LISTEN: Bristol Palin’s weepy, foul-mouthed post-brawl statement to police

What is this fascination with the Palins? Is there a Palin Derangement Syndrome here?
And yes why is this in Politics?

Duh, because Palin is a political figure.
What office has Bristol Palin run for or held?

Bristol Palin is a public figure - a celebrity of sorts. Are you retarded? Never mind...

So that means it's OK to call Chelsea Clinton all manner of despicable names?

I marvel at the rationalization libturds engage in to justify their despicable hypocrisy.
The Right always called Chelsea names.
Oh yeah. There isnt any.
LISTEN: Bristol Palin’s weepy, foul-mouthed post-brawl statement to police

BTW - she is really getting fat. Drinking too much?

“Oh, f*cking hell no,” Bristol tells police on tape, “no one is going touch my sister.”


Used to call people like this hillbillies, rednecks, or the Clampets. What dya wanna bet "Clampets" gets replaced with "Palins?" :)
What in the fuck is wrong with the OP AND THE INFATUATIONS WITH THE PALINS?
LISTEN: Bristol Palin’s weepy, foul-mouthed post-brawl statement to police

BTW - she is really getting fat. Drinking too much?

“Oh, f*cking hell no,” Bristol tells police on tape, “no one is going touch my sister.”


Fat? drinking to much? is she a beauty pageant contestant? is she running for office? Im sure if people wanted to dig up dirt on Democrat Senators Kids they could probably find some. Why do people want to go there?
Bidens son was kicked out of the naval reserve this past week.
Duh, because Palin is a political figure.
What office has Bristol Palin run for or held?

Bristol Palin is a public figure - a celebrity of sorts. Are you retarded? Never mind...

So that means it's OK to call Chelsea Clinton all manner of despicable names?

I marvel at the rationalization libturds engage in to justify their despicable hypocrisy.
The Right always called Chelsea names.
Oh yeah. There isnt any.
Sure there is. Rush called her a dog and McCain made a joke about her being ugly. Chelsea was 13 years old. The comments were repeated whenever they were quoted or spoken about. Both comments made headlines.
You can take the white trash out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the white trash
What is this fascination with the Palins? Is there a Palin Derangement Syndrome here?
And yes why is this in Politics?

Duh, because Palin is a political figure.
What office has Bristol Palin run for or held?

Bristol Palin is a public figure - a celebrity of sorts. Are you retarded? Never mind...

So that means it's OK to call Chelsea Clinton all manner of despicable names?

I marvel at the rationalization libturds engage in to justify their despicable hypocrisy.
The Right always called Chelsea names.
Palin is a private citizen no longer in public service.
You can take the white trash out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the white trash
You could not pull a democrat out of a hud house no matter how hard you tried.
LOL. It was not just the daughter. It was the whole stupid family acting like a bunch of redneck jerks. And getting their asses properly kicked. Ah well, in a couple of weeks it will be old news, untill they all get drunk and methed up again.
^ that

Okey dokey. Old Rocks and Dot Com are certain that the entire Palin family are consuming an illegal substance. Meth in this case.

You're very certain of your statements correct? I just want to be sure of your accusation.

I'm very certain of my statements regarding Hunter Biden you see.

Accusing the whole Palin family of consuming meth. Alrighty.
ummm..... Wasilla is the meth capital of this great nation Sugar Shorts tinydancer so- yes.
Duh, because Palin is a political figure.
What office has Bristol Palin run for or held?

Bristol Palin is a public figure - a celebrity of sorts. Are you retarded? Never mind...

So that means it's OK to call Chelsea Clinton all manner of despicable names?

I marvel at the rationalization libturds engage in to justify their despicable hypocrisy.
The Right always called Chelsea names.
Palin is a private citizen no longer in public service.
She was on FOX News spewing her vitriol two nights ago. Public service does not define what a public figure is. She promotes herself as either a political commentator or an entertainer.
I guess by liberal standards it would be ok to call obama's brats nappy headed pickaninnies. The liberals set the standard for class.

Why is this in politics and why do you care about the Palins so much? Do you masturbate every time you start a Palin thread?
It's like watching a trainwreck, it's hard to look away.

Maybe the Palins should quit acting like morons.
I guess by liberal standards it would be ok to call obama's brats nappy headed pickaninnies. The liberals set the standard for class.

Are you to stupid to comprehend the difference between children and adult kids?
Are you seriously inferring that a crude fool like you or a family like the Palin's have anything resembling class?
I guess by liberal standards it would be ok to call obama's brats nappy headed pickaninnies. The liberals set the standard for class.

Are you to stupid to comprehend the difference between children and adult kids?
Are you seriously inferring that a crude fool like you or a family like the Palin's have anything resembling class?
Are you too stupid to realize that liberals attack children as well? Hey family is family, remember when they said that Palins infant son was actually Bristols Illegitimate baby? Yea liberals show all how to stay classy.

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