List of liberal lies and hoaxes

Another huge liberal lie that has confused many,many people.

That the camps West Coast Japanese were sent to were like German concentration camps.

Nothing could be further from the truth...................
During internment (also called incarceration), families worked, studied, and lived their lives in the barracks-like living quarters of the relocation centers, which were alternately labeled "relocation camps," or "evacuation centers." These camps, some of which housed approximately 8,000 people, functioned as communities. The government provided medical care, schools, and food, and adults often held camp jobs — in food service, agriculture, medical clinics, as teachers, and other jobs required for daily life.

Some of them even held down jobs outside the camps.

Everything you've been taught about the World War II "internment camps" in America is wrong:
  • They were not created primarily because of racism or wartime hysteria
  • They did not target only those of Japanese descent
  • They were not Nazi-style death camps

In Defense of Internment by Michelle Malkin (ebook)
Ironically, German POWs in the US were treated better than the interned Japanese.
If Liberal is Not Traditional, and Presbyterians were liberal since the 20's, then Eisenhower's Establishment of Presbyterianism is a definite lie/hoax of liberals. Total lie and hoax. God is Dead church of the its all a lie. Ya so "always reforming" because we're 'fighting 2nd protestant reformation' is why they all look 'so grim' and a Presbyterian President was supposed to do something for them. nope. 7 million in '20's 7 million in 50's 2 million today, you didZ it!
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If Hitler was a socialist why did he hate communism so vehemently? I'm always told they are very similar.

This has been covered previously...try and keep up...anyhow..................
Hitler never hated communism as a economical doctrine, he hated them solely as his strong political rival. German Communists party was a very strong rivals to National Socialist on the german political scene at the time. To gain the power Hitler did his favorite manipulation"first befriend and stab them later in the back ".

Hitler did not hate communism at DuckDuckGo
I will go down the line starting with.


The art of the big lie: the history of fake news

From the Reichstag fire to Stalin’s show trials, the craft of disinformation is nothing new.

The Russians call it dezinformatsiya. Disinformation – strategic deceit – It has played a part in the battle that has raged between democracies and its enemies since at least the First World War.

Conservatives and especially Christian conservatives find it hard to comprehend how and why liberals lie so easily. Many liberals seem to lie without the slightest guilt or compunction.

For left-wing politics, lying goes back to the Russian Bolsheviks or earlier. The masses were lied to because the ruling elite (or the ruling elite to be) felt that the ends (Marxism) justified any means, and the masses were too stupid and ignorant to know what was good for them. But the ruling elite knew exactly what was good for them. Leftists have a rather low opinion of the masses, the average citizen.

Liberalism is like a religion, and it has zealots as fanatical as any other religion. But unlike most religions, liberalism has no moral code. The closest thing to a moral code in liberalism is “don’t get caught”. Ethics are situational, and totally up for interpretation. The truth is subjective, and the truth is merely what you want it to be. To the fanatic the leftist cause is so noble, so sacred that any lying or cheating for the leftist cause is justified.

When a liberal lies to the American public, he is in effect saying,

You are too stupid to know what is good for you. I know what is good for you. I will say anything I need to say to convince you my way is the right way.”

If liberals were honest about their vision for this country few people would ever vote for them. -Liberals must lie to us in order to impose the tyranny of liberalism upon us.

The art of the big lie: the history of fake news

Why Do Liberals Lie So Much? | LIBERALISM SUCKS

The list I intend to cover is quite extensive....I intend to post many more of them as time permits.

You'll run out of space on the internet before you can list them all. It's a futile effort from the get go.
Didn´t know Hitler and Stalin were liberals. Thank you.

No one said they were "Liberals"....Stalin was a leftwinger aka communist...but then of course liberals do love their marxism.

Hitler was a socialist and ...many,many liberals are intoxicated with socialism.

7 Quotes That Prove Adolf Hitler Was A Proud Socialist - The Libertarian Republic

Adolf was a fascist.
“It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”
-- Joseph Goebbels
And his leader Adolf used religion like trump does.
“For this, to be sure, from the child's primer down to the last newspaper, every theater and every movie house, every advertising pillar and every billboard, must be pressed into the service of this one great mission, until the timorous prayer of our present parlor patriots: ‘Lord, make us free!’ is transformed in the brain of the smallest boy into the burning plea: ‘Almighty God, bless our arms when the time comes; be just as thou hast always been; judge now whether we be deserving of freedom; Lord, bless our battle!’”

We continue to hear/read this claim from left-wingers when in reality the Nazis and Hitler were "National Socialists." They were left-wingers, not right-wingers.

