List of lefty riots and list of righty riots

There were patriots who were being railroaded and took action.
Interesting term, "railroaded", since the police did invite them in. Sullivan and and other lefty antifa even lead them in after the police invited them in.
Well, by railroaded I mean that demands to hold off on the vote for a few weeks or a month were roundly ignored by those who had just gained an enormous amount of power. There are irregularities in several states pertaining to the election, and these are simply brushed off as conspiracies by the gatekeepers who now have power.

Anyone with any real curiosity and desire for the truth would have taken the time (I urge everyone to do so) to look into what the protestors were doing in D.C. that day. It is obvious what they were protesting. Equally obvious, a small portion of that demonstration got out of hand when they gave in to their emotions. I have no problem with them being prosecuted for breaking the law. What I do have a problem with is the lie that has been promoted by the left in ascribing an action or motive that simply was not there.
I'd like to make two lists of riots. One list is all the riots that righties were involved in, and one list of all the lefty riots. I'll start by putting one in each list, and then other members can add to the lists.

Lefties: Portland never ending riot.

Righties: Jan 6 DC

Okay folks, list some more riots for each side.
False equivalency is still false, lady.
Which side do I list the false equivalency riot under? I'm not familiar with this riot that you have listed,
Protests for racial equality are not insurrections.

Sorry for your luck.
Righties: Jan 6, but Dragonlady says to pull this one off.

Lefties: Never ending Portland, Minneapolis, Occupy Wall Street, BLM Ferguson, and Berkeley
Still false.
All true you are simply a liar
I'd like to make two lists of riots. One list is all the riots that righties were involved in, and one list of all the lefty riots. I'll start by putting one in each list, and then other members can add to the lists.

Lefties: Portland never ending riot.

Righties: Jan 6 DC

Okay folks, list some more riots for each side.
Dumbass, trying to subvert the Congress of the United States of America is in a slightly different category from just plain ol' rioting over by Seven Eleven.
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I'd like to make two lists of riots. One list is all the riots that righties were involved in, and one list of all the lefty riots. I'll start by putting one in each list, and then other members can add to the lists.

Lefties: Portland never ending riot.

Righties: Jan 6 DC

Okay folks, list some more riots for each side.
Dumabass, trying to subvert the Congress of the United States of America is in a slightly different category from just plain ol' rioting over by Seven Eleven.

Both the maga riot and the ongoing antifa/blm riots are attempts to overthrow government the left defends their subversion.
I'd like to make two lists of riots. One list is all the riots that righties were involved in, and one list of all the lefty riots. I'll start by putting one in each list, and then other members can add to the lists.

Lefties: Portland never ending riot.

Righties: Jan 6 DC

Okay folks, list some more riots for each side.
False equivalency is still false, lady.
Which side do I list the false equivalency riot under? I'm not familiar with this riot that you have listed,
Protests for racial equality are not insurrections.

Sorry for your luck.
Righties: Jan 6, but Dragonlady says to pull this one off.

Lefties: Never ending Portland, Minneapolis, Occupy Wall Street, BLM Ferguson, and Berkeley
Still false.
The list was just updated again. You should add some righty riots to the list to even things up.

Righties: Jan 6, but Dragonlady says to pull this one off.

Lefties: Never ending Portland, Minneapolis, Occupy Wall Street, BLM Ferguson, and Berkeley, Baltimore, Kenosha
Nope. Your false equivalency is still false. I just checked.
Is this some kind of fish?
trying to subvert the Congress of the United States of America is in slightly different category from just plain ol' rioting over by Seven Eleven.
You know looting stores, burning down buildings, assaulting cops and citizens, public deification, vandalism, and all manner of things that baboons enjoy for months on end is in a slightly different category than a mere riot by a 7-11.
contrivances, such as "equity" in justification for suppressing the whites? That kind of contrivance?

This nonsense about trying to interfere with our democracy is the true "BIG LIE".

But the left always does this.

Cops are killing Blacks indiscriminately while the truth is, they kill more whites.

Whites are killing blacks in genocidal numbers.

Yet more blacks kill blacks than any other group

Always, you take a single, minute incident and blow it out to huge proportions while wanting to silence talk about your own bad behavior.
Your desperate attempt at diversion aside, while no "riot" is justifiable, imho, this one directly targeting our government of, by, and for the People is, by far, of the greatest national consequence and existential implications:

If you can cite any other such attack of comparable depravity in its contempt for our democratic way of life, please cite it.
You have to wonder how it is that they can be so blind to their own biases? Attacking the Police is an attack on our Democratic institutions.

Attacking a courthouse, setting it on fire while it was occupied, is a direct attack on our democratic institutions. etc.., etc., etc....
Is this some kind of fish?
trying to subvert the Congress of the United States of America is in slightly different category from just plain ol' rioting over by Seven Eleven.
You know looting stores, burning down buildings, assaulting cops and citizens, public deification, vandalism, and all manner of things that baboons enjoy for months on end is in a slightly different category than a mere riot by a 7-11.
All that is local criminal activity, not a political movement around a cause like "stolen!" that was a direct cause to the violent break-in into the Congress of the United States to stop the certification of the result of an American election for the presidency.

