LISTEN: Bristol Palin’s weepy, foul-mouthed post-brawl statement to police

LISTEN: Bristol Palin’s weepy, foul-mouthed post-brawl statement to police

BTW - she is really getting fat. Drinking too much?

“Oh, f*cking hell no,” Bristol tells police on tape, “no one is going touch my sister.”

Who cares? I don't your obsession over this family has turned into a cartoon. I laugh at Dems every thread they post about the Palins. Hell, I laugh at any post that has to do with Biden and his druggie family. It is all so funny.
LISTEN: Bristol Palin’s weepy, foul-mouthed post-brawl statement to police

BTW - she is really getting fat. Drinking too much?

“Oh, f*cking hell no,” Bristol tells police on tape, “no one is going touch my sister.”

Who cares? I don't your obsession over this family has turned into a cartoon. I laugh at Dems every thread they post about the Palins. Hell, I laugh at any post that has to do with Biden and his druggie family. It is all so funny.

Well, I guess we need to find someone to talk about since the recovering alcoholic is not sitting in Texas with his pointy boots on the front porch rail.
LISTEN: Bristol Palin’s weepy, foul-mouthed post-brawl statement to police

BTW - she is really getting fat. Drinking too much?

“Oh, f*cking hell no,” Bristol tells police on tape, “no one is going touch my sister.”

Who cares? I don't your obsession over this family has turned into a cartoon. I laugh at Dems every thread they post about the Palins. Hell, I laugh at any post that has to do with Biden and his druggie family. It is all so funny.

Well, I guess we need to find someone to talk about since the recovering alcoholic is not sitting in Texas with his pointy boots on the front porch rail.

What about the coke head in the White House?

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Why is this in politics and why do you care about the Palins so much? Do you masturbate every time you start a Palin thread?

It's in politics because Palin and her family are an example of the Republican's efforts to have power, they don't care if their candidates are witches or bitches nor if they have the ability to govern. Win at any cost, thus, Palin is a political animal - a feral one at that.
that sounds like a lot of Democrats too surprised you said this,after all we have plenty of them in this State.....

Really, Democrats in California have put on the ballot a person who needed to explain she was not a witch? Wow, who. I can't think of any fools (well, maybe Quackenbush (sic)) as crazy as Bachmann or Akin. Tell me more, name names.
the key words here Wry are ....." nor if they have the ability to govern. Win at any cost".....funny how you forgot want me to name people? much time you got?.....

Yeah, name them.
here goes.....
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It was a party that got out of control. Some bad blood between some people and it started some fights. According to the video some guy shoved her down and drug her around by her feet as well.

I can understand the cussing and fussing after some folks just beat the hell out of each other.

Not condoning it, but if I was at a party and some man was dragging a women around the yard I'd pound that turkey into the ground myself.

This is just the left getting their kicks on attacking the Palin's. Nothing new here.

Of course we enjoy laughing at the palins. They are wonderful entertainment. Kind of a cross between Honey BooBoo , and the old I love Lucy, only nobody loves the palins. If they don't want to be laughed at, they shouldn't keep making all those dumb public appearances and doing such dumb things. The fact that Sarah is part of the GOP/TP brain trust makes it that much better.
It was a party that got out of control. Some bad blood between some people and it started some fights. According to the video some guy shoved her down and drug her around by her feet as well.

I can understand the cussing and fussing after some folks just beat the hell out of each other.

Not condoning it, but if I was at a party and some man was dragging a women around the yard I'd pound that turkey into the ground myself.

This is just the left getting their kicks on attacking the Palin's. Nothing new here.

Of course we enjoy laughing at the palins. They are wonderful entertainment. Kind of a cross between Honey BooBoo , and the old I love Lucy, only nobody loves the palins.

I'm certainly no fan of Sarah Palin. She's easy on the eyes but damn she can be annoying sometimes with that annoyingly grating voice of hers and there's not much I agree with her on. Usually when I see or hear her on TV, I simply change the channel and end it already.

With that said...... The Palins are in no position of power. They don't govern so I am still baffled at this extreme unhealthy hatred the left has towards the entire Palin family. The degrading comments towards the daughters are downright appalling and disgusting. How would these people feel if someone were to posts things like that about their wife, mother or daughters?

If they don't want to be laughed at, they shouldn't keep making all those dumb public appearances and doing such dumb things. The fact that Sarah is part of the GOP/TP brain trust makes it that much better.

Correct me if I'm wrong but are you saying that the Palins deserve the scrutiny they get because they're Republican?

Are you Liberal and if so, why do you sound so intolerant ?
It was a party that got out of control. Some bad blood between some people and it started some fights. According to the video some guy shoved her down and drug her around by her feet as well.

I can understand the cussing and fussing after some folks just beat the hell out of each other.

Not condoning it, but if I was at a party and some man was dragging a women around the yard I'd pound that turkey into the ground myself.

This is just the left getting their kicks on attacking the Palin's. Nothing new here.