Hitler and the Nazis were not Right-wing., page 1
What if these left-wing and right-wing are just not good comparisons to a Personality Cult Dictator in All cases practicing the political exercise of "howl with the wolves"? Ridiculous. I don't know anything, right-left whatever.
Didn´t know Hitler and Stalin were liberals. Thank you.

No one said they were "Liberals"....Stalin was a leftwinger aka communist...but then of course liberals do love their marxism.

Hitler was a socialist and ...many,many liberals are intoxicated with socialism.

7 Quotes That Prove Adolf Hitler Was A Proud Socialist - The Libertarian Republic

Adolf was a fascist.
“It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”
-- Joseph Goebbels
And his leader Adolf used religion like trump does.
“For this, to be sure, from the child's primer down to the last newspaper, every theater and every movie house, every advertising pillar and every billboard, must be pressed into the service of this one great mission, until the timorous prayer of our present parlor patriots: ‘Lord, make us free!’ is transformed in the brain of the smallest boy into the burning plea: ‘Almighty God, bless our arms when the time comes; be just as thou hast always been; judge now whether we be deserving of freedom; Lord, bless our battle!’”

We continue to hear/read this claim from left-wingers when in reality the Nazis and Hitler were "National Socialists." They were left-wingers, not right-wingers.

Hitler and the Nazis were not Right-wing., page 1
It is because it fits in your world view. They were still right-wing.
If Hitler was a socialist why did he hate communism so vehemently? I'm always told they are very similar.

This has been covered previously...try and keep up...anyhow..................
Hitler never hated communism as a economical doctrine, he hated them solely as his strong political rival. German Communists party was a very strong rivals to National Socialist on the german political scene at the time. To gain the power Hitler did his favorite manipulation"first befriend and stab them later in the back ".

Hitler did not hate communism at DuckDuckGo
Sorry but it is hard keeping up. I did look at your DuckDuckGo site though and picked the first link listed, Quora. Here's what I found in the first answer:
  • "Socialism" and "National socialism" were, and are, dramatically different ideas, that exist at or near the polar opposites of the political spectrum.
  • Socialists were, in fact, the first people Hitler had locked up in concentration camps, including those few who had been members of the fledgling NAZI party before Hitler hijacked it and turned it radically to his ends.
  • Hitler hated communists. He listed in his tome "Mein Kampf" some of his justifications for this.
If Hitler was a socialist why did he hate communism so vehemently? I'm always told they are very similar.

This has been covered previously...try and keep up...anyhow..................
Hitler never hated communism as a economical doctrine, he hated them solely as his strong political rival. German Communists party was a very strong rivals to National Socialist on the german political scene at the time. To gain the power Hitler did his favorite manipulation"first befriend and stab them later in the back ".

Hitler did not hate communism at DuckDuckGo
Sorry but it is hard keeping up. I did look at your DuckDuckGo site though and picked the first link listed, Quora. Here's what I found in the first answer:
  • "Socialism" and "National socialism" were, and are, dramatically different ideas, that exist at or near the polar opposites of the political spectrum.
  • Socialists were, in fact, the first people Hitler had locked up in concentration camps, including those few who had been members of the fledgling NAZI party before Hitler hijacked it and turned it radically to his ends.
  • Hitler hated communists. He listed in his tome "Mein Kampf" some of his justifications for this.

In a way, communism is an extreme form of socialism.Many countries have dominant socialist political parties but very few are truly communist. In fact, most countries - including staunch capitalist bastions like the U.S. and U.K. - have government programs that borrow from socialist principles.

"The rise of fascism and Nazism was not a reaction against the socialist trends of the preceding period but a necessary outcome of those tendencies," wrote Nobel prize winning economist Friedrich Hayek. On a similar note, fascism and National Socialism were also falsely conflated as being right-wing movements instead of left-wing movements.

Hayek--Hitler was a socialist

Nazism is Socialism -- F A Hayek, et al

Didn´t know Hitler and Stalin were liberals. Thank you.

No one said they were "Liberals"....Stalin was a leftwinger aka communist...but then of course liberals do love their marxism.

Hitler was a socialist and ...many,many liberals are intoxicated with socialism.

7 Quotes That Prove Adolf Hitler Was A Proud Socialist - The Libertarian Republic

Adolf was a fascist.
“It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”
-- Joseph Goebbels
And his leader Adolf used religion like trump does.
“For this, to be sure, from the child's primer down to the last newspaper, every theater and every movie house, every advertising pillar and every billboard, must be pressed into the service of this one great mission, until the timorous prayer of our present parlor patriots: ‘Lord, make us free!’ is transformed in the brain of the smallest boy into the burning plea: ‘Almighty God, bless our arms when the time comes; be just as thou hast always been; judge now whether we be deserving of freedom; Lord, bless our battle!’”