If you can't tell that critical difference you are clearly unfit to have a conversation with.

These MAGA nutters were manipulated and fed a bunch of self-serving bullshit the loser President. And so it is of vast importance to the long term stability of our country that this is properly addressed. Shame on Republicans for stonewalling these investigations just because it deservingly makes Trump look bad.
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I'd like to make two lists of riots. One list is all the riots that righties were involved in, and one list of all the lefty riots. I'll start by putting one in each list, and then other members can add to the lists.

Lefties: Portland never ending riot.

Righties: Jan 6 DC

Okay folks, list some more riots for each side.
False equivalency is still false, lady.
Which side do I list the false equivalency riot under? I'm not familiar with this riot that you have listed,
Protests for racial equality are not insurrections.

Sorry for your luck.
Righties: Jan 6, but Dragonlady says to pull this one off.

Lefties: Never ending Portland, Minneapolis, Occupy Wall Street, BLM Ferguson, and Berkeley
Still false.
The list was just updated again. You should add some righty riots to the list to even things up.

Righties: Jan 6, but Dragonlady says to pull this one off.

Lefties: Never ending Portland, Minneapolis, Occupy Wall Street, BLM Ferguson, and Berkeley, Baltimore, Kenosha
Nope. Your false equivalency is still false. I just checked.
It is an accurate comparison and you are willfully lying about a false equivelancy.
Is this some kind of fish?
trying to subvert the Congress of the United States of America is in slightly different category from just plain ol' rioting over by Seven Eleven.
You know looting stores, burning down buildings, assaulting cops and citizens, public deification, vandalism, and all manner of things that baboons enjoy for months on end is in a slightly different category than a mere riot by a 7-11.
All that is local criminal activity, not a political movement.
It is a political movement not confined to one local area
I'd like to make two lists of riots. One list is all the riots that righties were involved in, and one list of all the lefty riots. I'll start by putting one in each list, and then other members can add to the lists.

Lefties: Portland never ending riot.

Righties: Jan 6 DC

Okay folks, list some more riots for each side.
False equivalency is still false, lady.
Which side do I list the false equivalency riot under? I'm not familiar with this riot that you have listed,
Protests for racial equality are not insurrections.

Sorry for your luck.
Righties: Jan 6, but Dragonlady says to pull this one off.

Lefties: Never ending Portland, Minneapolis, Occupy Wall Street, BLM Ferguson, and Berkeley
Still false.
The list was just updated again. You should add some righty riots to the list to even things up.

Righties: Jan 6, but Dragonlady says to pull this one off.

Lefties: Never ending Portland, Minneapolis, Occupy Wall Street, BLM Ferguson, and Berkeley, Baltimore, Kenosha
Nope. Your false equivalency is still false. I just checked.
You did not just check you lied because you are a hypocrite
I'd like to make two lists of riots. One list is all the riots that righties were involved in, and one list of all the lefty riots. I'll start by putting one in each list, and then other members can add to the lists.

Lefties: Portland never ending riot.

Righties: Jan 6 DC

Okay folks, list some more riots for each side.
Dumabass, trying to subvert the Congress of the United States of America is in a slightly different category from just plain ol' rioting over by Seven Eleven.
As much as Republicans want to play “whataboutism” they have nothing to compare to an attack on a sitting Congress and an attempt to capture the Vice President.
I have not seen one American flag at any of the Dem riots, well that wasn't set on fire.

That a good thing. Fascist Republicans WRAP themselves in the flag. Hyper patriotism is one of the first signs of fascism, because it puts the symbols of the state above the people.

When fascism comes to America, it will wrapped in the flag and carrying the Cross. That's exactly what has happened, and you're cheering the fascism.

1. Powerful and continuing nationalism - Not "real" Americans is a rallying cry for Republicans

2. Disdain for human rights - no marches, no protests, white people need rights too.

3. Identification of enemies as a unifying cause - illegal immigrants, BLM, the press

4. Rampant sexism - you fools have that one nailed

5. Controlled mass media - must stop criticizing Trump

6. Obsession with national security - OPEN BORDERS

7. Religion and government intertwined - fighting separation of church and state

8. Corporate power protected - no law suits against employers

9. Labor power suppressed - Reagan destroyed the unions

10. Disdain for intellectual and the arts - and last box checked.

11. Obsession with crime and punishment - Lock Her Up,

12. Rampant cronyism and corruption - most corrupt administration in history

Your entire list is hyperpartisan fallacies

The left with its defense of antifa is far closer to fascism
I have not seen one American flag at any of the Dem riots, well that wasn't set on fire.

That a good thing. Fascist Republicans WRAP themselves in the flag. Hyper patriotism is one of the first signs of fascism, because it puts the symbols of the state above the people.

When fascism comes to America, it will wrapped in the flag and carrying the Cross. That's exactly what has happened, and you're cheering the fascism.

