List of Pardons released.

Of course not. You would have to be an absolute moron to believe he was going to pardon anybody but his cronies, multi millionaire white collar criminals.
Trump can pardon anyone he wants and he can keep names secret like himself and family....
Of course not. You would have to be an absolute moron to believe he was going to pardon anybody but his cronies, multi millionaire white collar criminals.
Trump can pardon anyone he wants and he can keep names secret like himself and family....

Actually he can’t. As an elected official, all of his actions are a matter of public record.
Of course not. You would have to be an absolute moron to believe he was going to pardon anybody but his cronies, multi millionaire white collar criminals.
Trump can pardon anyone he wants and he can keep names secret like himself and family....

Actually he can’t. As an elected official, all of his actions are a matter of public record.
That's not true...many people have been quietly pardoned over the years....Any president can pardon people even himself and fold it up and put it in his pocket to pull out if he is ever charged with a federal crime.....go back to school...but make sure its not a public school....
Trump pardoned trash like himself. What a surprise.

You have to love that Trump pardoned those that screwed his own political supporters.

It kind of looked like he didn't really pardon anyone who was controversial... most of these are for minor offenses. like selling weed or mixing in ground beef and calling it organic.

My worry is that he was going to try to do something crazy so that people would be talking about that instead of Biden's inauguration.
Trump pardoned many fraudsters. That is what I was referring to:

In addition to well known con man Steven Bannon, Trump pardoned or granted clemency to these folks as well:
  • Dr. Salomon E. Melgen, 66, a major Democratic donor and eye doctor who ran a series of clinics in Florida that fraudulently told Medicare patients that they had eye diseases and then performed medically unnecessary tests and procedures, falsely billing the federal government at least $42 million, according to prosecutors. His remaining prison sentence was commuted.
  • Ken Kurson, a friend and associate of Mr. Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who was arrested late last year on cyberstalking charges involving several individuals, including a friend whom Mr. Kurson blamed for the deterioration of his marriage. He was pardoned.
  • George Gilmore, a New Jersey Republican power broker, who was convicted last January of failure to file payroll taxes for employees and making a false statement on a loan application, was also given a full pardon.
  • Anthony Levandowski, the former Uber executive who pleaded guilty to stealing driverless-car plans when he left Google to form a company, which Uber then acquired, was given a full pardon.
  • Sholam Weiss, who was sentenced to more than 800 years in prison in 2000 for racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering related to a huge insurance fraud scheme. His remaining sentence was commuted.
  • Eliyahu Weinstein, who was sentenced to more than 20 years in prison in 2014 for a real estate Ponzi scheme that prosecutors said caused $200 million in losses, had his remaining jail sentence commuted.
  • Robert Zangrillo, a Miami real estate developer who was charged with conspiring with a college consultant to bribe athletic officials at the University of Southern California to designate his daughter as a recruit to the crew team, received a pardon.
  • Aviem Sella, a former Israeli Air Force officer who was indicted by the United States in 1987 on espionage charges that he recruited the convicted spy Jonathan Jay Pollard to collect U.S. military secrets for Israel. But Israel never agreed to extradite him to the United States, and he has now been pardoned.
  • Former Republican House member Rick Renzi of Arizona, convicted in 2013 of extortion, bribery, insurance fraud, money laundering, and racketeering. Renzi left prison in 2017.
  • Former Rep. Randall “Duke” Cunningham, R-Calif., who was released from prison in 2013 after serving eight years for charges of bribery, fraud, and tax evasion.

I remember the outrage when Clinton pardoned his rich crony...Trump makes Clinton look positively angelic.
Of course not. You would have to be an absolute moron to believe he was going to pardon anybody but his cronies, multi millionaire white collar criminals.
Trump can pardon anyone he wants and he can keep names secret like himself and family....

Actually he can’t. As an elected official, all of his actions are a matter of public record.
That's not true...many people have been quietly pardoned over the years....Any president can pardon people even himself and fold it up and put it in his pocket to pull out if he is ever charged with a federal crime.....go back to school...but make sure its not a public school....
True- preemptive pardon was upheld by the Supreme Court in 1866.

Although I will have to say there are still some decent public schools due primarily to good administrators ....and teachers who are hired fully evaluated before hire and afterwards .
Trump pardoned trash like himself. What a surprise.

You have to love that Trump pardoned those that screwed his own political supporters.

It kind of looked like he didn't really pardon anyone who was controversial... most of these are for minor offenses. like selling weed or mixing in ground beef and calling it organic.

My worry is that he was going to try to do something crazy so that people would be talking about that instead of Biden's inauguration.
Trump pardoned many fraudsters. That is what I was referring to:

In addition to well known con man Steven Bannon, Trump pardoned or granted clemency to these folks as well:
  • Dr. Salomon E. Melgen, 66, a major Democratic donor and eye doctor who ran a series of clinics in Florida that fraudulently told Medicare patients that they had eye diseases and then performed medically unnecessary tests and procedures, falsely billing the federal government at least $42 million, according to prosecutors. His remaining prison sentence was commuted.
  • Ken Kurson, a friend and associate of Mr. Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who was arrested late last year on cyberstalking charges involving several individuals, including a friend whom Mr. Kurson blamed for the deterioration of his marriage. He was pardoned.
  • George Gilmore, a New Jersey Republican power broker, who was convicted last January of failure to file payroll taxes for employees and making a false statement on a loan application, was also given a full pardon.
  • Anthony Levandowski, the former Uber executive who pleaded guilty to stealing driverless-car plans when he left Google to form a company, which Uber then acquired, was given a full pardon.
  • Sholam Weiss, who was sentenced to more than 800 years in prison in 2000 for racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering related to a huge insurance fraud scheme. His remaining sentence was commuted.
  • Eliyahu Weinstein, who was sentenced to more than 20 years in prison in 2014 for a real estate Ponzi scheme that prosecutors said caused $200 million in losses, had his remaining jail sentence commuted.
  • Robert Zangrillo, a Miami real estate developer who was charged with conspiring with a college consultant to bribe athletic officials at the University of Southern California to designate his daughter as a recruit to the crew team, received a pardon.
  • Aviem Sella, a former Israeli Air Force officer who was indicted by the United States in 1987 on espionage charges that he recruited the convicted spy Jonathan Jay Pollard to collect U.S. military secrets for Israel. But Israel never agreed to extradite him to the United States, and he has now been pardoned.
  • Former Republican House member Rick Renzi of Arizona, convicted in 2013 of extortion, bribery, insurance fraud, money laundering, and racketeering. Renzi left prison in 2017.
  • Former Rep. Randall “Duke” Cunningham, R-Calif., who was released from prison in 2013 after serving eight years for charges of bribery, fraud, and tax evasion.

Show us an example of a president whose pardons pass muster with you. Shall we look at Obama's or Clinton's pardons, Cab? Maybe you're just questioning the whole idea of absolute presidential power to pardon people? Perhaps we should look into taking that power away from Joe Biden.
And still TDS continues. :omg:

Don't look for it to ever end. Most people are under the misconception that Trump was the CAUSE of TDS. TDS already existed, always existed, it is part of the mental disorder that is progressivism, it just got focused, directed and named TDS when Trump took office and they now had a clear and present target for directing it all at one individual because unlike ballless cowards like McConnell and regular GOP, Trump stood against and threatened all that progressivism stands for.
Nothing for Snowden or Assange.
Those guys are fuckers who got in trouble with their own party. Barack Obama already commuted Chelsea Manning's sentence.
Formerly known as “Bradley” -- “she,” I mean, come on, 5'2'' in the men's barracks in the Army -- there's all this camaraderie and all different body shapes and sizes and fat acceptance in whatever department of the Army that is.

If Julian Assange wasn't physically present in the United States at the particular time to be accused of whatever crime he allegedly committed in the U.S. under U.S. law, what good would it do for Trump to pardon him? If the courts aren't going to follow the due process of law -- -- which they don't anyways since they arbitrarily cut off our gun rights in flagrant violation of the Constitution, a U.S. pardon isn't going to let him off the hook in some foreign country anyways.

We already have a Sixth Amendment for Snowden and Assange.

>>> The 6th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
>>> In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.<<<

A “shelf indictment” to be “unsealed” at some arbitrary future time of foreign travel does not qualify as a speedy trial under the U.S. Constitution. If the D.O.J. declinced to press charges at the time, or lost to Snowden at an extradition hearing in Russia, or declined to pursue extradition, then he must be free of all charges according to the U.S. Constitution.

The D.O.J. doesn't have a state or district previously ascertained by law in which to try Julian Assange for his alleged crimes either.

What more is Donald Trump supposed to offer, on his personal initiative as President, when the courts refuse to respect the due process which is already laid down in the Constitution as the supreme law of the land?

A Presidential pardon should not ever be necessary except in extraordinary cases of a miserably failed and unutterably corrupt justice system.
It's almost like Trump is still president. If I were Republicans, I'd go with impeachment and drag it out as long as possible.

Nothing for Snowden or Assange.
I said that would not happen,I been saying since Biden’s inauguration day trump was just playing us.some trump supporters have attacked me for this,but trump was all talk and no action on draining the swamp,he did not lift one finger to get rid of the. Cia,fbi and fed.if he was really for us he would have opened up a New independent 9/11 investigation and told the media to stop lying about the jfk assassination,he did none of that.
Also fake news was wrong as they speculated for weeks Trump would pardon himself, his kids, his son-in-law.
U.S. propagandist news is wrong as usual.

They speculated? Is that how you describe asking whether or not someone will try to do something?
Every President has some controversial people in who they pardon and every time the blind partisans act like it’s the first time it’s ever happened.

You wouldn't have a word to say if it were not for your incessant “both sidesing” every time the guy you like demonstrates his deep level of corruption. No president has used the pardon power to obstruct justice and reward loyalty in the way that Trump has. Not even close. GTFOHWTS.
Also fake news was wrong as they speculated for weeks Trump would pardon himself, his kids, his son-in-law.
U.S. propagandist news is wrong as usual.

They speculated? Is that how you describe asking whether or not someone will try to do something?

The State Media brought it up every other day for nine weeks for slander reasons, not speculation!
Also fake news was wrong as they speculated for weeks Trump would pardon himself, his kids, his son-in-law.
U.S. propagandist news is wrong as usual.

They speculated? Is that how you describe asking whether or not someone will try to do something?

The State Media brought it up every other day for nine weeks for slander reasons, not speculation!

Are you trying to tell me that you don't believe the Trump entertained the idea of pardoning himself and his family members?
Since Wednesday Biden has killed thousands of Canadian and American jobs, trashed millions in equipment from the unfinished pipeline, destroyed women's sports, stopped the border wall, signed an EO so freaks can use women's bathrooms and said that nothing can be done about the virus.

So pardon me in saying that I hope the morons are happy with their prize.
Since Wednesday Biden has killed thousands of Canadian and American jobs, trashed millions in equipment from the unfinished pipeline, destroyed women's sports, stopped the border wall, signed an EO so freaks can use women's bathrooms and said that nothing can be done about the virus.

So pardon me in saying that I hope the morons are happy with their prize.

And this is only coming attractions. Wait until the main feature, 'Tyranny' begins!

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