you.

You're an idiot.
Yer preaching to Bonzi about Catholics. Catholics to Bonzi=BAD.

The word "preaching" gets such negative responses.

All I was doing was offering my opinion to RKBrown.

I am unfluttered by those Christians who find Catholicism so wrong. Jesus said "father forgive them, they know not what they do."

I think there are Catholic's who are Christian.
Just because I think much of their doctrine and their ritualism is unbiblical doesn't mean I hate Catholics.
That's like saying because I don't approve of the Gay lifestyle I hate Gay's.

Very ignorant remark Gracie
So let's recap.

You rewrote bible excerpts to replace them with your own writing that was the opposite of the original text, but quoted it as if it were the original text. This to try to win an argument about what the bible actually says vs. what you claim it says. FYI: citing your opinion as biblical text, esp. when your opinion of the cited text is the OPPOSITE of what you say it says... yeah that's gonna raise people's ire. You literally wrote and claimed your version of a bible. But you failed to cite the fact that the bible you were quoting was written by Bonzi.

Then when you get called out for it and Gracie puts you on "ignore" you go out of your way to respond to her claiming that her remark was "ignorant." This knowing that she has placed you on ignore. FYI when you are placed on ignore that means people can't see your posts.

I quoted the Bible as per the interpretation I know it to be.
I am not perfect, never claimed to be. I will admit when I'm wrong. This scripture may have not been the correct one to use, that being said, I still believe animals don't have souls.
I didn't realize she had put me on ignore. I either didn't read that in her post, or forgot it.
Her comments are ignorant, either way because she said I think Catholics are "bad" which is not true.
I don't care if she sees that I said that or not honestly..........it was a general statement for the thread.....

Well, thank geebus, your views are not universal nor are they universally accepted views. Perhaps it is better to say nothing at all sometimes.

Better for who? Do you think I care what you or anyone else here thinks about me....

Think again..........
You might not be able to convince an atheist that abortion is a sin. But plenty of them think abortion is wrong. This idea that you must be religious to be moral is ridiculous.
I was not implying that all those who have no belief in God do not have a moral conscious. However, I am sure the numbers and facts would bear it out that those who do not care about God or believe in God are far more likely to engage in sexually "sinful' practices. YES, I KNOW Christians commit adultery and engage in pre-marital sex, but I am sure their belief in hell, purgatory and the punishment of sin is a major deterrent as well. I know it is for Catholics. So to suggest religion does not formulate one's conscious and actions a profound way would be false in many or most cases, IMO.

You also said: >>So if the woman repents and goes to confession after her abortion, all is well?<<

"All is well?" Not quite. Are her sins forgiven? Absolutely, unless her confession was not sincere or if she held some known sin back. But there is a very real difference between being "saved" and "being allowed into the kingdom undefiled." If some continually sin, even though they go to confession regularly, I am quite certain they will find themselves in purgatory for a spell before being allowed into heaven. One cannot mock God, so to speak.

I will not take the time to make this case more fully. But I will say this --- David sinned against God by committing adultery with Bathsheba and followed up with greater sins after that. God went His prophet Nathan who convicted David of his sin and caused enormous remorse and sorrow. Davide repented was forgiven, but still he was punished. So sin will still have its consequences if it is of an egregious nature or repeated endlessly.

2 Sam 12:13-18, “David said to Nathan, ‘I have sinned against the Lord.’ And Nathan said to David, ‘The Lord also has put away your sin; you shall not die. Nevertheless, because by this deed you have utterly scorned the Lord, the child that is born to you shall die.’ And the Lord struck the child that Uriah’s wife bore to David, and it became sick…On the seventh day the child died.” Catholic Scriptural Principle #1 – there is punishment for sin even after one has received forgiveness.

What a load of crap. I've had plenty of alleged "Christian conservative" married men try to hit on me. You are not special. You are only a hypocrite.
The word "preaching" gets such negative responses.

All I was doing was offering my opinion to RKBrown.

I am unfluttered by those Christians who find Catholicism so wrong. Jesus said "father forgive them, they know not what they do."