1. Powerful and continuing nationalism - Not "real" Americans is a rallying cry for Republicans

2. Disdain for human rights - no marches, no protests, white people need rights too.

3. Identification of enemies as a unifying cause - illegal immigrants, BLM, the press

4. Rampant sexism - you fools have that one nailed

5. Controlled mass media - must stop criticizing Trump

6. Obsession with national security - OPEN BORDERS

7. Religion and government intertwined - fighting separation of church and state

8. Corporate power protected - no law suits against employers

9. Labor power suppressed - Reagan destroyed the unions

10. Disdain for intellectual and the arts - and last box checked.

11. Obsession with crime and punishment - Lock Her Up,

12. Rampant cronyism and corruption - most corrupt administration in history

Canadian please is there one thing you people don't put your Maple Leaf on? Wow :eusa_hand: :eusa_hand: :eusa_hand:
I'd like to make two lists of riots. One list is all the riots that righties were involved in, and one list of all the lefty riots. I'll start by putting one in each list, and then other members can add to the lists.

Lefties: Portland never ending riot.

Righties: Jan 6 DC

Okay folks, list some more riots for each side.
Dumabass, trying to subvert the Congress of the United States of America is in a slightly different category from just plain ol' rioting over by Seven Eleven.
As much as Republicans want to play “whataboutism” they have nothing to compare to an attack on a sitting Congress and an attempt to capture the Vice President.
Yes they do you willfully ignore the attewmpts of BLM and ANTIFA to destroy the nation including outright overthrow of government in CHAZ.

It is not whataboutism when you tolerate your own vile scum doing what the maga scum did
I'd like to make two lists of riots. One list is all the riots that righties were involved in, and one list of all the lefty riots. I'll start by putting one in each list, and then other members can add to the lists.

Lefties: Portland never ending riot.

Righties: Jan 6 DC

Okay folks, list some more riots for each side.
Dumabass, trying to subvert the Congress of the United States of America is in a slightly different category from just plain ol' rioting over by Seven Eleven.
As much as Republicans want to play “whataboutism” they have nothing to compare to an attack on a sitting Congress and an attempt to capture the Vice President.
Yes they do you willfully ignore the attewmpts of BLM and ANTIFA to destroy the nation including outright overthrow of government in CHAZ.

It is not whataboutism when you tolerate your own vile scum doing what the maga scum did
Let’s see....

BLM protests the murder of unarmed blacks by police
ANTIFA protests White Supremacy

The TRUMPmob protests the BIG LIE

Not the same
I'd like to make two lists of riots. One list is all the riots that righties were involved in, and one list of all the lefty riots. I'll start by putting one in each list, and then other members can add to the lists.

Lefties: Portland never ending riot.

Righties: Jan 6 DC

Okay folks, list some more riots for each side.
Dumbass, trying to subvert the Congress of the United States of America is in a slightly different category from just plain ol' rioting over by Seven Eleven.
Here's what we have so far, go ahead and add more:

Righties: Jan 6, but Dragonlady and occupied say to pull this one off.

Lefties: Never ending Portland, Minneapolis, Occupy Wall Street, BLM Ferguson, and Berkeley, Baltimore, Kenosha, DC, 2016 Trump inauguration riot.
There were patriots who were being railroaded and took action.
Interesting term, "railroaded", since the police did invite them in. Sullivan and and other lefty antifa even lead them in after the police invited them in.
Well, by railroaded I mean that demands to hold off on the vote for a few weeks or a month were roundly ignored by those who had just gained an enormous amount of power. There are irregularities in several states pertaining to the election, and these are simply brushed off as conspiracies by the gatekeepers who now have power.

Anyone with any real curiosity and desire for the truth would have taken the time (I urge everyone to do so) to look into what the protestors were doing in D.C. that day. It is obvious what they were protesting. Equally obvious, a small portion of that demonstration got out of hand when they gave in to their emotions. I have no problem with them being prosecuted for breaking the law. What I do have a problem with is the lie that has been promoted by the left in ascribing an action or motive that simply was not there.
I'm well aware of the insurrectionists motives. Now what?
I'd like to make two lists of riots. One list is all the riots that righties were involved in, and one list of all the lefty riots. I'll start by putting one in each list, and then other members can add to the lists.

Lefties: Portland never ending riot.

Righties: Jan 6 DC

Okay folks, list some more riots for each side.
Dumabass, trying to subvert the Congress of the United States of America is in a slightly different category from just plain ol' rioting over by Seven Eleven.
As much as Republicans want to play “whataboutism” they have nothing to compare to an attack on a sitting Congress and an attempt to capture the Vice President.
Yes they do you willfully ignore the attewmpts of BLM and ANTIFA to destroy the nation including outright overthrow of government in CHAZ.

It is not whataboutism when you tolerate your own vile scum doing what the maga scum did
Let’s see....

BLM protests the murder of unarmed blacks by police
ANTIFA protests White Supremacy

The TRUMPmob protests the BIG LIE

Not the same
ANTIFA does not protest white supremacy they are communists opposing the sqame democracy whicht eh MAGA rioters attacked.

BLM is a money making scheme based on lies

VEry much the same and both attempts at insurrection

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