List all the Official Findings of a Stolen "Landslide" Here.

Globalists, the deep state, and the liberal media have all conspired to conceal the evidence and proof of the stolen 2020 election
Such paranoia is needed, but why have all the Trump lickspittles been impotent in contriving any evidence to challenge the election in any legal venue, and been confined to fake news outlets and blowing gas on social media?

Are all the unknown and unnamed conspirators really that good?
It is simple logic

Trump is beloved by the people
Just attend one of his rallies….they all love Trump
Everyone on FoxNews and all the friends of Conservatives say how much he is loved

If he didn’t win, he must have been cheated

“All my friends love Trump, How could he LOSE?”
The Cry Baby Loser's four years of relentlessly dismal public assessment in a plethora of polls clearly presaged a "Landslide!" victory in the minds of Trump and Trumpers, apparently.
The Cry Baby Loser's four years of relentlessly dismal public assessment in a plethora of polls clearly presaged a "Landslide!" victory in the minds of Trump and Trumpers, apparently.

You know polls that don’t favor Trump are Fake News
Hundreds of the Trump goons who attacked the Capitol, savaging vastly-outnumbered police for hours as the Cry Baby Loser watched on tv, have been prosecuted by the U.S. judicial system, and the U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol has elicited the damning testimony of dozens of Republicans of integrity in every phase of the scheme to trash democracy, but we have not heard of all the election reversals based upon all the recounts, audits, investigations, and dozens of court challenges across the nation, nor the names of all the suspected conspiracists, nor a tally of all the ongoing litigations concerning the 2020 presidential election results.

This is an opportunity to redress the disparity by compiling and presenting such a comprehensive list!

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
The Cry Baby Loser's four years of relentlessly dismal public assessment in a plethora of polls clearly presaged a "Landslide!" victory in the minds of Trump and Trumpers, apparently.
Hillary is the one who spent every day of the Trump administration crying about how she got cheated by the election.
Sure they did. Everybody did. FBI, Homeland Defense, Attorney General, Attorneys General in all the states, auditors recounters (both public and privately hired by Republicans, like in Arizona). If there were the most remote possibility, it would mean trump hired the shittiest right wing lawyers imaginable, simply because it wasn't about legal findings and proof. It was about molding public opinion in the eyes of his sheep. Did you get fleeced by Donny or did you just bleat, piteously?
No they didn't. When did anyone have a public hearing where both sides got to examine the evidence? Answer; never
Such paranoia is needed, but why have all the Trump lickspittles been impotent in contriving any evidence to challenge the election in any legal venue, and been confined to fake news outlets and blowing gas on social media?

Are all the unknown and unnamed conspirators really that good?
Because the deep state runs our government, shit for brains.
No they didn't. When did anyone have a public hearing where both sides got to examine the evidence? Answer; never
The elections was not stolen, kid. Go cry about it to somebody else that might buy that ignorant conspiracy theory bullshit. :boo_hoo14:
Because the deep state runs our government, shit for brains.
Yes, Mr Shit-for-Brains. Paranoia is the only resort.

"They're everywhere! They're everywhere!"

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"I know you're there,
because I can't see you!"
I always laugh when I see Dimocrats so upset and outraged that there are Republicans out there who believe the 2020 election was stolen (I don't by the way). I just want to remind everyone that Dimocrats, including many of their leaders, screamed endlessly that Bush stole the 2000 election due to the Florida debacle, and four years later they once again screamed that Bush stole the 2004 election due to irregularities in Ohio. Then of course they VERY famously once again screamed bloody murder that Trump stole the 2016 election due to Russia's involvement. Then 2020 came along, and Dimocrats and their MSM warned the country that the 2020 election was shaping up to be stolen by Trump and the GOP. Once Biden won, suddenly Dims were silent.
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"I say to President-elect Bush that what remains of partisan rancor must now be put aside,
and may God bless his stewardship of this country.
Neither he nor I anticipated this long and difficult road.
Certainly neither of us wanted it to happen.
Yet it came, and now it has ended, resolved, as it must be resolved,
through the honored institutions of our democracy."

Albert Gore, December 13, 2000

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"Last night, I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country.
I hope that he will be a successful president for all Americans."

Hillary Clinton, November 9, 2016
I always laugh when I see Dimocrats so upset and outraged that there are Republicans out there who believe the 2020 election was stolen (I don't by the way). I just want to remind everyone that Dimocrats, including many of their leaders, screamed endlessly that Bush stole the 2000 election due to the Florida debacle, and four years later they once again screamed that Bush stole the 2004 election due to irregularities in Ohio. Then of course they VERY famously once again screamed bloody murder that Trump stole the 2016 election due to Russia's involvement. Then 2020 came along, and Dimocrats and their MSM warned the country that the 2020 election was shaping up to be stolen by Trump and the GOP. Once Biden won, suddenly Dims were silent.
You try one of the usual diversions.

Since Gore readily accepted the Supreme Court ruling in the 2000 election, and Clinton graciously conceded within one day of her losing the electoral college vote, can you substantiate your claims by links that name the individuals you are referencing and the statements you attribute to them, if they exist?

Even if you don't buy the lie, or pretend that any loser, Republican or Democrat, had ever previously falsely claimed a stolen "Landslide!", or incited goons to attack the Capitol, or pressured governors and secretaries of state to fake their states' vote counts, or tried a phony elector ruse, could you still please list all the official findings, in any judicial or legislative ruling anywhere, that validate the Loser's lies and schemes?

Despite having no credible evidence after twenty-months, the Loser is still lying, of course.

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"One must be able to lose with dignity.
So true!"

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