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Lions, tigers and babies....oh my? Which do you value more? State your political leanings please.

Which means more to you?

  • 1) the death of Cecil the lion

  • 2) the death of the babies at planned parenthood

Results are only viewable after voting.
So let's recap.

You rewrote bible excerpts to replace them with your own writing that was the opposite of the original text, but quoted it as if it were the original text. This to try to win an argument about what the bible actually says vs. what you claim it says. FYI: citing your opinion as biblical text, esp. when your opinion of the cited text is the OPPOSITE of what you say it says... yeah that's gonna raise people's ire. You literally wrote and claimed your version of a bible. But you failed to cite the fact that the bible you were quoting was written by Bonzi.

Then when you get called out for it and Gracie puts you on "ignore" you go out of your way to respond to her claiming that her remark was "ignorant." This knowing that she has placed you on ignore. FYI when you are placed on ignore that means people can't see your posts.

I quoted the Bible as per the interpretation I know it to be.
I am not perfect, never claimed to be. I will admit when I'm wrong. This scripture may have not been the correct one to use, that being said, I still believe animals don't have souls.
I didn't realize she had put me on ignore. I either didn't read that in her post, or forgot it.
Her comments are ignorant, either way because she said I think Catholics are "bad" which is not true.
I don't care if she sees that I said that or not honestly..........it was a general statement for the thread.....

Well, thank geebus, your views are not universal nor are they universally accepted views. Perhaps it is better to say nothing at all sometimes.
Perhaps. But then how would we learn and become better people? I think it's ok to express views.. esp. if we are willing to explore and discuss the merits of those views.

Sorry, but many of the "views" expressed here are just ignorant and not at all informative or educational. In fact, a lot of the so-called "religious" posters are very good examples of how NOT to be, IMO.
Do you count yourself in that group? Cause your post attacking conservatives was wrong and out of line.

No it is not wrong, not in this forum at least. They are some of the MOST hateful and hypocritical people I have EVER met.
It's just funny to me, you know? Oh, I have a "relationship" with God and I know what is best, even though I do NOT do it. but it's cool because I tell God I'm sorry later. :lol: Good geebus, we are SCREWED when these people are actually taken seriously.
If you were truly sorry for your sins, you would change. Maybe slowly, but it would make a difference in many facets of your life.

Calling anyone a hypocrite because they still sin is a weak argument and really does miss the teaching of the gospel and the reality of forgiveness and grace.
Well, the Lion has no soul.

But, the Babies are in heaven... but, they had a right to live.....

Humans will always take precedence over animals.
nothing or more annoying that $ being spent on animals.
You're wrong, we are but a type of animal.. all animals have a soul. Man's claim to be the only animal with a soul is just hubris.

I don't believe that is true....I don't think God created animals with souls....but we can ask him when we move on...

i believe they do

i cant imagine heaven without my pets

Many people feel that way.
I just wish people felt that way about God.... he loves us unconditionally too.....

of course he does
Well, the Lion has no soul.

But, the Babies are in heaven... but, they had a right to live.....

Humans will always take precedence over animals.
nothing or more annoying that $ being spent on animals.
You're wrong, we are but a type of animal.. all animals have a soul. Man's claim to be the only animal with a soul is just hubris.

I don't believe that is true....I don't think God created animals with souls....but we can ask him when we move on...

i believe they do

i cant imagine heaven without my pets

Many people feel that way.
I just wish people felt that way about God.... he loves us unconditionally too.....

Well, that's nothing but a LIE. You'd better pray for forgiveness. :D
It's just funny to me, you know? Oh, I have a "relationship" with God and I know what is best, even though I do NOT do it. but it's cool because I tell God I'm sorry later. :lol: Good geebus, we are SCREWED when these people are actually taken seriously.
If you were truly sorry for your sins, you would change. Maybe slowly, but it would make a difference in many facets of your life.

Calling anyone a hypocrite because they still sin is a weak argument and really does miss the teaching of the gospel and the reality of forgiveness and grace.

