list of businesses that so far have reduced employee hours or jobs

Go down the list, TT......

Lots of companies claim that they will just cut hours. As if they had too many man hours before Obmcare....and we're just paying these workers for standing around. But now that Obamacare is coming.....they can just eliminate shifts and the work will still get done.

Bullshit. The reason given .......... bullshit.
Montis Steakhouse.

Revenues: 10,000,000. At $25.00 per meal, that is 400,000 Meals.
Employees. 153

Average labor cost in restaurant industry is 33% of revenues. 3,300,000
Average profit margin ( after all expenses including labor ) in industry is 3%

Profit for this restaurant estimated to be 300,000 after everyone is paid.

Subtracting full time employees....this restaurant has 130 employees who need to be insured. The penalty ( in 2015 ) is $2000 per employee.

Additional cost added to labor is $240,000.

They would have to increase the price of a meal by 2.4% ( 60 cents ) to recover the difference and maintain profit margin.

Since every other restaurant in the area would also have to do this in order to maintain staff levels, it would not become a competitive disadvantage.

Think about that.
One on your list..... - an online service of the Salina Journal

YMCA cutting hours of 20 employees to avoid offering helth care......but will hire more people to make up the difference.

Think about that for a second.

Democrats should have seen that coming.

For some reason Democrats watched employers for decades hold staff at 39 hours per week to avoid having to pay benefits and still it didn't cross their minds that with O-care they would be causing struggling workers to lose 10 more hours per week, a week's worth of wages per month.

O-care stunk of unintended consequences. But the fact that it was real people who were going to be reacting to the legislation and real people who were going to get hurt by it didn't matter as long as Dems got to say, "We passed something with a feel-good title."
One on your list..... - an online service of the Salina Journal

YMCA cutting hours of 20 employees to avoid offering helth care......but will hire more people to make up the difference.

Think about that for a second.

more part time workers might lead to lower UE

A win - win for obama

He gets to fuck over small business and make it look like he finally got control of UE

'cept that, even if every one of the OP's links were true (LOL), the numbers wouldn't big enough for your 'theory' to have merit.
dizzy much?

So long as there are rightwingers screaming "let 'em die" there will be employers looking for ways to blame American labor for their woes and-----and rightwing bloggers, writers and editors willing to tell one side of the story but-----but keep in mind that while; "The employer mandate remains unpopular with most small business owners. Although it applies to only 3% of the nation's 5.7 million employers, the vast majority of whom already provide insurance, the rule is seen as burdensome and confusing."

The above was C&Ped from the OP's link - For Fatburger and others, Obamacare delay came too late


The overblown Obamacare myth about small business - CNNMoney
One on your list..... - an online service of the Salina Journal

YMCA cutting hours of 20 employees to avoid offering helth care......but will hire more people to make up the difference.

Think about that for a second.

Democrats should have seen that coming.

For some reason Democrats watched employers for decades hold staff at 39 hours per week to avoid having to pay benefits and still it didn't cross their minds that with O-care they would be causing struggling workers to lose 10 more hours per week, a week's worth of wages per month.

O-care stunk of unintended consequences. But the fact that it was real people who were going to be reacting to the legislation and real people who were going to get hurt by it didn't matter as long as Dems got to say, "We passed something with a feel-good title."

Take a look at the list. Most of the companies listed are taking hours from 32 to 29. Not 39 to 29. They have been screwing workers for years.

If Obama had his way, we'd have Medicare for all and employers would not have to EVEN THINK ABOUT helth care. But the GOP would never go for that. Obama settled for this GOP inspired plan....and all they have done is try to convince you and people like you that it is a bad idea.

Enough. Just stop. This is serious shit.
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One on your list..... - an online service of the Salina Journal

YMCA cutting hours of 20 employees to avoid offering helth care......but will hire more people to make up the difference.

Think about that for a second.

Democrats should have seen that coming.

For some reason Democrats watched employers for decades hold staff at 39 hours per week to avoid having to pay benefits and still it didn't cross their minds that with O-care they would be causing struggling workers to lose 10 more hours per week, a week's worth of wages per month.

O-care stunk of unintended consequences. But the fact that it was real people who were going to be reacting to the legislation and real people who were going to get hurt by it didn't matter as long as Dems got to say, "We passed something with a feel-good title."

Take a look at the list. Most of the companies listed are taking hours from 32 to 29. Not 39 to 29. They have been screwing workers for years.

If Obama had his way, we'd have Medicare for all and employers would not have to EVEN THINK ABOUT helth care. But the GOP would never go for that. Obama settled for this GOP inspired plan....and all they have done is try to convince you and people like you that it is a bad idea.

Enough. Just stop. This is serious shit.

Read what I said and what you said. Exactly! Those companies have been screwing workers for years and yet Democrats didn't foresee that their legislation would result in people getting squeezed even harder than they're already being squeezed. Even bastions of liberalism such as colleges are doing it. This was entirely predictable. But Democrats didn't give a damn how much people were hurt. They just wanted something they could call a "win" on the books.
As a result of the high taxation and other expenses businesses will incur due to Obamacare, layoffs and reductions in hours are becoming the norm.
This is just the beginning..
ObamaCare Employer Mandate: A List Of Cuts To Work Hours, Jobs -

Whomever stated Obamacare was a job killer was 100% spot on...

Who ever didn't see this coming regardless of the ACA is lacking in vision. The ACA is just an excuse for what a lot of businesses have been wanting to put into place for years. Pretty soon your jobs will change your pay structure and you will be either 100% commission based or partially commision based. Mark my words. This has nothing to do with ACA. its just an excuse.
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Democrats should have seen that coming.

For some reason Democrats watched employers for decades hold staff at 39 hours per week to avoid having to pay benefits and still it didn't cross their minds that with O-care they would be causing struggling workers to lose 10 more hours per week, a week's worth of wages per month.

O-care stunk of unintended consequences. But the fact that it was real people who were going to be reacting to the legislation and real people who were going to get hurt by it didn't matter as long as Dems got to say, "We passed something with a feel-good title."

Take a look at the list. Most of the companies listed are taking hours from 32 to 29. Not 39 to 29. They have been screwing workers for years.

If Obama had his way, we'd have Medicare for all and employers would not have to EVEN THINK ABOUT helth care. But the GOP would never go for that. Obama settled for this GOP inspired plan....and all they have done is try to convince you and people like you that it is a bad idea.

Enough. Just stop. This is serious shit.

Read what I said and what you said. Exactly! Those companies have been screwing workers for years and yet Democrats didn't foresee that their legislation would result in people getting squeezed even harder than they're already being squeezed. Even bastions of liberalism such as colleges are doing it. This was entirely predictable. But Democrats didn't give a damn how much people were hurt. They just wanted something they could call a "win" on the books.




The US health care system was causing economic disaster. It HAD to be reformed. The GOP did bupkis. Then they got in the way of the IDEA of single payer. Leaving very little room to maneuver. This is a GOP inspired plan. The mandates are inspired by the GOP. There are incentives for businesses that offer insurance.

The way you characterize this is just wrong.

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