Of course we enjoy laughing at the palins. They are wonderful entertainment. Kind of a cross between Honey BooBoo , and the old I love Lucy, only nobody loves the palins.

I'm certainly no fan of Sarah Palin. She's easy on the eyes but damn she can be annoying sometimes with that annoyingly grating voice of hers and there's not much I agree with her on. Usually when I see or hear her on TV, I simply change the channel and end it already.

With that said...... The Palins are in no position of power. They don't govern so I am still baffled at this extreme unhealthy hatred the left has towards the entire Palin family. The degrading comments towards the daughters are downright appalling and disgusting. How would these people feel if someone were to posts things like that about their wife, mother or daughters?

If they don't want to be laughed at, they shouldn't keep making all those dumb public appearances and doing such dumb things. The fact that Sarah is part of the GOP/TP brain trust makes it that much better.

Correct me if I'm wrong but are you saying that the Palins deserve the scrutiny they get because they're Republican?

Are you Liberal and if so, why do you sound so intolerant ?

Palins deserve the scrutiny because they worked so hard to deserve it. The fact that so many teabaggers are so quick to defend her every screw up makes it clear that she is still a guiding force in the brain dead right wing. Being liberal doesn't mean you have to put up with or condone unnecessary crap. It just means you believe in treating everyone fairly. Considering what she stands for, what she says, and her effect of pushing the right wing further into crazy land, Her treatment has been more than fair.
More fun photos here -

Sarah Palin s family brawl photos reveal Track and Bristol s injuries Daily Mail Online

And quite a lot of the audio transcript.

What a nasty mouthed bunch of trash they are.

The host didn't even know who they were when they crashed the party and started the brawl.
Sarah Palin s family brawl photos reveal Track and Bristol s injuries Daily Mail Online

Based on this site, the Palin's are a bunch of low class people. Certainly, not people to be in a position to represent America and the American public with any dignity. It's a good thing, for this reason among others, that Palin was not elected vice-president of the US. If the GOP want to put her on the next presidential ticket, most likely against Clinton, I say, bring it on. It would be a 'hoot and a half.' :2up:
With that said...... The Palins are in no position of power. They don't govern so I am still baffled at this extreme unhealthy hatred the left has towards the entire Palin family. The degrading comments towards the daughters are downright appalling and disgusting. How would these people feel if someone were to posts things like that about their wife, mother or daughters?

Study up on how propaganda works. After someone has been propagandized the belief that they've internalized sticks with them for a very long time and reasoning can't dislodge the implanted beliefs. Most of these rabid lefties can't see how deeply their political/media betters have infected them with propaganda. Say the words "Pavlov's Dogs" and they won't clue in.
Mama Grisly and her brood strut their white trash stuff for the world to see. Take a good look, everybody. They're absolutely perfect role models for RWers who seem to think that whatever they think or feel at any given moment is enough of a justification in and of itself for their subsequent behavior. That's why conservative talk radio is full of emotional ranters like Mark Levin who latch on to any emotionally laden story, regardless of how devoid of truth it may be, if and when they think it will further their cause and help them achieve their goals of election victory. That's when you'll need to watch out as the radical stealth agenda is enacted, regardless of what they said to the contrary prior to votes being cast.
They need to put mikes all over the Whitehouse. Staff claims that not only were the Clintons foulmouthed but Obama has been especially foul since his re-election. Just the other day it is reported that he went into a tirade over Ebola coverage.
It's amazing, the joy that the left is gushing with over what amounts to an assault against members of the Palin family.
More fun photos here -

Sarah Palin s family brawl photos reveal Track and Bristol s injuries Daily Mail Online

And quite a lot of the audio transcript.

What a nasty mouthed bunch of trash they are.

The host didn't even know who they were when they crashed the party and started the brawl.
Sarah Palin s family brawl photos reveal Track and Bristol s injuries Daily Mail Online

Based on this site, the Palin's are a bunch of low class people. Certainly, not people to be in a position to represent America and the American public with any dignity. It's a good thing, for this reason among others, that Palin was not elected vice-president of the US. If the GOP want to put her on the next presidential ticket, most likely against Clinton, I say, bring it on. It would be a 'hoot and a half.' :2up:

Yeah, it was better to have Billy Beer, peanuts, sex jobs, drug addicts in the White House, that is a higher class of Americans.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
I tried to count the number of times she used obscenities in the recording, but gave up.

I bet you don't count but blindly and stupidly cheer every time liberal hacks like Jon Stewart and Bill Maher spew obscenities.
More fun photos here -

Sarah Palin s family brawl photos reveal Track and Bristol s injuries Daily Mail Online

And quite a lot of the audio transcript.

What a nasty mouthed bunch of trash they are.