I'm not talking about ME, moron. I'm talking in general terms. Don't try to make it personal.
It's just funny to me, you know? Oh, I have a "relationship" with God and I know what is best, even though I do NOT do it. but it's cool because I tell God I'm sorry later. :lol: Good geebus, we are SCREWED when these people are actually taken seriously.
If you were truly sorry for your sins, you would change. Maybe slowly, but it would make a difference in many facets of your life.

Calling anyone a hypocrite because they still sin is a weak argument and really does miss the teaching of the gospel and the reality of forgiveness and grace.

Oh, and yes, you are a hypocrite and ignorant, IMO. :) In fact, from my experience, man-made religion believers are not very "nice" or "forgiving" or "giving" people at all. They are judgmental, preachy and hypocrites. That is what you encounter more often than not with the so-called "believers."
I think there are Catholic's who are Christian.
Just because I think much of their doctrine and their ritualism is unbiblical doesn't mean I hate Catholics.
That's like saying because I don't approve of the Gay lifestyle I hate Gay's.

Very ignorant remark Gracie
So let's recap.

You rewrote bible excerpts to replace them with your own writing that was the opposite of the original text, but quoted it as if it were the original text. This to try to win an argument about what the bible actually says vs. what you claim it says. FYI: citing your opinion as biblical text, esp. when your opinion of the cited text is the OPPOSITE of what you say it says... yeah that's gonna raise people's ire. You literally wrote and claimed your version of a bible. But you failed to cite the fact that the bible you were quoting was written by Bonzi.

Then when you get called out for it and Gracie puts you on "ignore" you go out of your way to respond to her claiming that her remark was "ignorant." This knowing that she has placed you on ignore. FYI when you are placed on ignore that means people can't see your posts.

I quoted the Bible as per the interpretation I know it to be.
I am not perfect, never claimed to be. I will admit when I'm wrong. This scripture may have not been the correct one to use, that being said, I still believe animals don't have souls.
I didn't realize she had put me on ignore. I either didn't read that in her post, or forgot it.
Her comments are ignorant, either way because she said I think Catholics are "bad" which is not true.
I don't care if she sees that I said that or not honestly..........it was a general statement for the thread.....
Stop making stuff up. Just admit it... you quoted a portion of the bible then changed the parts you did not like. You purposefully changed the text of the bible because it didn't say what you wanted it to say. FYI sometimes we are taught things that are not true. Then those things get ingrained in our heads and we make assumptions about the truth of the teachings. Then when confronted with new information our brains reject the new information as false because it conflicts with our memories.
I'll ask you this... what possible harm do you think will come to you if animals do in fact have a spirit or a soul so to speak? Is it because you eat meat? Do you think the animals you ate will torment you in hell or something?

I never said it was harmful...
The only harmful think I see if people placing more emphasis on things other than God and other human lives.
It's sad that people value a dog (or a lion) more than a human life.....

It's incredibly arrogant of you to start threads about sex and other things, which goes against your strict religious beliefs, claim you are a Christian who is "working on it" and then to denigrate or preach to others about their flaws. Do you understand that?

I understand what you are saying, but I don't do that.... (denigrate others) - if my stating my beliefs and what I feel God requires of us is offensive to people, that is not an attack on them. It's just me stating my beliefs.

I know you don't like or appreciate what I have to say. And that's fine, you don't have to.

I make my choices and live with them, and answer only to 1 - God.
So let's recap.

You rewrote bible excerpts to replace them with your own writing that was the opposite of the original text, but quoted it as if it were the original text. This to try to win an argument about what the bible actually says vs. what you claim it says. FYI: citing your opinion as biblical text, esp. when your opinion of the cited text is the OPPOSITE of what you say it says... yeah that's gonna raise people's ire. You literally wrote and claimed your version of a bible. But you failed to cite the fact that the bible you were quoting was written by Bonzi.

Then when you get called out for it and Gracie puts you on "ignore" you go out of your way to respond to her claiming that her remark was "ignorant." This knowing that she has placed you on ignore. FYI when you are placed on ignore that means people can't see your posts.

