List EXACTLY what the U.S. gains in pulling out of Iran deal.

Not ONE Trump cult member was able to list what exactly the U.S. gains from pulling out of the deal.......except, for some ass-licking of Trump's fat orange behind.
For the moment, no one is focusing on Mueller and the investigation of the Trump Campaign.

President Grump is sealing his own legacy by trying to destroy another's.
There are now two federal judges who have a focus on Mueller’s bullshit!
What exactly did the U.S. gain from entering into the Iran deal? We spent about a billion in hard earned taxpayer dollars in an extortion scheme and financed terrorist organizations with boxcar loads of cash and euros.
Exactly. President Trump was right when he said “Who the hell makes deals with a country that screams death to America? Who does that?” Well, we know who the fuck did that.

What kind of people elect a guy that said.

“Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that?”

“Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?” Trump is quoted as saying. “I mean, she’s a woman, and I’m not s’posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?”

What kind of party lets that guy run under it's banner?

Vote them out and keep them out.
Well, Obama gifting them billions of our tax dollars didn't slow down their desire to be the first to nuke Israel. Let's see what NOT PAYING them billions and making them a target instead works out....
There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.
Supposedly we stop them from making a nuke! It worked so well against pakistan and north korea right! We willl for sure make gas prices go up!
this so called bad deal kept Iran hogtied in the nuclear dept and nuclear weapon development footprint became transparent, and almost shut down completely.

NATURALLY Trump wants to open every door that was slammed in Irans face and allow them to get back on a nuclear path to a weapons program.

he's a stupid F'n moron - why not.
There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.

The right's unwarranted hostility toward the accord is solely partisan, because of "Obama," having nothing to do with the merits of the accord.
Except Obama got caught sneaking LAUNDERED money in Iran and then lied about it.

Now WHO could argue with such a brilliant and well-documented PROOF???

In Trump's age of corruption, do you REALLY want to argue about money laundering??

The right's unwarranted hostility toward the accord is solely partisan, because of "Obama," having nothing to do with the merits of the accord.

Thank you.......Precisely my point and you may have noticed that not ONE Trump acolyte can come up with an iota of what we actually gain in pulling out of the deal.
What exactly did the U.S. gain from entering into the Iran deal? We spent about a billion in hard earned taxpayer dollars in an extortion scheme and financed terrorist organizations with boxcar loads of cash and euros.

Yet ANOTHER idiot who "thinks" Iran got U.S. taxpayers' money

Well yes, it was their money, money that should have long ago been equally distributed among the former hostages.

In any case, you don't give a national enemy a billion dollars unless you are of unsound mind, or in with them.

I happen to believe the latter concerning Obama.
Obama did it

It is all part of destroying Obama’s legacy regardless of the damage it does
What exactly did the U.S. gain from entering into the Iran deal? We spent about a billion in hard earned taxpayer dollars in an extortion scheme and financed terrorist organizations with boxcar loads of cash and euros.
Eh, A non nuclear Iran for about 15 years.
Have any positive points been displayed? Has America's advantage in unilateral withdrawal been substantiated?
What incentive do the Iranians have to not produce nuclear weapons?

The deal that the asshole Kerry and incompetent affirmative action Negro did gave them the money up front and no verifiable inspections.
What incentive do the Iranians have to not produce nuclear weapons?

The deal that the asshole Kerry and incompetent affirmative action Negro did gave them the money up front and no verifiable inspections.
The incentive of NOT having sanctions on about every imported good. But please answer the question posed by Nat. What does the US gain by pulling out? Doesn't seem to be a complicated question.
What exactly did the U.S. gain from entering into the Iran deal? We spent about a billion in hard earned taxpayer dollars in an extortion scheme and financed terrorist organizations with boxcar loads of cash and euros.

First, it was Iran's money, that had been frozen in the US. Not US taxpayer money.

Most important, what is gained by the deal is the 10 year delay. Attitudes and demographics are not in favour of the hardliners in Iran. The young people, and they are rapidly becoming a majority, are moderate and pro-west. Delay The whack jobs from getting the bomb for 10 years, and by that time you may very well be dealing with a true democratic, pro-west Iran.

Who has all of the weapons kid? The "young" people or the Mullahs and the Military?
We will gain the exact same thing as we went into it.
Nothing., correct?
It was never a deal in the first place. It was an exercise showing how a mouse can intimidate and control the elephant.

Let's do it to please you fuck heads.....Let's declare war and invade, THAT, will surely keep Trump in power

You're an idiot.
No one wants war with Iran, no one has said that.
All I said was that there was never a "deal" to begin with...what it was was a signed agreement that Iran can still have nukes and received a LARGE cash bonus directly from the America taxpayers pocket by the former President.

Please link to where the fuck you pulled this from. It's not even close to reality.
At this point, regardless of what one might think of the original agreement, just withdrawing is not going to do much good and could do a lot of harm.
It would be better to work with our friends to improve things.
That sounds nice, but what exactly do our "friends" want to do about the nuclear deal? Nothing. The only way to correct the disaster Obama created is for the US to take the lead with or without our "friends" and show Iran is no uncertain terms that it must verifiably give up all means to build nuclear weapons and to end its imperialist adventures in the ME.

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