We continue to hear/read this claim from left-wingers when in reality the Nazis and Hitler were "National Socialists." They were left-wingers, not right-wingers.

Hitler and the Nazis were not Right-wing., page 1
How, pray tell would you categorize Joseph Stalin? He actually killed more innocent civilians than Hitler did.
Oh....does anyone remember Dan Rather?

Well, he is better forgotten but remember this one?

Dan Rather – in what was supposed to be the defining moment of his CBS career, Rather compiled a report which the left hoped would take down then President George W. Bush prior to the 2004 elections. Instead, the documents Rather used to “prove” Bush’s Texas Air Guard service had been less then stellar were actually forgeries. Instead of admitting his error, Rather doubled down on the report and was subsequently released from CBS News a year earlier than his contract intended.
Fake But Accurate.
Dan Rather – in what was supposed to be the defining moment of his CBS career, Rather compiled a report which the left hoped would take down then President George W. Bush prior to the 2004 elections. Instead, the documents Rather used to “prove” Bush’s Texas Air Guard service had been less then stellar were actually forgeries. Instead of admitting his error, Rather doubled down on the report and was subsequently released from CBS News a year earlier than his contract intended.

I think you are a little confused. the memos were forgeries, but the evidence that Bush got preferential treatment in getting into the National Guard and that he shirked his duty before his enlistment were up were there.

Not that I think this was a big deal... the fact is, when Vietnam was winding down. the National Guard was in chaos as all the guys who signed up to get out of the draft left and were replaced by guys who actually wanted to be there.
Dan Rather is pleased you fell for his lies.
I will go down the line starting with.


The art of the big lie: the history of fake news

From the Reichstag fire to Stalin’s show trials, the craft of disinformation is nothing new.

The Russians call it dezinformatsiya. Disinformation – strategic deceit – It has played a part in the battle that has raged between democracies and its enemies since at least the First World War.

Conservatives and especially Christian conservatives find it hard to comprehend how and why liberals lie so easily. Many liberals seem to lie without the slightest guilt or compunction.

For left-wing politics, lying goes back to the Russian Bolsheviks or earlier. The masses were lied to because the ruling elite (or the ruling elite to be) felt that the ends (Marxism) justified any means, and the masses were too stupid and ignorant to know what was good for them. But the ruling elite knew exactly what was good for them. Leftists have a rather low opinion of the masses, the average citizen.

Liberalism is like a religion, and it has zealots as fanatical as any other religion. But unlike most religions, liberalism has no moral code. The closest thing to a moral code in liberalism is “don’t get caught”. Ethics are situational, and totally up for interpretation. The truth is subjective, and the truth is merely what you want it to be. To the fanatic the leftist cause is so noble, so sacred that any lying or cheating for the leftist cause is justified.

When a liberal lies to the American public, he is in effect saying,

You are too stupid to know what is good for you. I know what is good for you. I will say anything I need to say to convince you my way is the right way.”

If liberals were honest about their vision for this country few people would ever vote for them. -Liberals must lie to us in order to impose the tyranny of liberalism upon us.

The art of the big lie: the history of fake news

Why Do Liberals Lie So Much? | LIBERALISM SUCKS

The list I intend to cover is quite extensive....I intend to post many more of them as time permits.
Cons are just that!! Joseph Goebbels had a real way with the actions you pretend to understand. The reich is very adept at using the "rules for propaganda". Much more so than the left. Also the reich is a more dimwitted group as a whole and so is easier to dupe.
Question: Who told you that?

Answer: Your fellow liberals.

See my previous post. You're proof I'm right.
Didn´t know Hitler and Stalin were liberals. Thank you.

No one said they were "Liberals"....Stalin was a leftwinger aka communist...but then of course liberals do love their marxism.

Hitler was a socialist and ...many,many liberals are intoxicated with socialism.

7 Quotes That Prove Adolf Hitler Was A Proud Socialist - The Libertarian Republic

Adolf was a fascist.
“It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”
-- Joseph Goebbels
And his leader Adolf used religion like trump does.
“For this, to be sure, from the child's primer down to the last newspaper, every theater and every movie house, every advertising pillar and every billboard, must be pressed into the service of this one great mission, until the timorous prayer of our present parlor patriots: ‘Lord, make us free!’ is transformed in the brain of the smallest boy into the burning plea: ‘Almighty God, bless our arms when the time comes; be just as thou hast always been; judge now whether we be deserving of freedom; Lord, bless our battle!’”

We continue to hear/read this claim from left-wingers when in reality the Nazis and Hitler were "National Socialists." They were left-wingers, not right-wingers.