I quoted the Bible as per the interpretation I know it to be.
I am not perfect, never claimed to be. I will admit when I'm wrong. This scripture may have not been the correct one to use, that being said, I still believe animals don't have souls.
I didn't realize she had put me on ignore. I either didn't read that in her post, or forgot it.
Her comments are ignorant, either way because she said I think Catholics are "bad" which is not true.
I don't care if she sees that I said that or not honestly..........it was a general statement for the thread.....
Stop making stuff up. Just admit it... you quoted a portion of the bible then changed the parts you did not like. You purposefully changed the text of the bible because it didn't say what you wanted it to say. FYI sometimes we are taught things that are not true. Then those things get ingrained in our heads and we make assumptions about the truth of the teachings. Then when confronted with new information our brains reject the new information as false because it conflicts with our memories.
I'll ask you this... what possible harm do you think will come to you if animals do in fact have a spirit or a soul so to speak? Is it because you eat meat? Do you think the animals you ate will torment you in hell or something?

I never said it was harmful...
The only harmful think I see if people placing more emphasis on things other than God and other human lives.
It's sad that people value a dog (or a lion) more than a human life.....

It's incredibly arrogant of you to start threads about sex and other things, which goes against your strict religious beliefs, claim you are a Christian who is "working on it" and then to denigrate or preach to others about their flaws. Do you understand that?

I understand what you are saying, but I don't do that.... (denigrate others) - if my stating my beliefs and what I feel God requires of us is offensive to people, that is not an attack on them. It's just me stating my beliefs.

I know you don't like or appreciate what I have to say. And that's fine, you don't have to.

I make my choices and live with them, and answer only to 1 - God.

Yes you do. You do exactly that. You imply that others are not as "good" because they might have a different belief system than you do. You assume that you know all about God and what he wants and that you have some special relationship with him that others would not understand. You are a hypocritical religious fanatic who is obviously sexually frustrated. :)
Most cons don't care about women or babies. What they care about is punishing women for having sex (especially single women) and those who do not follow their "religious beliefs," and their tax payer dollars going to provide low income and poor women with "free stuff." They are the MOST greedy and selfish sons of bitches ever.

So let me get this straight.

You think most conservatives don't care about women or babies.

You think all that most conservatives care about is punishing women for having sex.

You think most conservatives want to punish women who do not follow their "religious beliefs."

You think most conservatives want to punish women on welfare.

You think conservatives are the MOST greedy and selfish sons of bitches ever.

So basically either you or some women you know are running around having sex out of wedlock and then blaming conservatives afterwards and demanding that conservatives pay you for having sex.

Not that I'm gonna pay a woman for sex, but if I did I'd expect it to be with me not someone else. Why should I pay you to have sex? I'm not even interested in having sex with you.

You're an idiot.
I'm an idiot? Most of that post merely repeated exactly what you said. Are you saying repeating what you say is idiocy?

Most conservatives would rather donate to charities and help their own family members out with their income... than be forced to pay for hand-outs through government redistribution of income. Don't confuse our hate for forced income redistribution, with our views on charity. I believe in hand-ups and helping out your family, friends, and neighbors. I don't like hand-out systems or being forced to provide hand-outs through income redistribution systems. Do you see the difference? Do you understand the difference between voluntary charity and forced income redistribution? Do you understand the benefits of hand-ups vs hand-outs?

If you don't understand any of these basic facts about conservative views on these issues, then I can understand why you hate conservatives so much. It's because you are ignorant of these basic differences between voluntary charity for hand-ups and forced income redistribution systems.
I quoted the Bible as per the interpretation I know it to be.
I am not perfect, never claimed to be. I will admit when I'm wrong. This scripture may have not been the correct one to use, that being said, I still believe animals don't have souls.
I didn't realize she had put me on ignore. I either didn't read that in her post, or forgot it.
Her comments are ignorant, either way because she said I think Catholics are "bad" which is not true.
I don't care if she sees that I said that or not honestly..........it was a general statement for the thread.....
Stop making stuff up. Just admit it... you quoted a portion of the bible then changed the parts you did not like. You purposefully changed the text of the bible because it didn't say what you wanted it to say. FYI sometimes we are taught things that are not true. Then those things get ingrained in our heads and we make assumptions about the truth of the teachings. Then when confronted with new information our brains reject the new information as false because it conflicts with our memories.
I'll ask you this... what possible harm do you think will come to you if animals do in fact have a spirit or a soul so to speak? Is it because you eat meat? Do you think the animals you ate will torment you in hell or something?

