LISTEN: Bristol Palin’s weepy, foul-mouthed post-brawl statement to police

Where's the guns?

Camping trip with the Palins -

Why is this in politics and why do you care about the Palins so much? Do you masturbate every time you start a Palin thread?

It's in politics because Palin and her family are an example of the Republican's efforts to have power, they don't care if their candidates are witches or bitches nor if they have the ability to govern. Win at any cost, thus, Palin is a political animal - a feral one at that.
Rare childhood photo of Palin family members.

No one knows who shot the bear, only that it sure as hell wasn't $arah cuz she could-a brokke a nale er sumthin.

LOL. It was not just the daughter. It was the whole stupid family acting like a bunch of redneck jerks. And getting their asses properly kicked. Ah well, in a couple of weeks it will be old news, untill they all get drunk and methed up again.
^ that

Okey dokey. Old Rocks and Dot Com are certain that the entire Palin family are consuming an illegal substance. Meth in this case.

You're very certain of your statements correct? I just want to be sure of your accusation.

I'm very certain of my statements regarding Hunter Biden you see.

Accusing the whole Palin family of consuming meth. Alrighty.
ummm..... Wasilla is the meth capital of this great nation Sugar Shorts tinydancer so- yes.

Okey dokey. You are claiming that the whole Palin family does illegal drugs.

Any evidence you can put up to back your claim? Because you see if you have evidence that the whole Palin involved is involved with meth I think you should put it up and then we should take the next step and report their illegal activity.

I'm bi partisan on this. You give me evidence and I'll move on it.


ETA: You can put it in a PM. Trust me. I'll move on it today. My two candidates that I backed in Municipal elections up here both won so I have time on my hands for the next couple of days.
Bristol Palin was the victim of violence. Liberals are freaking LAUGHING and MOCKING a woman who was the victim of violence.

Yeah right, it's the Republicans who are waging on War on Women. Hey, you wouldn't be in the market for a bridge, now would you?
We'd have some Biden family pix to post except all the party goers were too stoned to use a camera.
We'd have some Biden family pix to post except all the party goers were too stoned to use a camera.

Isn't there a video of Ashley snorting a line? I do know she got arrested for pot when she was in University and that now we have Hunter the coke user.

Plugs and Drugs family isn't funny. It's a security risk because after all Biden is a heart beat away from the Presidency and to have children who are going to dealers of coke to satisfy their habits doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy.

I think this situation of admitted cocaine use by Hunter needs to be investigated further.
mandatory anger management classes for the whole Payland clan!!! :mad-61:

Perhaps a good idea.

Surely the Plug & Drug Biden family should be required to attend as well. Of course Snortin' Joey should be on unpaid from his gubbmint job until successful completion. Hey, them apples didn't fall from any fig tree!
is her mouth as foul as LGS's? I didn't get a chance to listen to the audio yet.
mandatory anger management classes for the whole Payland clan!!! :mad-61:

Perhaps a good idea.

Surely the Plug & Drug Biden family should be required to attend as well. Of course Snortin' Joey should be on unpaid from his gubbmint job until successful completion. Hey, them apples didn't fall from any fig tree!
Did the VP get caught doing cocaine or is that a little lie nugget you are planting?
is her mouth as foul as LGS's? I didn't get a chance to listen to the audio yet.
she cant be any fouler then those so called men who call woman they dont like "*****".....something im sure a "man" like you knows all about....right dottie?....
You can take the white trash out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the white trash
well thats something you know all was it being raised in one Guno?...did you finish the 9th grade?....
LOL. It was not just the daughter. It was the whole stupid family acting like a bunch of redneck jerks. And getting their asses properly kicked. Ah well, in a couple of weeks it will be old news, untill they all get drunk and methed up again.
^ that

Okey dokey. Old Rocks and Dot Com are certain that the entire Palin family are consuming an illegal substance. Meth in this case.

You're very certain of your statements correct? I just want to be sure of your accusation.

I'm very certain of my statements regarding Hunter Biden you see.

Accusing the whole Palin family of consuming meth. Alrighty.
ummm..... Wasilla is the meth capital of this great nation Sugar Shorts tinydancer so- yes.
no it isnt shitty pants......

Indiana Crowned Meth Capital of United States - Tristatehomepage - Eyewitness News
Do you live near a meth lab - CNNMoney
Missouri No Longer U.S. Meth Capital CBS St. Louis
Tulsa is the Meth Lab Capital of the U.S. This Land Press
RealClearPolitics - 1 Indiana

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