I think there are Catholic's who are Christian.
Just because I think much of their doctrine and their ritualism is unbiblical doesn't mean I hate Catholics.
That's like saying because I don't approve of the Gay lifestyle I hate Gay's.

Very ignorant remark Gracie
So let's recap.

You rewrote bible excerpts to replace them with your own writing that was the opposite of the original text, but quoted it as if it were the original text. This to try to win an argument about what the bible actually says vs. what you claim it says. FYI: citing your opinion as biblical text, esp. when your opinion of the cited text is the OPPOSITE of what you say it says... yeah that's gonna raise people's ire. You literally wrote and claimed your version of a bible. But you failed to cite the fact that the bible you were quoting was written by Bonzi.

Then when you get called out for it and Gracie puts you on "ignore" you go out of your way to respond to her claiming that her remark was "ignorant." This knowing that she has placed you on ignore. FYI when you are placed on ignore that means people can't see your posts.

I quoted the Bible as per the interpretation I know it to be.
I am not perfect, never claimed to be. I will admit when I'm wrong. This scripture may have not been the correct one to use, that being said, I still believe animals don't have souls.
I didn't realize she had put me on ignore. I either didn't read that in her post, or forgot it.
Her comments are ignorant, either way because she said I think Catholics are "bad" which is not true.
I don't care if she sees that I said that or not honestly..........it was a general statement for the thread.....

Well, thank geebus, your views are not universal nor are they universally accepted views. Perhaps it is better to say nothing at all sometimes.

Better for who? Do you think I care what you or anyone else here thinks about me....

Think again..........

Good, then you can stop being a preachy PITA at any time. :)
Most cons don't care about women or babies. What they care about is punishing women for having sex (especially single women) and those who do not follow their "religious beliefs," and their tax payer dollars going to provide low income and poor women with "free stuff." They are the MOST greedy and selfish sons of bitches ever.
Well you do have a good point.

One cannot convince someone that abortion is very wrong and sinful if they do not have any care or concern about God.

So just to correct you --- this is not about punishing women for having sex, it is about the evils of abortion. Because we believe that God is real and His Word is for our benefit. Wanton sex has negative consequences for many obvious moral reasons. The fact we disagree does not change that.

So we can assume that you were a virgin when you married? Maybe you are still a virgin? :D

So I can assume you will be skirting around my main points. Ok.

I was not a virgin. Pre-marital sex is sinful and I can understand why. I do go to confession regularly and confess my sins as the Bible so instructs, as the Catholic Church heavily emphasizes its importance and benefits.

God does not care nearly so much how many times we fail, as He does how many times we try. How many times we repent, confess our weaknesses and try again. In most cases, things get better and easier.

So if the woman repents and goes to confession after her abortion, all is well?
That is correct for Catholics.
Yer preaching to Bonzi about Catholics. Catholics to Bonzi=BAD.

The word "preaching" gets such negative responses.

All I was doing was offering my opinion to RKBrown.

I am unfluttered by those Christians who find Catholicism so wrong. Jesus said "father forgive them, they know not what they do."

I think there are Catholic's who are Christian.
Just because I think much of their doctrine and their ritualism is unbiblical doesn't mean I hate Catholics.
That's like saying because I don't approve of the Gay lifestyle I hate Gay's.

Very ignorant remark Gracie
So let's recap.

You rewrote bible excerpts to replace them with your own writing that was the opposite of the original text, but quoted it as if it were the original text. This to try to win an argument about what the bible actually says vs. what you claim it says. FYI: citing your opinion as biblical text, esp. when your opinion of the cited text is the OPPOSITE of what you say it says... yeah that's gonna raise people's ire. You literally wrote and claimed your version of a bible. But you failed to cite the fact that the bible you were quoting was written by Bonzi.

Then when you get called out for it and Gracie puts you on "ignore" you go out of your way to respond to her claiming that her remark was "ignorant." This knowing that she has placed you on ignore. FYI when you are placed on ignore that means people can't see your posts.