I never said it was harmful...
The only harmful think I see if people placing more emphasis on things other than God and other human lives.
It's sad that people value a dog (or a lion) more than a human life.....

It's incredibly arrogant of you to start threads about sex and other things, which goes against your strict religious beliefs, claim you are a Christian who is "working on it" and then to denigrate or preach to others about their flaws. Do you understand that?

I understand what you are saying, but I don't do that.... (denigrate others) - if my stating my beliefs and what I feel God requires of us is offensive to people, that is not an attack on them. It's just me stating my beliefs.

I know you don't like or appreciate what I have to say. And that's fine, you don't have to.

I make my choices and live with them, and answer only to 1 - God.

Yes you do. You do exactly that. You imply that others are not as "good" because they might have a different belief system than you do. You assume that you know all about God and what he wants and that you have some special relationship with him that others would not understand. You are a hypocritical religious fanatic who is obviously sexually frustrated. :)

Well, that is your opinion and you have a right to it.
But, I'm telling you, I do not claim to "know it all" and, as I have stated before, I have a lot of growing to do in my Christian walk.... how people take or interpret what I say I can't help. I can only try to try to make clear my intentions.... and people can either believe it or not....
Most cons don't care about women or babies. What they care about is punishing women for having sex (especially single women) and those who do not follow their "religious beliefs," and their tax payer dollars going to provide low income and poor women with "free stuff." They are the MOST greedy and selfish sons of bitches ever.

So let me get this straight.

You think most conservatives don't care about women or babies.

You think all that most conservatives care about is punishing women for having sex.

You think most conservatives want to punish women who do not follow their "religious beliefs."

You think most conservatives want to punish women on welfare.

You think conservatives are the MOST greedy and selfish sons of bitches ever.

So basically either you or some women you know are running around having sex out of wedlock and then blaming conservatives afterwards and demanding that conservatives pay you for having sex.

Not that I'm gonna pay a woman for sex, but if I did I'd expect it to be with me not someone else. Why should I pay you to have sex? I'm not even interested in having sex with you.

You're an idiot.
I'm an idiot? Most of that post merely repeated exactly what you said. Are you saying repeating what you say is idiocy?

Most conservatives would rather donate to charities and help their own family members out with their income... than be forced to pay for hand-outs through government redistribution of income. Don't confuse our hate for forced income redistribution, with our views on charity. I believe in hand-ups and helping out your family, friends, and neighbors. I don't like hand-out systems or being forced to provide hand-outs through income redistribution systems. Do you see the difference? Do you understand the difference between voluntary charity and forced income redistribution? Do you understand the benefits of hand-ups vs hand-outs?

If you don't understand any of these basic facts about conservative views on these issues, then I can understand why you hate conservatives so much. It's because you are ignorant of these basic facts of life.

Another cop out for your lack of generosity. I make less money than many people here, I'm sure, and I don't mind my tax money going to help out people who are struggling. The fact of the matter is, there is NOT enough charitable donations to help all the people in a country of more than 300 MILLION people, and I am a realist.
Stop making stuff up. Just admit it... you quoted a portion of the bible then changed the parts you did not like. You purposefully changed the text of the bible because it didn't say what you wanted it to say. FYI sometimes we are taught things that are not true. Then those things get ingrained in our heads and we make assumptions about the truth of the teachings. Then when confronted with new information our brains reject the new information as false because it conflicts with our memories.
I'll ask you this... what possible harm do you think will come to you if animals do in fact have a spirit or a soul so to speak? Is it because you eat meat? Do you think the animals you ate will torment you in hell or something?

I never said it was harmful...
The only harmful think I see if people placing more emphasis on things other than God and other human lives.
It's sad that people value a dog (or a lion) more than a human life.....

It's incredibly arrogant of you to start threads about sex and other things, which goes against your strict religious beliefs, claim you are a Christian who is "working on it" and then to denigrate or preach to others about their flaws. Do you understand that?