Hitler and the Nazis were not Right-wing., page 1
How, pray tell would you categorize Joseph Stalin? He actually killed more innocent civilians than Hitler did.

Stalin a example of the worst kind of communist/socialist/marxist rising to the top.

Stalin was obsessed with getting and retaining personal power(aka hillary) above all....and he was willing to do anything to get it(aka hillary)...........of course under the cover of commuism/marxism/socialism and the grandiose camouflage of 'from each according to his ability to each according to his need'.

Why the Worst Rise to the Top: Hayek, Stalin and Bukharin

Hayek in his renowned Road to Serfdom argued that administered economies tend toward dictatorship and that the dictator is unlikely to be benevolent. Indeed, benevolent dictators are a rarity, which does not prevent some development economists from pitching benevolent dictatorship as the quickest path to growth.

What Paul Gregory is Writing About: Why the Worst Rise to the Top: Hayek, Stalin and Bukharin
I will go down the line starting with.


The art of the big lie: the history of fake news

From the Reichstag fire to Stalin’s show trials, the craft of disinformation is nothing new.

The Russians call it dezinformatsiya. Disinformation – strategic deceit – It has played a part in the battle that has raged between democracies and its enemies since at least the First World War.

Conservatives and especially Christian conservatives find it hard to comprehend how and why liberals lie so easily. Many liberals seem to lie without the slightest guilt or compunction.

For left-wing politics, lying goes back to the Russian Bolsheviks or earlier. The masses were lied to because the ruling elite (or the ruling elite to be) felt that the ends (Marxism) justified any means, and the masses were too stupid and ignorant to know what was good for them. But the ruling elite knew exactly what was good for them. Leftists have a rather low opinion of the masses, the average citizen.

Liberalism is like a religion, and it has zealots as fanatical as any other religion. But unlike most religions, liberalism has no moral code. The closest thing to a moral code in liberalism is “don’t get caught”. Ethics are situational, and totally up for interpretation. The truth is subjective, and the truth is merely what you want it to be. To the fanatic the leftist cause is so noble, so sacred that any lying or cheating for the leftist cause is justified.

When a liberal lies to the American public, he is in effect saying,

You are too stupid to know what is good for you. I know what is good for you. I will say anything I need to say to convince you my way is the right way.”

If liberals were honest about their vision for this country few people would ever vote for them. -Liberals must lie to us in order to impose the tyranny of liberalism upon us.

The art of the big lie: the history of fake news

Why Do Liberals Lie So Much? | LIBERALISM SUCKS

The list I intend to cover is quite extensive....I intend to post many more of them as time permits.
Cons are just that!! Joseph Goebbels had a real way with the actions you pretend to understand. The reich is very adept at using the "rules for propaganda". Much more so than the left. Also the reich is a more dimwitted group as a whole and so is easier to dupe.
Question: Who told you that?

Answer: Your fellow liberals.

See my previous post. You're proof I'm right.
As I am related to Adolf Hitler I get my information about the first and second Reich from family. Then there is observation and that indicates that conservatives are very folkish people and believe most anything put forth to them.
“The folkish-minded man, in particular, has the sacred duty, each in his own denomination, of making people stop just talking superficially of God's will, and actually fulfill God's will, and not let God's word be desecrated. For God's will gave men their form, their essence and their abilities. Anyone who destroys His work is declaring war on the Lord's creation, the divine will.” Adolf speaking about god. Yes he claimed to be christian.
On a similar note, fascism and National Socialism were also falsely conflated as being right-wing movements instead of left-wing movements.
A deft rewriting of history. Naziis were extreme nationalists, exactly the opposite of the globalists liberals are generally accused of.


'Modern day socialists hate to be reminded that Hitler was one of them. The very word Nazi means National Socialist Workers Party and they described their creed as “der echte Sozialismus”; real socialism. When comparing themselves with Russia the Nazis said that their own form of socialism was better. Just exactly like Corbynites despise Blairites. This delusion is a major feature of socialism, different cults think that their version is the one and only true version and that all the other cults are apostate. That their cult will succeed when all previous variations of socialism have always failed.'

It is irrefutable: Hitler was a socialist • Bruce On Politics

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The Liberal Hoax of global warming

The liberal media machine has spent decades bulldozing anyone who tells you global warming is a sham.

They even came up with a clever little title — “deniers.”

Every time a heat wave hits, every time a picture of a lone polar bear gets taken . . . the left pounds the table for environmental reform, more policy, more money to combat climate change. But how much has the world really warmed?

Their message is simple: Get on the man-made global warming bandwagon . . . or you’re just ignorant.

New Report: There is No Global Warming |

Most of the world acknowledges global warming

Are they all liberals?

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