I quoted the Bible as per the interpretation I know it to be.
I am not perfect, never claimed to be. I will admit when I'm wrong. This scripture may have not been the correct one to use, that being said, I still believe animals don't have souls.
I didn't realize she had put me on ignore. I either didn't read that in her post, or forgot it.
Her comments are ignorant, either way because she said I think Catholics are "bad" which is not true.
I don't care if she sees that I said that or not honestly..........it was a general statement for the thread.....
Stop making stuff up. Just admit it... you quoted a portion of the bible then changed the parts you did not like. You purposefully changed the text of the bible because it didn't say what you wanted it to say. FYI sometimes we are taught things that are not true. Then those things get ingrained in our heads and we make assumptions about the truth of the teachings. Then when confronted with new information our brains reject the new information as false because it conflicts with our memories.
I'll ask you this... what possible harm do you think will come to you if animals do in fact have a spirit or a soul so to speak? Is it because you eat meat? Do you think the animals you ate will torment you in hell or something?
Most religious people are nothing but hypocrites and use their religion and "repentance" as an excuse to commit their own "sins." Oh what? Then later on, it's like, please forgive me God because "the devil made me do it." Lol. :lol: Yeah RIIIIGHT. You sin because you want to, knowing full well what you are doing IS in fact a sin according to your own religious beliefs and then have a way to cop out. Hypocrites and cowards.
Planned parenthood wants their latest activities to be about abortion so their barbarity will be excused. They have gone to a whole new level of depravity with the selling of body parts and organs.

The only surprising part is how many people are fooled by the claim that they only charge a handling fee. If you believe that do you also feel that the latest as seen on tv fad is absolutely free. Just send your $14.95 shipping and handling fee.

First of all, abortion is legal. Second of all, PP does not solicit women for abortions.

That all being understood, the remains of the babies can either be thrown in an incinerator or used to save lives. Which would you prefer?
You might not be able to convince an atheist that abortion is a sin. But plenty of them think abortion is wrong. This idea that you must be religious to be moral is ridiculous.
I was not implying that all those who have no belief in God do not have a moral conscious. However, I am sure the numbers and facts would bear it out that those who do not care about God or believe in God are far more likely to engage in sexually "sinful' practices. YES, I KNOW Christians commit adultery and engage in pre-marital sex, but I am sure their belief in hell, purgatory and the punishment of sin is a major deterrent as well. I know it is for Catholics. So to suggest religion does not formulate one's conscious and actions a profound way would be false in many or most cases, IMO.

You also said: >>So if the woman repents and goes to confession after her abortion, all is well?<<

"All is well?" Not quite. Are her sins forgiven? Absolutely, unless her confession was not sincere or if she held some known sin back. But there is a very real difference between being "saved" and "being allowed into the kingdom undefiled." If some continually sin, even though they go to confession regularly, I am quite certain they will find themselves in purgatory for a spell before being allowed into heaven. One cannot mock God, so to speak.

I will not take the time to make this case more fully. But I will say this --- David sinned against God by committing adultery with Bathsheba and followed up with greater sins after that. God went His prophet Nathan who convicted David of his sin and caused enormous remorse and sorrow. Davide repented was forgiven, but still he was punished. So sin will still have its consequences if it is of an egregious nature or repeated endlessly.

2 Sam 12:13-18, “David said to Nathan, ‘I have sinned against the Lord.’ And Nathan said to David, ‘The Lord also has put away your sin; you shall not die. Nevertheless, because by this deed you have utterly scorned the Lord, the child that is born to you shall die.’ And the Lord struck the child that Uriah’s wife bore to David, and it became sick…On the seventh day the child died.” Catholic Scriptural Principle #1 – there is punishment for sin even after one has received forgiveness.

What a load of crap. I've had plenty of alleged "Christian conservative" married men try to hit on me. You are not special. You are only a hypocrite.

You appear to make life easy for yourself by pointing out Christians are sinners and therefore you are not accountable to anyone for your own actions.

I already admitted that sinful nature remains, but for many, if not most, sincere Christians, their devotion, prayers and attempts to be obedient to God DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Either you do not want to believe it or you do not want to believe in God period.

Yes, there are many Christian men who struggle with their sexual urges. Calling them hypocrites is the easy way for you to dismiss the whole matter. As well as ignoring many others who have triumphed (more or less) over many of their temptations.

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