I understand what you are saying, but I don't do that.... (denigrate others) - if my stating my beliefs and what I feel God requires of us is offensive to people, that is not an attack on them. It's just me stating my beliefs.

I know you don't like or appreciate what I have to say. And that's fine, you don't have to.

I make my choices and live with them, and answer only to 1 - God.

Yes you do. You do exactly that. You imply that others are not as "good" because they might have a different belief system than you do. You assume that you know all about God and what he wants and that you have some special relationship with him that others would not understand. You are a hypocritical religious fanatic who is obviously sexually frustrated. :)

Well, that is your opinion and you have a right to it.
But, I'm telling you, I do not claim to "know it all" and, as I have stated before, I have a lot of growing to do in my Christian walk.... how people take or interpret what I say I can't help. I can only try to try to make clear my intentions.... and people can either believe it or not....

I disagree. You do claim to know it all. Here you go again with your religious based cop outs, while saying others "need help."
Our local food pantries had been on the local news channels last Christmas BEGGING for donations because they didn't have nearly enough.
I never said it was harmful...
The only harmful think I see if people placing more emphasis on things other than God and other human lives.
It's sad that people value a dog (or a lion) more than a human life.....

It's incredibly arrogant of you to start threads about sex and other things, which goes against your strict religious beliefs, claim you are a Christian who is "working on it" and then to denigrate or preach to others about their flaws. Do you understand that?

I understand what you are saying, but I don't do that.... (denigrate others) - if my stating my beliefs and what I feel God requires of us is offensive to people, that is not an attack on them. It's just me stating my beliefs.

I know you don't like or appreciate what I have to say. And that's fine, you don't have to.

I make my choices and live with them, and answer only to 1 - God.

Yes you do. You do exactly that. You imply that others are not as "good" because they might have a different belief system than you do. You assume that you know all about God and what he wants and that you have some special relationship with him that others would not understand. You are a hypocritical religious fanatic who is obviously sexually frustrated. :)

Well, that is your opinion and you have a right to it.
But, I'm telling you, I do not claim to "know it all" and, as I have stated before, I have a lot of growing to do in my Christian walk.... how people take or interpret what I say I can't help. I can only try to try to make clear my intentions.... and people can either believe it or not....

I disagree. You do claim to know it all. Here you go again with your religious based cop outs, while saying others "need help."

I will always believe others need God. Need to turn to Jesus as their Savior.
I will die professing that.
It's not a cop out.
Well all need a Savior..........
It's incredibly arrogant of you to start threads about sex and other things, which goes against your strict religious beliefs, claim you are a Christian who is "working on it" and then to denigrate or preach to others about their flaws. Do you understand that?

I understand what you are saying, but I don't do that.... (denigrate others) - if my stating my beliefs and what I feel God requires of us is offensive to people, that is not an attack on them. It's just me stating my beliefs.

I know you don't like or appreciate what I have to say. And that's fine, you don't have to.

I make my choices and live with them, and answer only to 1 - God.

Yes you do. You do exactly that. You imply that others are not as "good" because they might have a different belief system than you do. You assume that you know all about God and what he wants and that you have some special relationship with him that others would not understand. You are a hypocritical religious fanatic who is obviously sexually frustrated. :)

Well, that is your opinion and you have a right to it.
But, I'm telling you, I do not claim to "know it all" and, as I have stated before, I have a lot of growing to do in my Christian walk.... how people take or interpret what I say I can't help. I can only try to try to make clear my intentions.... and people can either believe it or not....

I disagree. You do claim to know it all. Here you go again with your religious based cop outs, while saying others "need help."

I will always believe others need God. Need to turn to Jesus as their Savior.
I will die professing that.
It's not a cop out.
Well all need a Savior..........

No, YOU apparently need a "savior." I'm fine, thanks.
It's just funny to me, you know? Oh, I have a "relationship" with God and I know what is best, even though I do NOT do it. but it's cool because I tell God I'm sorry later. :lol: Good geebus, we are SCREWED when these people are actually taken seriously.
If you were truly sorry for your sins, you would change. Maybe slowly, but it would make a difference in many facets of your life.

