list of businesses that so far have reduced employee hours or jobs

Medical transcriptionists are becoming unemployed en masse. Would be inevitable that they would be phased out as medical records technology advanced. In small numbers people can retrain, or shift incrementally to a new skill set. Obamacare requirements/incentives have brought about too fast of a change.
something you are all missing. Employers that have part-time employees may still have to provide coverage for them. Under the ACA, 2 part-time employees = 1 full-time employee. Furthermore, an employer with more than 50 employees has to provide insurance for them. So simple math shows us 100 part-time employees = 50 full-time employees = employer mandated coverage. A large company cutting its employees down to part-time still isnt going to avoid the ACA provisions that say they must offer their employees coverage
something you are all missing. Employers that have part-time employees may still have to provide coverage for them. Under the ACA, 2 part-time employees = 1 full-time employee. Furthermore, an employer with more than 50 employees has to provide insurance for them. So simple math shows us 100 part-time employees = 50 full-time employees = employer mandated coverage. A large company cutting its employees down to part-time still isnt going to avoid the ACA provisions that say they must offer their employees coverage

In Illinois, the law states that The Shared Responsibility provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“PPACA”) provide that
“Applicable Large Employers” with 50 or more “full-time” (including full-time equivalent) employees are subject
to a tax penalty if any “full-time” employee receives a premium tax credit or cost-sharing reduction to purchase
health coverage through a Health Insurance Exchange.
An employee is eligible for a cost sharing subsidy in one of two circumstances:
if an employer does not offer its “full-time” employees and their dependents the opportunity to enroll
in coverage; or
an employer offers its full-time employees the opportunity to enroll in coverage but the coverage is
either “unaffordable” or does not provide “minimum value.”
Employers are considered “Applicable Large Employers” and therefore subject to the Shared Responsibility
provisions only if they employ 50 or more “full-time” employees or a combination of “full-time” and part-time
employees that equals 50 “full-time” equivalent employees. “Applicable Large Employer” status is determined
based on the actual hours of work performed by employees in the prior calendar year.
It also states this.."NOTE: the IRS has stated “the employer has the flexibility to determine the months in which the standard
measurement period starts and ends, provided that the determination must be made on a uniform and
consistent basis for all employees in the same category. A standard measurement period is generally
12 months, but the employer could choose to make it the calendar year, a non-calendar year, or a different
12-month period. Time periods of less than a year also may be used in some cases."
So your statement which implies an absolute, is not accurate.
In other words, businesses have many ways to opt out.
something you are all missing. Employers that have part-time employees may still have to provide coverage for them. Under the ACA, 2 part-time employees = 1 full-time employee. Furthermore, an employer with more than 50 employees has to provide insurance for them. So simple math shows us 100 part-time employees = 50 full-time employees = employer mandated coverage. A large company cutting its employees down to part-time still isnt going to avoid the ACA provisions that say they must offer their employees coverage

And that provision makes ACA a job killer.
something you are all missing. Employers that have part-time employees may still have to provide coverage for them. Under the ACA, 2 part-time employees = 1 full-time employee. Furthermore, an employer with more than 50 employees has to provide insurance for them. So simple math shows us 100 part-time employees = 50 full-time employees = employer mandated coverage. A large company cutting its employees down to part-time still isnt going to avoid the ACA provisions that say they must offer their employees coverage

And that provision makes ACA a job killer.

Job Killer?
According to that leftwing commie/socialist rag Forbes - not so much. In fact-----in fact, Forbes sez...

The moral to the story?

Wal-Mart is finally learning what all American businesses who seek to avoid their health care responsibilities to employees will soon learn.

It may be a clever enough dodge to cut employees below the 30 hours per week in order to avoid the expectations of Obamacare, but the move comes at a substantial price to be paid in lost revenue and profits. Given that the entire point of business is to show a profit, it is only a matter of time before employers learn what Home Depot learned some years ago and what Wal-Mart is slowly beginning to figure out—you get what you pay for.

Cut back on employees and you will, eventually, cut back on your profits as the savings a business creates by cutting worker hours leads to greatly decreased sales as customer satisfaction disappears.

While there are no shortage of Americans who enjoy deriding the Affordable Care Act as a ‘job killer’, what will soon emerge—and sooner than you may think—is an understanding that the losses experienced by businesses that cut worker hours will far exceed whatever is gained by avoiding giving employees the healthcare benefits their families so badly require.
Don’t believe it?

Just ask Wal-Mart.

Instead of making stuff up about Obamacare's Full Time Equivalency requirement check out this handy-dandy calculator for employers that are on the cusp.

Click the link to use the calculator ➙ Obamacare Full Time Equivalency Calculator

Select Pay Period Cycle 01-Weekly 02-Every 2 Weeks 03-Semi-monthly 04-4-Week Period 05-Monthly

Staffing Breakdown # Working This Pay Period Totals Hours Worked # of FTEs

F/T Salaried Employees N/A F/T Hourly Employees N/A P/T Hourly Employees

Total Employees: Total FTEs:

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