LISTEN: Bristol Palin’s weepy, foul-mouthed post-brawl statement to police

More fun photos here -

Sarah Palin s family brawl photos reveal Track and Bristol s injuries Daily Mail Online

And quite a lot of the audio transcript.

What a nasty mouthed bunch of trash they are.

The host didn't even know who they were when they crashed the party and started the brawl.
Sarah Palin s family brawl photos reveal Track and Bristol s injuries Daily Mail Online

Based on this site, the Palin's are a bunch of low class people. Certainly, not people to be in a position to represent America and the American public with any dignity. It's a good thing, for this reason among others, that Palin was not elected vice-president of the US. If the GOP want to put her on the next presidential ticket, most likely against Clinton, I say, bring it on. It would be a 'hoot and a half.' :2up:

Yeah, it was better to have Billy Beer, peanuts, sex jobs, drug addicts in the White House, that is a higher class of Americans.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
What a joke. That guy was not one of the President's or Vice President's children; he was an adult whom Carter had no control over; as well, President Carter did not raise his brother: the man Billy Carter became was not President Carter's responsibility nor was he someone Carter chose to have as a relative. The Palin children and Sarah Palin's husband are both within her spear of influence and her choice as family. It's a completely different matter. But you don't have the cognitive skills to understand that.
Why are you stopping with Carter? Kennedy was addicted to pain meds. Obama is an admitted cocaine user. Kennedy had affairs with several women. Clinton turned blow jobs into an afternoon stroll.

I am sorry you can't see that many families that were in the White House or even VP as Palin would have been is just as embarrassing. But you seem to think partisan politics is more important than being objective. That is why you and others like you obsess over the Palins, a birth certificate, Bush caused 911, Bush stole elections, Obama is a Muslim and on and on. They are all partisan BS spewed by the left and the right and it is stupid, childish and counterproductive, however it seems to be you and many like you that love to look stupid.
You are the one who looks stupid defending Palin and her trailer trash brood.

Where have I defended them? All I am saying, is no one in this family holds any public office and they get ripped for their actions. We have Presidents in office that embarrassed an nation. I am not seeing a huge difference other than their political affiliation.
The foreign press finds this story hilarious and funny. Reading the comments that follow the story are even more hilarious. Thankfully there are comments that inform the readers that parents getting drunk with their kids and crashing parties is not normal American behavior. There are those however, who are concerned that Americans are becoming more and more like the stereotype the Palin's project.
I tried to count the number of times she used obscenities in the recording, but gave up.

I bet you don't count but blindly and stupidly cheer every time liberal hacks like Jon Stewart and Bill Maher spew obscenities.
How ridiculous. This is a totally different matter. :rolleyes-41:

And there you have it.
What YOU have, and have had in pretty much every post of yours I've ever read, is the inability to use logic or to think critically. This thread is about a family that might well have been the vice presidential family of this nation behaving with trailer trash manners, brawling and fighting, using foul language, etc., including the husband and children of the person who would have been Vice President. It has nothing to do with what a liberal televison personality does or says. This isn't about all liberals or conservatives: it is about Palin and her family. Duh.:rolleyes-41:

As a partisan hack I don't expect much from you and still disappoint. :rolleyes-41:
The fact that so many teabaggers are.....


uh oh...bias well as closeted latency. :suck: :ssex:

Nothing latent about it, even though I'm not sure you understand what latency means. I didn't come up with that name. The teabaggers proudly proclaimed that is what they were before somebody told them what it really means. Hell...the Southwest Louisiana Tea Party even wrote a song about it and put it on the web for all to see. Since they proudly chose that name, and proclaimed to the world that is what they are, I intend to honor their choice every chance I get.
It's amazing, the joy that the left is gushing with over what amounts to an assault against members of the Palin family.


Even Sarah Palin let the truth out of the bag with her recent post on Facebook:

Sarah Palin

"Please take a look at Bristol’s recent blog posts for her story, not the media’s story of what really happened last month":

The Truth about the Palin Brawl The Media Reveals Its Bias Against Conservative Women Once Again

UPDATE CNN Anchor Mocks My Assault The Best Audio We ve Ever Come Across ... See More

Yeah, the media's story of WHAT REALLY HAPPENED...
Bristol needs to come clean then distance herself from Mama Griz and her control.
The fact that so many teabaggers are.....


uh oh...bias well as closeted latency. :suck: :ssex:

Nothing latent about it, even though I'm not sure you understand what latency means. I didn't come up with that name. The teabaggers proudly proclaimed that is what they were before somebody told them what it really means. Hell...the Southwest Louisiana Tea Party even wrote a song about it and put it on the web for all to see. Since they proudly chose that name, and proclaimed to the world that is what they are, I intend to honor their choice every chance I get.

nice touch with the crackernesse accent, filmed in single wide trailer
I guess by liberal standards it would be ok to call obama's brats nappy headed pickaninnies. The liberals set the standard for class.

Are you to stupid to comprehend the difference between children and adult kids?
Are you seriously inferring that a crude fool like you or a family like the Palin's have anything resembling class?
And again, Bill Maher said the following about Palin and her children:

And when I point out that Sarah Palin is a vainglorious braggart, a liar, a whiner, a professional victim, a scold, a know-it-all, a chiseler, a bully who sells patriotism like a pimp, and the leader of a strange family of inbred weirdos straight out of ‘The Hills Have Eyes,’ that’s not sexist.I’m saying it because it’s true, not because it’s true of a woman.
What part of that isn't true?
My thought, exactly.
LISTEN: Bristol Palin’s weepy, foul-mouthed post-brawl statement to police

BTW - she is really getting fat. Drinking too much?

“Oh, f*cking hell no,” Bristol tells police on tape, “no one is going touch my sister.”


Fat? drinking to much? is she a beauty pageant contestant? is she running for office? Im sure if people wanted to dig up dirt on Democrat Senators Kids they could probably find some. Why do people want to go there?

Look, these stupid people, who worked hard to get into the spotlight and reap the money that comes with becoming media whores, just didn't know when to quit.

When you choose to become a public figure, then you choose to lose just when, what, where, why and how you will be portrayed in the media.

The last sorry twit to pull this shit was Madonna when she walked nude down the streets of Miami for her book entitled "Sex" and then became outraged when the press unleashed the dogs on her marriage and kids.

These idiots can't have it both ways, so they need to choose and then STFU.
More fun photos here -

Sarah Palin s family brawl photos reveal Track and Bristol s injuries Daily Mail Online

And quite a lot of the audio transcript.

What a nasty mouthed bunch of trash they are.

The host didn't even know who they were when they crashed the party and started the brawl.
Sarah Palin s family brawl photos reveal Track and Bristol s injuries Daily Mail Online

Based on this site, the Palin's are a bunch of low class people. Certainly, not people to be in a position to represent America and the American public with any dignity. It's a good thing, for this reason among others, that Palin was not elected vice-president of the US. If the GOP want to put her on the next presidential ticket, most likely against Clinton, I say, bring it on. It would be a 'hoot and a half.' :2up:
OMG, we can be thankful Sarah has no chance of serving in any national office. She surely inserted herself into that situation.
Oh, if only we could rooooolllll back to the good times, when Bristol was tripping over her 9.5 size feet on "Dancing with the Stars"....

This family has found endless ways to make themselves ridiculous in public. Why should anything have changed since 2008?


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