Calling anyone a hypocrite because they still sin is a weak argument and really does miss the teaching of the gospel and the reality of forgiveness and grace.

Oh, and yes, you are a hypocrite and ignorant, IMO. :) In fact, from my experience, man-made religion believers are not very "nice" or "forgiving" or "giving" people at all. They are judgmental, preachy and hypocrites. That is what you encounter more often than not with the so-called "believers."

All you are doing is looking for sins among those who dare to speak on behalf of the The Word. Well, how easy it is for you to prevail. Of course, you dare not look at the rest of the story. You do not want to acknowledge all of the virtue and charity Christianity has begot over history. That would be nothing more than a coincidence in your way of thinking.

God is not as mysterious as you would prefer. Nor are His miracles, signs and wonders and great acts of sacrifice and charity by His followers so easily dismissed as you would have it.

If you want to remain steadfast that God has no meaning in our lives by showing us what hypocrites we are because we still fail and sin, then you will triumph in the court of man and the temporal world. But upon death all will be made known.
I understand what you are saying, but I don't do that.... (denigrate others) - if my stating my beliefs and what I feel God requires of us is offensive to people, that is not an attack on them. It's just me stating my beliefs.

I know you don't like or appreciate what I have to say. And that's fine, you don't have to.

I make my choices and live with them, and answer only to 1 - God.

Yes you do. You do exactly that. You imply that others are not as "good" because they might have a different belief system than you do. You assume that you know all about God and what he wants and that you have some special relationship with him that others would not understand. You are a hypocritical religious fanatic who is obviously sexually frustrated. :)

Well, that is your opinion and you have a right to it.
But, I'm telling you, I do not claim to "know it all" and, as I have stated before, I have a lot of growing to do in my Christian walk.... how people take or interpret what I say I can't help. I can only try to try to make clear my intentions.... and people can either believe it or not....

I disagree. You do claim to know it all. Here you go again with your religious based cop outs, while saying others "need help."

I will always believe others need God. Need to turn to Jesus as their Savior.
I will die professing that.
It's not a cop out.
Well all need a Savior..........

No, YOU apparently need a "savior." I'm fine, thanks.

You are correct that I need a Savior. I would be lost without Jesus.
And I acknowledge we all have a choice in that matter......
It's just funny to me, you know? Oh, I have a "relationship" with God and I know what is best, even though I do NOT do it. but it's cool because I tell God I'm sorry later. :lol: Good geebus, we are SCREWED when these people are actually taken seriously.
If you were truly sorry for your sins, you would change. Maybe slowly, but it would make a difference in many facets of your life.

Calling anyone a hypocrite because they still sin is a weak argument and really does miss the teaching of the gospel and the reality of forgiveness and grace.

Oh, and yes, you are a hypocrite and ignorant, IMO. :) In fact, from my experience, man-made religion believers are not very "nice" or "forgiving" or "giving" people at all. They are judgmental, preachy and hypocrites. That is what you encounter more often than not with the so-called "believers."

All you are doing is looking for sins among those who dare to speak on behalf of the The Word. Well, how easy it is for you to prevail. Of course, you dare not look at the rest of the story. You do not want to acknowledge all of the virtue and charity Christianity has begot over history. That would be nothing more than a coincidence in your way of thinking.

God is not as mysterious as you would prefer. Nor are His miracles, signs and wonders and great acts of sacrifice and charity by His followers so easily dismissed as you would have it.

If you want to remain steadfast that God has no meaning in our lives by showing us what hypocrites we are because we still fail and sin, then you will triumph in the court of man and the temporal world. But upon death all will be made known.

No I don't have to look when they are blatantly obvious, staring me in the face. You are hypocrites, not because of how you choose to live your lives, but because of your judgment on others.
The only person who should ever "preach" to anyone else about sins should be one without any sin, and we all know that there is no such being exists. If you choose to live your life according to the word of some men written in some book thousands of years ago when men were pretty ignorant about the ways of the world around them, then by all means. I don't have a problem with that, but don't go around judging those who are just as "imperfect" as you are. You don't have room to talk.

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