The host didn't even know who they were when they crashed the party and started the brawl.
Sarah Palin s family brawl photos reveal Track and Bristol s injuries Daily Mail Online

Based on this site, the Palin's are a bunch of low class people. Certainly, not people to be in a position to represent America and the American public with any dignity. It's a good thing, for this reason among others, that Palin was not elected vice-president of the US. If the GOP want to put her on the next presidential ticket, most likely against Clinton, I say, bring it on. It would be a 'hoot and a half.' :2up:

Yeah, it was better to have Billy Beer, peanuts, sex jobs, drug addicts in the White House, that is a higher class of Americans.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
What a joke. That guy was not one of the President's or Vice President's children; he was an adult whom Carter had no control over; as well, President Carter did not raise his brother: the man Billy Carter became was not President Carter's responsibility nor was he someone Carter chose to have as a relative. The Palin children and Sarah Palin's husband are both within her spear of influence and her choice as family. It's a completely different matter. But you don't have the cognitive skills to understand that.
More fun photos here -

Sarah Palin s family brawl photos reveal Track and Bristol s injuries Daily Mail Online

And quite a lot of the audio transcript.

What a nasty mouthed bunch of trash they are.

The host didn't even know who they were when they crashed the party and started the brawl.
Sarah Palin s family brawl photos reveal Track and Bristol s injuries Daily Mail Online

Based on this site, the Palin's are a bunch of low class people. Certainly, not people to be in a position to represent America and the American public with any dignity. It's a good thing, for this reason among others, that Palin was not elected vice-president of the US. If the GOP want to put her on the next presidential ticket, most likely against Clinton, I say, bring it on. It would be a 'hoot and a half.' :2up:

Yeah, it was better to have Billy Beer, peanuts, sex jobs, drug addicts in the White House, that is a higher class of Americans.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
What a joke. That guy was not one of the President's or Vice President's children; he was an adult whom Carter had no control over; as well, President Carter did not raise his brother: the man Billy Carter became was not President Carter's responsibility nor was he someone Carter chose to have as a relative. The Palin children and Sarah Palin's husband are both within her spear of influence and her choice as family. It's a completely different matter. But you don't have the cognitive skills to understand that.
Why are you stopping with Carter? Kennedy was addicted to pain meds. Obama is an admitted cocaine user. Kennedy had affairs with several women. Clinton turned blow jobs into an afternoon stroll.

I am sorry you can't see that many families that were in the White House or even VP as Palin would have been is just as embarrassing. But you seem to think partisan politics is more important than being objective. That is why you and others like you obsess over the Palins, a birth certificate, Bush caused 911, Bush stole elections, Obama is a Muslim and on and on. They are all partisan BS spewed by the left and the right and it is stupid, childish and counterproductive, however it seems to be you and many like you that love to look stupid.
More fun photos here -

Sarah Palin s family brawl photos reveal Track and Bristol s injuries Daily Mail Online

And quite a lot of the audio transcript.

What a nasty mouthed bunch of trash they are.

The host didn't even know who they were when they crashed the party and started the brawl.
Sarah Palin s family brawl photos reveal Track and Bristol s injuries Daily Mail Online

Based on this site, the Palin's are a bunch of low class people. Certainly, not people to be in a position to represent America and the American public with any dignity. It's a good thing, for this reason among others, that Palin was not elected vice-president of the US. If the GOP want to put her on the next presidential ticket, most likely against Clinton, I say, bring it on. It would be a 'hoot and a half.' :2up:

Yeah, it was better to have Billy Beer, peanuts, sex jobs, drug addicts in the White House, that is a higher class of Americans.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
What a joke. That guy was not one of the President's or Vice President's children; he was an adult whom Carter had no control over; as well, President Carter did not raise his brother: the man Billy Carter became was not President Carter's responsibility nor was he someone Carter chose to have as a relative. The Palin children and Sarah Palin's husband are both within her spear of influence and her choice as family. It's a completely different matter. But you don't have the cognitive skills to understand that.
Why are you stopping with Carter? Kennedy was addicted to pain meds. Obama is an admitted cocaine user. Kennedy had affairs with several women. Clinton turned blow jobs into an afternoon stroll.

I am sorry you can't see that many families that were in the White House or even VP as Palin would have been is just as embarrassing. But you seem to think partisan politics is more important than being objective. That is why you and others like you obsess over the Palins, a birth certificate, Bush caused 911, Bush stole elections, Obama is a Muslim and on and on. They are all partisan BS spewed by the left and the right and it is stupid, childish and counterproductive, however it seems to be you and many like you that love to look stupid.
You are the one who looks stupid defending Palin and her trailer trash brood.
I tried to count the number of times she used obscenities in the recording, but gave up.

I bet you don't count but blindly and stupidly cheer every time liberal hacks like Jon Stewart and Bill Maher spew obscenities.
How ridiculous. This is a totally different matter. :rolleyes-41:

And there you have it.
What YOU have, and have had in pretty much every post of yours I've ever read, is the inability to use logic or to think critically. This thread is about a family that might well have been the vice presidential family of this nation behaving with trailer trash manners, brawling and fighting, using foul language, etc., including the husband and children of the person who would have been Vice President. It has nothing to do with what a liberal televison personality does or says. This isn't about all liberals or conservatives: it is about Palin and her family. Duh.:rolleyes-41:

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